View Full Version : human pregnancy

08-20-2004, 02:07 PM
my cat has been acting strange since i found out i was pregnant,, i dont show her any less attention... since we moved to our house..i dont know if its cus of other cats that used to be here or what, but she will walk right past her litter box to pee. she used to do # 2 too, but i put her litter box in that room,, she uses it to # 2, but when i am in the room, she will pee in front of me, i also have 2 bunnies that have peed on the carpet, but there was no reaction from her.. untill now.. in other rooms, she will squat in my presence... i have cleaned, and sprayed with deoderizer,, seems to help a little bit, but i also have to tell her no when she is smelling for a spot to go.. could she be wanting more attention? she had no problems when i brought bunnies home.. could she get jelous of the baby?

08-20-2004, 03:21 PM
She is probably reacting to the previous cats that lived there. I'll bet if you asked, the other cats probably pee'd in those same spots.

There are a few things you can do. First take her to the vet and make sure that she doesn't have a urinary tract infection and is trying to tell you something.

Have you recently changed the type or brand of litter (or litter box) that she is using? She might not like the new one...

Then I would get that area of the carpet steam cleaned. If you do it yourself, make sure to use the special animal cleaner that they sell. Then make sure she doesn't go into that area until the carpets are dried (but I think that will take care of itself ;) ).

I am not sure what cleaning products you are using, but after much trial and error I found that the Woolite brand of pet cleaner works for me and my gang.

I would also consider trying different types of litter to see if there is one she prefers (the things we do for our animals :rolleyes: ).

There is a whole process of re-training, but before you go that far I would try some of these suggestions first.

Don't worry we all go through this at sometime or another...

08-20-2004, 03:31 PM
ive been using the same litter for a long time, she has recently been to vet... shes never had this problem before.. when there was a previously peed spot.... thats why i think shes acting out... because it seems she only does it in my presence.. shes a strange cat.. she dont cover up her # 2, instead she scratches at the walls and floors.. like i said, shes been acting weird since i got pregnant.... she seems more active... more spoiled like shes the baby around here.. i have to keep door closed to nursery because she gets into the babys bed.. i had to buy a bassinet that has a tent like dome thingy so i can have baby next to me, and not worry about ashely jumping into it.. so ashley can still sleep with us.. its only been my hubby an i for 5 years of her life..
can cats tell when theres a baby about to arrive.. shes been getting worse as time goes by.. shes been scratching stuff more constantly... i got her to use old suitcases that redirects her from the couches.. she has a hard time listening to me, unless i shake the water bottle, that scares her away.. but not for long. she dont react when i clap my hands, or yell no... water bottle seems to be the only thing she reacts to.. should i give her MORE attention ? do you think thats what she wants?

08-20-2004, 06:04 PM
I don't think it is pregnancy related. I think there is something else going on with Ashley. That she squats right in front of you seems odd. I think another vet visit is in order.

I am pregnant with my first child. My cats have known nothing but me for years and years and years. My oldest is 13, I have 2 8 year olds....on down to a 1 year old kitten. They are not acting up...in fact, if anything, they seem attached to my belly.

08-21-2004, 08:39 AM
I wish,I could help,but she might sense,not that you,are expecting,but the fact,taht you are bringing new things in,and changing things around,might be the thing,that is upsetting her!