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View Full Version : Lucky Has Bone Cancer... I need Info & Care Opinions

08-10-2000, 10:12 AM
Lucky is 9 years old and been with us 8 years, he's Lucky cause we busted him out of an adopt a pet prison. True it was a caring prison but bars are bars. 3 weeks ago Lucky developed a limp in his right front leg, we suspected a pulled muscle and didn't worry too much. BTW Lucky goes out during the day and returns home to sleep with mom every day just before dark. Anyhow after 2 weeks of limps with no sign of improvement I took him to the vet. Where they took x-rays and blood test and sent both off for second opinions cause they weren't quite sure what was wrong. Well today Doc called and its bone cancer, which I'm told is not the most common ailment in a cat. Well now I must decide care. Doc says the 1st thing we must do is get lung x-ray's to make sure they haven't been comprimised by the cancer, then proceed with our choice of care. Here are the options I was given.

1) If his lungs are clear, we can amputate his right front leg and there is a very good chance that will be the end of the cancer. However, this procedure will probably not be cheap and I'm on a pretty small income he may go thru this only to still face death by cancer.Lucky will now only have 3 legs... Thats a very big adjustment. I've never seen a cat without a front leg... Can they enjoy life? Have you ever seen a cat with a front leg gone? Also this is not a garuntee that the cancer will be gone

2) Keep him as comfortable as possible and probably get to the point of haveing to put him down in 3 to 6 months... bone cancer is not fun..I know my mom had it and she died when I was just 13. But she enjoyed life on the good days and she had all her limbs. Should I just leave Lucky intact and let him enjoy as much life as he can.

Well thats the facts what is your opinion?

08-10-2000, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by TrucknGranny:
I've never seen a cat without a front leg... Can they enjoy life? Have you ever seen a cat with a front leg gone?

Yes, I've seen a 3-legged cat, and he was great! He was the "office cat" at the vet in my hometown. Because of his unique gait, they'd named him "Skippy."

Also, I get the Animal Planet channel on TV and on the "Emergency Vets" show, the amputation cases seem to adjust just fine.

08-10-2000, 01:36 PM
Thanks for your reply. Lucky is going to get his lungs xrayed then we have decided to do the amputation if he can handle it.
wish us luck or pray for us which every you do best ...thanks

Pieper's Mom
08-11-2000, 08:43 AM
Dear Granny: I'm praying for your little guy and for you. I, too, am on a limited income and know how much this operations means to you if you have opted for it.

Our local vet has a three-legged cat who gets along just fine...true, he is not an outdoor cat any longer, but he gets plenty of love and can sure get up and down out of those waiting room chairs well!

Please keep us posted!

"Cats are rather delicate creatures and can have many ailments, but I've never heard of one with insomnia." Joseph Wood Krutch

08-11-2000, 09:23 AM
Thanks Pieper's Mom... Lucky is at the Vet's now having lung x-rays and work up's to determine his ability to undergo surgery.
8/11/00 9:30AM

08-14-2000, 09:24 PM
How is Lucky doing? Do you have test results back yet? I hope they are positive in that they will allow Lucky to be able to have his surgery. All the best to both of you.

08-15-2000, 02:38 PM
Lucky is scheduled for surgery Aug 22. He has to take an liquid antibiotic 2x a day for the next week and he is not at all happy about the new treat. I can't say I blame him either if this stuff taste Half as bad as it smells. PEEEEEEYEWWWWWW.

Pieper's Mom
08-16-2000, 12:42 PM
Poor ole Lucky...but perhaps bad tasting medicine will make even surgery seem better! Keep us posted...

If a cat spoke, it would say things like, "Hey, I don't see a problem here!"

08-21-2000, 07:11 AM
Hi there,

I would have replied earlier but I only saw the post today. Don't worry even with only 3 legs cats can enjoy life, they might feel a bit frustrated sometimes when they cannot do certain things anymore (like jumping on top of high furniture) but they do adjust believe me. One of my three cats has lost most of one of her front legs in a car accident, her pelvis and one of her back legs were also badly broken (it happened when she was quite small and before I adopted her), she is fine now so full of life that we say that she could teach us humans a thing or two. When she walks she limps quite badly so she found the perfect solution, she just runs everywhere (her balance is better this way) and she is much faster than the other ones. She has also learned to break jumps into a series of smaller ones.

I also know a cat who has lost a leg when she was older than mine and she has also adjusted very well. She is so sweet, she walk up to people and asks to be scratched behind her earwhere she can no longer do it herself. This happened a few years ago and she is a very happy (and extremely spoilt) cat.

I'm sure that with all your love and support, your Lucky will adjust. Please write if I can give you any more advice. I'll be thinking of you and Lucky on August 22.

Take care

08-21-2000, 08:34 AM
Hi Truckngranny

Just to say we're thinking about Lucky and hope that everything goes well tomorrow.


