View Full Version : Holly-Some good news, mostly bad

08-15-2004, 06:35 PM
Well, I know I haven't posted much in the past month, but things have been going on with Holly, so I'll update on everything.

Not quite 2 months ago the depression in Holly's face started draining quite a bit (from where her tooth came out and the infection blew out). We took her to the vet, where we found out that K-State didn't pull out the entire tooth that needed to be pulled out. It was a good-sized piece, and Shawn (the vet) tried pulling it, but didn't have the right tools. He called the vet at K-State and talked to him, and we left (we were going to talk to K-State later about it). Dr. Jenson (K-State vet) ended up going on vacation, but before he did we talked to him, and he said that he was positive we'd have to knock her out and go through from the outside to punch out the tooth.

Well, Holly came up lame a little over a month ago, and ended up having to be put in a stall for a month. It turned out to be an abcess, which is an infection inside their hoof, that blows out the top or bottom of their foot. It took forever to get rid of it, and Holly is definately not a horse to be stalled up (she bit me once, attempted to run over me to get out of the gate, and tried to kick me). Finally she could be turned out again, and was seen to be bucking and clearing a five-foot fence;)

Since the abcess was taken care of (finally), we were able to take her to a different vet that we know so he could look at her tooth, and hopefully get it out. Her appointment was last Friday, and since I started school on Thursday, and my mom had to work, it was my cousin (in-law) that took her, as he is a farrier and was working in the same area that the vet happened to be in at the time.

James called us Friday afternoon/evening with news of how the appointment went. The tooth is still alive and very well-rooted in her mouth, and the vet said that wasn't the problem. The problem was was that the infection had set into the bone. We had been told earlier that if this happened, it would kill her. But, the vet said he thought we could get rid of it by taking antibiotic packing, and stuffing the hole in her mouth and plugging it.

There's so much going on in my head about this (my mom too). We don't know if we really will be able to get rid of the infection, and if not, it will eventually kill Holly. We don't know how many years down the road it will be either. We've invested so much into this horse, and I love her to death.

I honestly have no clue what we're going to do....there's so many possibilities. What if I put a couple of years into her, working her and training her, just for her to be in pain and die? I'm so confused about all of it, and can't exactly put into words everything that's going on and what I'm feeling.

Please, please pray for Holly, that she gets better, and all of it will be able to be put in the past.

08-15-2004, 06:49 PM
Oh dear I am so sorry to read about poor Holly, sending you positive vibes from this side of the world, that Holly will fight this infection and come through with flying colours, my thoughts are with you right now, and that Holly will indeed make a fine and speedy recovery, HUGS to you at this worrying time.

08-15-2004, 09:33 PM

I'm praying for you and Holly, Dayna. All my best wishes to you guys. You know you can talk to me on AIM (xkilledbymusicx). I want to be the first to know what happens with Holly!!! :(

08-15-2004, 09:52 PM
Oh dear, you shure have been through a lot.

Sending many get well wishes for Holly that her infection
from her abcess clears up, and she is
back to herself.

08-16-2004, 05:57 AM
Dayna, this sure is a lot to deal with, and I know you have been worried. :( I hope the foot is all healed now, and you can concentrate on her tooth and the infection.

Please keep us posted, and we'll definitely remember Holly, and you, in our prayers.


08-16-2004, 07:18 AM
Poor Holly. Sounds like she's been through a lot. I know those hoof abscesses can be really nasty. You might want to contact the Gainesville Florida vet school. That's where Flair had to go when he had teeth growing every which way. It turned out to be a very rare case and they photographed his teeth before shipping them to me(no discount on bill, though) Anyway, here's the link: http://www.vetmed.ufl.edu/
Flair ran and bucked like that after he got home from Gainesville. I was riding him one time and he was bucking so much that his tail was hitting me in the head :)
I hope Holly gets well. I know how much it hurts to have one of your wonderful fur pets sick.