View Full Version : Rizzo's a sickie

08-07-2004, 07:33 AM
Ok, I need to know if I should worry or not. Rizzo spent Thursday at the vet's, for his yearly checkup and rabies and distemper vaccines. (we had to do the drop off/pick up option, so he was there all day) He got a clean bill of health. In fact, the vet said he was one of the healthier cats she's seen lately. He was fine when he came home, and during the day yesterday. But last night he threw up his dinner, and then this morning he threw up his breakfast. There's no blood or anything weird in the vomit, he just can't keep his food down. Otherwise, he's acting perfectly normal--awake, alert, playful, begging for food...

Could this be a reaction to the vaccines? Could he have picked up a stomach bug at the vet's office? Do cats *get* stomach bugs? Should I panic? I don't think the office is open on Saturdays. Should I call the emergency line?

*fidgets* :( :(

smokey the elder
08-07-2004, 07:53 AM
I sent you a PM.

08-07-2004, 08:10 AM
Hmmm... could it be hairballs? The first time I saw Pouncer have hairballs, it was right after eating and I was a nervous wreck too (Allen seems to never have them... which is why I freaked over Pouncer)

08-07-2004, 08:22 AM
Smokey, the PM didn't come through.

It's definitely not hairballs. He's had a couple before (and Barli has them often). This is different. For one thing, it's a different kind of retching, and for another, there's nothing but food in the messes. It's so much like how a person gets when they have a stomach bug. He eats, and then a few minutes later, he throws up. And then he throws up some more, and keeps doing so until his whole dinner has come up. And then he acts fine.

We're thinking of giving him just a couple of bites to eat in an hour or so, and seeing how that goes...


08-07-2004, 08:25 AM
The Found Cats,are praying that there is nothing wrong,with Our Pal Rizzo,maybe like The Siamese Squad,he wolfed down his dinner,too fast!

08-07-2004, 09:01 AM
Poor Rizzo. :( I think it may be the reaction to the vaccines he got. Keep a close eye on him over the next few days, and if he continues to throw up his food, I'd say another vet visit is in order - or ring the emergency vet and ask whether this reaction is normal.

Get better Rizzo! :)

08-07-2004, 09:06 AM
I found out that the vet office is open Saturday mornings, so I gave them a call. The Dr. asked if he was drinking and acting normally, which he is, so she said it was probably a reaction to the vaccines. She recommended not feeding him until this evening, and then just a little bit, and slowly working him back up to his normal feeding schedule. And to call the vet on call if he keeps puking into tomorrow. I feel better! I'll keep you updated. Thanks for the help, everyone!


08-07-2004, 10:56 AM
Poor Rizzo. I really hope the vet is right and it's nothing more serious. I was going to ask if he was drinking and since he is that's good. Make sure he keeps drinking because he can get dehydrated really fast from the vomiting.

Please keep us posted.

08-07-2004, 10:57 AM
Tigris can do that trick too. It happens especially when he eats too much too fast. Five minutes later.....the reverse process. And half an hour later he asks for more food:rolleyes:

Cats can vomit easily- it's ome of their ways keeping stuff outside their organism that isn't good for them. Usually there is no need to worry if it is just food or grass with hairballs.:)

08-07-2004, 11:11 AM
I bet it's just a reaction to the shots. Poor Rizzo! I hope you feel better soon you handsome boy! Snuggle up with your seal until your tummy feels better!:D http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

08-07-2004, 01:59 PM
Oh no, poor Rizzo! I hope he feels better fast.

08-07-2004, 06:38 PM
Oh no! Poor Rizzo! Go to the vets, clean bill of health, come home and get sick!! I am gald you were able to contact the vet Twink. I wonfered also if it was the vaccines and that is good info to file into my memory banks. Hope he is feeling better soon and still drinking - that is the biggest worry, right? Oh and good to see you posting:) We missed you around here. I am just catching up so maybe I will come across your *excuses* soon.;)

08-07-2004, 07:15 PM
Most likely the vaccinations, but always keep an eye out for worse symptoms.

08-07-2004, 07:54 PM
Sounds like the dreaded vaccine reaction. Hope Rizzo feels better soon. :)

08-08-2004, 12:38 AM
Poor Rizzo:( I sure hope he feels better soon. Please keep us updated.

Ally Cat's Mommy
08-08-2004, 07:25 AM
Poor Rizzo! Hope you feel better soon, sweetie!

08-08-2004, 10:25 AM
The poor little guy threw up his (very small) dinner last night. So we're *really* taking baby steps. We're feeding him three pieces of kibble at a time today, about once an hour. It's driving him NUTS. He's hungry. I feel awful for him, but I don't want to put down more food until I'm sure his stomach can take it. I think I'll graduate him to five pieces at noon. :rolleyes: My poor baby.