View Full Version : Thursday's #67. The dog days of August

08-11-2004, 11:53 AM
<hee-hee - sneaks in early to open bar>

For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, the dog days are the hottest time of the year. That certainly describes where I live right now.

Actually, the legend apparently stems from the dog star Sirius - which is in the northern sky this time of year.

Any suggestions for DOTD?

08-11-2004, 12:08 PM
Originally posted by catland

Any suggestions for DOTD?

Satan's Whiskers recipe

Scale ingredients to servings
1 oz Gin
1 oz Rosso Vermouth
1 oz Dry Vermouth
1/2 oz Grand Marnier
1 tsp Triple Sec
1 oz Orange Juice

08-11-2004, 12:11 PM
Howwwwwwwwwwlllllllllllllllllll. Nothing like the dog days to get you howling. I'll take one of those drinks. That ought to make me howl even more. I'm at work and not having fun. Maybe that drink will help me forget where I am. Meant to add that I'm going to be very intersted in the thread title two weeks from now :D

08-11-2004, 12:14 PM
Is it August? It's only in the 60s here. We are still waiting for summer to start. Been an unusually cool summer!
AHHHHH! Could do with less rain though. It's rained at least once a week every week since May!

Lunch time here. How about a chili dog and large order of onion rings and super large Cherry Limeade?

The cats would love their catnip tea warm today, please. It's cold in the house.

Hi, Mario. No there isn't a dog in here. Dog days is just an expression. Here sit beside me and drink your beer. I'll share my onion rings with you!:D

08-11-2004, 12:29 PM
Moff, please let me come live there! It's been in the 90's for months here and horribly humid. This dog needs a change, that's for sure. I envy you. We've got a hurricane heading our way for the weekend, too. Supposed to hit Saturday a.m. around 1. Oh joy.

08-11-2004, 12:32 PM
Who's counting??;)

There's two weeks to think about it-- five minutes before the bar opens to pick the winner.:rolleyes:

I do think that #68 will be a 'Blue' bar day......I want to entice the non drinking lurkers in.....


I knew that hidden key would come in handy..

Satan's Whiskers for you???

The worst part about drinking to forget where you are at is that you wake up with a head ache in the same place!!!!

Maybe we'll hire a Limo and go for a ride in two weeks?


I think you could do better with your eating habits.

CHEESE ON THE DOG, Extra pickles and a squirt of spicy mustard.;) Hot onion rings and a cherry limeade.....

I have a confession to make....I ALWAYS type cheery limeade...
4 warm CNT's for the boys.. DONE!

And a beer for Mario..

08-11-2004, 12:40 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD

I think you could do better with your eating habits.

*sighs* Well, there goes my last pleasure. I can't even eat cyber food with out being fussed at. In real life I haven't had a hot dog, onion rings or even pop, for YEARS! It upsets my tummy! So much for fantasies!:eek: ;) :D

08-11-2004, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
*sighs* Well, there goes my last pleasure. I can't even eat cyber food with out being fussed at. In real life I haven't had a hot dog, onion rings or even pop, for YEARS! It upsets my tummy! So much for fantasies!:eek: ;) :D

I'll fix you up Momo. Here in the Northwest we have the best onion for onion rings. Walla Walla sweets. They don't store well so you have to enjoy them while they are in season and then wait another year.

One batch of Walla Walla Sweet onion rings - DONE.

Richard - I'd love a Satan's Whiskers. :D and yes, we could abstain for one Thursday - lets see what the consensus is.

<starts singing "who let the dogs out">

No Mario - we're just kidding. Come have a beer with me.

08-11-2004, 01:03 PM
Can I join in this week? I haven't in the parteeee mood lately but it's so hot here that all I can think of is slushies! :D
DDM: I feel your pain. I'm at work too....when will this nightmare end? Oh yeah, 13 yrs this month to retirement.
Catland: Thanks for opening the bar. I'm noticing that it seem to open earlier and earlier every week? :confused:
Hi MOFF: Did you get a PM from David??
Richard: The DOTD sound pretty harsh to me. I think I'll stick with a slushie. Ahhhh, brings back memories.

08-11-2004, 01:21 PM
dukesdogmon come on over. I have a big yard. You could pitch a tent!

catland, thanks for the onion rings. I've never had walla walla ones before. They sure are BIG! and yummy!

Hi, slick! Nope! No PM from David p. I haven't even seen him around lately. Did you get one?:D

No, Mario, we aren't getting you a dog to ride as a horsie!

08-11-2004, 01:32 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
Hi, slick! Nope! No PM from David p. I haven't even seen him around lately. Did you get one?:D
Yup, I'll forward it to you. Looks like we did good, girl!!

08-11-2004, 01:32 PM
Argh! I could use a pitcher of the DOTD with the way work is going this week! Stupid bosses, misinformation and MEETINGS lots of meetings! Sigh, Remus is on edge too, probibly cause its so dern hot here. 100 degrees today!

08-11-2004, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
dukesdogmon come on over. I have a big yard. You could pitch a tent!

catland, thanks for the onion rings. I've never had walla walla ones before. They sure are BIG! and yummy!

Hi, slick! Nope! No PM from David p. I haven't even seen him around lately. Did you get one?:D

No, Mario, we aren't getting you a dog to ride as a horsie! Connie, sorry I didn't PM you right away, but I want to say THANK YOU for Dr. Mario!!! Maybe I should PM you and be all gushy about it,but I'm not the gushy type.That was so thoughtful of you and Slick to do this for me!!Maybe I'll treat you and Slick to a slushie. Both of you are real nice girls! (see, Slick? I called you a girl again!)

08-11-2004, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by DJFyrewolf36
Stupid bosses, misinformation and MEETINGS lots of meetings!
Do what I used to do.....eat lots and lots of bean burritos before going into the meeting......believe me they'll race through that agenda and cut the meeting time in half. :D

08-11-2004, 01:48 PM
Originally posted by david p
(see, Slick? I called you a girl again!)
:o :o Awww shucks!!!!

08-11-2004, 02:02 PM
Serve me up one of the DOTDs too Richard!! This company move has been a lot more work than I thought it would be! I have so much actual work, that I haven't even had time to unpack my office! :rolleyes: So, I'm sitting among my forest of boxes and that mention of hotdogs is making me hungry! Actually, make it a polish sausage with ketchup, mustard and pickle relish. I also want a nice large side of onion rings!

It was so bloody hot over the weekend, that it did feel like the "dog days of summer", but luckily it has cooled down a bit. Overall, this has been a pretty mild summer for us!

No Mario, you can't lick the pickle relish off of my polish sausage...:rolleyes: LOL ;)

08-11-2004, 02:06 PM
Hello everyonw.....I am so glad to see that the bar is open early. I can use it today. The manic next to me is riding high today....yesterday she was lower than low. I am looking for some stability.......


I would love a DOTD and give mario a refill on me. I had to dig into the house fund because of a robbery from my back yard so I have cash to burn ..... :(

08-11-2004, 02:14 PM
Originally posted by david p
Connie, sorry I didn't PM you right away, but I want to say THANK YOU for Dr. Mario!!! Maybe I should PM you and be all gushy about it,but I'm not the gushy type.That was so thoughtful of you and Slick to do this for me!!Maybe I'll treat you and Slick to a slushie. Both of you are real nice girls! (see, Slick? I called you a girl again!) That's quite all right! No qushing required or needed! Slick gets all the credit.
Just be careful if Mario comes at you with the thermometer! You know which end he thinks those go in!!!!!!!:eek: :D

08-11-2004, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
That's quite all right! No qushing required or needed! Slick gets all the credit.
Just be careful if Mario comes at you with the thermometer! You know which end he thinks those go in!!!!!!!:eek: :D Connie, I promise I won't turn my back to him!!! lol lol Connie, I'm going to do my volunteering on saturday and it will give me a chance to show Dr. Mario off!

08-11-2004, 02:56 PM
Slick's not a girl? I'm confuzzled. Probably too many of those drinks. Oh, just got back from the store. Anyone want a chocolate bar? I just had one and they are very tasty. It's a new one made by M&Ms. It's called M-azing. It's filled with mini crispy M&Ms. Chocolate to a woman is almost as good as something else :o You can guess what that is, if you like. I'm not saying anything else.

08-11-2004, 03:11 PM
I'll go ahead and fill in as barkeep for the moment -

DDM - did you bring enough candy bars to share with the class?;)

David - you got your own Mario? How cool.:cool:

snappy - one DOTD for you - good to see you back.:D

Wolfy - a DOTD for you too.:D

Slick - LOL!:rolleyes: - no more burritos for you today.

DJF - a pitcher of DOTD's for you! :eek: :D

momo - told you those rings are the best.;)


08-11-2004, 03:53 PM
catland - thanks for the DOTD. It is hitting the spot. I better be careful though - got some websurfing to do later this evenng and don't want to over due on this - might get pulled over for

OK - bad/lame I know.....:)

08-11-2004, 03:57 PM
I'm at work and just thought to come back here. Yes, there is plenty of chocolate for all! Enjoy. I even bought a few of the dark chocolate for those inclined :)

08-11-2004, 04:13 PM
Let's see what Richard and Catland will do with this order....

I just came back from Dim Sum lunch and could sure use a Mango Bubble Tea. :D ;)

08-11-2004, 04:16 PM
Originally posted by slick
Let's see what Richard and Catland will do with this order....

I just came back from Dim Sum lunch and could sure use a Mango Bubble Tea. :D ;)

Yum! I love Dim Sum! Did you get a fortune cookie before you left the restaurant?
"Confusious say: man who stand on toilet...high on pot!"


