View Full Version : Where do your cats like to lay?

08-21-2004, 05:39 PM
I have a whole house of clothes. I'm totally behind in laundry, so I have about 6 loads piled on the floors and about another 4 loads nicely folded and sitting on the dressers and the couch. So, where do the cats choose to sleep? All that laundry, and they choose to lay on the freshly cleaned and folded dark load. As we speak, Raven is sleeping on a clean pair of black pants, and Ron on a black shirt. Do they do this on purpose?! :rolleyes:

08-21-2004, 06:10 PM
hee heee.... I *used* to have a laundry basket where my clean sweats and things to be ironed would go. I've since given up on that use and just stack it with bathtowels. :rolleyes: Hubby refuses to use those towels then because he claims there's too much cat hair on them! :D

08-21-2004, 06:10 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
Do they do this on purpose?! :rolleyes:
I hate to think they do it on purpose but it happens so often that I wonder, too. Sorry Tonya! I know this is all you need in the middle of moving. I just don't buy much black anymore!

Laura's Babies
08-21-2004, 06:22 PM
I gave up the baskets a long time ago... I have been trained to fold them at the dryer and put them directly away.... Since I live alone, that isn't THAT much of a problem.... So, they will lay on the dirty ones as I sort them.

08-21-2004, 09:03 PM
I have to be careful with clean sheets. I will take them straight from the dryer and pile them the bed to either put back on or fold and if I don't do it immediately I will always find a cat curled up in them.

08-22-2004, 07:07 AM
Mine sleep in every spot in the house! There is hardly a corner they don't seem to find! Hair, hair, everywhere there's hair!! I think they just like to leave little reminders of themselves all over. You can't stop thinking about them when your wearing clothes covered with their hair .:D :D

08-22-2004, 10:49 AM
The Found Cats,love the Koxka Cat Tree,there are usually at least three Cats,on it,now that The Sunroom,is done,and they get RAYS All Day! Then there is the Bed,and the Pillows,and the Chairs!And the Desk,where because,they are not allowed,they have to be there!

08-22-2004, 03:29 PM
On the cat tree, in HER bed, under OUR bed, under the couch, in front of the sliding glass door, in the dining room chairs, on the stairs, in the middle of the kitchen floor (when I'm cooking) . . . hmm, that's about it :)

08-22-2004, 05:12 PM
I always thought they did it because it was warm. Our cats constantly target any sort of clean laundry if its not put away quickly.