View Full Version : me and Happy saved Maxx today :p

08-12-2004, 06:10 PM
me and Happy save Maxx today lol maxx is my naighbores shih- poo. today he got away again, and debbie, his owner asked me to help her get him back, so I ran inside slipped on my shoes, and ran out the gate with Happy at my side, walked looking for a while before we cought sight of him, Debbie was their attepmpting to get him, but not fast enugh lol when maxx ran into an empty lot ahead I sent Happy out after him, I mean she can outrun maxx anyday lol so Happy ran out ahead headed maxx off, scared the heck outa debbie lol till she realized it was Happy, she just ran in front of maxx and dropped to the ground, when I got there I keeled down, held out my hand and called him cheerily, so he comes running over to see me did not come to close but close enugh that I was able to nab his collar with my outstretched hand, debbie was so grateful! this is not the first time me and Happy have gotten a runaway dog back, once when maxx was younger and me and Happy we chattign with the naighbores maxx took off, Happy went staright after him, and shortly after Happy appeared back at the naighbores with Maxx under her control! lol she has done that wih Ripley before too, Ripley took off, Happy took off after him and brought him back :D Debbie could not believe that Maxx just ran right up to me when I knelt down though lol I was worried that I would not be able to nabb him because when he came he kept his distance and was on his gaurd. I am so glad he's safe though! and so proud of my Happy girl once again! :D

08-12-2004, 08:16 PM
I'm glad everyone's safe. Sounds like you and Happy have a calling in life! And sounds like she's really smart, too.

08-13-2004, 07:43 AM
Good for you, Shayna and Happy too!!!! :) I love happy endings, and it sounds like Maxx and Debbie had one yesterday! :)

08-13-2004, 07:46 AM
Glad you were there when you were needed! Great that everybody is safe and sound because of you!


08-13-2004, 08:25 AM
Good Job!:D

08-13-2004, 08:30 AM
Great job Shayna and Happy :D.

I have used Clover to herd Penny back in before at the park, it is an odd sight but it works wonders. :D Elvis the supposed sheep dog wont do it though LOL :rolleyes: ;).

08-13-2004, 08:42 AM
Good job, you two!