08-11-2004, 04:18 PM
wolflady, that is so funny!

08-11-2004, 04:29 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
wolflady, that is so funny!

LOL LOL I'm full of it...uh, I mean them! :p Give me a few more DOTDs and I'll be rattling them off! LOL

Did someone say chocolate?? Just what I need...and perhaps a glass of godiva chocolate liqueur to go with it?? Yum!

08-11-2004, 04:30 PM
Hi everybody, hope all are doing okay today! I am kind of sad, my grandson went home today, so he could register for school. The good thing is he is supposed to be back Friday! Yippee!

I want to try that DOTD, it sounds really good. Mario, of course will drink his usual beer with some cherries.

David, sounds like you got a fantastic gift! LOL, are you taking your Mario to the hospital with you? I think you should, just for luck!

That was really nice of you Slick and Moff, how sweet you are!


08-11-2004, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by wolflady
Yum! I love Dim Sum! Did you get a fortune cookie before you left the restaurant?
"Confusious say: man who stand on toilet...high on pot!"

:D :D ROFLMAO!!! Next BBQ season I think we should all go out for Dim Sum or at least a meal at that restaurant Richard was talking about (Thai I think it was??). And next year when I come down I'm going to plan on two days for Dizzyland. :)

08-11-2004, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by slick
Let's see what Richard and Catland will do with this order....

I just came back from Dim Sum lunch and could sure use a Mango Bubble Tea. :D ;)

that's easy Slick. I'll just make up the tea, get a straw, and we'll let Mario blow bubbles into it.

Did I get it right?

08-11-2004, 05:01 PM
Originally posted by slick
:D :D ROFLMAO!!! Next BBQ season I think we should all go out for Dim Sum or at least a meal at that restaurant Richard was talking about (Thai I think it was??). And next year when I come down I'm going to plan on two days for Dizzyland. :)

Yes, yes! I second this! Can you imagine us at a restaurant together??!! :eek: That would be a riot!! :D

"Confusious say: man who run with untied shoelace - have bad trip"!!

Miss Meow
08-11-2004, 05:13 PM

A DOTD, please!

And some nachos would be spectacular

08-11-2004, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by trayi52
Hi everybody, hope all are doing okay today! I am kind of sad, my grandson went home today, so he could register for school. The good thing is he is supposed to be back Friday! Yippee!

I want to try that DOTD, it sounds really good. Mario, of course will drink his usual beer with some cherries.

David, sounds like you got a fantastic gift! LOL, are you taking your Mario to the hospital with you? I think you should, just for luck!

That was really nice of you Slick and Moff, how sweet you are!

Willie:D Willie, Dr. Mario just might be coming with me! I have to show him to a couple of people first! Willie, I'm starting to get overwhelmed by all of the kindness of every PTer here! I just can't thank them enough!

08-11-2004, 05:38 PM
Originally posted by wolflady
Yes, yes! I second this! Can you imagine us at a restaurant together??!! :eek: That would be a riot!! :D
We could make up some posters.....:D ;)
Hi Willie, Hi Miss Meow! **waves**
Catland: Very funny!!! :D Bubble Tea is an Asian drink that's kind of a slushy with tapioca pearls in the bottom. Mango is my favourite flavour.
David: don't blame me. She **points to Connie** puts ideas into my head. :D

08-11-2004, 05:59 PM
Originally posted by wolflady
Yes, yes! I second this! Can you imagine us at a restaurant together??!! :eek: That would be a riot!! :D

LOL!! My neighbors did ask when the Third Annual will be: (so they can be out of town).

I can hear it now, maitre'd asks: "What is this group?" Oh, we are PET TALKERS" Maitre'd to waiter: "cut off the drinks to table #12."

A Dr. Mario - what a great idea - did you send a lot of diapers along with him? And does anyone know that right in the middle of surgery he is given to scratching under his arm and making outlandish sounds? Maybe Laurie needs to be sent up to be with David. She's the only one who can quiet Mario (a Dr. or not) down.

Satan's Whiskers..........not too sure about this one. I think I will go for a green slushie - especially on this hot August day.

(remember to never serve burritos at my BBQ - especially to Slick)
(remember to get package of fortune cookies for Karen)

08-11-2004, 06:01 PM
A completely alcohol free Thursdays? I can do that - but if you cut out the onion rings I am going to rebel. And Mario isn't going to like doing without beer. Maybe we can get him a blueberry drink - he likes blueberries!

08-11-2004, 06:15 PM
You guys are as bad as what was going on at work to day . Must be something in the air . We were all goofy as heck. It was my friday I can't say why the rest were nutty.
I'll take a diet lime please Richard..

08-11-2004, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by gini
LOL!! My neighbors did ask when the Third Annual will be: (so they can be out of town).

I can hear it now, maitre'd asks: "What is this group?" Oh, we are PET TALKERS" Maitre'd to waiter: "cut off the drinks to table #12."

A Dr. Mario - what a great idea - did you send a lot of diapers along with him? And does anyone know that right in the middle of surgery he is given to scratching under his arm and making outlandish sounds? Maybe Laurie needs to be sent up to be with David. She's the only one who can quiet Mario (a Dr. or not) down.

Satan's Whiskers..........not too sure about this one. I think I will go for a green slushie - especially on this hot August day.

(remember to never serve burritos at my BBQ - especially to Slick)
(remember to get package of fortune cookies for Karen) Gini, he's wearing a washable diaper right now! If I bring him in, I'm afraid he'll take over the hospital!:eek:

08-11-2004, 11:48 PM
Say david not to get you on a touchy subject but when is your new surjury date? I have a couplre of great cards for you . they say laughter is the best medicne well get ready to get well very very fast.

08-11-2004, 11:57 PM
Hi Corinna, nice to see you here. The bar is very quiet tonight. I'm sure David will get back to you but in case you want the answer right away, the sir jury is August 18th. Don't know what time it is where you are but it's still rather early here. Are you going to stick around?

08-12-2004, 12:03 AM
Hey ya'll! It's after 1am here. Getting ready to turn in. Where'd all these peanut hulls come from? I don't remember eating any. Someone have a broom?

08-12-2004, 12:06 AM
Hi DDM: it's only 10pm here. Don't worry about the peanut shells. I'll sweep them up. Do you want a nightcap?

08-12-2004, 12:07 AM
Sure, why not? Thanks. Kind of wired because of extra coffee this evening at work plus the storm thing.

08-12-2004, 12:09 AM
Hi there Its just now 11:00 I was out with my son trying to see the metor shower but I kept getting eaten by the stupid mosqutos. I thought it was the 18th for Davids new date. I found some of the funniest cards maybe he'll share them , if not I will I' m going to scan them.

08-12-2004, 12:11 AM
OK. I don't know how to make the DOTD so how about I fix us a couple of slushies?? That should knock you out for the night.

BTW: the only thing on TV tonight is Saturday Night Fever. John T was such the Polyester Prince wasn't he?

Night fever, night fever.....

Corinna, Yes please. Scan them but don't post them. We don't want David to see them in advance. You can email them to [email protected] if you want.

08-12-2004, 12:13 AM
You know, I've never watched that movie? I loved Urban Cowboy. Slushies work. Or, if you're feeling lazy, Captain Morgan's Parrot Bay Rum with orange juice is always good.

08-12-2004, 12:15 AM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
You know, I've never watched that movie? I loved Urban Cowboy. Slushies work. Or, if you're feeling lazy, Captain Morgan's Parrot Bay Rum with orange juice is always good.


Funny but on the way home from work I was listening to the local C&W station and they played a song and some of the words were "sail away with Captain Morgan but never leave dry ground". :D

08-12-2004, 12:19 AM
That is too funny! I love Johnny Lee. I think that's his name. Sings: Lookin' for love in all the wrong places............
Well, thanks for the drink! I've got to get some sleep. Eyes hurt. Have fun the rest of the night. Hope someone joins you.

08-12-2004, 12:41 AM
I'm going to post how my day was on Monday we celebrated a 60th birthday of a famous person . Iam going to make a thread for it tommorrow but here is a preveiw . My boss and I had a great time , the kids all loved our little party.

08-12-2004, 02:04 AM
Slick, you and Corinna are sneaky!!

08-12-2004, 04:48 AM
Hey everyone! God I miss Thursdays!!! What an awesome bar this is! I already have a corona sitting here, but may I request a shot of Jack? Is Mario around? I'd love to see that silly monkey! Just thought I'd check in with you guys, and say HI. I am in Tigard now, at Dereks house. :) Things are going OK. I'll have to explain more later in another thread in General. Just wanted to sit down and have a drink with you all.


08-12-2004, 04:50 AM
Also, what's the drink of the day? And........what you all got cooking? Any good stuff? hehe

08-12-2004, 08:50 AM
Good morning L4M. It's not even 7am here and here I am venturing over to the bar. Maybe I should take another read of Tonya's Alcohol thread. Oh what the heck, it's only cyber booze.

I'm going to sneak in the kitchen and put on a pot of coffee. Those Eastern people should be here soon. I'll see if I can rustle up some breakfast too. How about French Toast?

08-12-2004, 09:24 AM
I see that David is a night owl too. Hi there . I can't stay I have a picnic for a group we work with . It's called special freinds , Its a group that helps kids and their familys that have disabiltys. its a branch off of our crossing the barriers program for adults.
Today I get to help them fish( we bring in big water tanks and 3year old breeder trout and hook them on a hook for the kids. This is the only way some get to fish. Most are on oxygen and in wheelchairs. Taking my camera so maybe you'll see me wet ) (not good,) Have fun here at Dick's place. BTW where is our regular bar keep?