08-21-2000, 08:56 AM
Thanks Gio and Helen too. I have place a pic of Lucky on the web if you'd like to see him go to:

08-21-2000, 03:07 PM
Just visited Lucky's website - he's a sweetie. Please give him a hug for me - I know tommorrow is going to be tough day, but Lucky has lots of love and support coming his way. Take care.

08-21-2000, 04:48 PM

08-21-2000, 05:07 PM
I'll be thinking of you and Lucky tomorrow, TrucknGranny. Hope that everything goes well. My Lab has to go in also to have a tooth pulled and a lipoma removed, but that is much less scary than Lucky's situation.
Good thoughts coming your way tomorrow!

08-22-2000, 08:53 PM
Great News! Please go to Lucky's page and you don't even have to read the whole thing just go to the last two entries and all will be explained.... its wonderful Lucky is home all 4 legs intact.

PS How's the Lab doing DognCatlvr?

08-22-2000, 10:24 PM
TrucknGranny and Lucky!!!!

I am soooooo happy for both of you! That is great news to receive!!! Prayers were answered today! I can imagine how relieved you were!
I was pretty relieved too today. My Lab did not have a tooth pulled. It was waaay in the back and when she was under anesthetic the vet saw it was some receding gumline between 2 molars that appeared to be the cavity. No cavity. And the lipoma was just fatty tissue, and small so it was just left there too. X-rays did show that she has arthritis in her elbows and front paws though. We suspected this, the X-rays confirmed it. We'll treat that with medication, and a soft couch! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif (She's 9 y.o., BTW).

08-23-2000, 04:33 AM
That is EXCELLENT NEWS!!! I am SO pleased for you and Lucky. I think that the antibiotics and the fact that so many people thought of you did the trick. It's also really good to know that you have a caring vet that did take another set of xrays before proceeding with the operation.

I am also very happy about your lab!

Give both Lucky and the lab (sorry don't know the name) a very big hug from me.


08-23-2000, 08:30 AM
WOW what great news...so glad your Lab is doing well..... I'm sure you can find her? him? a nice soft place to rest on the sore days..... Sure would like to know lab's name?

08-23-2000, 09:47 AM
Sorry, I shouldn't be talking about my Labs on the cat pages....My 9 y.o. chocolate Lab's name is Bailey. My 3 y.o. black Lab's name is Heidi. They're both females. They live in harmony with their 4 cat friends, Misty (14), Foggy (13), Jasper (5) and Jet (5). See, now it's cat related! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

08-23-2000, 10:23 AM
Way to go Lucky!!! So glad to hear things are going well for both of you. Sometimes miracles do happen - just have to have faith. I think Lucky needs some super treats and lots of getting spoiled today - what do yu think?

08-23-2000, 12:05 PM
First of all let me say that I know how tough it is to have a beloved cat with cancer. Our male cat, Kip, died two years ago of lymphoma. We let him go through surgery to remove a huge tumor but within a few weeks he developed another one and we had to put him down.

I would chose #2 even though it is a very hard thing to do. This way your friend won't have to go through untold suffering. However, with three legs he may adjust well. That isn't really the problem. The problem is that there is suffering involved and he may have to go through more. Vets make their living treating very sick animals. If he survives the first operation and adjustment and the cancer reoccurs they may suggest chemotherapy and never let you know how sick it will make him. I have had chemotherapy myself and when they suggested it for my cat I didn't want him to go through it. He went out so peacefully. I will always cherish his memory. Now I have another wonderful feline friend--not to take the place of Kip--but a chance to give and receive the same kind of love between us as between Kip and me. The love doesn't die. Whatever you decide will be difficult. THIS WAS WRITTEN BEFORE I SAW YOUR WEBSITE. GLAD LUCKY IS OKAY. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/wink.gif

Originally posted by TrucknGranny:
Lucky is 9 years old and been with us 8 years, he's Lucky cause we busted him out of an adopt a pet prison. True it was a caring prison but bars are bars. 3 weeks ago Lucky developed a limp in his right front leg, we suspected a pulled muscle and didn't worry too much. BTW Lucky goes out during the day and returns home to sleep with mom every day just before dark. Anyhow after 2 weeks of limps with no sign of improvement I took him to the vet. Where they took x-rays and blood test and sent both off for second opinions cause they weren't quite sure what was wrong. Well today Doc called and its bone cancer, which I'm told is not the most common ailment in a cat. Well now I must decide care. Doc says the 1st thing we must do is get lung x-ray's to make sure they haven't been comprimised by the cancer, then proceed with our choice of care. Here are the options I was given.

