View Full Version : URGENT Prayer Request

08-14-2004, 08:54 AM
We just got a phone call, Mike's cousin, Guy was in an accident last night. I don't know all the details, but I'm being told he isn't going to live. Everyone is a mess right now. Please pray for Guy and the family. Thanks.

08-14-2004, 08:59 AM
OMG! Prayers coming! Prayers for his family and prayers that a miracle happens and he has the strength to live.

08-14-2004, 09:22 AM
Prayers on the way.

08-14-2004, 09:37 AM
Prayers are on the way, Tonya.


08-14-2004, 09:51 AM
Tonya, prayers have already been offered for Guy and your entire family.

08-14-2004, 10:03 AM
Prayers coming your way Tonya.

08-14-2004, 10:15 AM
Prayers are on the way..

Ally Cat's Mommy
08-14-2004, 10:23 AM
You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

08-14-2004, 10:46 AM
Prayers coming your way...

Samantha Puppy
08-14-2004, 11:54 AM
Prayers being sent your way... any updates? :(

08-14-2004, 11:58 AM
I'm so sorry! Prayers on the way.

08-14-2004, 12:41 PM
Prayers on the way from me too.

08-14-2004, 02:49 PM
More prayers on the way.

08-14-2004, 02:57 PM
Prayers on the way.

08-14-2004, 02:58 PM
More prayers on the way.

Killearn Kitties
08-14-2004, 03:07 PM
What a shock for you all. You have my thoughts and prayers.

08-14-2004, 03:17 PM
My thoughts are with you!!!!

08-14-2004, 07:43 PM
i am so sorry.....prayers on the way.

08-14-2004, 08:06 PM
Tonya, my thoughts and prayers are with your cousin, his family, and you and your family.

08-14-2004, 08:17 PM
I am so sorry Tonya. You and your family will be in my prayers.

08-14-2004, 10:49 PM
I'm so sorry Tonya. Please know that I've sent out a special prayer for you and all of your family. Please keep us updated.

08-14-2004, 10:51 PM
Prayers already sent! Please keep us updated!


Miss Meow
08-14-2004, 11:37 PM
That sounds awful, so sad. Sending lots of positive thoughts to Guy and your whole family. {{{hugs}}}

08-14-2004, 11:53 PM
Thank you, everyone. I just got home from the hospital. Apparently, he was drinking at a party last night. He was drunk and decided to go for a ride on one of those stupid motorized scooters that all the kids have. Some guy driving by found him laying in the road.

It's not clear what happened because the scooter was sitting straight up on it's kickstand. The guy that found him may have subconsciously stood the scooter up. If not, Guy must have stopped to light a cigarette (there was a cigarette and lighter next to him) and fell backwards. I asked the doctor if with the trauma it was possible that he was hit by someone from behind. The doctor told me that the police are investigating that and it is very likely. The doctor suggested that I do not tell the family that for now; it'll cause more anguish.

So anyways, he is 95% brain dead and when the life support is pulled, he has a 1% chance of living. Everyone went home to get some sleep tonight. In the morning, it is Guy's parents wishes that all the friends and family decide together on rather or not to pull the plug. Please pray that everyone has the sense to let him rest in peace. No one wants to live like a vegetable.

It's sad, he was going to be 22 next Wednesday. I hope if anything comes out of this, people will realize that drinking and partying to hard isn't so cool afterall. And that those scooters are no joke. Anyways, thank you for your thoughts.

p.s. One blessing out of this, all of Guy's organs are alive and well and the family and hospital are prepared to donate them.

08-15-2004, 06:18 AM
Oh Tonya that's horrible. I'm so sorry. My prayers go out to you and yours.

08-15-2004, 06:30 AM
Oh Tonya, I am so sorry. Your family is in my prayers.

08-15-2004, 11:04 AM
Thank you, everyone. My MIL just talked to the doctor, nothing changed last night for the better or the worst. I'm leaving right now to go back. I'll keep you posted.

08-15-2004, 11:55 AM
Tonya I just saw this thread! Prayers that Guy will survive this. My neighbor had a fall last year while doing an overnighter with a mentally retarted young man. Gail apparently hit her head and was knocked unconcious for 36 hours before she was found. She also was given very little chance of survival, declared brain dead, and the doctors wanted the family to take Gail off life support. By some miracle Gail survived! She had to undergo a lot of therapy, but she is back with her children and able to drive etc. I hope the same miracle comes through for Guy.

