View Full Version : 20 ways to monkey with telemarketers

08-14-2004, 10:53 AM
I seem to remember that some Pet Talkers were really good at getting rid of telemarketers, here are some more suggestions:

20 ways to monkey with telemarketers
Compiled by Amy C. Fleitas • Bankrate.com

Some people have made an art of playing with the telemarketers and getting a few chuckles along the way. We asked you to send in your clever responses to telemarketers' calls. Here are the best of the pranks.

Speak to the little lady of the house
We have a 5-year-old daughter who loves to talk. If I answer the phone and discover a telemarketer on the other end, I just quietly hand the phone to our daughter ... and let the fun begin!

Give them the man of the house
When they ask for the man of the house, I ask them to hold; then I put my 2-year-old son on the phone.

Have I got a deal for you
Interrupt the telemarketer's sales pitch and ask them if they would like to buy something from you (could be anything that you're selling). That will usually get them to end the call.

I do
Ask the telemarketer to marry you. Seriously, this will probably shock them and they won't know what to say.

You have reached my voicemail
Say: "Hello." (Wait on them to start talking.) "I'm sorry we can't come to the phone right now. Please leave a message. Beep."

Funny you called
"You know, I was just thinking about (doing, buying) just that very same thing. So, I said to myself, 'Self, why don't you just (do, buy) it and get over it.' To my amazement, self replied with a loud, 'GO FOR IT!'" (Keep talking to take control of the conversation, never letting the telemarketer speak so he or she can't actually try to sell you anything.) "Well, me and myself will discuss it more and we'll get back to you."

From a country song
"I'd love to, but my wife just left me, she cut the tires on my truck, I had to bury my dog, and I only have half a Bud Light bottle left. I'm not worried about the rest, but if you start selling beer, give me a call."

Have you planned for the future?
When I see "out of area" on the caller ID, I answer the phone with the name of a made-up insurance company. Then I try to sell the person life insurance. I'll ask questions like, "What if something happened to you?" or "Are you sure your final needs can be met?" Usually, they end up hanging up on me.

Reply in gibberish
Answer the phone in a pretend foreign language.

She's not … here
I have told people that the person they were asking for was hideously mangled in a train wreck. If they ask for my wife, I sometimes say that she recently left me, then tell the caller she sounds cute and ask her out.

And you are?
I'd love to hear more about why you are calling me, but I'm in the middle of dinner right now. Why don't you give me your home number so I can call and irritate you in the middle of your meal?

Keep talking
Rather than find creative ways in which to hang up on telemarketers, I decided many years ago that I could provide a public service by keeping them on the phone for as long as possible. The longer they spend with me, the less time they have to call other people. Often, they'll hang up on me before I can hang up on them!

What did I win?
Sometimes I'll act as if the sales call is one to inform me that I've won a prize. I'll exclaim, "I've never won anything in my life!" Then I'll ask for details on when and how my prize will be sent to me. And no matter how many times it's explained to me, I will never quite understand that I've won nothing and instead am being asked to buy something.

I'm already connected
If I'm being offered a loan or mortgage refinance, I'll ask if it can "fly under the radar," because I have a large loan at a very high interest rate from "family" who would become very upset if I obtained loans elsewhere. I'll suggest that we meet somewhere discreet to discuss details.

Ever hear of women's lib?
My wife is especially perturbed when they ask for the "Man of the House." So she then starts talking in hushed tones and saying, "Oh, no sir. The Master isn't here. He keeps me locked down here in the basement when he goes out, so I can't check for him now."

Phone flirting
I am big on the phone flirting. Use your best Joey voice from "Friends": "How you doin?" or, "You sound really attractive. Do you call here often?"

How long do you have?
Say: "Sorry to interrupt you. I really want to talk to you, but can you hold on for a few minutes? I just need to finish up the call from the last telemarketer. He called me about an hour ago."

What's it worth?
"Now before I listen to your pitch, there are a few things we need to cover. My minimum rate for listening is $35 an hour. Of course, I can offer you upgrades that give you additional benefits, as well as a greater chance that I may buy what you are selling. The deluxe package is $55 per hour and offers a 2 percent chance of purchase, and the super-deluxe package is $75 per hour, and offers a 3 percent chance of purchase. Now before we get to that, I will need you to send in an application as well as a minimal application fee of $55. You will also need to include with your payment a $35 payment for a credit report. Once your credit has been approved, I will be able to accept your non-refundable good-faith security deposit, which I require, of $100. After closing, and you have paid my standard closing costs of $250, we will then be able to proceed with your sales pitch. Can I sign you up?"

08-14-2004, 11:19 AM
:D LOL! I just used caller id. If a call comes in "unidentified" I don't answer. If I go crazy and answer anyway and it's a tele, I hang up on them. That used to bother me. My mom always taught me to be polite to people. Luckily, I've out grown it!

I used to pretend one of the cats was about to step on the phone and disconnect it: "Chester! NO! DON'T STEP ON THAT ...
then hang up.:D

08-14-2004, 12:08 PM
I'd love to hear more about why you are calling me, but I'm in the middle of dinner right now. Why don't you give me your home number so I can call and irritate you in the middle of your meal?

Oh I wish I had thought of that! LOL!

Fortunately I signed up for the "Do Not Call" list and also have caller ID. What a relief to eat dinner without having to get up to answer the phone and listen to someone tell me what I need to have. :rolleyes:

Ally Cat's Mommy
08-14-2004, 12:23 PM

The trick to hanging up on someone "politely" is to hang up when YOU are talking - that way, the person on the other end of the line never suspects that you ended the call on purpose!!

MOFF - I REALLY like the idea of blaming it on the cat too!

08-14-2004, 12:28 PM
LMAO!:D Ohh I think I'm gonna try some of those:p Thanks for sharing!:D

08-14-2004, 01:43 PM
One time I had a funny conversation with a telemarketer from AT&T.

Me:Is this AT&T


Me:Is this the phone company?


Me:I thought you said this was AT&T.

Telemarketer:AT&T is a phone company.

Me:Oh.Well we already have a phone,sorry.*click*

Thats pretty close to the way it went i think. It was a while ago.:p

Rio and Me
08-14-2004, 02:09 PM
We get window salesmen call up all the time for the bloke who lived here before, I have a couple of things i use

No its not that i dont want new windows because i do, but you see I'm unable to work and live on pennys and that money gos towards heating because in cant buy new windows and if i save up my heating money to buy new windows i will freeze because i have used my heating money to save up and BUY YOU RIDICULUSLY HIGH PRICED SHODY WINDOWS. and hang the phone up.

The other one is my favirate

I dont need "new" windows the old one's do the job and the job they dont do my dog's do twice as good as yours would, and hang up.

Mum too also taught me to be polite on the phone, but they always call at bad times and politness isnt an option.#

08-14-2004, 03:55 PM

My mom always says to be polite to them. But there are some that I just can't be polite to.... lol

I'm gonna try some of those!


08-14-2004, 03:59 PM
I'd love to hear more about why you are calling me, but I'm in the middle of dinner right now. Why don't you give me your home number so I can call and irritate you in the middle of your meal?

My friend worked as a telemarketer for a while. Once someone asked her this and she actually gave them her phone number! They never actually called her.

08-14-2004, 04:59 PM
I had one call me one time, and they asked to speak to the man of the house and I said this is his wife how may I help you? They told me they wanted to know our shopping habits. I told them that hubby was out shopping, the asked where and I said I don't know all he told me was that he was shopping. But if you would like to call back after my nap he might be home from shopping. Good bye. Then I hung up.

Hubby always use to tell them that the man or woman of the house was dead. :rolleyes:

My grandma one time got a call from a woman who said that my father just called them to see if he could be approved for a mortage, so they were calling him back. They approved him for $200,000, my grandma replied with, wow how did you talk to him, last time I checked the man was dead. Will you please tell him his family misses him and his kids want him to come home? The telemarketer hung up on her. But that was all the truth. ;)

08-14-2004, 05:50 PM
I lay the phone down on a pillow:rolleyes:

08-14-2004, 08:49 PM
I usually just tell them I'm not interested and hang up.

The one thing I hate are these automated telemarketers. You don't get a live person, but a recording with a telemarketing message that is prompted by your voice!! :mad: Geez! What has this world come to??? At least give me a damn live person so I can have the great priviledge of hanging up on them!!!

