View Full Version : Has your dog ever embarrassed him/herself??

08-10-2004, 10:33 PM
Abby did today... :o

She was following me up the stairs and paying more attention to the egg rolls in my hand... rather than the stairs...


Her back foot slipped off the step... she made quite the fool out of herself! She slipped, and my mom saw her and laughed... So my poor pooch ran up to the top of the stairs and looked at me with the biggest eyes ever! She had her ears drooped down like she was in trouble... she looked SO embarrassed! LOL...

Anyway, any stories?

08-10-2004, 10:37 PM
Emma recently was fetching the ball from the river, all of a sudden she was waiting to leap into the water to retriever her tennis ball when she slipped off the rock, she came up from under water, she looked so embarresses! her ears drooped and she looked all timid and embarressed i felt sooo bad!

Moco once was running and banged his head on a chair and looked up at me with those puppy eyes, almost like saying dont laugh! plllleassse!!

08-10-2004, 10:48 PM
Niki got rolled by Rebel one day when she was abot 6 months old, she looked pretty embarassed, lol. To be rolled at about 30 lbs by a 10lb doxie. :D

Claire tripped when running one day and I swear she tried to play it off. lol

08-10-2004, 11:32 PM
lol Misty has done a TONE of stupid things, but she usualy looks more dumbfounded then embaresed! plus I thing she does these things on purpose, because she usually has a big grine on her face at the time lol

but Shadow, well 4 years ago when Happy and shadow were our only dogs we were out at a lake with them, and we took Happy padal boating and when it was shadows turn she was looking at the boat, then the lake, then the boat and the lake etc.. like she was measuring the distance she would need to jump right? well finally she got the nerve to jump....right OVER the boat! :eek: it was histarical! some guy frome the far cabin had to fish her out of the water cuz she could'nt get out :p lol

08-10-2004, 11:36 PM
We took Riley to the vet at about 9 weeks old and we were about to leave so we were walking to the door (the door is glass and so is the surrounding walls) Well, Riley walked right into the glass next to the door because she thought she was gonna go through it and be outside. It was the funniest and cutest thing ever.

08-11-2004, 09:10 AM
That reminds me, when we first moved into the apartment there is a glass sliding door that I always take the dogs out through. Well when Rebel's done he'll walk to the door and wait for me and Claire lol (He's on leash) Anywho, lol the first week he took off running and ran right into the glass door! Poor guy, I felt awful!

Originally posted by luckilab03
We took Riley to the vet at about 9 weeks old and we were about to leave so we were walking to the door (the door is glass and so is the surrounding walls) Well, Riley walked right into the glass next to the door because she thought she was gonna go through it and be outside. It was the funniest and cutest thing ever.

08-11-2004, 09:21 AM
Lucy loves to spin on her back paws really fast when she plays with my son,, well thye really got going and she spun too close to the coffee table,,, you guessed it,, THUMP,,, she wanged the side of her head so hard she fell backwards,,, she was ok,, just a bit stunned and a bit embarrassed,,,, she went and sat on her bed refusing to look at us,,, poor thing....

08-11-2004, 09:45 AM
LOL Well Piddle does not get embarrassed at ALL, if he did, he would be embarrassed ALOT :p

Jasper was once running after something and looked back at me and banged into the wall :o he also looked very embarrassed!! I quickly made him forget about it, I felt so bad! lol

08-11-2004, 09:52 AM
I took Snowy paddleboating with my mom, sisters, and cousin from out of town. Well, Snowy was looking at the water over the edge where it came out of the boat to push it foward. She tried to play with it, but slipped and fell in! Good thing her leash was on, we just pulled her out from under the boat and all was ok. (Other than she refuses to go near another paddle boat or any other boat and looked very embarrassed!)


08-11-2004, 10:45 AM
Charlie embarrasses himself (and me) everyday. Charlie walks while he is pooping, but it's not just a walk, I can't even describe it, it's horrible .:rolleyes: It's the most embarrassing thing ever.

08-11-2004, 11:39 AM
Roxy did many times the first year that I got her. The vet thinks it is because she was couped up through her whole puppyhood so her motor skills didn't get developed.

She did things like misjudge the distance of the trampoline...She'd start her jump onto it like 12 feet away and totally miss it.

Or she'd run into posts, fall down, and then she was like a deer on ice trying to get back up.

Really it was more sad and pathetic though. :(

But Sarah, she's embarrassed herself a few times and it's funny as heck! When the sliding glass door is clean, she gets so excited about running away that she runs smack into it. Then she gets embarrassed that her escape attempt didn't work.