View Full Version : kitty volunteer work for my daughter...

08-07-2004, 11:59 PM
Well Today as we were out shopping at the mall, the Human Alternative group were there with their kittys up for adoption, we started talking to them and found out they are desperate for any help, we had approached another shelter but they only wanted people 16 and over, my daughter Melissa is 12 in a couple of weeks, they took her name and phone number and hopefully once every two weeks, she will go to the shopping malls with the cats and be involved with them getting adopted.

She is very excited about it all, and I think it will be very good for her, I made her promise a pinky promise she could do it as long as she did not bring any kitty's home, one of the reasons I have not volunteered my services yet, as I am sure I would end up bringing a cat home, but who know's once Melissa gets involved I may as well.

There was a pretty torti named Jaffa and her ginger son named marmalade there today, and three black beauties like my lexie and another tortie.

This is a no kill shelter and was formed after feral cats in a small town about half an hour from me were poisioned by local council to get rid of them, shocking , but that is what happenend, anyway just wanted to share our news, and we will let you know how it all goes.

08-08-2004, 12:58 AM
This sounds like a wonderful job for your daughter and for you too.:) Please keep us updated.

Ally Cat's Mommy
08-08-2004, 06:54 AM
That sounds like a great opportunity - your daughter must be a very special girl to be prepared to give up her free time for such a good cause!

08-08-2004, 08:23 AM
OH that is wonderful! It's great that not only is she willing but I'm sure she will be a tremendous help. I wish her the best of luck (and maybe you too). It's very rewarding but also very trying at times. Lots of valuable and wonderful lessons to be learned while being helpful at the same time.
Good Luck and Have Fun!!

08-08-2004, 08:30 AM
That is a really cool job for her! I would have loved to do something like that at that age!

Can pinky swears be broken? :D

08-08-2004, 09:20 AM
This sounds like a great opportunity. If it doesn't work out for some reason, you might ask some vets in your area if your daughter can volunteer. My friends son started cleaning out cat boxes and taking dogs for a walk (in an enclosed area) at their vet when he was 13. Laws might be different there, but they didn't have any problems with it here in Alaska.

08-08-2004, 11:08 AM
That souns like just the job,to teach your Daughter,about Responsible Pet Ownership,and what the consequences are,for uncared for Cats! I would maske room,as you,and your kind hearted Daughter,will eventually,fall in love,with a Little Face!Bless You,and your Daughter,for caring!

08-08-2004, 11:47 AM
That sounds really great. I'm glad they are not hung up on the age restrictions. I wished I had had an opportunity like that at a younger age. It might have changed my path and led me into a career involved with animals. I think I would love that.

Hope she is able to stick to her pinky promise, NOT.:D

08-08-2004, 05:49 PM
Aww you guys, NO NO NO she cannot break a pinky promise, I would snap up another kitty in a minute, you all know that, infact I really wanted Jaffa, she was such a cute tortie, but I would like to see her and her son go together, I just simply cannot afford another kitty, it would be detrimental to my other two and our whole household, but I can only wish.

yes I feel quite excited about her doing this too, and I am sure I will become involved as well., thanks for all the positive well wishes.

08-09-2004, 12:04 AM
Good for Melissa! I'm proud of her.

08-09-2004, 12:12 AM
Thanks Amberlee, I am proud of her too, she is prepared to give up her sunday morning skating so she can be with the cats, it will be rewarding when she sees the cats going to new homes, I am sure she will form attachments as well, and that will be hard for her, but she is strong girl and she will cope.

Killearn Kitties
08-09-2004, 04:52 AM
Good for Melissa! That will be great experience for her. I hope she enjoys it.

08-09-2004, 05:52 AM
That is sooo exciting for your daughter! I'm sure that she will be a huge help to them:) :)
After all, people names "Melissa" are often of superior intelligence, wisdom, and maturity.;) ;) ;) ;)

(anyone ever wonder what my name is short for?)

08-09-2004, 06:52 AM
Originally posted by carole
Well Today as we were out shopping at the mall, the Human Alternative group were there with their kittys up for adoption, we started talking to them and found out they are desperate for any help, we had approached another shelter but they only wanted people 16 and over, my daughter Melissa is 12 in a couple of weeks, they took her name and phone number and hopefully once every two weeks, she will go to the shopping malls with the cats and be involved with them getting adopted.

She is very excited about it all, and I think it will be very good for her, I made her promise a pinky promise she could do it as long as she did not bring any kitty's home, one of the reasons I have not volunteered my services yet, as I am sure I would end up bringing a cat home, but who know's once Melissa gets involved I may as well.

There was a pretty torti named Jaffa and her ginger son named marmalade there today, and three black beauties like my lexie and another tortie.

This is a no kill shelter and was formed after feral cats in a small town about half an hour from me were poisioned by local council to get rid of them, shocking , but that is what happenend, anyway just wanted to share our news, and we will let you know how it all goes. Carole, that is wonderful news!! I'm glad that Melissa is getting involved in something so worthwhile!! It is the same volunteer work( actually it's not work, but pleasure! ) that I'm involved in here in Pittsburgh. Cat Sense is a no kill shelter(no shelter yet but all of our kitties are being fostered) This is where Nikki and Daisy came from. This will be so rewarding for Melissa!

08-09-2004, 03:12 PM
Yes David I agree, I think it will do her the world of good,she is a very determined person, and when she makes her mind up about something , there is no stopping her, I hope she gets a phone call soon, as she will be disappointed if she doesn't, but knowing my girl, if they don't call her, she will be picking up the phone and ringing them. lol:)

08-09-2004, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by carole
Yes David I agree, I think it will do her the world of good,she is a very determined person, and when she makes her mind up about something , there is no stopping her, I hope she gets a phone call soon, as she will be disappointed if she doesn't, but knowing my girl, if they don't call her, she will be picking up the phone and ringing them. lol:) From what you have told me about Melissa, I'm SURE she'll get that phone call! GOOD LUCK, Melissa!

08-09-2004, 07:19 PM
Originally posted by Sirrahsim
...(anyone ever wonder what my name is short for?)

Well, not anymore! ;) :p :D *snirk!*