Felicia's Mom
08-14-2004, 09:22 PM
Before I got my caller id, I would just hang up on them. If not busy I would listen to ones selling windows or siding for my house. When the telemarketer was through, I would say "I'm sorry, I live in an apartment". They hung up on me!

08-14-2004, 09:41 PM
Alas... I was a telemarketer for about two weeks. I got called every name in the book! Seriously, one man made me cry. I was just trying to make a living. *sighs* I now try to be VERY nice to telemarketers!

08-14-2004, 10:04 PM
LOL! My brother is a manager of a very large telemarketing department... I wonder how many times he's heard all of these?

08-14-2004, 10:25 PM
Originally posted by sirrahved
Alas... I was a telemarketer for about two weeks. I got called every name in the book! Seriously, one man made me cry. I was just trying to make a living. *sighs* I now try to be VERY nice to telemarketers!

I'm nice to telemarketers for the same reason. It's just someone that needs a job, yeah they are annoying but that's no reason to be rude. I mean don't get me wrong I hang up on them all the time, but I don't understand the people who feel the need to yell nasty things. Here in Tucson working as a telemarkter is one of the best jobs for someone without a college degree. A lot of single mothers work as telemarketors because it's good pay and they get benefits.

08-14-2004, 10:33 PM
My boss tells all telephone-company telemarketers that he's not interested, that we have no phones! ;) When the few persitent ones say "how are you talking to me, then?" he says - "tin cans and string, you should try it." Whereupon they invariably give up, and hang up on him!

We have the "No Call List" and are gladly on it. We rarely get calls any more. I was never angry or rude with them, simply said "No thank you" before hanging up.

08-14-2004, 10:34 PM
I have a way of being polite and not dealing with them at the same time.

If it's a telemarketer and they have my name, I just do this:

Telemarketer: Hi, may I speak with Stephanie please?
Stephanie (me): I'm sorry, she's not in right now, may I take a message?

When I ask to take a message, they usually just mumble something and hang up. Now, if it is one of my bills (if I paid a bill late), then they will leave a number and I can call them back.

I actually got caught only once doing this and it was my cable company (I had paid the bill late and it hadn't shown up in their system yet). I then admitted that it really was me and the woman laughed and thanked me for handling the phone call in such a nice way. Actually said she was going to start doing that at her own house.....LOL:D

08-15-2004, 03:59 AM
i am on the no call list......and it appears to be working......i next to never get a call any more...which is great!!!

08-15-2004, 06:29 AM
I agree that it's not fair to be nasty with them, it's not their fault, just as with ticket problems at check-in at an airport or account problems at a bank.

I sometimes commiserate with them and tell them that I understand how depressing it must be for them to have to do this, and hope they're lucky and manage to find a decent job soon! :rolleyes:

Normally though, I just tell them that I HATE tele-marketers, and would they please go away and annoy someone else. :mad:

08-15-2004, 06:47 AM
When telemarketers ring us, it's usually while I'm cooking dinner. :mad: They're nice and polite of course, but I usually say, I'm not interested, or, I don't have time now, please send me some material on it, and I may contact you!

08-17-2004, 11:02 AM
Everyone who calls me and gets my answering machine laughs at my message. Of course "I" don't think it's funny.

"Hello. I can't come to the phone right now, but if you'll leave your name and a brief message, I'll get back to you as soon as I can. If you are selling something, please hang up now. beep."

It seems to have worked.


08-17-2004, 11:08 AM
Gah... we are on the no call list and we get Telemarketers ALLL THE TIMEEEEEEE! It gets annoying, and a lot of the time I just hang up... :o

smokey the elder
08-17-2004, 01:01 PM
Unfortunately, those are probably charities, polical groups or entities you've done business with, who are exempt from the Do not Call list. But, if you can prove that they don't fall in any of the above, you can bring some kind of legal action (I think.)

08-17-2004, 03:16 PM
When they call me during dinner, I get a big mouth full of food and chew as loud as I can in their ear and talk with my mouth full!!:p

08-17-2004, 06:39 PM
The "do not call" list works very well. Whenever I DO get a telemarketer call, I politely butt into their spiel and ask them to please put me on their "do not call" list. My telemarketers' calls are down to almost nothing. You get what you ask for with these people because it is the law - they must comply.