View Full Version : Questions About Feeding Newborn Kittens...

08-18-2004, 06:32 PM
I guess that neon sign has finally turned itself on at my house. You know, the one that says "Pet Lover Here! Drop off all unwanted babies!" By our mail boxes this morning I found a shoebox with 6 kittens. Three didn't make it, but the other 3 are doing ok. Katie has "adopted" a little orangie, and has dragged him under the couch. (Fun times when it comes time to feed him!) The other 2 (a calico, and a grey -possible tortie) she won't have anything to do with. Go figure. So right now, I've got them wrapped in a soft towel, under my shirt for warmth.

My question is: does anyone have any good advice on bottle feeding? I can't get to the store til Bella gets back from Phoenix in a couple hours, so is there anything I can do in the mean time besides keeping them warm? They seem to be doing ok, considering. ANy suggestions would be greatly appreciated! I know we've got some experts on the subject! ;)

Thanks everyone!

Edit: I guess I should mention that they're obviously very new. Eyes still closed and all.

08-18-2004, 06:37 PM
OMG! I can't believe it! You're going to have to put a sign up on your front door and charge admission to your zoo! ;)

I can't offer any advice on bottle feeding but I know Queenscoopalot and kimlovescats will surely have great advice for you.

Biscuit's Mom
08-18-2004, 06:55 PM
I'm sorry but I don't have any good suggestions except to keep the babies warm. Hopefully those that can be of better help will be along soon. Bless you for taking care of these little ones.

Bumping to keep this thread at the top.

Biscuit's Mom

08-18-2004, 06:56 PM
I'm sure as soon as the right people see this you will get lots of great advice. What a shame that someone took them from the mom! I'm glad you have them though because we all know they are in good hands!
Good luck and keep us posted.

08-18-2004, 07:49 PM
You can use an eyedropper instead of a bottle, but you'd need to get to the store for kitten replacement milk (can't use cow's milk) You can use goat milk, I don't suppose you have any of that on hand? ;)

I really never bottle fed babies so I can't be much more help.

Best of luck :):)

08-18-2004, 08:52 PM
we found my kitten under the house and we couldn't get anywhere right at the time so the vet said to try pablum and a bit of the baby food meat stuff mixed up YUCK until we were able to get to the store.. the next day mind you cuz you hafta get replacement milk and we just used one of those syringe things for medicine till we got the bottle the next day... Is they are that young you will have to stimulate their bowels I know gross... take a paper towel and just rub their tiny bums in a circular motion like the mommy would lick them.... Sorry guys I know its gross but I had to do it lol hahaha.. It works...
Good luck

08-18-2004, 08:55 PM
Jen is right , cow milk is not good for kittens. But is better than nothing. I have seen rise new born kitties with cow milk diluted in some water, way back before the replacement formula was avalaible at the pet shops.

For feeding I used a very small serynge, and follow the kittens sucking rhythm.

I raised 3 little one in April let me see if I found the thread, I got wonderful help and related links.

Good luck!

08-18-2004, 08:56 PM
I have a great recipe that I've raised a lot of newborns off of. It was in Cat Fancy mag. years ago. Ingredients are easily obtained from the market. I always add vitamins to each bottle however to provide extra nutrients such as taurine and iron etc. I use half the amount I posted for newborns, and as they get older you can use the full portion.

1-TBS Honey
1_Tbs. Heavy Cream
2-raw egg yolks
2-packages of Knox Unflavored Gelatin (found in baking aisle)
1-12 oz. can of whole evaporated milk (not sweetened)
24-ozs of water.
****Use only half above amounts***
Mix all ingredients EXCEPT for the water & gelatin into a sealable container.
Pour water in a small saucepan, add gelatin package (one envelope) and heat on low stirring just until the crystals dissolve. Too hot and it gelatinizes. Mix into egg yolk/honey/etc. mixture and refrigerate. It will turn into a gelatin mix when cold. I use small plastic margarine containers to scoop a blob out, and then microwave it just until warmed. Test on wrist to be sure it's not too hot. With the kitten nursing bottles I find that cutting an X down from the tip of the nipple, and radiating down the sides works best for milk flow. Not too big an X for tiny ones though. As they get bigger, and suckle better I will loosen the bottle cap to allow air back into the baby bottle. Otherwise they suck so hard they poop out. Also never tip the kitten on its back as milk can aspirate into the lungs. Visualize them nursing off mom, and hold them belly down. I hope you know also that at that age they need to be stimulated to go to the bathroom. Messy, but critical. My dogs usually do that part thankfully. Keep us posted..and be prepared for very little sleep! :rolleyes: If they are that weak every hour or two until they get stronger. ;)

08-18-2004, 08:58 PM
Jan and Kim, Have you 2 not called her yet? my oh my! How are babies doing. If I don't hear soon I will tell you how to do it- (people don't know that I have done quite a bit of bottle feeding...) Please let us know what is going on!

08-18-2004, 09:10 PM
Here are the links.


08-18-2004, 09:30 PM
ok jan was posting while I was! this formula is super! the kittens love it (and all the cats in the house smell it and want some too), they get fat and healthy and devour it. The biggest trick for me has been those bottles! cut the X on the tip but make sure its a clean cut, the rubber is thick. Also- if you push on the bottle, and too much goes into baby at once, it'll go into lungs and aspirate. so slow is good. once the kitten gets a sucking rythem , it's easy. keep us posted and send pics?

08-18-2004, 10:54 PM
In my opinion ... it is best to go to a PetSmart or local vet and purchase some KMR (Kitten Milk Replacer) as soon as you can. I have also found that the nursing kit baby bottles are the pits. What works best is a tiny syringe (without needle of course). You can probably get one from a pharmacy or your vets office. I would get several because the stoppers wear out really quickly and you'll need a bunch!

The most important thing is getting fluids in them asap! (Even slightly warm tap water if nothing else-- until you can get some KMR) Also, you need to "potty" them everytime they eat. You can take a warm washcloth and gently rub their tiny bottoms until you see them both pee and poop! Yes, it will be yucky .. but it HAS to be done!!! Best thing ... if there is any signs that they aren't eating.. or pottying or they don't have energy ... get them to the vet asap! Also, if they are having really runny, smelly diarrhea...this is life threatening... go to a vet ASAP!

Good luck! If you have any questions you can PM me! Sorry I am just now seeing and responding to this post!


08-19-2004, 12:12 PM
Thanks for all the advice everyone! I got some KMR at walmart last night (PetsMart was closed by the time Bella got home!) and they're doing ok. I'll recharge my batteries and get some pics as soon as I can. :)

Catnapper suggested to me that we give them strong names, so we're thinking about Ares, Athena and Artemis (assuming, of course, the one little greyish one turns out to be a tortie).. otherwise, Athena will become Atlas. :D

Again, thanks so much y'all!

08-19-2004, 12:25 PM
Great! Good luck with the wee ones ... looking forward to pics!;)