08-12-2004, 09:25 AM
Good morning! I just ate breakfast but I can make it for anyone that wants it. I had cinnamon toast and scrambled eggs. Haven't had coffee yet, though. So, I think I'll have a hot cup with some french vanilla creamer. That ought to wake me up.

08-12-2004, 09:38 AM
Corinna, what a wonderful thing you are doing for those kids. You'll get your reward someday.

DDM, fresh coffee on the bar. Help yourself. There's also some Bailey's for those who feel "adventurous" this time of the morning.:D

08-12-2004, 09:53 AM
Originally posted by slick
Corinna, what a wonderful thing you are doing for those kids. You'll get your reward someday.

DDM, fresh coffee on the bar. Help yourself. There's also some Bailey's for those who feel "adventurous" this time of the morning.:D Slick, that fresh coffee will hit the spot! The crumb of a boss had us working in the rain this morning! I need something to warm me up. Corinna, That is a most worth while thing you are doing for these children who couldn't get out otherwise!

08-12-2004, 10:13 AM
David, you are more than welcome to send the rain up here. I could use some relief.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-12-2004, 10:14 AM
Just wanted to stop in and say Hi Everbody <waves> :D

Been a busy week and I'm still not done with everything, so I'll be a little scarce this week. Didn't check what the DOTD is this week - but I'll take two - to go please. :D

08-12-2004, 10:19 AM
Originally posted by slick
David, you are more than welcome to send the rain up here. I could use some relief. Slick, you can have every last drop! It must be awfully dry up there. We are getting rain coming up from the storms down south.

08-12-2004, 10:40 AM
Originally posted by slick
Corinna, what a wonderful thing you are doing for those kids. You'll get your reward someday.

DDM, fresh coffee on the bar. Help yourself. There's also some Bailey's for those who feel "adventurous" this time of the morning.:D

*bows at feet* You are the best! This Bailey's is quite tasty. Some of that french toast would be great! I'll help myself to the coffee and Bailey's! :D

Is it Friday yet?? Ugh...I swear I feel like I'm living at work since I'm here so long everyday. Once I get everything unpacked here at the new local, I'm sure things will settle down...I hope!

08-12-2004, 10:57 AM
Hate to drink & run but totally swamped at work (and if TS Bonnie and/or hurricane Charlie work their way north as expected I'll be swamped in my basement too!). A good friend at work and someone I've worked with for almost 17 yrs announced that she's retiring at the end of the month. She's been with this Association for 37 yrs :eek: Can you imagine! This is the only job she's ever had. I'll try to stop by to lend a hand with the food and drinks a bit later but have to finish up a project. Bye everyone, behave yourselfs (or if not, keep it out of the papers) :rolleyes:

08-12-2004, 10:59 AM
Laurie, come back. How are we going to shut Mario up?? He won't listen to us.:eek:

08-12-2004, 11:05 AM
Ask Corinna to take him fishing :D

08-12-2004, 11:10 AM
Good morning everyone - I see the bar is already up and running.

The other day I was flipping through channels on the TV and there in the history channel they were doing a show on hazardous chemicals and you know who they showed?

The Hazmat guys.:eek: :D

I just smiled.

Slick - got any more of those slushies?

08-12-2004, 11:18 AM
Originally posted by catland
The Hazmat guys.:eek: :D

I just smiled.

Slick - got any more of those slushies?
Isn't it weird that as you go through life there are certain things that make you laugh because of Pet Talk. Everytime I see a stuffed monkey I'm reminded of Mario.

Slushie? DONE!

08-12-2004, 11:23 AM
PT has also changed my vocabulary! Sometimes a "furminology" word will come out of my mouth and boy oh boy do I get "the look" :o

08-12-2004, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by slick
Isn't it weird that as you go through life there are certain things that make you laugh because of Pet Talk. Everytime I see a stuffed monkey I'm reminded of Mario.

Slushie? DONE!
*waves* Hi, everyone!
Gosh, I'm to the point I think of Mario and PT when I see any monkey, stuffed or not!

Maybe we can make Mario a blueberry slushie if we have an alcohol free day!

Any cherry root beer around?

By the way, Where IS Richard?

08-12-2004, 11:33 AM
Hi everyone.

I took and IDGAF day yesterday and it's slowly creeping into today......

Just a lot of horse puck around and I am a little tired......

Damn meteor showers......

I'll be back.

08-12-2004, 11:34 AM
Originally posted by lbaker
PT has also changed my vocabulary! Sometimes a "furminology" word will come out of my mouth and boy oh boy do I get "the look" :o

LOL LOL I know exactly what you mean! ;)

Yes, *taps foot* where IS Richard??!! Oh, there you are! Watch out for those meteor showers...you never know how they may affect you! :eek:

08-12-2004, 11:38 AM
Originally posted by RICHARD

Damn meteor showers......

I'll be back. You'd better be back! PT would be lots less fun without you!

Um, why are you showering with meteors? I think a shower with lots of hot WATER would be better! (I'm a blubble bath girl myself) No wonder you are a mite grumpy. Meteors would hurt!:eek: :D

08-12-2004, 11:41 AM
OH MOFF :D :D :D :D Meteor showers! Bubble Bath Girl! Now I'm getting "the look" from my co-workers because I'm giggling so hard

08-12-2004, 11:44 AM
Originally posted by slick
Good morning L4M. It's not even 7am here and here I am venturing over to the bar. Maybe I should take another read of Tonya's Alcohol thread. Oh what the heck, it's only cyber booze.

I'm going to sneak in the kitchen and put on a pot of coffee. Those Eastern people should be here soon. I'll see if I can rustle up some breakfast too. How about French Toast?

French Toast sounds wonderful!!!! :D Any hot chocolate come with that? :p

08-12-2004, 11:46 AM
Originally posted by lbaker
OH MOFF :D :D :D :D Meteor showers! Bubble Bath Girl! Now I'm getting "the look" from my co-workers because I'm giggling so hard Just blame it on the meteor shower!

:eek: I just remembered: TOMORROW IS FRIDAY THE 13TH!!!! :eek:

08-12-2004, 11:53 AM
Hi everyone!!

Cass, its been awhile since I have seen you here! It is good to see you!

I had the funniest dream last night, I dreamed there were Capuchin monkies everywhere!! I was carrying this little girl around looking for Mario, of course he was with all these other monkies! Whew, what a dream, our house was close to the highway and I was so scared these little guys were going to get in the highway and get hit! I am so glad we don't live next to the highway! I kind of like the boonies!

Anyway, I'll take some of that coffee, that dream is still stuck in my mind. Maybe the coffee will shake it loose.

By the way in case you haven't seen it there is a thread with Mario and my grandson in general, with a video too!


08-12-2004, 11:55 AM
Originally posted by slick
Isn't it weird that as you go through life there are certain things that make you laugh because of Pet Talk. Everytime I see a stuffed monkey I'm reminded of Mario.

Slushie? DONE! That's funny,Slick. So do I! May I have a slushie?

08-12-2004, 11:57 AM
Meteor Showers?
Bubble Bath Girl?
French Toast?

What they hey are you all talkin' about?

Oh, I get it - you have to stay up all night now on Wednesday night to get the drift!

I was up at 6 rustling my trash cans AND my neighbors back into the street. Some dufus had put all six of them back on my lawn so he could park his car. Left me in a good mood!!

A coffee and some of Slick's Bailey's would change my mood!
DDM - did you eat ALL of the french toast?

Friday the 13th - gosh, we could pretend that it is an early Halloween - what say you Richard?

08-12-2004, 12:02 PM
Gini, is rustling neighbors easier than rustling, say... cattle :confused:

08-12-2004, 12:09 PM
Originally posted by gini

I was up at 6 rustling my trash cans AND my neighbors back into the street. Some dufus had put all six of them back on my lawn so he could park his car. Left me in a good mood!!
I'd like to sic you on MY neighbors! Last night someone pulled the bag of trash in my barrel out and tore it open. I would love to have seen their face! It was used cat litter!!!! I giggled all the time I wrapped it in a new bag!!!! :D Still makes me grin!!! It was extra aromatic too!!!:D

08-12-2004, 12:11 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
*sighs* Well, there goes my last pleasure. I can't even eat cyber food with out being fussed at. In real life I haven't had a hot dog, onion rings or even pop, for YEARS! It upsets my tummy! So much for fantasies!:eek: ;) :D

I wanted to make sure that I wasn't misunderstood in replying to your request.

I mentioned the improvement in your eating habits because you DIDN'T ask for cheese, pickle and hot mustard on your hot dog...;)

I'll be popping in and out today..

Speaking of monkeys...last night in the news there was a piece on a gent who is a C-5 (C-5 means his spine was injured at the fifth cervical vertebra) quadraplegic that got a helper monkey..

It was a wonderful piece.....This guys dream was to go to a Anaheim Angels game with his monkey!!!! WHY????


08-12-2004, 12:15 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
I'd like to sic you on MY neighbors! Last night someone pulled the bag of trash in my barrel out and tore it open. I would love to have seen their face! It was used cat litter!!!! I giggled all the time I wrapped it in a new bag!!!! :D Still makes me grin!!! It was extra aromatic too!!!:D Boy, Connie, I would have loved to see the expressions on their faces!! I bet it was EXTRA aromatic. lol lol

08-12-2004, 12:15 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
I wanted to make sure that I wasn't misunderstood in replying to your request.

I mentioned the improvement in your eating habits because you DIDN'T ask for cheese, pickle and hot mustard on your hot dog...;)
Yep! I misunderstood! I thought you were trying to get me to eat HEALTHY! YIKES! :D

Don't care for hot mustard any day of the week, cyber or not. I'm a wuss about hot stuff, unless he's cute, that is!;)

08-12-2004, 12:18 PM
Mario and the Rally Monkey....


separated at birth??

