View Full Version : Has anyone ever heard of this before?

08-20-2004, 02:37 PM
I just got a call from someone that wants me to make a urn for their dog that recently passed away. As a matter of fact they were on their way to the funeral right then & there.

When I questioned her again - wasn't sure if I heard her correctly - she said that the place that was going to do the creamation has a small chapel and gives services.

This is new to me, am I just out of the loop or have you guys head of pet funerals??

08-20-2004, 02:52 PM
I never heard of it before but it does not sound unlikely. Rituals are there to help you with your loss. And so I think it would be a good thing:)

08-20-2004, 02:53 PM
When I lost my first kitty Tony I was looking for some sort of memorial for him and while searching on the internet I did come across a couple of funeral homes for animals.

We have a human cemetary down the road from where I work that used to allow you to bury your animals with you. There is an entire section devoted to the animals.

When Tony died it was in February and being from New England I was not able to bury him so I took him to the vet and up until that time I did not realize that you could get your pets remains back...needless to say I have Tony's.

08-20-2004, 02:57 PM
I know there is a huge cementary (human) near here in Colma. I'm thinking I heard it's one of the largest anywhere. There is a pet cementary nearby and I know there are lots of places here that creamate (sp?) your pets and put them in an urn for you.

08-20-2004, 03:05 PM
Yeah I've heard of pet cematary's before too, but an actual funeral service for a pet? :confused: :confused:

Now maybe someone is on to something here??!!

08-20-2004, 03:06 PM
It's interesting what we as pet owners can do these days! Yes, there are many pet cemetaries nationwide, and lots of cremation services available for grieving owners.
The veterinary hospital where I worked last year used these services for clients who wanted the remains back after a euthanasia. We outsourced the cremation services to a local animal memorial organization, and they did a wonderful job on the urns!

Not that I want to think about it right now, but I know that when the time comes for my animals, I will probably get urns for them or have them buried in a memorial pet cemetary.

Laura's Babies
08-20-2004, 06:21 PM
When my friend lost her dog of many years, she had her cremated and had a family member make a wooden box for the ashes. They finished it with polyurathene (spelling?), sealing it closed with that and put layers and layers on it so it would never ruin, even if left in water. She is going to be buried with her sweet dogs remains in the casket with her. This was one of those one in a million dogs that she raised from a puppy and that dog was smart as a whip! Saved her life a few times too, so when she died of cancer, she could not part with her, even in death so she still has her with her in that box and will take her to the grave with her. That was a WONDERFUL companion, a faithful friend and a life saver for my friend for the years she had her with her. We were all brokenhearted that she went to Rainbow Bridge. That was the first dog I ever cried over.:(

08-20-2004, 06:26 PM
I've never heard of one, but it sounds lovely, and would provide a sense of closure for the pet owner. I'd go to one if a friend lost their pet to support them. Why not? Grief is grief, and real regardless whether it a cat or a human.

08-20-2004, 06:37 PM
We never did *formal* funerals, but we have 6 cats and one dog buried in the back yard. One of the cats and the dog were buried long before we heard of cremations for animals. We dug way down deep for them.

The rest of the cats were cremated and the cremains were returned to us. We placed each one in a Rubbermaid container, with a laminated picture, and a copy of the RB Poem. We got marble or brick markers with their name engraved on it.

One of them in particular, Henry, is restless in his grave. I've been visited by his spirit on more than one occasion.