View Full Version : Some Good News

08-19-2004, 08:29 AM
On the weekend I was driving to pick my boyfriend up from work at 7 am and I saw this old english sheep dog running in this field I noticed him cuz he was beautiful!! but he was alone it was a field so I thought maybe he was out for a run.... around 10 am (I live about 10 min from where I first saw him) I was in the store and saw him again now thats about a half hour walk and over a bridge. He was weeving in and out of the road cars were swirving and hooting and no one was stopping to save this poor big boy. These men were yelling at him to go away apperantly he saw them and followed thinking people were good. So I pulled over and opened the car door and he ran in and laid down immedialty. So we drove to the nearest telephone to call the Humane society. It didn't open for three hours! So I called animal control he was so confused all ready I couldn't confuse him more by bringing him to my nut house/zoo so we talked to some woman who said they don't pick him up I have to drive him there so we got back in the car and headed for the animal control ( well first I call a couple vet offices and around and nothing) We got there 25 min later it was in a different town... Don't ask me why he had no microchip they checked right away... Anyways the good news is they called me the next day and he was claimed.. YAY!!! :D :D :D
Moral of the story get your pets microchipped it will save their lives!

08-19-2004, 08:41 AM
That is great news!! Im glad you saved him, because if you hadn't he might not of got to go back home! :)

08-19-2004, 08:47 AM
I vote Jods for HERO for the DAY!!!!!!

08-19-2004, 08:47 AM
yay! Im glad you saved him! :)

08-19-2004, 09:07 AM
How wonderful of you, that you help reunite him
with his owners.
An ID is so important for your pets.