08-12-2004, 12:18 PM
Originally posted by david p
Boy, Connie, I would have loved to see the expressions on their faces!! I bet it was EXTRA aromatic. lol lol Specially since it had been in the barrel for several days before they "discovered" it! He! He! He!:D :D

08-12-2004, 12:34 PM
Speaking of eating healthy.... I bought one of those magazine subs one time that was called "Good Foods" or "Eating Well" or something thinking that it would have recipes for fried pork chops and garlic mashed potatoes with gravy or meat loaf and my idea of Good Food. Turns out the stupid thing was a health food magazine. How utterly boring....

08-12-2004, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by lbaker
Speaking of eating healthy.... I bought one of those magazine subs one time that was called "Good Foods" or "Eating Well" or something thinking that it would have recipes for fried pork chops and garlic mashed potatoes with gravy or meat loaf and my idea of Good Food. Turns out the stupid thing was a health food magazine. How utterly boring....


08-12-2004, 02:07 PM
Good day all - is the DOTD still a Satan? Or have we moved on to Slushies - or hurricanes for our PT'rs in Florida?

what ever it is - I would love one.

08-12-2004, 02:27 PM
Hi fellow bar patrons! Got called away this morning - big office shake-up at a remote site and had to go out to disable some computers.

Gini rustling with neighbours? Be careful otherwise they will ban you from having another BBQ. They were will we go??? :confused:

Talk about eating healthy I'm sitting here eating my green salad with shrimp with garlic dressing. MMMMMMM. Any chance of getting some cheese fries to go with it? :D

08-12-2004, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by snappy
Good day all - is the DOTD still a Satan? Or have we moved on to Slushies - or hurricanes for our PT'rs in Florida?

what ever it is - I would love one.

You can have one of each!



I don't do well matchmaking??? What's 'hot' to me would seriously hurt someone else!:eek: ;)

Hey David,
How ya holding up?? Slushie? DONE!


Cafe and bailey's........DONE!


GREAT PICs of Mario and the GS......

Give them both hugs and slugs from the bar, hokay??

Coffee?? DONE!!

I am starting to feel alive....

08-12-2004, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
You can have one of each!



I don't do well matchmaking??? What's 'hot' to me would seriously hurt someone else!:eek: ;)

Hey David,
How ya holding up?? Slushie? DONE!


Cafe and bailey's........DONE!


GREAT PICs of Mario and the GS......

Give them both hugs and slugs from the bar, hokay??

Coffee?? DONE!!

I am starting to feel alive....
:rolleyes: RICHARD, I have 5 days to go before replacement, and I'm starting nervous mode now. Matbe a DOTD will help!

08-12-2004, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
I am starting to feel alive....

Ah Ah Ah Ah Staying Alive
Staying Alive
Ah Ah Ah Ah Staying Aliiiiiiiiivvvveeeeeee

Sorry, still recovering the the Sat Night Fever I watched last night.

Richard, how about putting on those polyester pants and doing a John Travola number for us?? :D

Oh yes, and I'll take a slushie while you're at it. Thanks.

08-12-2004, 02:50 PM
LOOKY!!! David is only 99 posts from his first 1000! Can you post 99 times in five days? I'm trying to give you a goal to help keep your mind off your you know what!:D

Originally posted by slick

Richard, how about putting on those polyester pants and doing a John Travola number for us?? :D
I'll drink to THAT! Oh, course, Mario will want to dance with you!:D

08-12-2004, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by slick
Ah Ah Ah Ah Staying Alive
Staying Alive
Ah Ah Ah Ah Staying Aliiiiiiiiivvvveeeeeee

Sorry, still recovering the the Sat Night Fever I watched last night.

Richard, how about putting on those polyester pants and doing a John Travola number for us?? :D

Oh yes, and I'll take a slushie while you're at it. Thanks. Slick, I have Saturday Night Fever on tape. Maybe when I get better, I'll be able to show you some moves!! LOL lol

08-12-2004, 02:58 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
LOOKY!!! David is only 99 posts from his first 1000! Can you post 99 times in five days? I'm trying to give you a goal to help keep your mind off your you know what!:D

I'll drink to THAT! Oh, course, Mario will want to dance with you!:D Connie, I'm a slow hunt & peck man, but I'll give it the old college try!! I'll make Mario lead!!

08-12-2004, 04:23 PM
Hey it would have been fun to Take Mario fishing! he would have been a hit with the kids and adults. I'm down loading my camera now so in a few mintues I'll have some pictures to send out here in the bar.
Anna 66 if your here I have to empty the camera then I;ll get some of my crew and post them.
How about a diet soda to day its 95 here today , didn't seem to bother the kids . We also had a horse carrage come and givre the kids rides.

08-12-2004, 05:19 PM
Originally posted by slick

Richard, how about putting on those polyester pants and doing a John Travola number for us?? :D

Oh yes, and I'll take a slushie while you're at it. Thanks.

How's about those polyester pants doing a number on me??:eek:

Slushie? DONE!!

Corrina, Diet Soda...on the way!!


08-12-2004, 05:21 PM
ok I don't yet know how to post to form but I'll learn soon. But here is the way to transfer fish from truck to stock tanks

08-12-2004, 05:23 PM
Line up for fishing
I will start a thread called fishing day in general

08-12-2004, 05:35 PM
Originally posted by Corinna
Line up for fishing
I will start a thread called fishing day in general

I don't fish but Montana fishing sounds good to me..

what does the line say?

A bad day fishing beats a good day at work!;)

08-12-2004, 05:40 PM
You got that right and even better is the hunting . You may not see any thing that you can take but beiing out in the woods is so great. I drive my family crazy I hunt with a camera ,I leave the meat getting to them I cook it but not clean or kill it. I will drive it to the butcher , usually my camera scares away the game so I'm left home a lot.

08-12-2004, 05:46 PM
Hi again everybody.

This just happened here at work. I'm minding my own business when I hear what is a very familiar sound - but the context is all wrong. I then realize its the receptionist walking by wearing sandals or flip-flops that make a funny sound as she goes by.

The sound I thought for just a moment that I heard? The sound my kitty, Joxer, barfing.:eek: :p

08-12-2004, 05:50 PM
catland you need a day off I think. That or one of Richards DOTD.

08-12-2004, 06:51 PM
Originally posted by Corinna
catland you need a day off I think. That or one of Richards DOTD.
You're right Corinna. How about I mix us up a blender of slushies! I'm addicted to those things. :D

08-12-2004, 07:01 PM
Hi, girls! Can old knee and a half have a slushie with you two? Right now the knee is SO stiff, and if I even think of turning it the wrong way, it HURTS!

08-12-2004, 07:12 PM
Sit down David and take a load off. Here's your slushie. I even put a little umbrella in it! :D

08-12-2004, 07:25 PM
Slushies, yum! I'm having Big Brother withdrawals! Only thing on that station is storm stuff. It was going to be so good tonight. Anyone else watch it? I'll take a huge slushie to help me forget about what I'm missing and the storm. So far, so good here.

08-12-2004, 11:46 PM
Slick, I thought I saw you but I guess you left in a hurry.

I was going to sit down and have a slushie with you.

Good grief, hear the rain on the tin roof of the bar? What a racket. Let's hope we don't have any leaks!

08-12-2004, 11:55 PM
Hey everyone. I'm not feeling so great right now, so can I have a nice tall glass of water with lemon? Perty please! :D

08-13-2004, 09:43 AM
Originally posted by gini
Slick, I thought I saw you but I guess you left in a hurry.

I was going to sit down and have a slushie with you.
Sorry I missed you. I was here but no one showed up so I went home.

It's going to be a great day today. Not only is it Friday the 13th but it's "take your dog to work" day. :) I've got my container of dog treats ready to go and looking forward to being the official dog-walker. Gini, one of the dogs is a Golden Retriever named Rousseau so yet again, I'll be reminded of the BBQ. I'll have to test the butt scratch theory on him. :D

I've put on a fresh pot of coffee and whipped up a new batch of Bailey's. Help yourself.

Sorry you're not feeling well L4M. Here's your water with lemon. Go and sit down and put your feet up. I'm sure the others will be along shortly.

08-13-2004, 09:49 AM
Well I never! hmmmphh .. On Willies thread about pictures of Mario SOMEONE (who's initials are KK) said she was glad to see real pictures of Mario, that for awhile she thought
"Mario was an invention made up by those mad Thursdays people Why the very idea that we would make anything up :mad: I resemble that remark ;) :rolleyes:
Here I go again, it's Friday and I'm laughing like a Mad Hatter right at my desk :D :D :D

08-13-2004, 09:52 AM
Originally posted by slick
Sorry I missed you. I was here but no one showed up so I went home.

It's going to be a great day today. Not only is it Friday the 13th but it's "take your dog to work" day. :) I've got my container of dog treats ready to go and looking forward to being the official dog-walker. Gini, one of the dogs is a Golden Retriever named Rousseau so yet again, I'll be reminded of the BBQ. I'll have to test the butt scratch theory on him. :D

I've put on a fresh pot of coffee and whipped up a new batch of Bailey's. Help yourself.

Sorry you're not feeling well L4M. Here's your water with lemon. Go and sit down and put your feet up. I'm sure the others will be along shortly. Slick, that coffee even for cyber smells REAL GOOD! I might even be coaxed into having a Bailey's. I didn't go to work today because my knee was super stiff and somewhat painful. Maybe THAT'S WHY I need the Bailey's!!

