View Full Version : Unsung Heroes *Get the tissues*

08-09-2004, 09:14 PM


08-09-2004, 10:48 PM
OMG, thanks for the tissue alert! I rate this thread as I rate most movies; by how many boxes of kleenex I go through.

I rate this a 2-boxer, but then again, I'm such a sap! :(

Desert Arabian
08-09-2004, 11:12 PM
READ THE STORY ABOUT GIT ANDER!:mad: :mad: :mad: The slideshow is in memory of Git Ander a German Shepherd who searched the WTC rubble, only to be shot to death by fellow police officers. The officers who shot the dog and physically harmed the dogs handler have NOT been been put in jail/prision or fined! Want to take action!? Then write to the mayor or other people listed on the website. Justice has to be served! Poor Git. :(

GIT ANDER'S STORY (http://www.ctlegalguide.com/SlideShow/git.html)

08-09-2004, 11:32 PM
I was planning on writing to them too.

I cannot believe that poor dog was shot down doing what he was supposed to do. :mad: :(

Desert Arabian
08-09-2004, 11:40 PM
Well, at least I know, there are two seats in hell with the two police officers names written on them. :mad: And there is a wonderful doggie bed in heaven for Git and he is probably enjoying his time up there..at least I hope he is. :(

08-10-2004, 10:11 AM
Here I go, sniffling at work again. And I didn't even have the sound on. Those dogs are so special. That story about Git really makes me so angry! With all that proof the officers still weren't disciplined. I hope there are two seats in hell for them. Plus, there was really no need for the extra amount of shots fired. With our department, you're taught to use the minimal amount needed, with people or animals. A report has to be written after any gun discharge. I just don't see how, with that video, that the department could justify the actions of their officers :mad:

08-10-2004, 12:25 PM
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr that is such a bunch of BS! Git was just doing the job he was trained to do! WTH were those moronic officers thinking? Were they thinking at all? What if they had hit that 12 yr old girl? And then on top of it all they assult the dogs handler! You'd think theyd get in trouble for at least assulting another officer, and if you harm a police dog, at least around here, thats concidered assulting an officer too! I hope these two jerks rot in thier own guilt even if they do go unpunished. Justice has a way of happening even if it isn't visible.

I just don't see how, with that video, that the department could justify the actions of their officers

DDM, someone must have gotten paid off...

08-11-2004, 06:21 PM
:mad: I knew about GIT a while ago. I was mad then and still angry now because those jerks who give the rest of the men and women in blue a bad name, got off easy. To me, it's the same as shooting a police officer and should be treated as such!

08-11-2004, 06:35 PM
well that sure brought tears to my eyes. I outraged about Git. What a innocent little pup doing his job, 11bullets, that disgusting whether it was a stray or not. Even if no action is taken for those police officers who did that, they can live guilty for the rest of there life, remembering they killed a four legged fellow officer, and a innnocnet one at that.

What would the world do with out dogs?!! On the trade center scene 2 hours after!!

08-11-2004, 07:15 PM
Originally posted by YellowLabLover
READ THE STORY ABOUT GIT ANDER!:mad: :mad: :mad: The slideshow is in memory of Git Ander a German Shepherd who searched the WTC rubble, only to be shot to death by fellow police officers. The officers who shot the dog and physically harmed the dogs handler have NOT been been put in jail/prision or fined! Want to take action!? Then write to the mayor or other people listed on the website. Justice has to be served! Poor Git. :(

GIT ANDER'S STORY (http://www.ctlegalguide.com/SlideShow/git.html)

THOSE PEOPLE MAKE ME SICK! Why in the world would the do that to a great dog! !

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: