View Full Version : But I'm not ready to let her go.....

Aspen and Misty
08-16-2004, 04:24 PM
I got "the letter" today. In LESS then one month Breeze will be gone and go for her formal training at Paws With a Cause. I just got my letter and I havn't stopped crying. I'm so happy and so sad at the same time.

We've been through SO much. Her eating 20 pounds of food and me pacing at home hopeing she wouldn't die. The first dog I EVER took through obedience school. Eating out, going to school, going shopping, going to my grandparents. They will always be fond memeries I will have of her. I am going to miss her so much. I knew going into this program this is what was going to happen but all along I think I have been denying it. I dunno, she has to go, she will do good, I know she will.

Such a pretty girl








Make me proud Breeze....

Your Foster Mommie,

08-16-2004, 04:37 PM
I loooove that pic and the last pic. You're such a good photographer.

I can imagine how hard it must be for you to lose Breeze.. but at least you know she's going to a good home.. I'm so proud of all the work you've put into training her and caring for her.
*hugs to you and Breeze*

08-16-2004, 04:40 PM
I know exactly how you feel. I raised a black lab for Leader Dogs for the Blind and it's very hard to let them go.
When she graduates and you get the letter and a picture (I don't know exactly what PWAC does..) of the new team it's the best feeling you'll ever get.

Here's my girl, Abby, on the car ride to LDB headquarters in Troy, MI. Worst 11 hours of my life but what she's done has more than made up for it.


08-16-2004, 05:56 PM
Oh, Ash. It must be so hard for you to go through this.

You did such a good thing with Breezie-girl, and I am sure she will be wonderful.

After she leaves, will you ever be able to visit her? :(


Good luck, Breeze.

08-16-2004, 06:21 PM
wow, I'm getting teary eyed for you. I know it's going to be hard to let her go, but think how she is going to help a disabled person. How she's going to make their lives easier. You've done good for her, and she's going to make you proud. Maybe the family/person who gets her, will be able to send you pictures, and have visits? I think that would be nice.

08-16-2004, 06:26 PM
BEEEEutiful puppers that Breeze is,,, and congrats on being such a great mommy to her,,, You did her proud and I am sorry you feel so badly.... Try to keep positive,,, and know you did a good thing....

08-16-2004, 06:36 PM
I know how difficult this will be for you Ash. But try and hold onto the thought that by letting go, you're helping to make the life of someone in need so much richer:) She's off on her exciting journey into therapy/assistance work, all thanks to you!!! You should be very proud of yourself and of your beloved Breeze. And through the tears, remember you did the most selfless thing imaginable. What a beautiful pictures. Breeze is such a sweet, sweet girl, all thanks to you:) I saw a documentary on TV a while ago about a family that raised a therapy dog, just as you have. She ( the daughter) was able to attend the graduation and was so proud to know the pup she raised would soon be making another person very happy. Maybe you to will be able to attend the graduation too and perhaps, keep in touch with her new family. I hope so:) {{{HUGS}}

Iilo, Abby is such a beauty:)

08-16-2004, 07:13 PM
Make your mommy proud, Breeze.

I would never be able to have a dog like Breeze because I wouldn't have the strength to let her go. You are very brave, Ash. Congratulations to you and Breeze for training such a great dog.

08-16-2004, 07:47 PM
I can't imagine how hard that must be - for both you AND Breeze :( You've done a wonderful thing, Ashley. There's not a doubt in my mind that Breeze will become a wonderful service dog :) Do you think you may be able to visit her when she gets to her forever home? It would be so wonderful to see her putting everything she's learned to work! :D

I'm sorry for all the sadness you must be feeling, but I really admire you for what you've done :)


Aspen and Misty
08-16-2004, 08:19 PM
Thanx everyone! I feel so much better now. We went swimming tonight because it was something I had always want to do with her! It was FUN!!!!!

I'm not sure about the whole program thing. I am pretty sure the person can have my name and number and IF they want to contact me they can, I hope and pray they will!

Ash :)

08-16-2004, 08:33 PM
I hope the person does contact you. What a difficult but beautiful thing you are doing. Great pictures!

Aspen and Misty
08-17-2004, 01:17 PM
Thanx Jenn! Breeze takes the most wonderful photo's!


08-17-2004, 04:46 PM
I have endless admiration for you and others who help to raise these dogs that make such a difference in people's lives. I honestly do not know if I would be strong enough emotionally to do that. But where would so many people be without people like you? Bless your heart. Breeze, make your Mommy proud sweetheart. I know you will!

08-17-2004, 08:05 PM
My how time how flown. I can't believe it's already time to let her fly. She's going to be the best darn dog they've ever seen (and of course the most gorgeous...those pictures are truly awesome and so is the siggy!):D

I'm sitting here wanting to cry for you, you are much stronger than I am, I don't think I could do it. But thanks to you someone will have a wonderful dog.