08-13-2004, 09:58 AM
Originally posted by lbaker
Well I never! hmmmphh .. On Willies thread about pictures of Mario SOMEONE (who's initials are KK) said she was glad to see real pictures of Mario, that for awhile she thought Why the very idea that we would make anything up :mad: I resemble that remark ;) :rolleyes:
Here I go again, it's Friday and I'm laughing like a Mad Hatter right at my desk :D :D :D He's real alright! I have one of his sons here at home and he might be going to the hospital with me!

08-13-2004, 09:59 AM
Laurie, I read that and had to laugh too! As I sit here typing, Mario is looking in at me now. Anyway, I got a good laugh over that one too. Mad Thursday people?! LMAO!!!! I just love that discription!!;) :D

Coffee please! Guess what? Mario wants coffee this morning too!


Killearn Kitties
08-13-2004, 10:00 AM
Hehehe. I just pop in to find out what's happening and you are talking about me!!! I'm so upset. :D :D :D I'll have a coffee and Baileys to make up for it please.

Sorry you were abandoned last week Dukedogsmom. I had to leave suddenly or else I would have enjoyed a champagne and orange juice with you! I hope you stay safe in that hurricaine.

08-13-2004, 10:03 AM
Hi KK come on in and enjoy the company of other "MAD THURSDAY PEOPLE". :D :D ;) ;)
Here's your coffee and you can help yourself to the Bailey's on the bar but don't put too much in otherwise you'll have a "monkey on your back".:D :D

08-13-2004, 10:10 AM
Those *mad* people at Thursdays! Did KK really say that about us? Ha, I didn't know she knew us that well.

KK, sit right down here and you have not lived until you have tried Slick's homemade Baileys.

I think that it is funny that we have a reputation here...........but everyone seems to want to pop their head in and check out what is going on.

Mario - have you met KK? Mmmm, well you COULD offer her that cherry as a greeting - but I think she would like one from the jar and not from your mouth!

Slick, enjoy the Golden today - I do love those dogs.

08-13-2004, 10:12 AM
KK, welcome to our mad little group! Actually we're not mad, just alittle off the wall! C'mon grab a cup ang we'll have some coffee together!

08-13-2004, 10:14 AM
well sometimes I DO get a wee bit miffed when Gini cheats at jacks :rolleyes:

08-13-2004, 10:19 AM
Originally posted by lbaker
well sometimes I DO get a wee bit miffed when Gini cheats at jacks :rolleyes: Sometimes I do get a little perturbed when Mario cheats at cards!

08-13-2004, 10:19 AM
Originally posted by lbaker
well sometimes I DO get a wee bit miffed when Gini cheats at jacks :rolleyes:
What?? Gini cheated on Jack?? :eek: Not our sweet little Miss Gini! She'd never stoop so low.

KK: don't mind us. We start out in one direction and before you know it we've blown ourselves off course. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.

A story: You know that song "If I Had a Million Dollars" - Barenaked Ladies? I've heard it on the radio 3 times this week, twice on the way to work and last night on the way home. I thnk the Gods are trying to tell me something. Look at the time. Later guys.

**struts out of the bar singing**

If I had a million dollars (if I had a million dollars)
I'd buy you a house (I would buy you a house)
If I had a million dollars (if I had a million dollars)
I'd buy you furniture for your house (Maybe a nice Chesterfield or an ottoman)
If I had a million dollars (if I had a million dollars)
I'd buy you a K-Car (a nice Reliant automobile)
If I had a million dollars I'd buy your love.

08-13-2004, 10:25 AM
Gini cheats at jacks !!!!Well I never!!!(Thinking to self I had better watch myself next time I play cards around here remember LLLLOOOONNNGGGG sleeves) :D Good morning I'll have a diet soda
What is every ones plans today . I am going to my ddaughters to work on the baby quilts for those here and design one for her. At least I have until March for hers.
Any one hear from other the Floridans? I guess to day is supposed to be the worst. How are things inland Dukesmom?

08-13-2004, 10:31 AM
Hurrumphhhh! I am picking up my jacks and going home!

(sticks tongue out at Laurie, Slick and Corinna)

Killearn Kitties
08-13-2004, 10:32 AM
Hello, Mario. I'm pleased to meet you at last. Thank you very much for the cherry. Yes, I like cherries too (from the jar!).

I'm sorry your knee is so stiff today David. It's next week you have the op isn't it? Have you been eating loads of bananas still?

Official dog-walker sounds a good job for the day, Slick. Have many people brought dogs in? Is it mayhem?

Mmmm ... excellent Baileys!

Killearn Kitties
08-13-2004, 10:37 AM
:D I'm good at spotting people cheating. My dad was the most appalling cheat at games!! I'm sure no-one here would do that. :eek:

08-13-2004, 10:42 AM
Originally posted by Killearn Kitties
Hello, Mario. I'm pleased to meet you at last. Thank you very much for the cherry. Yes, I like cherries too (from the jar!).

I'm sorry your knee is so stiff today David. It's next week you have the op isn't it? Have you been eating loads of bananas still?

Official dog-walker sounds a good job for the day, Slick. Have many people brought dogs in? Is it mayhem?

Mmmm ... excellent Baileys! Yes, KK I'm eating LOTS of bananas and taking potassium pills! I have tons of potassium in me now LOL My surgery is going to be on August 18th. So this may be my last thursday I spend with everyone! That is until I get home.

08-13-2004, 10:46 AM
Well, howdy, KK! Glad to see you, glad to see you! Do have some coffee and as many cherries as you can get from Mario! He does tend to take over the cherry jar when he comes in, so they keep him some extras around, just for him. He really does love them along with blueberries, apples and beer!


08-13-2004, 11:03 AM
Good morning everyone and happy Friday the 13th. Hang in there David, just a few more days. We'll miss you next week. I have an uncle who had knee surgery and he said it was the best thing he ever did - he couldn't believe how much better he felt afterwards.

Hmm - so we're now all members of the MTP?;) cool.

08-13-2004, 11:16 AM
We can get t-shirts made that say "card carrying member of the MTP" :D :D:cool:

Killearn Kitties
08-13-2004, 11:35 AM
Originally posted by lbaker
We can get t-shirts made that say "card carrying member of the MTP" :D :D:cool:

with a picture of Mario as a logo?

08-13-2004, 11:37 AM
.... but of course!

08-13-2004, 12:12 PM
HI everyone! *waves*
Can I have a hot chocolate with tons of marshmallows?
It got into the 40s here last night. Good Grief!!! Never ever been this cold in August! Usually we are in the high 90s or 100s by now! At this rate, we'll have our first snow over Labor day!

Aw, Mario, I see you've made a new friend. So good of you to share the cherries from your jar instead of the ones in your mouth or diaper!

Can't help watch the hurricane Charley coverage on tv. (now a cat 3 storm) I'm sure praying for everyone in it's path. What do they do with their pets? The shelters won't allow them. I wouldn't go without mine.
Prayers for the pets too!

David, do you want Mario to give your knee a massage? A massage with cherry juice may be just what it needs!:D

08-13-2004, 12:22 PM
Good morning everyone. Anyone have any coffee cake or anything? I'd really love some! I'll pay you to make it LOL!

Thanks for the water too. I don't drink as much as I should. It was really good. The hint of lemon hit the spot. ;)

08-13-2004, 12:26 PM
Can all of us Mad Thursdays stop and say prayers for all of our Pet Talkers and pets that are in the path of Charley.

Pray like MAD!

08-13-2004, 12:27 PM
MOFF, Kay Ann and Val (DD'sMom) are right in Charlies path and have been keeping us posted in another thread - ooops, just went there and see where you've just replied to the thread nevermind I need a Bloody I think, this is very troubling about that mean ol' Charlie. On it's way past Logan later on, then should hit us in DC tomorrow into Sunday. Remember Isabelle last year? She toppled down one of my oldest trees right into my yard just feet from my house :( :( next round on me please and let's light a candle in the bar windows for our FL friends.

08-13-2004, 12:38 PM

08-13-2004, 12:47 PM
Originally posted by gini
Can all of us Mad Thursdays stop and say prayers for all of our Pet Talkers and pets that are in the path of Charley.

Pray like MAD!
Thanks for the reminder Gini. Prayers going out from me too.

08-13-2004, 01:08 PM

See why us Californians love our earthquakes???

They sneak up on us.....It cuts down on the worry time.:rolleyes:

Hope you all get thru O.K.

After 23 days off my boss finally came back.:mad:

He has gallstones that have affected his sinus..:rolleyes:

08-13-2004, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
HI everyone! *waves*
Can I have a hot chocolate with tons of marshmallows?
It got into the 40s here last night. Good Grief!!! Never ever been this cold in August! Usually we are in the high 90s or 100s by now! At this rate, we'll have our first snow over Labor day!

Aw, Mario, I see you've made a new friend. So good of you to share the cherries from your jar instead of the ones in your mouth or diaper!

Can't help watch the hurricane Charley coverage on tv. (now a cat 3 storm) I'm sure praying for everyone in it's path. What do they do with their pets? The shelters won't allow them. I wouldn't go without mine.
Prayers for the pets too!

David, do you want Mario to give your knee a massage? A massage with cherry juice may be just what it needs!:D Connie, is Mario showing some MANNERS?? I can use a knee massage as long as he leaves out the cherry pits!! LOL

08-13-2004, 01:44 PM
Originally posted by slick
Thanks for the reminder Gini. Prayers going out from me too. Prayers are going out not only to the PTers in Charley's path but everyone and their pets who are there in his path. Nikki, Daisy and myself are all giving prayers. Again prayers that all will be safe.

08-13-2004, 01:45 PM
David! Your knee is all red. Is it alright?