08-15-2004, 11:59 AM
If he is unsavable, as they will find out as time passes, it is a blessing that his family is willing to have his organs donated to save others' lives. It is one blessing amidst a tragedy. I do hope others around him will learn from this awful, awful experience.

My prayers are with his family and loved ones.

08-15-2004, 12:23 PM
omg!I just saw this thread .... I am sorry to hear this....... all of you guys will be in my thoughts and prayers

08-15-2004, 12:29 PM
MMM, Tonya, I am so sorry for you and your entire family.

I know your family will make the right decision for Guy. If his organs can be harvested for someone else - then Guy will provide miracles for others.

More prayers are offered for all of you.

08-15-2004, 11:21 PM
Thank you everyone. Wow. What a day. Where do I start?

Well...on the way to the hospital, they called and told us that he herniated the second part of his lower half of the brain, so he was officially 100% brain dead. So, he was definitely going off of life support.

So, we arrive at the hospital, and lo and behold, there are 10 fire trucks there, all the news channels, and the freaking hospital is evacuated. You could smell the smoke, but you couldn't see it. It was weird because there were all kinds of patients in beds out in the parking lots.

So anyways, we find the family, and they were frantic because Guy's mom had just signed the papers to pull the plug. We couldn't find Debbie anywhere, so we figured she was with Guy. We were so worried that Guy was going to go before we could say our goodbyes. We were evacuated from the hospital from about 11am until about 2:30pm.

So, we got back in there, it stunk like a chemical fire, but there was no obvious damage, so we didn't really know what happened. They had fans set up throughout the hospital trying to blow out the smell, it was sickening. I don't know what had happened, I'm waiting for it to come on the news tonight. I suspect it wasn't something major, but they had to take precautions.

So, then we all go into the waiting room. We started making a list on who was going to see Guy when to try to keep some order to the chaos.

Then, the surgeon comes out and tells us that Guy was murdered! He said that the trauma isn't consistent with a fall, it is more consistent with a 2x4 or a bat to the head. And he has a fat lip like he was punched in the lip. He said that if he'd fallen, he'd have road rash, dirty clothes, etc...Not to mention the scooter was found on it's kickstand undamaged.

So, drama! His thuggish friends all started talking about revenge, mom and grandma collapsed, etc... We're imagining what happened is that someone confronted Guy because of his noisy scooter at 12am. Him being an obnoxious drunk, he probably became rude and angry and one thing led to another. I'm confident that justice will be served because I'm sure someone bragged about beating up some big guy. Word will get out.

So, once that drama settled down, we got back to saying our goodbyes. Then the donor guy came. He said that if we wait until tomorrow (Monday), that there will be more lives saved. So, to make a long story short, Monday he will be taken off of life support.

The beautiful thing is that he has 18 donors and the list is possibly growing. His eyes, heart, liver, lungs....everything will be donated. Even his skin is going to some severely burned children. My aunt gets to know about each and every person he saves. She is making a biography about Guy for the recipients.

I am very at peace with all this. I think it is beautiful that so many people will be saved because of this. I told my Aunt that she can rest assured that there are parents out there that will be spared the heartache she experienced because of his organs.

Anyways, I'm tired, so I hope I'm making sense. Thank you for your support.

Samantha Puppy
08-16-2004, 06:04 AM
How very sad, but at the same time, how beautiful that Guy will be saving so many other people's lives. I think your aunt making a bio for his donor recipients is a terrific thing to do.

My prayers and thoughts are with your family during this very difficult time. I have been through something similar with a neighbor of mine whom I was close to, so if you need to vent or talk, please feel free to PM me. I more than understand.

God bless.

08-16-2004, 10:42 AM
Oh Tonya... what a story! Murdered!?!?! What a senseless waste of life to be ended over an arguement! Thankfully his oprgans are all in good shape and can be donated to let a dozen + people live.

08-16-2004, 02:08 PM
I just saw this Tonya and I want you to know that you and your family are in my prayers. What a horrible thing for a family to experience! God Bless you all!!

08-16-2004, 02:09 PM
Thank you. I'm ok with it. It is just the fact that we don't know exactly what happened that bothers me. I'm sure it'll all come out in due time.

08-16-2004, 02:15 PM
OMG Tonya, I am so sorry! But, at least the organs that you guys decided to donate will help others who need them.

08-16-2004, 02:51 PM
Heartfelt prayers for you and your family.

