View Full Version : Ringworm Treatment

08-08-2004, 04:14 PM
I'm just wondering if anyone on the list has any ideas on how to treat ringworm???

I have a couple dogs who have ringworm.... picked it up after being in contact with a friends sheltie who ended up having ringworm. In the past I have had a dog or two get it, and usually treat it easily with topical stuff, as well as Fulvicin tabs from my vet.

Well as of right now, my vet is out of Fulvicin and it has been on backorder for a long time. They are having a hard time getting it in. I'm just wondering if anyone has any better ideas?

I am currently bathing with antifungal shampoo about once a week, as well as putting a product called Fungisan (Benzalkonium Chloride) on the ringworm spots daily. It does seem to be helping some, but not much.... Plus I'd like to treat as many of my dogs as I can, if possible.... just in case.


08-08-2004, 06:53 PM
treating it with Program (lufenuron ).

08-08-2004, 08:00 PM
About treating it with program. My vet does not carry program anymore, that I am aware of. I do have Sentinel, which has the samething in it, as program, but my dogs aren't due for HW pills just yet.

I'll ask about it though...

I have heard though, that the dosage for treating ringworm with program, is higher than just using program for flea control though.... ??


08-08-2004, 08:21 PM
Yep the dosage is high at 80-100 mg/kg every 2 weeks. Sentinel would be a poor substitute. Chances are the Vet could easily order the Program in until the Fulvicin becomes available.

In the meantime you might want to start giving fish oil as a supplement, along with Vitamin-E (dry form). Both should help the skin in its recovery.

08-11-2004, 09:31 AM
Originally posted by dragondawg
In the meantime you might want to start giving fish oil as a supplement, along with Vitamin-E (dry form). Both should help the skin in its recovery.

Sorry I did not reply sooner....

Thanks for the information though... I think I finally found the pills to give to treat this....

I already have fish oil I can give Zack, as I have been giving it to my older dog for a while now....

Now the Vit E. you said the dry form, so like a pill?? not a gel cap? How much would you give? Zack (the boy with the worst ringworm) is a 16 month old male smooth Collie who weighs about 65-70 lbs.


08-11-2004, 06:36 PM
The standard form of Vitamin-E is usually sold as a gel cap in an oil base. Vitamin-E itself when in this form is dependent on the oil to act as a carrier for absorption. Usually a low percentage of it gets absorbed unless you really increase the fat intake of the dog.

The "dry form" of Vitamin-E comes in the form of a succinate salt. As such it is easily dissolved in water, and readily absorbed. I would stick with just 1-400 IU pill per day. Most likely if you wrap some melted cheese or peanut butter around the pill, it will disappear rather rapidly down puppy's gullet. ;)

For the fish oil a dog that size should be able to tolerate 2000 mg 2X per day without problems. The only side effect from fish oil is that sometimes the GI tract gets too greased resulting in diarrhea. If this occurs cut back on the dosage.

08-17-2004, 02:17 PM
Althetes foot spray works GREAT! the spray is way better than the cream.
It can be transfered to humans & other pets too so keep an eye out. You can use the althletes foot treatment can be used on all.

I know TONS of people & pets that use it & it heals right up, just apply a few times a day.

08-19-2004, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by lv4dogs
Althetes foot spray works GREAT! the spray is way better than the cream.
It can be transfered to humans & other pets too so keep an eye out. You can use the althletes foot treatment can be used on all.

I know TONS of people & pets that use it & it heals right up, just apply a few times a day.

Thanks for the info......

I have never had any luck with the althetes foot spray for treating ringworm. I have had a few dogs get it over the years, and know people and other animals can get it.... at the time I first posted this question, I was unable to get any Fulvicin tabs from my vets office, as they have been on backorder for a very long time..... Fulvicin is what I have used in the past...

I finally got the tabs, and the ringworm seems to be pretty much gone.. now just need the fur to grow back, which it is starting to do now..... and he has been getting the fish oil and Vit. E like dragondawg suggested...


08-29-2004, 03:49 PM
just be careful around the ringworm. cause humans can catch it from dogs too. i know i did when my dog had it along time ago. good luck with getting rid of it

08-30-2004, 09:35 AM
My husband always prescribes Selsun Blue shampoo to treat ringworm on his human patients. He says to apply it like a cream and leave it on. Keep it on there all the time until the ringworm goes away.

Tony had ringworm and we did that for him and it worked like a charm - we saw immediate results. The raised areas went away. They just peeled off, and then we were left with just the bald patch. The hair grew back in pretty quickly.

09-12-2004, 04:09 AM
I have found that a product called fungi nails real good...it is a liquid and works on people and animals...i have a household of 9 cats that got it and when i brought in a stray polydayctyle kitten that some one though since it had extra claws on each paw that it was deformed and put a 2 month old out to die(i hate people like that).

hope it helps out...
