View Full Version : I'm so ticked!!

08-09-2004, 03:03 PM
So I work in an office park. Boring as all get out. So I go out back to smoke a cigarette, and I see a dog sitting under an umbrella two offices over. Someone apparently brought their black lab mix to work today and tied him up out back on a 5' piece of rope. The dog was sitting under an umbrella, but it wasn't providing any shade as it was very thin and pink - not blocking any sunlight. The dog had food and water sitting out, but was still panting and looking hot (it's 86 degrees F here today with 60% humidity). I felt awful for him. He seemed very friendly though.

If you have to bring your dog to work for some reason, don't do it on a day when it's hot and humid and leave him outside on a tiny piece of rope for goodness knows how long!!! Especially if the dog is black with a heavy coat!

:mad: :mad: :mad: :(

I wish I knew the whole story behind this!

08-09-2004, 03:12 PM
If I were you I'd go over closer to the dog, and once someone sees you near it, maybe they will come out and you can strike up a conversation with them and find out what the deal it!!;)

08-09-2004, 03:14 PM
Poor pup! Was he out there all day? Did anyone else comment? Besides being exposed to the heat and humidity, someoone could steal him or he could get loose and get lost/injured! I sure hope it was a one time thing. Perhaps you could find out who he belonged to!

08-09-2004, 03:19 PM
Well, the first time I went out back was at 3:30 and he was out there. Now it's 4:15 and he's still out there. If he's still out there when I get off at 5:00, I am going to try and catch his/her owner on the way out. I have to stay inside for now and answer the phones so I don't get fired. ;) I really hope he hasn't been out there all day. I will do some investigating and try to find out! :)

08-09-2004, 04:48 PM
That's horrible!! :( All I can think about is that poor hot doggy, probably looking for a cool place to curl up in. :(
