View Full Version : Update on Twicket and Pete

08-10-2004, 02:15 PM
Well, the boys came home this morning. They had special urine collection litter boxes in their cages overnight. They both peed on their towels instead!:rolleyes: That is why I took them in though--not using the litter box. The vet was able to get a sample this morning though. Pete is ticked off at me to no end; Twicket won't let go of me. He's very needy--even more than usual.

Twicket has a major urinary tract infection. Pete's urine is normal, but he's had on going problems since he first blocked. He may just be stressed as we've had alot of changes around our house lately. They both have high PH in their urine, despite being on a CD diet.

Twicket will start Clamovox tonight.

The vet said not worry about his heart murmer. It's fairly mild and he's an old cat. Not unusual in old cats apparently and not causing him any trouble.

08-10-2004, 02:19 PM
I am glad they are back. Hope Twicket will be better soon- and Pete anyway:)

08-10-2004, 02:34 PM
I'm glad to hear they are back home too. Glad it isn't too serious and that the vet said not to worry about the murmur. Sweet Twicket being a velcro kitty to his meowmie!:)

08-10-2004, 02:48 PM
Glad to hear they are back home. What a trying experience for them both. Twicket, meds are no fun but necessary for you get well. Be a good boy and take them all.

08-10-2004, 05:05 PM
:D Glad to hear both your boys are back home. I'm sure Pete will forgive you, may not be tonight though, but tomorrow looks promising.

I glad it isn't serious and that they both start to feel better soon.

08-10-2004, 05:07 PM
Poor Twicket ... I hope you are feeling better really soon!
Pete, I'm glad you aren't sick .... I hope you are able to calm down soon and feel less stressed!

Thanks for the update!;)