View Full Version : How are your dogs like your children??

08-14-2004, 11:50 AM
LOL First of all, this doesn't mean what do your dogs and children have in common :p as it sounds a bit like that.

I mean in which ways do you treat your dogs just like children??

My ways....

-I buy them something almost everytime I go somewhere(my mom said she used to do that with me when I was small)

-I show them & their pictures off

-I take them to get pictures with Santa at Christmas

-I would do ANYTHING for them

-They all sleep in our beds(well Jasper now sleeps next to mine--got a bit too big ;))

-They have just as many toys(or MORE) as most the kids I know.

-I talk about them as much(or more) than some people talk about their kids.

-I don't trust many people to watch them(even for an hour).

-I sometimes give in to their "looks"

-They also know that they have to listen to and respect us(the same as children SHOULD know, but alot don't)

And so much more!!

What about you?

08-14-2004, 11:52 AM
Definatly. :)

08-14-2004, 12:32 PM
Yep they're my babies. I do all the above! The people at work can't stand to see one more picture! And they got their pictures with Santa and Lacey got one with the Easter bunny! :D

08-14-2004, 12:53 PM
lol I have one pic of the dogs with santa :p

they all sleep on my bed if they want too

Misty and Happy have a sibling rivalry

they go almost everywhere with me

I talk about them non-stop(I actually lost 2 "friends" because of this..)

I take then to play with other kids(uhh skin kids that is lol)

they are required to help out around the house(Misty shuts blair up when he starts getting on everyones nerves.. Happy weeds the yard lol) I must have at least 2000 pics of my pets lol we have about 50 of people... lol

they are allowed to sit at the table(on the chairs, but not on the table itself lol) and yes while we are eating.

the list goes on lol

08-14-2004, 01:15 PM
cali Furkids are a good way to weed out 'friends' :p Mandy helps out when my cats get into a spat, she's runs after them and they scatter and I've been trying to get Lacey to help carry in groceries but she just keeps sticking her nose down in the bags:D

08-14-2004, 02:19 PM
Well one of the ways we treat them like children is we just went this morning and had "family" pictures taken:D

They get playdates with their husky friends (either our house or we go to the park:)).

I always get them something when I go to the store. If I see something I think they'd like I get it.

We let them leave their toys all over the house, then I'm the one who cleans them up!

Yes, they've had their pictures taken with Santa and the Easter Bunny:D

I get up in the morning when they want me to:o

The list could go on and on:D

08-14-2004, 03:51 PM
I tend to do alot of what you do as well,,,, but no pics with Santa... not yet,,, never thought to do it,,, thanks!! I just might do that this year,,

I spoil Lucy BADLY,,, guilty as charged!!

08-16-2004, 09:16 AM
Where do i begin ;).

*They get their photo taken with Santa

*I get them something everytime i go shopping (Treats, Toys, Clothing etc)

* They have to help out around the house, Garbage disposal, Gardening, Doorbell, Bed warmer etc

* I take them pretty much everywhere i go

* I have not lost friends from talking about the dogs but i have been told to be quiet ;)

* I too would do anything for them

* I take them on play dates with their friends

* I take them to "School" every week

* I give into the "Look"

Sure there is more but i cannot think of anymore right now. ;)

Samantha Puppy
08-16-2004, 09:21 AM
Just about everything you listed, aside from getting pictures with Santa. And I have a great group of friends and my family adores Samantha, so I trust all of them with her. But yeah, she's got tons of toys, I show everyone I possibly can her picture(s), she sleeps on our bed (not that my human kids will, but you know what I mean), I treat her like a human in a dog suit. It drives my husband nuts sometimes, but I can't help it. She has way too much personality to be "just" a dog. No dog is "just" a dog anyway. :p

08-16-2004, 09:47 AM
I can agree with just about everything everyone says except the Santa picture. I had Christmas pictures taken with them, but no Santa.

Dick says ours are sooooooo spoiled - I prefer to think of it as "well loved".

08-16-2004, 10:55 AM
Hmmm, how is Lefty like my child?

*I worry about his health--whether he's getting enough of the nutrients he needs, and whether he needs supplements. He gets all of his shots/medications/etc. exactly on time.

*I worry about his mental health too--is he happy? Bored? Anxious? And what can I do to make him even happier?

*I scour the web looking for "play groups" and dog parks I can take him to.

*All my co-workers know his name. My cubicle walls are covered with pictures of him, and I always announce at the start of end-of-day meetings that I can't stay too late, as I have a dog at home.

*He has "rules" to follow--well, maybe a couple: no jumping up on the bed unless invited. He doesn't always follow it. :) We also have him sit while we put on his leash.

There are many, many more ways, but my lunch break is over. :)

08-16-2004, 05:15 PM
Along with many of the things others have written, I have a few more to add.

Moms carry diaper bags for their kids--I take a bag with me of stuff the dogs might need when we're out, and also poop bags!!!!

My dogs have nap time.

Each is treated equally, so as not to cause jealousy. Last week, Kito went for a ride with me, and to the pet store. Then, Jada got to go with me to dairy queen. Yesterday Riley went with me to the pet store, and Abbey gets to go next.

I only want them to have the best of everything.

They have a sitter when we have to go away.

They will go to the doctor when sick, way before I will.

When I go shopping I tell them if they're good I'll bring something home for them--I always do:)

We bought our house and SUV for them.

At night before bedtime if I want to cuddle with them, since they all can't sleep on our bed or be near me on the furniture, I drag out my comforter and some pillows and lay on the floor with them.

08-16-2004, 06:45 PM
Ditto from me too.

When I cook for myself I am also cooking for my dogs.
(they usually appreciate my cooking) :D

I worry about them daily and when they are not
feeling well I take their temp. and call their Dr.

I bought a mini van for Sheba, because she
no longer could get up into my SUV, and she
was afraid to use the dog ramp I bought for her.

They have a cerfew and must be in the house by
8:30 p.m.

They have toys and usually get to go on vacations
with me.

They went to doggie school when they were younger.
(Rocky had to go 3 times) :rolleyes:

AND MOST of all I can not imagine a life with-out them
with all the happiness and love they bring to me.

08-16-2004, 08:17 PM
...maybe you need one of these!

http://www.petsmart.com/global/product_detail.jsp?PRODUCT%3C%3Eprd_id=84552444177 6472&FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=2534374302023689&ASSORTMENT%3C%3East_id=2534374302023689&CONTENT%3C%3Ecnt_id=10134198673326124&bmUID=1092705333612

(If the link doesn't work, it's a "Bonestones" necklace from PetSmart--a sterling silver bone pendant with your dog's birthstone, on an 18" chain.)

08-16-2004, 08:25 PM
Snowy IS my kid! lol I buy her (and Taffy) more than I buy myself and she gets to eat more junk food than me!

What a life! lol

Samantha Puppy
08-16-2004, 08:35 PM
Oh yeah - when my husband and I were house-hunting, one of our required features was a fence so that Samantha wouldn't have to be tethered when she went outside anymore. (We got it.)

08-17-2004, 11:46 AM
Tawny has lots of toys that I buy because I think she would like them, I also give her the look when she is being naughty. When I want to leave early my boss always asks if Tawny called and wants her mommy to come home early, never mind my husband.
I worry about her health, because I know she can't explain everything to me. I carry a photo or two in my wallet. She is my furbaby and I don't have any kids to spoil so she gets it. She gets different cookies for variety. Special beds all over the house.
And just like every kid, I can't have any privacy in the little girls room, she just needs to know what goes on in there.