View Full Version : Happy 2nd Gotcha Day, Hanna!

08-16-2004, 09:48 PM
It was two years ago tonight that Hanna found me. For those of you who don't know the story of how Hanna came into my life, I will relate it now.

My boyfriend, Jeff, is an avid bicyclist. He finally talked me into getting a bike. I had my bike for three days and had ridden around the neighborhood, and finally I felt ready to tackle a longer ride. We hauled our bikes to a local ten mile trail. It had started raining halfway back so we were riding pretty hard and fast to make it back to the van. The last part of the trail up to the parking lot is a long hill that goes up and under the interstate freeway bridge. I had just ridden ten miles at a quick pace, and I was quite out of shape. By the time I got to the last hill my legs weren't cooperating. I stopped halfway up the hill. I tried to get back on my bike, but I kept falling off. My legs were like rubber. It was almost like something was preventing me from getting back on my bike. I sat to rest and planned on walking my bike the rest of the way up the hill.

It was starting to get dark out. I got up and walked towards my bike and saw something walking up the path. At first I thought it was some sort of wild animal. I went to investigate and it was a kitten. A tiny, skinny tabby. Jeff came back down the trail and tried to catch the kitten, but she didn't want to be caught at first. I was still catching my breath, and soon Jeff had her. Her eyes were so matted up she couldn't see, and her ears were dirty. She was skin and bones. Our van was fairly close by, so we walked the bikes the rest of the way.

I keep thinking what if I had been able to make it up that last hill? I would have never seen her!

We stopped at a bar near the parking lot, and left word in case anyone was looking for a 8-9 week old kitten, but no one ever called about her (not that we would have ever given her back, Jeff even had a story made up about how she ran away if anyone did call!). There aren't many houses around, not under the interstate bridge! I couldn't figure out where she had come from.

Her whiskers were singed, and she had a weird black smudge by her mouth - I don't know if it was a burn or a scrape. I hate to think what she had went through.

Here's Hanna then:

This isn't one of the really bad pictures, I have some really bad ones of her poor eyes, they were so painful. It makes me cringe to look at them, so I won't post one of those.

Here she is ten days later, after a vet visit and treatment for a URI. She had to have lots of eyedrops those first few weeks, poor baby.

She had a home with us. She started growing up and has turned into one of the most wonderful cats. She is very cuddly, and likes sleeping under the covers with me. She often sits on my lap as I am typing on the computer, resulting in many typos from me. :)

I have been going though some sad times of my own since I had to say goodbye to my dog Bandit on August 5th, the first few days after she was never more than 2 feet away from me. She knows. Today when Jeff went down to pick up Bandit's ashes I started crying again, and as soon as she saw my tears she was in my lap. She has been such a comfort to me during this very painful time, and I am so thankful for her.

She does so many funny things, I cannot help but look at her and smile. She's just that kind of cat. Like the time I went to Ireland and I found she had planted one of her favorite toys in my suitcase. I thought that was so sweet. I keep my cat treats on top of my armoire, and she is turning into a treat monster. She'll look up at the treat bag, then look at me, and then meow at me. How can I resist? She likes to be in the bathroom when I take a shower. She will sit on the edge of the tub and wait. Then when I am towelling off she gets this worried look on her face, like she's wondering why I'm all wet. She meows and then she will try and jump up on me. Since I don't want her clawing up my naked body I have to pick her up - so there I am, soaking wet and holding a worried cat. It just cracks me up.

Here are some pictures I took tonight, the anniversary of her being with me for two whole years. I love you Hanna Banana you silly kitty!

One of her favorite places, on my gym bag:

She's not sleeping, it's dark out and she's avoiding the flash:

This one is a little dark, I didn't use the flash:

08-16-2004, 09:53 PM
Happy Gotcha Day, beautiful Hanna!

So sorry about Bandit... may he rest in peace. :(

08-16-2004, 09:53 PM
Happy Gotcha Day Hanna!

What a wonderful story. I hadn't heard it before and it sure made me smile. She sounds like such a wonderful companion and family member.

Here's to many, many more Gotcha Days!!

08-16-2004, 10:53 PM
I had a siamese years ago that liked attention when I was fresh out of the tub! In fact, he got IN the tub with me, laid on my belly/chest and would allow his feet to get wet so he could kiss on me. Go figure. Tigers go through water- it's not at all impossible that your cat has a gene connecting him to the old water days- most cat talkers on here have cats that at least like to put their feet in water and throw it around! Well, s/he likes to make sure you are covered in his/her fur when you come out of the shower- how sweet! (ack, ack!) (sorry, can't remember sex right now, just jumped on chance to tell you this story!). I think its really super that your kitty is so water attentive!

08-16-2004, 11:42 PM
HAPPY 2nd GOTCHA DAY HANNA!!! She sure has become a beautiful cat.:) It's amazing how they know when you need some extra comforting. When my Pepper passed away both Sunny and Storm would stick to me like glue because they knew how sad I was. Storm became a lap cat which is quite unusual for him. I'm so glad that Hanna found you and is now in her forever loving home.:)

I'm very sorry to hear about Bandit's passing.:( May he RIP.

Killearn Kitties
08-17-2004, 05:45 AM
Happy gotcha day, Hanna!

What a great story! It was certainly that sweet girl's lucky night when you found her! I hope she has many, many more gotcha days with you. :D

08-17-2004, 07:55 AM
I am a bit late so I will make it fancy! Hanna - you are precious and pretty!!!


Happy Gotcha Day Hanna!!


08-17-2004, 07:59 AM
Happy 2nd Gotcha Day Hanna!!!!!

From humble beginnings to a very beautiful lady!!!!

08-17-2004, 08:39 AM
AllThe Found Cats,who were once Stray Cats,know the Importance,Of Gotcha day,where they,are no longer Strays,but Treasured Cat ,or Dog Companions,with thier own Furr Ever Home! Con Cat Ulations,Hanna,and a Big MMMMMMMEEEEEEOOOOW To,you,and Your New Guardians!

08-17-2004, 09:52 AM
Happy Gotcha Day, Hanna! What a wonderful story of how you became a family. We wish you many, many happy and healthy years together making memories to last a lifetime.

08-17-2004, 12:26 PM
Happy Gotcha Day, Hanna! You sure caught yourself a Wonderful Furever home, sweet girl!

You are doing a marvelous job healing your hurting Meowmy, sweetie.

08-17-2004, 01:02 PM
I remember Hanna's story very well and I always thought it was one of the most touching here. She looks as if she could be my Tigris' little sister:)

Tigris as well one day put a mousie in my bag when I was going to Bali. I found it there- and tears came to my eyes:)

I am sorry to hear about Bandit.

May Hanna live with you for many many happy years:)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-17-2004, 01:27 PM
Hanna has always been one of my favorite PT kitties. She just has that face that I adore in kitties. Those big eyes with that strong eyeliner. She is sooo adorable and I'm sooo glad you couldn't make it up that hill. :D

Happy gotcha day sweety! :D

08-17-2004, 01:38 PM
Happy Gotcha Day!! *scritchies*

K & L
08-17-2004, 02:10 PM
What a wonderful story with such a happy ending!

Ally Cat's Mommy
08-17-2004, 02:16 PM
What a wonderful uplifting story. I am so glad you have darling Hanna in your life, and I am sure she knows how lucky she is!!

Happy Gotcha Day, darling Hanna!!