View Full Version : The resuce of a beautiful husky

08-08-2004, 09:15 PM
Her name is Sequoia Rose and she is the most beautiful cream colored four year old husky. She has slightly peach colored markings on her body and her ears are a darker reddish color. Her eyes are ice blue and just striking. She is sweet, loving and gentle with humans. Not so with small dogs and cats that we know of so far. She is such a charmer that all the people we had over last night for a cookout fell in love with her. When we were driving away from her neglectful home and jerk of an owner she would rest her chin on our shoulders and gently lick our cheeks.

We met her this weekend after I got an email asking for help finding her a new home. We talked to a friend that breeds huskies and she has a cage we could put her in till we find her a permanent home. So we went to pick her up in Avis PA Saturday morning. Since our friend is also a manager of a restaurant in the area she was working some very long hours this weekend. So we kept sweet Sequoia Rose till 9 this evening. We couldn't bring her in the house because of the cats but she was fine on the covered porch and my husband took her for many runs and walks through the woods on our property. She just fell in love with my husband and would make her little talky noises whenever she saw him.

She even got to flush a flock of wild turkeys at one point. Last night she spent the night in our laundry room and just whimpered most of the night. We hardly got any sleep but we knew she was safe and sound and it was the best we could do for her that night.

Tonight we had to take her over to her foster home since we have to go to work early tomorrow morning. Her foster mom is still at work till 1 in the morning but we didn't have a choice. We put her in her cage in the woods with her stuffed Canada Goose she picked out at Petco and her bone. She has a new igloo doghouse with a new pillow to lie on. She should still be safe and sound.

But when we walked away it was horrible. It was like you could hear her sceaming at the top of her lungs for us not to leave her. She was howling and crying and screaming. I think that was the worst thing I have gone through in rescue so far. I have been sobbing for the last hour wishing we had another option for her. I called her foster mom and let her know how upset our little Rose girl is. We stopped at the neighbor that has one of the foster mom's huskies so that they would know why their dog was howling and going nuts. They had known she was coming but not when. The guy said he would go check on her in a bit.

But I feel so horrible. I feel like I abandoned her. But at some point she would have had to be left alone and it was better sooner than later before we got even more attached. I wish we could keep her but we don't have the yard or doghouse finished yet and we can't risk our cats. She showed very definate aggression towards them. AND even if we kept her we would still have to leave her alone at some point since we both are gone about 10 hours a day during the work week. I know we have to find a home for her where the person will be able to be home with her most of the time.

*sigh* I feel so sad and rotten.


08-08-2004, 10:43 PM
Try not to feel bad. You did a wonderful thing for Sequoia. I am very glad that she is out of her previous home and hopefully soon she'll be in her forever home! I know its upsetting, but try to concentrate on the good that you did for her. And you're doing the right thing by letting her find a home who may have more time for her. Keep your head up!

08-09-2004, 07:20 AM
Oh Denyce, I can imagine how you feel hearing her like that. But know you are doing what's best for her in the long run.
I do so hope she finds a wonderful forever home.

Did you happen to get any pictures of her? She sounds like a real beauty.

08-09-2004, 07:38 AM
We took some pictures with our regular camera. My hubby broke our digital. We plan on getting them developed tonight at Wal-mart's one hour. So hopefully I can get them scanned tonight or tomorrow. She really is a beauty and I know I did the right thing for her, it is just hard when you get so attached so quickly. Some of them just get into your heart more than others.


08-09-2004, 07:48 AM
Have you heard from the people yet??

You should not feel bad! You helped her!!
I can't wait to see pictures!