It doesn't look swollen, but why is it all red?

08-13-2004, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by gini
David! Your knee is all red. Is it alright?

It doesn't look swollen, but why is it all red? Mario isn't the neatest masseuse in the world! LOL At least he left out the cherry pits!

08-13-2004, 01:51 PM
Footy fans would skip op to be at the match

One in four football fans say they would rather miss a vital operation than the first game of the season.

Fans polled said they would also skip the first day in a new job or their own wedding to be at the match.

More than 1,000 football fans voted in the poll held by Yahoo! Search to mark the start of the Premiership season.

Some 28% admitted they would forego a vital operation, 26% would miss a holiday, and a further 21% would not turn up to the first day of a new job.

A brave 16% admitted they would miss their own wedding rather than the big match, but only 4% said they would sacrifice their honeymoon.

Patrik Oqvist, from Yahoo! Search, said: "We all know Britain is mad about football, but for fans to admit they would rather miss their big wedding day than their team's opening game really does show how passionate they are."

08-13-2004, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by david p
Mario isn't the neatest masseuse in the world! LOL At least he left out the cherry pits! Just wait until he licks the cherry juice off!!! :D

08-13-2004, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
Just wait until he licks the cherry juice off!!! :D Gee, Connie! Then I'll have to explain to the doctor why those cherry stains are on my knee!!

08-13-2004, 01:58 PM
Does he have a sandpaper tongue like a cats???

08-13-2004, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by lbaker
Does he have a sandpaper tongue like a cats??? I don't know. But I guess I'll find out!!

08-13-2004, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by david p
Gee, Connie! Then I'll have to explain to the doctor why those cherry stains are on my knee!! Maybe he will forget all about it if we give him some blueberries. On, second thought, that may not be such a good idea. He would get blueberry stains on you knee too. What a sight that would be! Red and blue. Try explaining THAT to the doctor! :eek: :D

08-13-2004, 02:09 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
Red and blue. Try explaining THAT to the doctor! :eek: :D [/B]

I'm a die hard olympic fan????;)

08-13-2004, 02:09 PM
No, Mario has a tongue like a little person! It is so soft, and it feels so good when he licks you.

He sure done a job on your knee, may take a cat tongue to get those red stains off your knee!

I still want coffee, I mean it has really turned off cool here, maybe put a splash of something strong in it??


08-13-2004, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by trayi52

I still want coffee, I mean it has really turned off cool here, maybe put a splash of something strong in it??


IT's hotter than the blazes out here!!

I envy you .....


08-13-2004, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
IT's hotter than the blazes out here!!

I envy you .....

Here too! It's about 80 right now.
Richard, I just took a Golden Retriever for a walk and now he's sitting in my office. I tried the "butt scratch" thing but apparently I don't have right touch. How soon can you be here? ;)

08-13-2004, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by slick
Here too! It's about 80 right now.

Are you actually using fahrenheit?:eek: :eek:

08-13-2004, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by catland
Are you actually using fahrenheit?:eek: :eek:
No we don't, I just used that for you Americans. If I say it's about 25 degrees then people might get confooozled.

It's like when I was down at Gini's. Can't quite recall the conversation but I was talking about distance and used the word kilometers. It threw everyone off.

08-13-2004, 03:36 PM
Yeah, Slick said KILL OMETER.

Wow, what did Ometer do to her?

(sorry, just feeling a burst of silliness - and no comments from you Miz Baker)

08-13-2004, 03:49 PM
Originally posted by gini
Yeah, Slick said KILL OMETER.

Wow, what did Ometer do to her?

(sorry, just feeling a burst of silliness - and no comments from you Miz Baker)
:rolleyes: There's one in every crowd!!! :D :D

Have we been into the slushies already Miss Gini??

08-13-2004, 03:59 PM
Just keep you slushieometer away from me!

08-13-2004, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
Maybe he will forget all about it if we give him some blueberries. On, second thought, that may not be such a good idea. He would get blueberry stains on you knee too. What a sight that would be! Red and blue. Try explaining THAT to the doctor! :eek: :D I could say that I'm patriotic (at least my knee is!)

08-13-2004, 05:05 PM
I'm like the Three Monkeys (would that be Mario, MarioCloneBoy and Mario's son?) Hear No Evil, See No Evil and Speak No Evil.. "witch" one of the three are we??

08-13-2004, 05:05 PM
Slick, for US Americans? Would that be us Mad Thursday Americans?;)

David - how 'bout I give Mario some marshmallows - then your knee can be red. white, and blue.:p

No Mario - we're not roasting marshmallows today. last time you flinged one of those into Gini's hair it took a week to get it out.:eek:

08-13-2004, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by catland
Slick, for US Americans? Would that be us Mad Thursday Americans?;)

David - how 'bout I give Mario some marshmallows - then your knee can be red. white, and blue.:p

No Mario - we're not roasting marshmallows today. last time you flinged one of those into Gini's hair it took a week to get it out.:eek: Catland, at least the doctor will know which knee is the bad one!!! Mario, OUT of the marshmallows!

08-13-2004, 05:14 PM
Connie, I have 923 posts! I might make it to 1000 by wednesday!

08-13-2004, 05:33 PM
If Mario likes marshmallows, I'll bet he'd really love to have a peanut butter and marshmallow fluff sandwich! I just bought some of that. Haven't had it in eons! Had a sandwich yesterday with milk and it was so good. Wind is picking up quite a bit here now. Duke just started barking at it :)

08-13-2004, 05:34 PM
Originally posted by david p
Connie, I have 923 posts! I might make it to 1000 by wednesday! Just keep those fingers flying!!!

If you don't make 1000 until after you get back, that will give us one more thing to celebrate!!!

Mario, what are you doing covered in marshmallows? So THAT's why there weren't any for my hot chocolate earlier!:eek: :D

Killearn Kitties
08-13-2004, 05:43 PM
Duke's barking at the wind? Aww, poor baby. Is he OK? Are you OK?

08-13-2004, 05:44 PM
Val, have you ever had a GRILLED marshmallow cream and Peanut Butter sammich? EXCELLENT. David, try DuckTape to exfoliate the marshmallow goo. Duck (Duct?) tape works for just about everything.. well, except for holding your knee together.. sorry.

08-13-2004, 05:47 PM
I haven't tried to fry one of those before! I'll bet that's really tasty. Usually, the only sandwiches I fry are tuna or grilled cheese. I don't know what Duke is thinking. I tried to tell him there's nothing out there. What I need is a drink to make me forget about the storm. Any good storm drinks out there?

08-13-2004, 05:48 PM
Originally posted by lbaker
Val, have you ever had a GRILLED marshmallow cream and Peanut Butter sammich? EXCELLENT. David, try DuckTape to exfoliate the marshmallow goo. Duck (Duct?) tape works for just about everything.. well, except for holding your knee together.. sorry. It may work for the knee too. I mean, do we REALLY KNOW what the surgeons do in there?
Maybe that's one reason they knock people out!:eek: :D

08-13-2004, 05:56 PM


3/4 oz. each: Rum, Dark Rum, Apricot Brandy, Splash Grenadine, Sour Mix

Shake with ice, Serve in a Hurricane glass, Garnish with a Flag


What kind of aircraft is that in your siggy? Is it a Cessna??


Working for the Operating Room I do know..........and you don't want to know!;)

08-13-2004, 05:59 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD


Working for the Operating Room I do know..........and you don't want to know!;) Have you ever seen any duct tape envolved? That's all I want to know!;) :D

08-13-2004, 06:02 PM
OK, this is a really stupid question so go ahead and poke fun....I would expect nothing less :rolleyes:

What the heck is marshmellow fluff?

Is that when your **ahem** "gas" smells like marshmellows?? :confused: :D

08-13-2004, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by slick
OK, this is a really stupid question so go ahead and poke fun....I would expect nothing less :rolleyes:

What the heck is marshmellow fluff?

Is that when your **ahem** "gas" smells like marshmellows?? :confused: :D :D LOL!!!
It's sometimes called marshmellow creme! It's like spreadable marshmellows that are stuffed in a jar! Did that help any? I may be as confused as you are! :D

08-13-2004, 06:07 PM
Originally posted by slick
OK, this is a really stupid question so go ahead and poke fun....I would expect nothing less :rolleyes:

What the heck is marshmellow fluff?

Is that when your **ahem** "gas" smells like marshmellows?? :confused: :D

I've never seen this kind before but...


**EDIT: Don't ask Gini - she'll tell you it has something to do w/ those cornish pastie pastry thingies! :eek: :D

08-13-2004, 06:09 PM
NO NO NO you (other) silly woman.. marshmallow fluff is in a jar and it's just marshmallow stuff that isn't formed into marshmallow shapes. You scoop it out like P-nutButter with a knife! Don't you "Canukes" have Marshmallow cream? It's very decadent, you would LOVE it ;)
OMG, are we going to get into "Pasties" again Zip?? :eek: We almost got barred last time :eek:

08-13-2004, 06:15 PM
That does it - now you guys are into marshmallow creme..............I am telling Karen...................this has gotten totally out of hand.

08-13-2004, 06:16 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
Just keep those fingers flying!!!

If you don't make 1000 until after you get back, that will give us one more thing to celebrate!!!

Mario, what are you doing covered in marshmallows? So THAT's why there weren't any for my hot chocolate earlier!:eek: :D Connie, Mario was covered with blueberry juice, then the imp JUMPED into the pile of marshmallows! Boy, I'd like to warm his behind!!!

08-13-2004, 06:16 PM
Ahhhhhhh, that's what it is. It looks and sounds disgusting, but then again, I don't like marshies.
:rolleyes: And I can't even spell "marshmallow" correctly.

