View Full Version : Multicat people - one cat gone for a long period of time?

08-21-2004, 10:13 PM
First of all I will admit I am one of the most paranoid, worry-prone cat mommys around. I just had an uncomfortable thought....

Bo is away having radioiodine to cure his hyperthyroidism. He will probably need to be gone until the 29th, the facility I took him to likes to release without any handling restrictions (radioactivity), so that is why he needs to be there so long. It will be about 11 days total he will be gone.

What if my other cats don't remember him when he returns? What if they hiss and fight?

Hanna, Abby and Bo usually get along so well, they have never had any fights or skirmishes. I know Bo will smell funny to the other cats when he comes home. None of my cats have ever been separated so long from each other before, overnight is the longest.

If you have multiple cats and have had one leave for a week or two, what has your experience been when the cat returns?

Can anyone help ease my mind?
Or am I getting all worried for nothing?

08-21-2004, 10:20 PM
I've never had my cats separated before, but I'm sure everything will be fine. Their might be some hissing at first but then I'm sure they will remember each other. Cats have pretty good memories.

K & L
08-21-2004, 10:24 PM
When you bring him home be sure to rub something on him that the other cats have their smell on. He will have strange and different odors on him which will cause the others to act differently toward him. After a couple of days things should be back to normal.

08-21-2004, 10:29 PM
Yes, K&L is right. Even just the one day when Pouncer was gone to bw neutered, Allen did not recognise hm for the first days or so because of the smell. So if you can do something to help the other cats recognize his smell, the re-introduction shold go smoother. Good luck Bo!

08-21-2004, 10:40 PM
Thanks! Maybe what I will do is take a towel and sleep on in myself and then during the day put it on my bed. My cats cannot resist sleeping on a towel or piece of clothing on the bed. Then when Bo comes home I'll rub him with it.

08-21-2004, 10:46 PM
I have two cats and one (Speckles) had to be at the vets for a week. It was not my choice because she got sick, then I had to go out of town for 5 days for work. My cat-sitters at the time had no experience with giving cats meds, so she had to stay at the vets. Anyway, when I got back, I went to pick up Speckles. Max hissed and chased her for a couple of days, but then things returned to normal. Take the advice you've been given.

I know it must be hard but try not to worry. Things do work out in time.

Hugs to you.


08-21-2004, 10:54 PM
I hope the replies you have had, have helped re-assure you, although I am not a multi-cat owner, I am worry -wort just like you, and always thinking what if?, I am certain all will be just fine, though, no doubt the cats will work it out for themselves, GOOD LUCK, and empathy to you from one worry-wort to another lol.

Laura's Babies
08-22-2004, 06:26 AM
Wellllll now........Mine are seprated every 28 days FOR 28 days and then we all get to be together again. Chester goes to my daughters house and Giz, Amy and Midnight go to my son's. I do however realize that this has been going on ever since I got them all so my situation may be different.. But mine DO reconize and remember each other. Chester is always PO'ed when I bring him home for the first few days because he likes it better at Rie' Rie's house (lots more activity there, more hands to pet him and a dog to play with) He always has more to do with Amy, sleeping with her, following her around and watches over her.. But they DO remember one another here.

08-22-2004, 06:52 AM
I think you have the greatest advice already. I just want to offer {{{HUGS}}} and support to you. That will be so hard for you to leave Bo for eleven days. I know you will miss him.

Don't worry, a day or two after he comes back home everything will be back to normal.:) :) :)

08-22-2004, 10:54 AM
K & L,has a Great idea,as no animals like the smell,that we will,on your Cat,from the clinic! Moose,was once lost,for eight weeks,but he is Moose,the Magnificent,and everyone LOVES The MOOSE!

08-22-2004, 12:00 PM
Great advice has been given. Hang in there, mom ... it will all be fine!!!;)

08-22-2004, 01:35 PM
I hate to make things worse, but wont he have to be separated when he gets home too? We boarded a kitty that had that done and we had to keep him in isolation because he was still "active". We were to suit up every time we came into contact with him.

Hopefully, that's what the 11 days will cover, though.

I'm sorry you have to be away from Bo for so long, that would be so hard. :( I hope the time goes by quick and when he comes back, the furkids welcome with lots of head bumpies.

Take care :)

08-22-2004, 02:05 PM
Thanks for all the great advice, I feel better already. I do think it will be OK. But I know cats are strange creatures - that's why we love them so much.

I should be able to handle him (and cudldle) normally when he gets home, that is why they keep him longer than other I-131 places. They like to release without restrictions.

One week - I should be able to pick him up next Sunday! I am counting every second, I miss him so much.

08-22-2004, 02:55 PM
Pete was gone for three weeks when he had his PU surgery--I had to fly him to another province for the procedure and he stayed there till he was well enough to handle another flight.

I took a tshirt of mine to the airport and rubbed him down with it so he smelled a bit like home. The other cats didn't seem to have any problems with him--just "oh, you're back" His best friend, Glacier, immediately started grooming him!

I'm sure it will be fine