View Full Version : Just when I thought my luck had changed:(

08-11-2004, 11:32 AM
I have got bad news, very bad news. Annie's owner the guy's daughter wants her back. She just called me a few minutes ago saying her dad didn't have her permission to give Annie away.

I told her well Annie is happy here and we would really like for her to stay. She said that she really missed her and wanted her back. I told her lady you shouldn't have left her at your dads. She said I know I just want my dog back please give her back. I then told her I don't think that is a good idea. She said well you know I could care less if you do think it is a idea. If you don't give my dog back to me I'm going call the cops. I told ok, fine you can have her back. But if decide you ever,ever that you can't keep her call me. She said ok. She said she would call me back in another hour to make arrangements to get Annie. (That is only half of the conversation, I didn't want to my post be so long.)

I really tried to talk her into letting me keep Annie I really did. But I do not want get the cops into this. I don't want my kids seeing that. I know they are not going understand, I don't understand really. But since she still has Annie's name tag and still has alot of Annie's records, she probably would had gotten her back. The cops would have sided with her more then likely who knows. Specially since her spay and shots records still have the girls name on it.

I know what everyone is thinking I should have fought harder. I should had I guess I am just way to understanding.

I may be gone for a few days again until this gets worked out. I am hoping she will change her mind. I just don't see it happening though.

08-11-2004, 11:35 AM
OH, Tina! I am so sorry. I promise, what is meant to be will happen! You will find your perfect dog.

I must have missed your thread that you had gotten Annie, I didn't know about her.

08-11-2004, 11:45 AM
Darn, Tina, that really sucks! Don't worry, you will find that perfect little bundle of joy!!

My daughter has a mixed Boxer/Rottweiler pup I wish you could get, it is just so pretty. Yeap one of those accidental breedings. I have tried to get them to spay their dogs, but they just don't seem to see how important it is and they ended up with an accident by the name of Beth.

I am so sorry, Tina, I wish you could keep Annie.


08-11-2004, 11:53 AM
how heartwrenching for you and the family,,, its all such a mess isnt it? I am sorry you have to go thru this,, its gonna be rough on the dog too ,, she will most likely be upset not knowing why she is going form home to home,,, If only we could speak dog to explain eh?

you did the right thing I think,, she most likely would have won.....

I am sorry you had to go thru this....

08-11-2004, 12:02 PM
Oh Tina:(:(:( The only thing we are thinking is that we are heartbroken for you:( I really don't see any other option unless this woman changes her mind. I have a feeling that the police would have you turn her back anyway, as Annie was given away without her permisson. Aside from feeling awful, just awful for you and the kids, my heart goes out to Annie, who deserved the caring, loving life you would have provided for her:( Maybe she will change her mind. I hope so for everyone's sake. We all know how heartbroken and discouraged you must be but don't give up; if not Annie, there is another pup out there waiting to come home to you. Come back to update us when you're up to it. We'll all be thinking of you friend. {{{HUGS}}} Sandra

08-11-2004, 12:06 PM
That is just so horrible. Poor dog and you and your family! I have a feeling she'll be leaving the best home she's ever had. I don't think you should have fought harder in this case. It would have just gotten nasty. I know you must be horribly upset. Give Annie some loving from all of us and hopefully you'll find a dog for you. As I said before, please don't forget petfinder.com. There are thousands of dogs there waiting for a good home like yours.

08-11-2004, 12:10 PM
Oh Tina!!!! How horrible!! I feel so bad for you. But think of it this way. If she loves Annie this much... to be willing to fight to get her back, then she'll have a good home. This just opens a door for you to save a dog that really does need a wonderful home! I am so sorry honey..... I sure wish I was there to give you a hug!!! *~HUG~*
I sure hope everything gets works out soon so you can look for another life to save!!!

Please try and keep your chin up, Annie will always know how much you loved her!!!

Keep in touch!!!

08-11-2004, 12:12 PM
Shoot!!! ( had other words in mind, but I'm sparing you all) :( :( :(

Tina, we're thinking of you and Annie. If there is a way, surely our prayers will help to make Annie stay with you.

08-11-2004, 01:14 PM
We'll she is gone. The girl called back earlier then she said she was. She just took Annie with her 20 minutes ago, I still can't get over it. I can't understand why that guy would try find her a home without his daughter's permission.

I just hope that girl really takes care of Annie. She seemed to really care for her and that she loved Annie. It still doesn't make the hurt go away though.

Willie I wish you lived closer I'd more then likely be willing to take the puppy.

I'm sorry hear your daughter won't spay her dogs.:(

I'm not giving up hope though I will find that right doggie I just know it!

08-11-2004, 01:16 PM
Oh dear Tina........ :( :( :( I know your heart is breaking, as all of ours would be. Did the girl seem sincere?? I hope so, and I hope she will call you first if she changes her mind.

Precious Annie will be in our prayers, as will you.


Toller 42
08-11-2004, 01:28 PM
I'm so sorry Tina:( :( if you lived closer, there is another boxer/rottie mix waiting for a new home, my mom's friend is dumb and she moved somewhere that she couldn't take her dog! i'm sure there is a dog waiting for you somewhere. Hopefully Annie has a good home with the guys daughter.

08-11-2004, 01:53 PM
Awww that must have been very hard for you. :( *hugs* I know you'll find the right doggie soon!

08-11-2004, 02:15 PM
I'm so sorry. (((((Hugs)))))

08-11-2004, 03:21 PM
omg that is just horrible Tina!!! I cant believe how crule some ppl can be :(.. I hope annie is ok. I know in my heart that you will find that little bundle of joy, that puppy or dog that is perfect for you and your family.


08-11-2004, 04:33 PM
Oh Tina:(
I know how much you love Annie, and I'm just heartbroken to hear this news.
I don't think you should have fought harder, it may have gotten nasty, and she most likely would have won anyway.
I hope she is sincere, and loves Annie the way you do.


08-11-2004, 04:36 PM
This is horrible news Tina, but I have to say when I saw the thread title I was so afraid it would be that Annie was sick, so I am glad she is not sick or hurt in any way. I don't see how you could have taken any other action than what you did, you did try but the dog was probably legally hers and the law on her side. Mostly it is the father's fault who found the dog a home when it wasn't his dog :mad:

I'm so sorry you and your family have had so much pain recently but I am glad at least to hear that Annie's owner seemed to care for her.. just give yourself some time. I know like Sandra said, the right pup will come along. {{hugs}}

08-11-2004, 04:42 PM
Aww Tina I really feel for you so much, this is indeed such a hard thing for your to bear.

I think you really used your smarts here, by not getting angry back to her and offering a home for Annie should she change her mind, Me I would have probably lost it and got mad back, so well done, never doubt you did not do enough, you did more than anyone could ask for.

I did not see the original thread, but I gather her father gave Annie away, odd thing to do, maybe he knows something we donot, I sure hope she is a responsible owner and takes good care of Annie, a BIG part of me hopes Annie comes home to you.

Try not to feel too sad, you did your best.:)

08-11-2004, 05:07 PM
Tina I'm so sorry to hear about Annie having to go back to her original owner. I can imagine how much you are missing her right now.

08-11-2004, 05:30 PM
I am so sorry.
I know how much you already bonded with Annie and
she with you.
I also do not understand why the father gave
Annie away with-out talking to his daughter first.
How sad for everyone involved.

08-11-2004, 05:30 PM
Tina, I am so sorry, that is such a heartbreaking thing to have to do. :( {{Big hugs}}