We will miss you Breeze. You will most definately make all of us proud!!!!!

08-17-2004, 08:11 PM
Breeze is such a beautiful pup! I really admire people like you that raise service dogs, you should be so proud of yourself and of Breeze. My thoughts will be with you at this bittersweet time.:) :(

08-17-2004, 08:46 PM
Awww! I'm so sad for you right now...getting teary-eyed as well. Make sure you take lots of pictures, and have fun with her while she's still there! It will be hard...but you're doing a good thing.

08-17-2004, 08:50 PM
What great pics of Breezie. She's so beautiful. You have reason to feel sad. It must be really hard. Think of all you did for her though, and for the person that she'll help. And she'll always remember you. :)

08-17-2004, 09:01 PM
I am such an idiot. I had no idea you were raising an assistance dog puppy. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Ash, I am very sad for you right now. We are going to raise a puppy for Canine Companions for Independence, and I'll let you know how I feel when I have to let my pup go. [[[HUGS]]]

08-18-2004, 09:38 AM
Breeze is beautiful! Ash, you are a hero for raising her for a most noble cause. It will hurt to give her up, but know that you are helping someone who needs her more. She will do you proud! I hope you are able to keep in contact with her and even get to visit sometimes. Congratulations on a job well done (both of you...Ash and Breeze.)

08-18-2004, 01:12 PM
What beautiful pictures. Breeze make your mamma proud, I know you will. Hugs sweetie!

I know this is a hard thing to go through but hopefully the new people will contact you! Hugs!!!!

Aspen and Misty
08-18-2004, 04:48 PM
Thanx everyone. I made the mistake of Visiting the Paws With A Cause Web page today, I started crying again.

I read this and it just got me all ionto a mess! It describes what I'm feeling perfectly


Then I made the mistake of listeing to the song, I was filled with Pride and Sorrow


:( Ash :(

08-19-2004, 01:27 AM
You have provided such an amazing service, Ash. I am very proud of you! I know it must be very hard to imagine Breeze will no longer be a part of your everyday life, but you must know she will do great things and make you very proud!

{{{HUGS}}} to you and beautiful Breeze!

08-19-2004, 07:28 AM
People like you really make me proud, Ash. What an unselfish, wonderful thing you have done, and think of how many people will benefit from those like you who do it! Hug Breeze for me. She is just a gorgeous girl!!! :)


08-19-2004, 08:36 AM
I've been reading this thread, but was never sure exactly what to post, as Im sure this is so hard.

I just wanted to say that, I too, am very proud of people like you, and I also admire your emotional strength, as I would never be able to do that!

Breeze will make another person very happy, and she will make you very proud! And I'm VERY sure that she will always remember you!!


Aspen and Misty
08-19-2004, 01:16 PM
Thanx guys. It seems I AM able to give the person my number and they may contact me, I just pray they do. I would fly half way across the world to see Breeze after she was trained.

Thanx for your comments everyone, they are making me feel so much better.


08-19-2004, 05:12 PM
oh im so sorry! but its a good thing what she is going to do,but howcome you have her and then giving her to Paws with a Cause?? sorry for my ignorance but i dont know the whole story:(

Toller 42
08-19-2004, 05:16 PM
i'm so sorry:( I'm sure she'll remember you and how much you loved her.

Aspen and Misty
08-19-2004, 05:44 PM
Originally posted by sammy101
oh im so sorry! but its a good thing what she is going to do,but howcome you have her and then giving her to Paws with a Cause?? sorry for my ignorance but i dont know the whole story:(

We are called Puppy Raisers. We get the puppies normally at 8 weeks old and raise them to be about 14 or 18 months, train them the basic commmands and socialize them. Then we give them back.


08-19-2004, 08:46 PM
oh ok! i could never do that,i would get to attatched,which i can understand how your feeling:(

Cinder & Smoke
09-14-2004, 11:18 AM
Happie Tails & Trails, Breeze! :) :D

Make us all Proud - and tell your New Mom/Dad all
about your Adventures as a Pet Talk Pup! ;)

{{{HUGS}}} to you, Ash!

I know a little of what you're going through with having to
say G-Bye to Breeze - I had to do it once myself...

And I was only the "Assistant" Puppy Raiser!
I helped a Firefighter's Daughter raise "Willa" -
a beautiful black German Shepherd pup for Pilot Dogs of Columbus, Ohio,
many years ago.

We were ALL teary-eyed when her "Bring Me Back" letter came...
and *I* secretly hoped she had some major "Flaw" and would
"flunk out" and need a home ~
But lil Willa did just *FINE* and graduated with her New Human to
become what she and Breeze were "Born To Do" -
be Service Dogs! :)

Be forever *proud* of what You and Breeze have accomplished -
you'll BOTH help make someone's life a LOT more Enjoyable! :)

Give Breeze a big Pilot Dog {{{HUG}}} for me!

/s/ Phred