View Full Version : I met Maggo in Dreamland!

Laura's Babies
08-20-2004, 09:59 AM
Magoo in Dreamland

I had just arrived when I heard the tinkle, tinkle of a little bell that made me go see what that was...and THERE he was, swatting aroung his little mouse with a bell on it. I reconized him immediatley, that adorable face, those husky white paws and all that beautiful furr. I just stood in amazement, quietly and watched, finally sitting down on the green grass since it had been a hard day that day and I was tired. He must have heard the movement of me in the grass over his playing because he stopped and looked up and asked "Who is there? Is someone there?"

"It is me Magoo, Aunt Laura! Come over here and visit with me awhile" so he came and walked up to me and looked up at me just like he had eyes.

He said, "I have heard about you from my Mommie, she is the one who told me to meet you here and said that you sure do love me a whole, whole lot and wanted to meet me."

"Yes my Love, I do love you so much, you are my hero, a example to all the felines of the world with your strength and determination to overcome what life has thrown at you. I adore you and so do a lot of other people and I just had to meet you and hold you, love on you and admire your beauty...IF you would let me, may I?"

'Well, of coarse you can love on me, I owe you for talking to my Mommie and helping her decide to keep me in her forever home with her and all the other "kids" she has. I was soooo confused and new to the dark world that I was plunged into with no eyes, always having to fight off other animals that wanted to hurt me, scrounging for food and just to survive one more day. I had given up and was just sitting there, crying, begging my creator just to take me back Home when someone came and got me and took me to what I really thought was heaven. They made my eyes stop hurting, I had fresh food and water every day and no more animals to attack me, I was actually being treated like I had been treated, a long long time ago, so long ago that I had forgotten about how nice it was.. So, I thought it was heaven, but they called me this AWFUL name "Ockey" something so I wondered if I looked so ugly that I had to have a ugly name but it was nice there so I didn't mind what they called me one bit!...... Then, one day, I heard a voice that I thought was a angel. That voice sounded like the sweetiest music I ever heard. I did not care that I could not see, if I could just hear that sweet music. I waited day after day to hear that sweet sound and it would come. Not only would the sound of that vioce that stroked my heart but it stroked my body with the gentlest touch I ever felt. Ahhhhh...This WAS Heaven!

(By this time he had crawled up into my lap and I was holding him close to my heart, sort of looking face to face with him...He has the sweetiest face up close!) I stroked him as he continued...

Then one day, she was so excited about something and her voice was singing so happily. I could not figure out what was making my Angel so happy but if she was happy, I was happy! She picked me up and put me in another cage and took me for a short walk in this cage, I heard a door open and I was lifted up and sat on something and the door closed. OH NO! They were throwing me away!! Then I heard another door open and her voice again and the door closed and then there was this noise and movement. She kept talking to me telling me everything was going to be alright, that I was going "HOME". I did not know what that meant but I can tell you that it scared me to death.. I was safe and happy where I was and I wanted to go back there where I KNEW I would be safe and fed! Suddenly, the nosie and movement stopped, doors opened and closed and I was carried in a new place that I did not know. She kept calling it "home", I did not know what that meant so I was not at all sure I was going to like this. She set me up in my own little world there again, making me feel safe and secure and I began to think I was going to like this new set up. But I was soon to discover that there were a lot of other creatures there that I did not know and I was sure I was going to have to fight for my life again on a regular basis so I was always on my guard, ready to fight at any unexpected movement. There I was...just a old street cat having to fight for my life again and now I was not able to see my enemies, WHAT was I going to do, surely I was going to be killed and SOON! Just when I would think it was completely hopeless, I would hear my Angel's voice assuring me everything was going to be alright. One day, something was fixing to attack me so I got it first, attacking with all my might, ready to defend myself to the death. My Angel let out a screetch so loud that it like to have scared me to death so I let my prey go and cowared into the back of my safety zone. Whatever I had attacked had made my Angel upset with me, I was so confused and I did not understand anything anymore. I started staying in my safety zone more and didn't want to come out unless I knew my Angel was RIGHT THERE to keep those other creatures away so I wouldn't have to attack and upset her anymore. Now, this is where it gets really weird! (Are you ready for wieird?) Every now and then when I would be out, one of those creatures would get to close to me and I would start to attack it to keep it away but SOMETHING would pop me on my backside and scare me so bad that I would jump and when I would check for that creature, it would be gone. Eventually, I learned to quit trying to attack those other creatures and that strange popping on my backside stopped. (I never did figure out what that was but WHOA!!! It sure broke me from trying to attack and I eventually realized that those creatures were NOT going to attack me! Maybe that Popping got them too?) Now, I can go where I want to go and not have to stay in my safety zone anymore, nothing bothers me or trys to attack me. I have learned my way around my new home now and can walk anywhere I want without bumping into anything and some of those creatures even play with me now. The last time I checked, my safety zone was gone and I was OK with that since I have a lot of other places I can lay down to rest and nap, my safety zone has grown so large now. Yep, life sure has changed for this old street cat and I would never have believed it if I wasn't living it myself. I was so lucky, the day that Angel stopped at my safety zone in that place I use to live and I don't know what I EVER did to attract her attention except that maybe my Creator sent her to bring me "Home", to my Home here on earth. Sure as I am here, I have a home now, a place where I finally belong and my own people who love me. If I were to die tomorrow, I would die one Happy Scrappy Street Cat. I LOVE MY PEOPLE!

