View Full Version : Corkscrew is having eye problems.

08-14-2004, 09:16 PM
A few days ago I noticed that Corkscrew eye was getting very watery and it was bothering him. He was acting as if he had gotten something in his eye. I didn't worry too much because every so often one of the cats will get something in their eye like dust or a hair but then after a little while they are fine. Well it's been a few days now and his eye is still looking a little funny. It doesn't seem to be bothering him at all, he isn't scraching at it or anything. Is it possible something got in there and irritated it? Should I call the vet tomorrow or should I just see if it will get better. In this picture you can see that his eye is a little red.

edit: I was also wondering if maybe it could just be allergies since the weather has been kind of funny lately, we've been getting some rain which is a little unusual for Az.


08-14-2004, 09:18 PM
Do he and Tibby wrestle? Maybe he got a claw poke in the eye! As long as it isn't oozing anything major, or getting puffy, extra red, etc... I would give it another day or two! You can also get some Terramycin ointment from Co-Op if you have one of those in your area? There may be some other Feed and Seed type store or Agricultural store in your area that sells it too!

Good luck and kissies to Cork!;)


08-14-2004, 09:28 PM
oh no . . . poor baby, he looks pitiful! hopefully he'll be bright eyed again in a few days!

kitty kisses to cork!

08-14-2004, 09:43 PM
Poor Corkscrew! I hope he just has a bad allergic reaction to all the pollen and mold in the air... I don;t know what its like in your area, but the allergins are REALLY bed here already.

Glad to see that he's still as handsome as ever.

Miss Meow
08-14-2004, 10:18 PM
Poor Corkscrew! It looks quite irritated but there doesn't seem to be any discharge.

I'd call the vet and describe the symptoms. Things like hay fever and herpes that our cats have usually involve discharge from the eye.

I hope he's better soon :)

08-14-2004, 10:43 PM
Scout's eye seems to do that every few months. I asked the vet because I kept thinking she was getting scratched by Jazz when the wrestle but he said it was due to a clog tear duct. That doesn't make much sense to me because her will tear, especially when she eats but he insist that is common. It usually last a few days, her eye will look a little red, watery and sometimes even some whitish or yellowish discharge. It clears up in a few days and she is fine. She never acts like it hurts either.

08-14-2004, 10:45 PM
Thanks for all the well wishes and advice everyone!

Originally posted by jazzcat
Scout's eye seems to do that every few months. I asked the vet because I kept thinking she was getting scratched by Jazz when the wrestle but he said it was due to a clog tear duct. That doesn't make much sense to me because her will tear, especially when she eats but he insist that is common. It usually last a few days, her eye will look a little red, watery and sometimes even some whitish or yellowish discharge. It clears up in a few days and she is fine. She never acts like it hurts either.

Jazzcat thank you! I feel much better now because what you describe sounds exactly like Corkscrew.

I'll give it another day or two and if it still looks a little red then I'll take him into the vet. I'm such a frequent customer that the vet is usually able to fit me in that day or the next!

Ally Cat's Mommy
08-15-2004, 01:35 AM
Poor Corkscrew!!:( I don't have any advice to offer - just wanted to say "Get well soon Corkscrew!!!"

08-15-2004, 08:55 AM
Phoenix has the same problem on and off.
According to my vet it’s a combination of allergies and clogged tear duct.
It does seem to flair up more during the rainy season.
The prescription ointment he gave me makes it better in a couple of days.

08-15-2004, 09:11 AM
Emily and Eliot both have eyes that ocassionally tear up like that and yes I have had both of them to the vet. The first time he gave me ointment but this last time he just brushed the whole thing off and told me it was a combination of tearduct and allergies and possibly they mark more vigorously on one side - but to watch for puffiness or increased discharge. So, it comes and goes and I just try not to worry about it.
Maybe since this is the first time for Corkscrew though - you should watch it extra carefully. I bet it goes away in a couple days if it is just allergy.

08-15-2004, 09:15 AM
Poor guy, I always hate it one of my gang has eye problem. When they do the 1/2 closed eye routine they look so pathic. Usually a days dose (3x a day) of an rx onitment I have on hand helps allot and next day they are good as new. :) I have to ask our new vet for a newer tube, this one is about yr or so old but it still works great. PetSmart carries a natural eye wash thinking about picking some up. Usually it appears to be dust or tiny furhair in their eye that has to work it's self out. No discharge comes out.

08-15-2004, 11:12 AM
Just,to be on the safe side,I would take Corkscrew in,if he has a small scratch,it could be dangerous! Roadblock,outside,has lost the vision,in his eye,as it wasnt treated,in time!

08-15-2004, 12:06 PM
Aww poor Corkscrew. I hope his eye is better in a few days.

08-15-2004, 06:28 PM
Poor Corkscrew. Hope he gets better soon and his eye stops bothering him.

*I think he looks handsome as ever in that picture, eye boo-boo or no!!*

Felicia's Mom
08-15-2004, 08:58 PM
Beau had a scratch on his eyeball once. He probably got it from Felicia.

08-15-2004, 09:13 PM
They do look pitiful but I bet he's better in a few days. I would watch it and give it a little more time before I took him in. It might just go away on it's own. I hope so anyway.

Corkscrew you are so cute! Poor baby, I hope your eye gets better.

08-16-2004, 12:13 AM
I sure hope Corkscrew gets better soon.
My RB Pepper had a clogged tear duct so his eye ran all the time. Unfortunately there wasn't anything that could be done.

Sometimes I notice that one of Cirrus's eyes will water but they're never red. I've heard that this sometimes happens when they use the litterbox because they try to be very clean and dig a lot to cover up their mess so the litter may be irritating their eyes.