View Full Version : advice on a kitty.....please...

08-13-2004, 11:38 PM
I have an old pram in my carport that I use to carry the heavy papers around on when I help out my daughter, I decided to put a warm blanket in there incase my cats might want to sleep in there sometimes.

Well a few days ago low and behold there was a kitty in it, not mine a little cute orangie fella, I have seen him around before and I think he has visited me when he had a collar and name on him, but I am not certain he is the same kitty.

my dilemma is that he appears to be sick, and I think he may well have made my Ash sick, who is sneezing as is this kitty, the thing is I have asked in the neighbourhood, if anyone knows his owners, but it is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

I don't have the financial resources to help him, and I don't want to take someone's cat off them, he is now sitting on my neighbours verandah, he is so sweet too.

I also cannot risk him making my cat sicker, as it is Ash is struggling , even with the vets assistance to get well, I just feel so worried about my old boy and this little fella, what would you do in my situation, I honestly feel he has a home.

Miss Meow
08-14-2004, 01:42 AM
That's a tough one.

I'd ring the vet and explain the situation and maybe they'll do the right thing and help out.

If it were me, I'd chuck the cat in the car, go to the vet's anyway and sit there with the cat until they helped ;)

It's winter so your daughter might have picked up the sniffles from anywhere. I hope she gets better soon :). It's been a dreadful season for colds and flu this year.

Does your neighbour know whose cat it is?

Ally Cat's Mommy
08-14-2004, 04:07 AM
How about putting a paper collar on him, asking the "owner" to call you?

Can you get close enough to pet him? Are the pads of his feet VERY rough (this can be a good indicator of a stray or lost cat that has been wandering for a while).

Is there a local shelter who could help, or do you have a garage where you could keep him away from your cat whilst still helping out - maybe the vet would help with the costs if you explained the situation?

If he does turn out to be healthy and homeless, are you in a position to keep him?

08-14-2004, 04:51 PM
Thanks for the replys, I have since been in touch with two no kill shelters, thats all we have here, and neither are in a position to take him at the moment, however one might beable to get an isolation cage set up in a couple of days, that is my only hope really.

He is not a stray that I am sure of, no signs of wear and tear on his pads, and apart from the sniffles he is looking well, he is such a love -bug, i adore him already, but NO I am not in a position to take him.

I had a lengthy talk with the shelter lady, and she is un-indated with cats and kittens, she is almost at burn out stage for herself, she said there is a virus going around, and viravec is the treatment to use.

I asked her if any vets would help out, but she said no they cannot afford to do it ,so there goes that idea, he is not fixed either so as it is the time for Toms to stray and the Females are on heat, he could have just wandered.

Miss Meow Ash is my kitty not my daugher, lol, but thanks for the get well wishes he he.

It appears I need to take Ash back, and get another treatment, as his symptons were different when I first took him to now, I am just dreading it , if Lexie gets it as well, as of course like all viruses its contagious, lots of Kitties are turning up with it apparently.

I don't have a garage , just a carport, and that is where he is, in my pram, so at least he has a bit of warmth and shelter from the elements, hubby does not want me to feed him, because if he has a home he will go back to it for a feed, that is extremely hard for me to not do, but he has a point, once I know he can be taken in, then I will for sure.

I will post an ad, and then if he is missed his owners can contact the shelter to pick him up, either way he is going to cost the shelter heaps in vet fees, for his snuffles and getting fixed to re-adopt out if needed.

I don't know how all you rescue people cope with it all, I truely admire you so much, I feel so stressed out, just worrying about little orangie, I just cannot ignore the situation, he is such a sweetie pie, and even if he wasn't I would still want to help .
Wish me luck please.

Miss Meow
08-14-2004, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by carole
Miss Meow Ash is my kitty not my daugher, lol, but thanks for the get well wishes he he.


:o oops!:o

OK, I'll just say good luck with the orange kitty then, and I hope Ash THE CAT gets better soon!