View Full Version : I am *SO* mad, and crying....

08-07-2004, 05:21 PM

Tonight is my mom and dad's anniversary party(their anniversary is on Monday)

I am so mad, my dad gave Jasper a WHOLE, COOKED pork chop bone, and then Jasper BIT my mom when she tried to get it :mad: :mad: :mad:

I am mad at him AND my dad, and Im crying because I hit Jasper :(

Sorry...just a rant

08-07-2004, 06:07 PM
Please try not to be too hard on yourself. I know you love Jasper and didn't mean to hit him. We never know how we are going to react in such situations until we are in them.
Try not to be too mad at your dad too. Many people do not realize how bad cooked bones are for dogs.
Jasper has never had something quite so delicious as a real bone has he? It was very natural for him to react badly when such a precious treasure was being taken away. And while I said it was natural I am not by any means trying to imply that it is ok. Has Jasper ever reacted negatively to someone trying to take something away from him?

08-07-2004, 06:11 PM
I am so sorry that Jasper bit your mom.
I think your mom should work with jasper on this
behavior so this does not happen again.
Don't be so hard on yourself.
Sometimes we do things we do not mean in
the heat of anger. Learn from your mistakes so
next time you will calm down before striking out in anger.
Jasper loves you and believe me, he has forgiven you.

08-07-2004, 06:11 PM
I'm trying not to be so hard on myself, but I told my dad not to lay them on the patio rail because Jasper would get them, and that was the only time I wasn't out there watching him and it was just a minute :(

Originally posted by Shelteez2
Has Jasper ever reacted negatively to someone trying to take something away from him?

No, never, I have always been taking things from him, taking his food up when hes eating, putting my hands in it..etc..etc..etc right when he first came here, and my whole family seen him act this way :( I hope they don't think he is always that way

08-07-2004, 07:03 PM
I'm so sorry. I bet they won't think that about him. Hugs girl~!

08-07-2004, 07:10 PM
Oh please don't be so hard on yourself:( We all know you love Jasper. It's a very scary situation when a doggie reacts that way and you were frightened yourself. You would never hurt Jasper; we all know that. I'm sure your Mom and Dad understand that dogs can sometimes react that way when a human trys to take away their food, especially a bone. You've done a great job with Jasper so far, teaching him not to be food aggressive. This was probably an extra special treat for him and he didn't realize what he was doing as well. Maybe now you can work with him so that it won't happen again. Go give your baby a hug and a kiss and don't be mad at your Dad...he meant well too. Ugh...I hate when these things happen:( {{{HUGS}}}

08-07-2004, 07:13 PM
I have two dogs, a Golden Retriever and a Terrier cross. The terrier, can be very possesive over foods, I have had my family over before and they have touched his food and have gotten bitten, he doesnt do this to my close family, but he has a bit of a bad rep. Your pup has already forgotten about been hit, and ready for some treats and a walk!

08-07-2004, 07:20 PM
Please don't feel bad about it at all. Things happen sometimes and sometimes you can't control your reactions. It's just like if someone hit you, you know your first reaction might be to swing back at them, it's normal. We just have to learn to control those reaction the best we can.

I've sort of done it myself, once Brandy tried to snap at a person and I taped her on the noes, before I even thought about it. My first reaction was, I can't have her bite this person, so I taped her noes. It's just happened before I even thought. You know in yourself that you not a person that hits dog normally Just
look at it as one mistake in 100000000000000 good things you have done.

One mistake dosn't look so bad if add it up that way. :D We all make mistakes in life.

As for Jasper, if I was a dog and someone took my FIRST real bone away, I might snap too. Just like rasing a child, you have to teach him that is not acceptable.

08-08-2004, 08:47 AM
Thanks everyone :)

I feel alot better now, but I should have read this before going to bed(as I was up until 5am).

I have been watching Jasper(because of the bones) and while doing so I've been hugging and kissing him constantly, I feel so bad :(

Im going to work with him ALOT more, I thought we had all that worked out!

08-08-2004, 09:09 AM
Snowy has never been possesive over food, but her friend Daisy found a buried bone in our garden that had been Snowy's and started growling and wouldn't let anyone have it. That was the first time she had ever growled unless it was playful.

I know Snowy has also found things that she doesn't want to give up but she knows that she has to because we have taught her not to.

I'm sure Jasper loves you very much and hopefully he won't bite anyone again.

08-09-2004, 05:05 PM
Oh Robyn... you must feel terrible. Just don't though. Sometimes we just react a little differently then we want to.

How's everything going?

08-09-2004, 07:07 PM
I'm so sorry.. I know exactly how you feel, from first hand stuff. it sucks to work with your dog so much and have your parents/family/roomates totally go against what you ask of them, but it always happens. My dad gave Gonzo a cooked pork rib, after I asked him not to, but luckily he didnt ingest it. Just talk about all of this with your parents, and work with Jasper as I know you will ;). good luck, everything will get better!

08-09-2004, 07:15 PM
Thanks again everyone :)

Originally posted by Kfamr
How's everything going?

Pretty good, :D Thanks for asking, I have been watching him closely since Saturday night because of the bones, but he's been pooping, eating...etc normally. So I think everything is fine.

08-09-2004, 07:20 PM
shadow will bite if her bone is taken away too lol she loves the things. the rest of my dogs are so used to eating bones every night that they really dont care. kibble is a lot doffernt then bones, a bone tastes a LOT better them kibble, so I dont find it supirising at all that he would not want to give it up! by the way my dogs have eaten cooked porkchop bones plenty of times without any problems