I think I need a slushie, Richard. Please and thank you.

BTW, I was in our local liquor store a couple of days ago and noticed a row of Ketel One Vodka bottles. Yet another reminder of the BBQ. :)

08-13-2004, 06:20 PM
Originally posted by slick
Ahhhhhhh, that's what it is. It looks and sounds disgusting, but then again, I don't like marshies.

It is unless mixed with something else... rice krispy treats and/or fudge. Hey Moff - remember the turtle fudge I sent you (last yr?) It calls for that stuff in the recipe. :)

08-13-2004, 06:20 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
It may work for the knee too. I mean, do we REALLY KNOW what the surgeons do in there?
Maybe that's one reason they knock people out!:eek: :D Connie, if they show me a roll of duct tape, I'm gonna run! But at this point I'll try ANYTHING!

08-13-2004, 06:27 PM
Does anyone remember this? When I was a child, Dairy Queen had a sundae called "Jack & Jill". It was one scoop of vanilla ice cream with chocolate topping and one scoop of chocolate ice cream with marshmallow topping.

Delicious.:D :D . C'mon Mario - I'll make one for you.

08-13-2004, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by slick
Ahhhhhhh, that's what it is. It looks and sounds disgusting, but then again, I don't like marshies.
:rolleyes: And I can't even spell "marshmallow" correctly.

I think I need a slushie, Richard. Please and thank you.

Only a Communist would admit to that!!!!

A slushie..

08-13-2004, 06:33 PM
Again, welcome to the party KK. MARIO.. put down that marshmallow cream !! ooowww, but might as well get broken in.. (hey, you've been here before! OH GOLLY GEE.. I bet KK is just shaking our chains).. "chains, you've got me locked up in chains.. and there ain't a thing... that I can dooooo. oohhhh ohhh oohhhh these chains of love got a spell on youuu

08-13-2004, 06:34 PM
Slick, Marshmallows are delicious and FATTENING!! Also they're good toasted over an open fire! Unfortunely, that's one of my forbidden foods.(darn it)

08-13-2004, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by zippy-kat
It is unless mixed with something else... rice krispy treats and/or fudge. Hey Moff - remember the turtle fudge I sent you (last yr?) It calls for that stuff in the recipe. :)
Do I ever!!!! I still dream of that stuff!
I've not been inspired enough to make it, yet. That may soon change, if I can remember where the recipe is. You did send the recipe, didn't you? or am I having another senior momet?

David, is Mario's backside cold? Maybe all that blueberry juice soaked into his diaper?

gini, you can play in the marshmallow creme with us!:D

08-13-2004, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
[b]Do I ever!!!! I still dream of that stuff!
I've not been inspired enough to make it, yet. That may soon change, if I can remember where the recipe is. You did send the recipe, didn't you? or am I having another senior momet?

I know I sent the PB one... can't remember about the turtle fudge. If you can't find it/them, lemme know! :D

Have a great evenin' everbunny - I'm hittin' the showers then going to the movies. :)

08-13-2004, 06:38 PM
Originally posted by david p
Slick, Marshmallows are delicious and FATTENING!! Also they're good toasted over an open fire! Unfortunely, that's one of my forbidden foods.(darn it)
I'm sure they must be but I've never developed a taste for anything with sugar, especially marshies.....I mean marshmallows.

Hey Laurie, why don't we hook up that Kareoke machine and do a number for the nice folks here. :D

08-13-2004, 06:40 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
Do I ever!!!! I still dream of that stuff!
I've not been inspired enough to make it, yet. That may soon change, if I can remember where the recipe is. You did send the recipe, didn't you? or am I having another senior momet?

David, is Mario's backside cold? Maybe all that blueberry juice soaked into his diaper?

gini, you can play in the marshmallow creme with us!:D Connie, that too. But what I meant was he should be SPANKED! Maybe I used a Pittsburgh Expression!

08-13-2004, 06:42 PM
Mario should be spanked?????!!!!!!

Be good Slick, be good...

08-13-2004, 06:45 PM
Originally posted by lbaker
Areatha Franklin and R-E-P-E-C-T.. now THAT would be a moment to remember :rolleyes:

Find out what it means to me
Take care TCP

Oh (sock it to me, sock it to me,
sock it to me, sock it to me)
A little respect (sock it to me, sock it to me,
sock it to me, sock it to me)
Whoa, babe (just a little bit)
A little respect (just a little bit)

08-13-2004, 06:47 PM
R-E-S-P-E-C-T... that's what you should give to me......
Just a little bit
Just a little bit.. boogie on down Slick

Sorry I got the first thing wrong.. tooo many Slushies I guess :o

08-13-2004, 06:52 PM
Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, champagne in one hand and strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and screaming WOO HOO - What a Ride!

Slick, when I heard that Julia Child passed away - the above is what I thought of immediately!!

08-13-2004, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by david p
Connie, that too. But what I meant was he should be SPANKED! Maybe I used a Pittsburgh Expression! My mom used to say she was going to tan our britches for us! or paddle our backsides! She was more threat than action. She used the old "just wait until your father gets home" and "do you want me to have your father get his belt?"
None of which fazed me. I only remember one spanking in my life, and she gave it to me. I guess I needed it. I never forgot it anyway. Dad never laid a hand on us so that was no threat. :D

08-13-2004, 06:59 PM
Connie/David: My grandmother used to say "Stop it or I'll box your ears".:D

Gini: Agreed and that's exactly what I plan on doing too.

08-13-2004, 07:06 PM
My threat to my Big Brother was "I'm gonna tell Daddy on you!" But of course I never would.. and he KNEW it.. dang his nasty thing, he KNEW I never really would! But I love him dearly... he was and is the only one that can pick on me... doG help anyone else that would try! Thanks Robbie :cool:

08-13-2004, 07:07 PM
Originally posted by slick
Connie/David: My grandmother used to say "Stop it or I'll box your ears".:D

Gini: Agreed and that's exactly what I plan on doing too. *MOFF ducks and runs*
Aw, shucks Miz Gini, I'll be good! (I don't spank! It was my parents! Them were the days when it was not considered child abuse.) They must have done SOMETHING right. I turned out so WONDERFUL! :D :eek:

There will be a brief pause to allow for everyone to up chuck!!!

Think I'll go rustle up some grub. Maybe supper will make me feel better. Ya all be good now!:D

08-13-2004, 07:13 PM
ewww, how can you talk about food after up-chucking? I really didn't know anyone else used that term.. I thought they would say something more "civilized" like VOMIT! My family always said "UpChuck". ewwwww. but funny :rolleyes:

08-13-2004, 07:21 PM
I dunno - say UPCHUCK out loud.

Now, say VOMIT out loud.

Doesn't the word "vomit" come closer to the real thing?

I like the word UPCHUCK!

When I was little, (looks way back into the distance) I was spanked. There was a stick that looked like a ruler - and it was for the exclusive use on my two male cousins and my brother. I was a lot younger than they were and when they reached high school they had a ceremony and it was officially passed down to me.

I was also raised on Ivory soap bars. I can remember the taste.........but ya know what? It didn't do a d---- bit of good.

Now MOFF, I think you DID turn out pretty wonderful...they must have beaten the daylights out of you:D :D :D :D :D :D

08-13-2004, 07:27 PM
I remember the phrase warming your britches. I only got it 3 times but my poor brother he just didn't get the connection.
Hey the only thing better than marshmellow creme is whip creme in a can.(hehehe)

08-13-2004, 08:30 PM
Finally the storm is past. It was quite scary for a bit. Just now plugged up the computer.
Richard, I have no idea what kind of aircraft that is. It's on loan to our airbase from the Airforce Museum. It's actually on a cement and metal base. I just put it over some cloud pics that I took. Thought it looked pretty cool. If you want, I can email you a couple of pics.

08-14-2004, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by gini
I dunno - say UPCHUCK out loud.

Now, say VOMIT out loud.

Doesn't the word "vomit" come closer to the real thing?

I like the word UPCHUCK!

When I was little, (looks way back into the distance) I was spanked. There was a stick that looked like a ruler - and it was for the exclusive use on my two male cousins and my brother. I was a lot younger than they were and when they reached high school they had a ceremony and it was officially passed down to me.

I was also raised on Ivory soap bars. I can remember the taste.........but ya know what? It didn't do a d---- bit of good.

Now MOFF, I think you DID turn out pretty wonderful...they must have beaten the daylights out of you:D :D :D :D :D :D

I knew I should of used the word: BARF!!! :D

Nope, they didn't beat the daylights out of me but I'm sure I needed it. I was a handful. Even bit a dentist on purpose once. Didn't get spanked for that but sure got yelled at. He was unusually rough and tried to fill some of my teeth without numbing them. I just couldn't take it any more, so bit him. Later when we were in a different town, a new dentist looked at my teeth. (no, we didn't move because of my wicked ways!)
Seems the first guy didn't even fill the one's right in the first place. He had to redo them ALL!! Mom said I should have bit the first one HARDER! Yea, NOW she agreed with me!

Can I have a red slushie thingy ? I am defrosting my freezer and Chester (my nosey one) is HELPING me! YIKES! Always takes twice as long with his help.

08-14-2004, 03:44 PM
Gosh, Mario, looks like we are the only two frogs left in THIS pond today, huh? Hop up here and have some warm chocolate chip cookies and a cold beer and tell me about your day!

You don't say? She really did THAT? Are you making THAT up? :eek: ;) :D

08-14-2004, 04:19 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
Gosh, Mario, looks like we are the only two frogs left in THIS pond today, huh? Hop up here and have some warm chocolate chip cookies and a cold beer and tell me about your day!

