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View Full Version : Cosmo died...

08-08-2004, 07:18 AM
the sweet lil blind dog my husband and I were to meet and adot today died lastnight of a massive eplileptic seizure last night at his foster home...

We are saddened despite the fact we never had the chance to actually meet him but I reassured his foster mommy that she had made his last days happy and that now he is at the Rainbow Bridge,, his eyes can see, his body healed.

Goodbye sweet Cosmo....

08-08-2004, 07:42 AM
I just did up this pic of him for his Foster mommy.. thought I would share it with you all.
See attachment

08-08-2004, 07:43 AM
Very sad, I am so glad you mentioned that his foster mom had
made his last days happy.

RIP sweet Cosmo.

08-08-2004, 07:56 AM
So sorry to hear about Cosmo. :( Yes now he can see.

08-08-2004, 08:14 AM
I'm so saddened to hear about Cosmo, but at least now he is happy and has no problem what so ever seeing:)

R.I.P. Cosmo

08-08-2004, 10:00 AM
Lorraine: I'm so sorry about Cosmo but I guess it wasn't meant to be.

RIP sweet Cosmo and enjoy your new found healthy body and eyes. My RB pup Toshie can show you around.

08-08-2004, 10:32 AM
Goodness, he was a beautiful pup.

To learn that he did have a good foster home and received love and care is reassuring.

Rest in peace and full healthy joy now, Cosmo.

08-08-2004, 12:23 PM
How sad.

Rest in Peace sweet Cosmo.

Buddy Blaze Lover
08-08-2004, 01:39 PM
Cosmo looked like a really sweet dog from the picture! I am very sorry you never actually got to adopt him...but at least he's out of any pain he had during his life. I know how that was, as I used to have a border collie, Bandit, who suffered all his life...we finally had to put him down at age 5. That was so hard, but I am reassured that I'll meet him again someday...he was my best friend! I know Cosmo's passing was meant to be though...there is always some good that come out of bad things. Why, a week after Bandit died, we got to adopt Blaze on a rare occasion! Now I can't imagine life without Blaze! :) Rest in pest Cosmo!

Buddy Blaze Lover
08-08-2004, 01:41 PM
Sorry, I meant to say rest in peace Cosmo! (typing error) :rolleyes: I'm sure he and Bandit are playing now! ;)

08-08-2004, 07:03 PM
I'm so sorry. Godspeed Cosmo

08-08-2004, 07:40 PM
Thank you everyone for your kind words,,,, It means alot to me....Despite the fact I didnt meet him,, it felt like he was mine... We even filled the adoption papers BEFORE we saw him,, it was reallllly hard to rip those papers up.

08-08-2004, 09:09 PM
I am so very sorry for your great loss. Hugs.

08-08-2004, 10:41 PM
Play happily at the RB sweetheart ...........

And bless you for ALMOST getting him. His foster Mummy gets big {{hugs}} from me too ....

Conan's Mom
08-09-2004, 04:31 PM
I'm so sorry about Cosmo.
At least he is in a better place, and able to see the beauty that surrounds him.

08-09-2004, 04:55 PM
I'm so sorry about Cosmo

08-09-2004, 05:59 PM
awfully sorry, I feel you, "what??? gone?" (((lorraine)))
ps; ( & ) = shoulders :)

08-09-2004, 07:55 PM
When someday you yourself cross the Rainbow Bridge, perahps Cosmo will greet you there as well, knowing that you WANTED to love him and help him. Nice picture your did for his foster-mom, she must be heart-broken as well.

08-09-2004, 08:09 PM
I'm sad that you never had the chance to have Cosmo in your home to love, but it certainly sounds as if he felt real love. That is so important.

Rest in peace, sweet Cosmo.


08-10-2004, 12:03 AM
I bet Cosmo is looking down on you right now with his new found eye sight! I guess it wasnt ment to be. Cosmo must be happy, to see the world once again!