View Full Version : stupid new dogpark grrr

08-19-2004, 10:17 PM
ok the city has been planning on getting a dogpark for a while, then they had 2 choices both flood plains which are well always flooded. now they have approoved the one area, my mom went to check it out a minut ago, its all wild, grass up to your thighs, wildlife, very muddy, very busey all around it, small, and all the people that live in the area are mad about that place being chosen. :eek: umm ok so WHY did they aproove the area? lets see its alwasy flooded so it cant be used for anything else, ya the dogs cant use it either if its always flooded! :mad: good greif if they are going to have a dogpark they could so better then that honetly there are LOTS of nice open empty feilds that are large, not wildlife habitat and where people in the area already run their dogs therefore will not be upset! honestly its not as if we have a shortage of spare land! :mad: sorry rather pointless just had to get that off my chest..

08-20-2004, 08:18 AM
I have a dog park near my work that has the back of the fence only about 20-30 yards from a train track!
When a train comes all the dogs freak out!
It's also built under power lines... and it ALWAYS muddy and the mud smells like sewage.

4 Dog Mother
08-20-2004, 09:49 AM
Hmm, interesting. The Findlay dog park is near the river, has several low spots and of course, when it rains, the low areas flood. In the winter when it is warm and in the spring when it is thawing, it is a very muddy area. It seems like the people chosing land for dog parks use the areas that can be used for nothing else!

Although I shouldn't really complain. For the most part, our dog park is a very good area for the dogs!

08-20-2004, 10:42 AM
Here in Houston, there was a big fight with Little League and Soccer League to get 2 parks for use as Dog parks. There's approx 500 parks here and they didn't want to give up 2. The dog folks won though. 2 have already opened and there's 1 more slated to be opened too. I plan on taking Oz to one of'em over my vacation and see how it is. I'm assuming if the baseball and soccer folks were fighting for it, it should be relatively nice though.

Edited to add: I should mention that an association was formed to fight to get the dog parks, The Houston Dog Park Association. So they got organized to make it happen. Amazing what an organized group can accomplish. Might want to try something similar in your area to get better dog parks. Here's their website:


08-20-2004, 05:04 PM
we do have an orginized group, basicly the reason we are getting a dogpark n the first place is because it was some ladys dream for a dogpark in the city, and when she passed away the Humane Society has advertised in the paper for a committee to be formed for this, they also sent out survays etc.. obviously the suvays were not taken into account though lol cuz all the people in the area are angry about it(and they the city always sends out a notice to everyone in the area before something is built or something new is put in the area) my mom said the one guy she talked to was a bit of an odd bird though lol first he was complaining about dogs being loose in the area, then he was complaing about having to tie his dog up and not being able to let his dog just run loose around the naighborhood, he refuses to get a fence cuz he does not like fences :rolleyes: my first comment when my mom told me about this? "well then he shouldent have a dog" I mean good greif! this guy was alos complaining about having to keep his cattle fenced out in the country, he figeres he should be allowed to let his cattle run loose :eek:

08-20-2004, 11:02 PM
hmmm ya know I read some more on the park and I think my mom was just overly impressed by the dogpark in Calgary which I guess is huge, runs through the city, has several sections, and is so big you could hike for hours in it and not even make it through the whole thing, she said their is even a wooded section where she saw some people doing some sort of hunting training with their labs. from what I read the new dogpark her is not as bad as my mom makes it sound, I mean it is small in comparison to the Calgary one, but good greif its 18 acers, they plan to fully fence the area, add grabages, and other anmetitys to fix it up. :p I dunno I think maybe my mom just does not like that you cant really go anywhere like she could in calgary. but then again I dont really know lol I have not actually seen the place myself, and its not going to open till next spring.