You don't say? She really did THAT? Are you making THAT up? :eek: ;) :D

cookies and beer???


Stopped in to get some more kittie olympics done...

08-14-2004, 05:01 PM
Only TWO frogs left? Where's Sipowitz when you need him? And MOFF, she DID do that! I saw her :eek: poor little Mario ;) Can I blow out my candles now that Charley has left FL or light another one for what may be heading up the mid-Eastern seaboard right now? What a quandry :confused: Raining like a sonofagun right now but spent the a.m. shoring up the perimeter so we should be OK. Plenty of dog food, cat food, flashlights and other necessities ;) , oh.. food too ;)

08-14-2004, 08:18 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
Gosh, Mario, looks like we are the only two frogs left in THIS pond today, huh? Hop up here and have some warm chocolate chip cookies and a cold beer and tell me about your day!

You don't say? She really did THAT? Are you making THAT up? :eek: ;) :D Connie, can a Pittsburgh frog with a bad knee join this pond? Is Mario gossiping again??

08-15-2004, 10:37 AM
Mario just puts his little hands over his sweet lips and chuckles heh heh heh

08-15-2004, 10:59 AM
*note to self: next time I play pool with Mario, hide the chalk!*

Wakey, Wakey everyone! Time to rise and shine! Anyone for some fresh orange juice and bacon and eggs? or cinnimon rolls?

Yes, Mario, you can have the first ones. Hold out your plate. No, no beer until later. I don't think it will go too good with baon and eggs. Just TRY some orange juice ok?:D

08-15-2004, 11:15 AM
(I really like MOFF a lot, but she sure makes a lot of noise in the morning)

Good Morning everyone - are those cinnamon buns I smell?

Oh, look how cute, Mario is all sticky and he is coming right over to me!

08-15-2004, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by gini
(I really like MOFF a lot, but she sure makes a lot of noise in the morning)

Good Morning everyone - are those cinnamon buns I smell?

Oh, look how cute, Mario is all sticky and he is coming right over to me! If you think I'M noisey, you should hear my cats. Specially Chester! He sounds like an air raid siren!

Aw, how sweet! Nothing like a sweet sticky Mario kiss to start your day! Did you know he only gooey ups the people he likes!:D

08-15-2004, 11:57 AM
Good morning everyone. Only stopping for a minute. My ceramics instructor (and good friend) is having an open house today from 12-4 and I've got to get over there help with the prep work. I was over there all day yesterday and we are almost done. Can I get some breakfast to go please?

Gini, I get to hose down the tables and chairs this morning. :D Anyway gotta run.


David, only a couple more days to go. Prayers have not stopped. :)

Enjoy your day!

08-15-2004, 12:22 PM
Slick, you do such a great job that I think you ought to hire yourself out..........it is a lotta work! I will be eternally grateful.

Next year I must get people to fly on any day but Saturday. I have and will always feel bad that I left you with that job.

Have fun today. Glad you could stop in.

08-15-2004, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
If you think I'M noisey, you should hear my cats. Specially Chester! He sounds like an air raid siren!

Aw, how sweet! Nothing like a sweet sticky Mario kiss to start your day! Did you know he only gooey ups the people he likes!:D Connie, not only that, but he also gets the counters and floors very sticky! I walked on the floor and almost
limped out of my shoe!

08-15-2004, 03:12 PM
Originally posted by david p
Connie, not only that, but he also gets the counters and floors very sticky! I walked on the floor and almost
limped out of my shoe! Ah, well, you know how it is. Some of us are beautiful, some of us are sticky, some of us are both. Mario is both! Isn't he FUN though?:D

He's been watching the Olympics and now wants some speedo's and a bathing cap. :eek: :D

Speedo's with a diaper! I can only imagine! :D

08-15-2004, 03:23 PM
And he is running around the bar holding a sign that says -


and he wants to be called Mario Phelps now..................

Oh Oh, someone stop him - he is filling something up with the hose from the back yard.

08-15-2004, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
Ah, well, you know how it is. Some of us are beautiful, some of us are sticky, some of us are both. Mario is both! Isn't he FUN though?:D

He's been watching the Olympics and now wants some speedo's and a bathing cap. :eek: :D

Speedo's with a diaper! I can only imagine! :D Connie, that boy is a trendsetter! Oh, boy, I just had a vision of Mario in a speedo!! (not a pretty sight!)

08-15-2004, 05:01 PM
Mario & Richard in their Speedo's doing synchronized swimming :eek: :eek: :eek: EMPTY THE POOL!!! hee hee, here I go laughing to myself once again...

08-15-2004, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by gini
Slick, you do such a great job that I think you ought to hire yourself out..........it is a lotta work! I will be eternally grateful.

Next year I must get people to fly on any day but Saturday. I have and will always feel bad that I left you with that job.

Have fun today. Glad you could stop in.
Let it go Gini. It was my pleasure to do the job and if you give the hosing job to anyone else, I'll be upset. ;) Me and a water hose make such a great team.

I see it's pretty quiet around here so I think I'll grab a cold beer and clean up for the week. How come everything is so sticky around here? :confused: Don't tell me I have to hose down the bar and chairs.....

Mario, David and Richard is speedos? I'll buy a ticket for that show anyday!!:D :D

08-15-2004, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by slick
Let it go Gini. It was my pleasure to do the job and if you give the hosing job to anyone else, I'll be upset. ;) Me and a water hose make such a great team.

I see it's pretty quite around here so I think I'll grab a cold beer and clean up for the week. How come everything is so sticky around here? :confused: Don't tell me I have to hose down the bar and chairs.....

Mario, David and Richard is speedos? I'll buy a ticket for that show anyday!!:D :D Slick, maybe if they sew two together I might MIGHT fit into a speedo!! That would be a sight! I might buy a ticket just to see Mario!

08-15-2004, 09:37 PM
David, maybe if you wore "speedos" you'll have a more "speedy" recovery....

I know, that's a groaner. It's the heat, it's messing with my brain. :rolleyes:

Ok, one more drink and I'll close the bar. Guess I'll take the keys home and drop them off next week.

08-15-2004, 09:45 PM
Slick, that was pretty BAAAAD! I'll have a drink with you then we can close the joint. Gee, my last drink at thursdays for a while! Mario will miss me!!

08-16-2004, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by david p
Slick, that was pretty BAAAAD! I'll have a drink with you then we can close the joint. Gee, my last drink at thursdays for a while! Mario will miss me!! We ALL will miss you!

I personally think Mario should go into gymnastics. Especially the rings. He's a natural!!!:D

08-16-2004, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
We ALL will miss you!

I personally think Mario should go into gymnastics. Especially the rings. He's a natural!!!:D Connie, he can do the rings and possibly the floor exercises! Today I have to go to the hospital to get a blood test to determine my potassium level. Connie, I'm going to miss EVERYBODY at PT also!!!

08-16-2004, 02:14 PM
Originally posted by david p
Today I have to go to the hospital to get a blood test to determine my potassium level.
David, keep your chin up, it will be high enough! ;)

Now, line up the Champagne for everybody in the Bar - it's on me! I'd like everyone to share! :D Today, 25 years ago, John and I met for the first time - in another Bar, in Copenhagen. I won't get into details, but it was fun! :D John just told me about the good old days in that Bar. Unknown artists would come in and play a tune, some later became famous - like Paul Simon. At the time John and I met, the music I recall, was "Stay" which were always the last song before closing - and "Bat out of hell". Is anyone here old enough to remember those? Ohh, the memories! They also served "frikadeller" (meatballs) on a fork, and before the owner made them, she had her dog tasting the meat - if the dog didn't like like it - no frikadeller!! But loads of beer or wine!

We've had our ups and downs, but we've managed to polish the edges off over the years. ;)

I also have another reason to celebrate - I got a job! :) I'm starting 1st of September, in a huge sportscenter. I'll be booking people for badminton, bowling work-out etc. It a great place, and nice people.

Oh, and most important, Fister won his Gold medal today! :D

Isn't life great!! :D

08-16-2004, 02:32 PM
Congratulations, Randi on all account, the job, and the time you have spent with John!!

I really think we should drink to that for sure! Great new on the new job, I hope you love it, and it sounds like you already do.

Give Fister a big old hug for me, for winning that Gold medal!


08-16-2004, 02:44 PM
I remember both those songs quite well Randi! Congrats to you and John... the first 25 yrs are the hardest ;) Later this week we will have to serve frikadeller here at Thursdays, we can get Mario to taste test them :p And Fister, if I didn't have some class-A pity actors of my own I would have fallen for your "poor pitiful me" cry too! Congratulations Randi on a three way win of a day!

Killearn Kitties
08-17-2004, 01:30 PM
Congratulations Randi and John!!! Sadly, I remember those songs. :rolleyes: I hope you had a lovely day of celebration yesterday. I wish you many more years together.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-17-2004, 01:38 PM
Congratulations Randi!!! I opened the Dog House and saw the Thursday thread still active so I just had to see what was keeping everybody around...and I'm so glad I poke my nose back in so I could celebrate with you two!

<raises champagne glass> Three cheers for Randi & John! :D

08-17-2004, 02:19 PM
Thanks everybody for celebrating with us! We had a great time! :D Now, I think a good cup of tea will do wonders!

It's not that I've been popping into the thursday Bar - or any other, that much lately, but you know how it is, the older you get ..... and soon, with the job, I'll have even less time. :rolleyes: But I'll be keeping an eye on you all! ;)

08-17-2004, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by Randi
Thanks everybody for celebrating with us! We had a great time! :D Now, I think a good cup of tea will do wonders!

We aren't done yet...


See the '68 thread!