1) If his lungs are clear, we can amputate his right front leg and there is a very good chance that will be the end of the cancer. However, this procedure will probably not be cheap and I'm on a pretty small income he may go thru this only to still face death by cancer.Lucky will now only have 3 legs... Thats a very big adjustment. I've never seen a cat without a front leg... Can they enjoy life? Have you ever seen a cat with a front leg gone? Also this is not a garuntee that the cancer will be gone

2) Keep him as comfortable as possible and probably get to the point of haveing to put him down in 3 to 6 months... bone cancer is not fun..I know my mom had it and she died when I was just 13. But she enjoyed life on the good days and she had all her limbs. Should I just leave Lucky intact and let him enjoy as much life as he can.

Well thats the facts what is your opinion?

[This message has been edited by treybabe (edited August 23, 2000).]

08-23-2000, 12:13 PM
Treybabe says:

Sorry, hadn't read your website before I wrote my post. Had only read your original post. Well, that is wonderful news or perhaps a miracle. Good. Love wins out. Enjoy your kitty. Bet this makes you value Lucky even more. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

Originally posted by treybabe:
First of all let me say that I know how tough it is to have a beloved cat with cancer. Our male cat, Kip, died two years ago of lymphoma. We let him go through surgery to remove a huge tumor but within a few weeks he developed another one and we had to put him down.

I would chose #2 even though it is a very hard thing to do. This way your friend won't have to go through untold suffering. However, with three legs he may adjust well. That isn't really the problem. The problem is that there is suffering involved and he may have to go through more. Vets make their living treating very sick animals. If he survives the first operation and adjustment and the cancer reoccurs they may suggest chemotherapy and never let you know how sick it will make him. I have had chemotherapy myself and when they suggested it for my cat I didn't want him to go through it. He went out so peacefully. I will always cherish his memory. Now I have another wonderful feline friend--not to take the place of Kip--but a chance to give and receive the same kind of love between us as between Kip and me. The love doesn't die. Whatever you decide will be difficult. THIS WAS POSTED BEFORE I LEARNED OF LUCKY'S LITTLE MIRACLE. SEE POST ABOVE WHERE I EXPLAIN. THANKS.

[This message has been edited by treybabe (edited August 23, 2000).]

08-23-2000, 12:56 PM
TreyBabe thanks for your kind words. To be honest with you if Lucky's amputation had not stopped the progress of his disease I had pretty much decided to use option #2 but I have been introduced to so many very happy 3 legged cats since I started this post that I felt we should try that option 1st.

08-23-2000, 09:42 PM

You are welcome. Again I am so pleased and happy for you that Lucky is fit now. Someone must have been praying and someone who hears prayers helped Lucky. What a great gift! BTW (my name is after my other cat, Trey, a female who I often call "Treybabe." http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

Originally posted by TrucknGranny:
TreyBabe thanks for your kind words. To be honest with you if Lucky's amputation had not stopped the progress of his disease I had pretty much decided to use option #2 but I have been introduced to so many very happy 3 legged cats since I started this post that I felt we should try that option 1st.

Pieper's Mom
08-24-2000, 04:57 PM
This is such good news! Had some very sorrowful news yesterday regarding the death of a very young lady...and hearing about Lucky has set my world a little bit more right again...keep us posted on this little guy...oh, went to his page, as well...he's adorable!

08-30-2000, 01:41 AM
I work with a lady who owns a cat with only 2 legs! Miss Peaches was badly mauled by a feral cat and as well as losing 2 limbs (1 front, 1 back) suffered other horrific injuries. However, she made a wonderful recovery and now is happy living a life of luxury - of course her mum pampers her because she is so grateful for her survival! She is mobile and has no trouble even jumping up onto the sofa and bed.

If there is hope, please don't give up. I know lots of people will be thinking of you and hoping for the best.

Don't forget that Lucky is his name - I know he (and you will be lucky).

08-30-2000, 09:23 AM
Oh my Miss Peaches sounds like a real trooper. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

Lucky has lived up to his name. He did not have his leg amputated and so far things seem to be fine. An xray just before surgery revealed nothing, no cancer, no infection, NOTHING. Next week we will be taking another to verify that he is still ok. He is a truly lucky kitty.

You can visit him and read what happened on his big day at


Thank you for your reply


09-27-2000, 03:28 PM
Well congratulations to you and Lucky, who is indeed "lucky". Just another note about a three legged cat. My daughter found a kitten several years ago when she was visiting her father, and of course begged to keep him. "Jack" became a member of their family and they immediately noticed that he was lame in his front right leg. The vet ended up amputating that leg up to the shoulder because the muscle and nerves were dead. That cat is great. He gets around, jumps and is fat and happy. So in case anyone worries about pets that lose legs, that's two that I have known of and they did great. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

09-27-2000, 03:45 PM
thanks! Lucky is doing fine... running around and eating like a horse... He dosent have the slightest Idea how close he came to being 3-legged. His health is fine and his last set of x-rays came out great. But now I know that if it ever becomes nessacary to amputate a cats leg..that it will work out ok. Thanks to all the great people that have encouraged us through this rough time.