08-16-2004, 03:49 PM
Tonya, I'm so sorry this ended so tragically. But bless Guy's family for thinking of many others in making the descision to donate his organs. I hope that someone somewhere witnessed what unfolded that night, so the family can get some closure on this tragedy. (((HUGS)))

08-17-2004, 09:52 AM
I just got off the phone right now. They already have a weapon (bat), names of possible suspects, and witnesses. Praise God!

08-17-2004, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
I just got off the phone right now. They already have a weapon (bat), names of possible suspects, and witnesses. Praise God!
Tonya, I sure hope the police process the crime scene for other evidence such as hair, etc. Glad to hear they have suspects, and hope they grab them before they leave the state or worse yet, country. And hope the witnesses cooperate and help fry the creeps that killed Guy. :mad:

My Peanuts
08-17-2004, 12:54 PM
OMG! My thoughts and prayers are with you and Guy's family. This is terrible :( . If they already have the weapon and a list of suspects, then they will find exactly who did this. :(

08-17-2004, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by QueenScoopalot
Tonya, I sure hope the police process the crime scene for other evidence such as hair, etc. Glad to hear they have suspects, and hope they grab them before they leave the state or worse yet, country. And hope the witnesses cooperate and help fry the creeps that killed Guy. :mad:

They treated the scene as an accident, not a crime scene. They returned Guy's clothing and scooter and took no pictures. So now, the detective has to try and retrieve those items and interview the officers that were first on the scene.

08-17-2004, 01:23 PM
Prayers on the way.

08-19-2004, 09:18 PM
I can't freaking believe this. I am so livid I can barely type...

Well, the story behind Guy's death is this...Guy's friend Jesse slept with this other guy named Jeff's girlfriend. So...Jesse and Jeff were supposed to fight on Thursday night. Well, Jesse didn't show up. So, on Friday night, moments before Guy was killed, Jeff and a group of guys were seen with baseball bats walking around Jesse's apartment complex looking for him. Jesse's apartment is the party that Guy was at and Guy was on Jesse's scooter. And, a car matching the description of one of Jeff's friends was seen speeding off from the scene.

AND so, today, the coroner and the cops come to Guy's mom and tell her that his death was ruled accidental through the autopsy so they are closing the case. Now, I acknowledge that Guy wasn't an upstanding citizen. But it pisses me off that because he was rough, he is just going to be a number. If he was some middle class person, they'd be all on it.

And what is especially horrible is that all these kids, both Guy's friends and the killer's friends are totally ghetto, so now, more people are going to be killed. They're going to take it into their own hands.

I'm not even taking Jaden to the funeral tomorrow. God knows what will happen there.

08-19-2004, 09:41 PM
An accident???? It's still homicide IMO! So the thugs who killed Guy were thinking it was someone else when they bludgeoned him? Thinking it was Jesse? Something doesn't sit right with this whole picture. I think the cops know they screwed up just bad enough that any evidence is gone so....wash their hands of the whole thing right? :mad: My condolences to the family and friends.:(

08-19-2004, 10:49 PM
Yeah, it is pretty sad. Here is an obit and an article if anyone's interested.





Guy Henri Pronovost Jr.

PRONOVOST Jr., Guy Henri
Born August 25th 1982 in Sacramento, lived in Folsom, in Heaven August 14, 2004. Guy is the son of Guy H. Pronovost and Mother Deborah K. Reese ; sisters, Jill Perez, Shanel Pronovost and Shavonne Pronovost ; Grandson of Harold and Phyllis Mc Elroy; Carmen Pronovost and late Jacque Pronovost. Niece and Nephews; Isabela Perez; Gabriel Perez and Seth Perez. Brother in-law Reuben Perez. Aunts and Uncles; David and Lilly Matthews, Ron and Denise Rinker, Andy and Dena Poole, Roy Crouch. Regean and Bonnie Pronovost, Paul Pronovost. Cousins; Laura, Lorainne, Mike, Cameron, Cory, Andrew, Hunter, Tim and Alex. Guy has numerous friends residing in Folsom that love him deeply. Guy You'll be in our hearts forever! Celebration of Guys life will be held at Oak Hills Church 1100 Blue Ravine Rd August 20th 4:00. Reception following service will be held at Lee Howard Park 7150 Baldwin Dam Rd Rotary Clubhouse. Guys is a Donor and has given life to 6 individuals. God Bless everyone for loving my son.
Published in the Sacramento Bee on 8/19/2004.