View Full Version : I found some baby pictures! (furry babies)

08-08-2004, 09:13 AM
I was going through some of my older pictures and I found these. This is Pete, Pepper Jack and Pervy about two weeks after we caught the little suckers! We got them in during a bitter cold January and they found some left over Christmas tissue paper. It's not a very good pictures of Pervy but she was so shy and so skittish. The boys took to getting into trouble really quickly!!!

We didn't do it!!! We found it this way, I swear!!!

I am innocent! I saw the "boys" do it and I was going to clean it up.

I love this picture! Pepper Jack was reaching up and grabbing the pull chain on the ceiling fan. He learned how to turn the light off and on. That was fun for awhile!

Weren't they cute little ones?
Notice how white Pete is? He didn't develop all his orange spots until much later. Kind of weird but either way he is very pretty.

08-08-2004, 09:25 AM
Were they all strays? And were they all together? The pictures are delightful.

08-08-2004, 09:27 AM
Awww don't you love finding baby pictures? I wish I had a scanner (someday soon, but then I have to learn to use it:rolleyes: ). I have some really cute baby pictures of some of my gang, and some fosters long gone. Cute fluffy trio of rascals CCL! :D Hmmmm winter's coming again...and you still have how many outside? :confused: :D

08-08-2004, 09:28 AM
They were such cute kittens!

08-08-2004, 09:30 AM
Grace, their mother was feral and she would bring her babies to my porch when she was ready for me to start feeding them. I usually saw them for the first time when they were about 4 to 6 weeks old. They were already terrified of people. It took us about 4 weeks to finally catch the little varmits! They were probably about 12 weeks when we finally got them in from the freezing cold.
All of my cats (except Sammy, Leroy, and Magoo) were from the same feral mother. She was trap smart and usually only showed up when she was pregnant and in need of food. I had to keep a good distance from her or she would run.
I haven't seen her since she brought us these last three and I'm pretty sure she is probably dead. It's so sad because she was a beautiful girl. She looked a lot like Maggie Sue.

08-08-2004, 09:34 AM
QSA, my porch crew has now reached to the number 8 !! I now have two of the babies to the point that they can be handled. The third one is being a stinker. I'm going to get with the shelter and start trapping soon. I've been so tied up with Grandma that I haven't had time yet.
I'm still debating if I should TNR some of the older ones. I hate to think of them living in the shelter for the rest of their lives because they will be very hard to break.

08-08-2004, 09:38 AM
Those pictures are simply adorable!! I've always wanted a fluffy long haired kitty:)

08-08-2004, 09:42 AM
Originally posted by catcrazylady
QSA, my porch crew has now reached to the number 8 !! I now have two of the babies to the point that they can be handled. The third one is being a stinker. I'm going to get with the shelter and start trapping soon. I've been so tied up with Grandma that I haven't had time yet.
I'm still debating if I should TNR some of the older ones. I hate to think of them living in the shelter for the rest of their lives because they will be very hard to break.
Well I'd bring in the two that can be handled now, and TNR the rest (if you ever find time). Eight can easily become 18 by winter.;) Is there anyone else from the shelter that can help you trap them, so you can be with your grandma?

08-08-2004, 10:22 AM
They look adorable and like a good team. Brothers in crime:D

08-08-2004, 10:22 AM
Oh! If I'd known that you had baby pictures of any of your gang, I'd have whined for them AGES ago!! :D :D It stands to reason that such gorgeous cats must have been painfully cute kittens. And by golly they were! Would you just look at Pepper Jack? What an adorable bundle of mischeivous fluff!!!!! Awwwwww, give them all kissies for me, please? Seeing them always makes my day. :D

08-08-2004, 11:02 AM
They were Cute Kittens,and with TLC,they have become Wonerful Cats!

08-08-2004, 11:33 AM
Originally posted by Twink
Oh! If I'd known that you had baby pictures of any of your gang, I'd have whined for them AGES ago!! :D :D It stands to reason that such gorgeous cats must have been painfully cute kittens. And by golly they were! Would you just look at Pepper Jack? What an adorable bundle of mischeivous fluff!!!!! Awwwwww, give them all kissies for me, please? Seeing them always makes my day. :D
Twink, you took the words right off of my keyboard! :D Should we start whining for PB and Stubby baby pics? :p

08-08-2004, 11:36 AM
Awwwww they were so cute!:D And they still are:) I love the last picture hehe

08-08-2004, 11:38 AM
Oh Lisa, they were so adorable. What gorgeous fluffy babies, and still are. They look like they stepped right off the covers of Cat Fancy magazine so it's so hard to believe they were your porch ferals. Bless you and your husband for having such big, cat loving hearts.:)

08-08-2004, 02:15 PM
Originally posted by jazzcat
Oh Lisa, they were so adorable. What gorgeous fluffy babies, and still are. They look like they stepped right off the covers of Cat Fancy magazine so it's so hard to believe they were your porch ferals. Bless you and your husband for having such big, cat loving hearts.:)

What jazzcat said! I can't get over the momma cat - she knew what she was doing. She knew deep down in her heart that they would be safe and happy with you. And so they have been.

You are a treasure.

08-08-2004, 02:25 PM
Awww they are all so cute! Pete is just adorable in all his white fluffiness. Pepper Jack raised up there ready to pull that chain is great...how fun that must have been to watch.
It was interesting to find out that all but 3 of your kitties are related. Momma must have been beautiful because her kitties are gorgeous!

08-08-2004, 02:32 PM
Originally posted by RedHedd
Twink, you took the words right off of my keyboard! :D Should we start whining for PB and Stubby baby pics? :p

Capital idea!! Although, I think baby pictures of those two might actually cause the dreaded cuteness overload. We don't want to overcrowd the hospitals, do we? Oh, what the heck. It's worth it!

*screws face into whining mode*
*wells up*

08-08-2004, 03:01 PM
Oh my goodness, how ADORABLE! Love the first pic especially! :D

08-08-2004, 03:29 PM
I'm melting into a huge puddle right here! How impossibly cute! I also had no idea they were all brothers and sisters! Imagine how smart that mama cat had to be to bring her babies to you!