View Full Version : Tabitha and me in Dreamland

Laura's Babies
08-20-2004, 09:49 AM
We met in Dreamland!

I visited there nightly, looking for my friends, calling out to them, hoping they would hear me and meet me there. Tabitha was the first to make it to Dreamland. I heard her little "mew" and reconized it immediately somehow, so I called out to her and she came running, reconizing my voice too.. "AUNT LAURA! AUNT LAURA!! HOLD ME! HOLD ME!!", so I picked her up ever so gently and snuggled her to my heart as she snuggled up to me, purring like a 18 wheeler. "Oh Tabitha, you are even prettier than I had imagined and you are so TINEY!! I love you so much!!" Well, I must have hurt her feelings by saying something about how small she was beacuse she went to telling me how much bigger she is now that she has a good Meowmie to love her and take care of her and the prayers of all the PT'ers that have kept her healthy and well. Then she looked at me ever so sweetly and told me "You are so pretty too! I love your blue eyes and funny voice! I hear you talk to me every day when you are on that boat and I love it when you do that. It helps to remind me just how many people love me that I have never even met. How come they love me so much when they don't even know me?"

"Oh Tabitha, that is easy, your Meowmie tells us all about you and the things you do that are so sweet and adorable and she puts your pictures on the computer for us to see on Pet Talk and we all just fell in LOVE with you. We love how you twitch that tail and suck on earlobes...."

"WHAT??" Tabitha said..."OH NO! She didn't put pictures of me sucking earlobes on there did SHE? OH! How embarrassing!! I am TRYING to act like a big girl and make everyone think I am grown up now and Meowmie does THAT?"

"But Tabitha, that is what makes you so very, very special! Not all kitties do something that sweet for their humans, to show how much they love them. You can do that all your life and nobody will think you are a sissy or anything, all that does is show how much you love them! Only special kitties with really special humans do that so not only does it tell us YOU are special but just how special a Meowmie you have too!

Well, she pooked out that sweet little chest of hers and asked "REALLY?" as she smiled ear to ear. She gently said so sweetly "Well, I do have a very special Meowmie and I do love her a whole lot! She saved my life when I just knew I was going to die but she never gave up on me, even asking all her PT friends to pray for me and she refused to give up, nursing me back to health, and for that, I will always adore her and call her MY MEOWMIE! I try to show her every day, just how speacial I think she is, do you think she knows?"

I told her, "Well, of coarse she knows and through YOU, we saw too what a very special Meowmie you have and it make us all just love her more too. We love you and we love her too!", all the time I am stroking her beautiful fur as she settles in and continues to purr. I kissed her between the ears and she looked at me and smiles and gave me head bumpies and nestles into my arms like a baby. Being the baby she is, it was to much for her to sit still very long and she jumped up and said she wanted to play and asked if I would play with her.. Well, that was a easy question to answer!! Play with a KITTEN? Who wouldn't want to do that?

So I put her down in the cool green grass and pretended my fingers were bugs trying to get her and she would attack my fingers. That little tyke has some sharp teeth but it was fun so I did it again and she attacked again, this time the bug got the best of her and she rolled over on her back with all 4 paws up, those little back legs going to work on "killing" that bug that was attacking her. She jumped up sideways and attacked again as the bug tried to run away but it was to slow for a skillful bug catcher like Tabitha. She was so cute to watch, playing was such serious business for her and I am sure if it had been a real bug, she would have mulitlated it. I grabbed a stick and we played "chase the stick" awhile.

Out of no where she stopped playing and told me "I had brothers and sisters you know? But they all died. We were all so little and sick when Mommie got us. I could have had them to play with if they had lived, but they went on to Rainbow Bridge and they watch over me now." I told her "I know about them too. I have pictures of them so that I will never forget those babies that don't make it and get to have a life like you do, your Mommie has pictures of them too so she will never forget them either. We were all so sad that they didn't make it, that is why we all were praying so hard for you...as long as you live, they will never die...They live in you!"

She was so suprised at me saying that but I could tell it made her happy and she said "Sometimes, I miss them but I have a hard time remembering what they looked like because I have so many more GOOD memories to take their place, is that OK?"

"Sure it is OK, you must have a happy life, and you must live it to it's fullest, that is the way your Creator wanted it to be. As you grow, so do your brothers and sisters, they are healthy now and they play and have fun at Rainbow Bridges while they wait for you to join them but they want you to have a wonderful life here first. They want you to have the life they couldn't have here and they have pulled for you to make it along with the rest of us, so they watch over you from far above and smile down on you every day!" With that she started chasing her tail. She was so cute that I grabbed her and hugged her to my heart again and gave her kisses all over and she just ate it up, loving the attention this crazy lady was showering on her. She was so much sweeter than I had imagined and I could have held her all night!

Suddenly she jumps up and said she has to go, Meowmie is calling her, asking her where she is. I kiss her goodbye and she gives me a quick snuggle then I put her down and she ran back to Real Land to her Meowmie. I waved good bye to her with a tear in my eye but a smile in my heart. "Good Bye little one, I will remember you always as I watch you grow!"

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-20-2004, 10:06 AM
Awww...what a sweet dream! Now I know how you make it a whole month without PT, the kitties come to you in dreamland. :D

08-20-2004, 01:39 PM
Oh Laura, that is just so precious! I know little Tabitha would be exactly this way, if she were to have the honor of meeting you in person! Of course, she might not want to admit it ... but she would have suckled your earlobe too!!!;) :D

Love ya,

08-20-2004, 04:59 PM
Oh gosh, just when I thought I was done crying reading your Magoo dream, here I go again.
Laura, you have touched my heart so much with these beautiful stories that came out of your dreams.
You made our precious little ear-sucking Tabitha even more precious.

Thank you for sharing these wonderful dreams of yours with us.
They have really made my day.

08-20-2004, 10:13 PM
Only Pet Talk can make me cry as hard as I am now. :( :(

Laura, you really must pursue a career in writing. Forget all this ship stuff. Stay in town and write books so we can read them, please??

08-21-2004, 07:58 AM
Oh my goodness! As if the Magoo dream didn't rip my heart out enough here comes Tabitha. Laura you have truly made me speechless! Great stories and I think you really have a feel for these babies and I would swear you know them personally!

08-21-2004, 08:24 AM
The Found Cats,are looking forward to seeing tabitha,at theLabor Day Cat Partee,and Mall Invasion! On Setember 5,and 6th! The mall ,we are going to raid this time,is the Expensive Yuppy Palace,Sherway Gardens,in Toronto!Near A Restaurant Row!