Of coarse, by the time he finished telling me his story, I was crying my heart out again over him and he wanted to know why I was so sad, had he made me sad? "I am so sorry if I made you cry, I didn't mean to make you sad!"

I wiped away my tears off of his fur and told him, "No, you didn't make me sad! These are tears of JOY! I am so happy for you that you found your Angel (or she found you) and you have accomplished some remarkable things under her guidance and loving care. But you could not have accomplished the things you have if you were not as strong inside as you are, so most of the credit goes to you for all you have overcome. All your Angel did was to give you the enviroment you needed so your true self could come out and thrive... and THRIVE YOU HAVE! I am ever so proud to know you and know your story, that will help a lot of others just like you, who people think are worthless...... through YOU, they can see all they need is a chance and that not having any eyes is NO problem because you see with your heart. You have touched so many people already with how strong you are and all you have overcome, that your Creator really made a very special boy, when he made you. You suffered through all you did so that you would be strong enough to show the world that if a blind kitty can overcome it's disabilities, ANYONE can over come anything! The tears are for the lessons you have shown us in life that we had sadly missed." I planted a big old kiss right on his face and told him just how much I loved him and all of his beauty, inside and outside. We just sat there awhile sharing our love and enjoying each others company. Him purring and me softly singing "You are My Sunshine" to him (in my off keyed voice but he didn't seem to mind), every now and then, I would pause to kiss him and he would accept my kisses gracesiously, like a true gentelman. I loved being with him, he was all I had dreamed he would be and more and he seemed to enjoy all the attention I lavished on him. Suddenly, his ears perked up and moved, I asked him "what is it sweetheart?" He said, "I hear my mommie waking up so I have to go before she misses me and thinks I ran off!" He gave me a real sweet kiss on my chin and I gave him yet another on his beautiful face and I sat him on the ground so he could go, as he ran off, he yelled "BYE AUNT LAURA! SEE YOU AGAIN SOON!". He made a bee line back to reality but I stayed awhile to glow in the joy of having shared that time with him... Then, my alarm woke me up and I had to come back to reality too. DARN! Bye Magoo, I sure did enjoy our visit! Lets do it again soon!

Note added at home: I did not know about those 2 blind angel kittens when I wrote this on the boat... Has he not already started serving his purpose for being in this world. Magoo, a teacher, to teach us all lessons on those that are less than perfect!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-20-2004, 10:13 AM
What another sweet dream! And it's something that you dreamt that without knowing about Gracie and Gabriel. But I think we all knew that Magoo was teaching us something. :)

08-20-2004, 01:33 PM
What a beautiful dream!!! :D

08-20-2004, 04:19 PM
There should have been a warning on this to get a box of kleenex ready.
I swear Laura, you should become a writer, as I don't think I have read anything as beautiful as this before. What a heartwarming dream.
It took me awhile to read though, as I couldn't see through my tears.
I don't think there has ever been or ever will be a cat that has touched our hearts so much as our Magoo, but I also have to add our little Tabitha to that list also.

Beautiful Laura, absolutely beautiful.

Thank you soooooo much for sharing your dream with us.

08-20-2004, 09:32 PM
:( :( When I started reading I swore to myself I wasn't going to cry. Fat chance!!
Beautiful Laura. :)

08-21-2004, 07:55 AM
I don't know what to say! What a BEAUTIFUL dream/story! Laura that was so sweet, gentle and a real tear jerker. I just can't find the right words to express how wonderful that story is. I just don't know what to say and that is a first for me!;) I would swear that you have been in Magoo's head and know him personally!
That is beautiful and Magoo and I thank you so much for writing his story. I especially love the part about seeing with his heart. He will always love his Aunt Laura!
Thank You so much! I'm stunned and I must go read it again.

Now I know why Magoo has been so tired in the mornings! he has been very busy in dreamland with you!!:D

08-21-2004, 08:28 AM
Scrappy Magoo,was up,at the Last Partee,and he got around so well,at the Found Cat Hotel.He found all the Food,and Toys,and slept,with Princess,in the Koxka Cat Tree!He is a Great CAT!

10-28-2004, 11:50 PM
Just saw this! what a great dream! I wish I had magoo dreams instead of work dreams!!! thanks for sharing Laura!! (and ps, I sent you a pm re lucky and Louie!)

10-29-2004, 06:05 AM
Definitely needed a tissue warning...what a beautiful story!