View Full Version : Aren't we your friends too?

08-06-2004, 06:53 PM
Just something I've been observing for quite awhile now, and had to post about. I wasn't sure where I was supposed to post this.......in General, the Dog House, or in Cat General :p, but I ended up deciding to put it here.

I have been lurking around Cat General for the past few weeks, and noticed MANY threads that have absolutely NOTHING to do with cats there. These threads include the announcement of new babies (human babies), the need for prayers for some members, tours of peoples' homes, *congratulations of such and such number of posts*, asking about missing members, and just general discussion threads. All of these threads, in my opinion, belong in General. Its no wonder that General has been so quiet lately. While there ARE certain people who are sadly missing from PT, the fact that so many cat people choose to stay amongst themselves leaves an emptiness in the rest of the board. It makes members without cats feel left-out.......like the cat people only want to share their happiness and joy, and everything in life with the cat people, and not with the rest of us.

What did we do to not deserve to be informed of the joyous news of several new grandbabies? And what did we do to have the prayer requests for PT'ers that needed them hidden from us, just because the ones who needed prayers were cat people? I know that I have sadly missed out on praying for several members that were ill or had surgery, because their threads were in Cat General. When the cat people suddenly decided to share pictures of their homes with everyone, I also found it sad that they posted that on the cat side, when those of us without cats would have LOVED to participate too. I don't mean to whine or anything, but I want you all to know that it hurts. It hurts because many of us who don't have cats consider you all to be good friends. When you are having a joyous event happening in your lives, we want to know too, and when someone needs prayers, we are just as concerned as the cat people, and want to have a part in praying for the person that needs them the most. We would also have enjoyed your house tours just as much as the cat people, and it would have been nice if the non-cat people were invited to join in too. Instead, the non-cat people felt the need to make house tours of their own in General, away from everyone else.

I just can't understand why its like this. The dog, bird, rabbit, rat, reptile, mulit-pet people, etc. all seem to grow close to each other despite the differences they have in pet-choice. Why do some of the cat people feel the need to keep a gap between us. I'm definitely NOT implying that all cat people like to stay amongst themselves, but I've noticed it SEEMS that many do. I have many very dear friends from the cat side, so I'm not saying everyone on this board with cats likes to refrain from becoming friends with non-cat people. I'm definitely not saying that. My point in making this thread is just to tell you that the non-cat people share your happiness and joy, and consider you all to be friends. Why do we have to be left out? While I do go to Cat General to see pictures of all the gorgeous cats and respond, I don't feel comfortable responding to *General-related* threads in Cat General, because it seems those threads were posted there to avoid the rest of us. Sometimes I suddenly notice a member that I think is new, and to my surprise, that member has thousands of posts. Because some members stay on the cat side only, sadly, it is like many of us don't even know several of our valued members.

I'm sorry if my posting this offends anyone, but I've been feeling this way for sometime, and had to let it out. Pet Talk is not a Cat-only board. Its a board for people with ALL animals, and I feel we should ALL be friends, no matter what animals we choose to have in our lives. Posting general topics in the cat side only makes the people without cats feel left out. I love many, many (actually most) of the cat people here, and I feel left out when their threads un-related to cats are posted away from the rest of us. I noticed people posting general topics in the cat side saying they're doing so because all of their friends are there. Aren't we your friends too? :(

And before anyone says anything........I ***love*** cats, so I don't mean to offend anyone at all. I'm only posting this because it makes me sad to see some of you share things that have nothing to do with cats, with your friends that have cats only.


08-06-2004, 07:04 PM
I have to agree, Pops.

I really don't feel welcomed over on the Cat boards, even though I have cats. Maybe it's because I'm more of a "dog person". I really feel like they're a seperate board then the rest of us.. and I, too, have probably missed out on alot of threads that I would have loved to see.

I'm not saying that it's all of the cat people, but I've been noticing it alot with a good amount of members here. :( We all love, and have a special bond with animals, and I would think it would bring us together, despite what type of animal you have.

08-06-2004, 07:04 PM
Amazing but it is so.. I agree with everything stated above.
I've felt this way for a while and have discussed it with many of my close friends here. I just don't feel as if the Cat Section is an actual part of PT anymore. It's like a completely different forum to me now.

I always try to reply to each general forum, and sometimes the other sections.. but since not recieving many replies or comments when I was cat-sitting, yet recieving tons of rude hurtful replies (among many lovely, caring posts:) ) when considering the adoption of a cat.. i've just been pushed away.

I've also noticed more and more things being done on the cat side (Like the Cat Houses, wanting a Cat only Gift Swap) that others would LOVE to participate in.. but it's "Cat Only"

I felt bad about there being a "Dog Only" contest in the dog section, so I was going to hold a Cat One as well.. but I decided against it because I figured no one would bother to reply.

08-06-2004, 07:09 PM
I can't speak for everyone else, especially since I just recently begun hanging out on the catside. But I can tell you what attracted me to the cat side. The atmosphere over there seems to be alot more relaxed and nonjudgemental. For the most part, everyone seems to get along well. I've yet to have my blood pressure rise on the cat side. When I want to relax and be guaranteed that I'm not going to read any drama, I just check out the cat side.

08-06-2004, 07:13 PM

While I am a cat person, I love all animals and I put the onus on myself to make sure that I visit and respond to all other forums. While I have not done that much lately because of some stresses in my life right now, I do at least lurk at the Pet and Dog section EVERYTIME I log on.

I go agree that there are some threads in the Cat General that belong in General but I don't see that as intentionally keeping information from others and purposely only sharing it with other cat people. I think it's just a mistake on their part. Why don't you PM Karen and have her move them?

I would hate to think that if I want to start a thread on making a bandana for my cat that I would have to post it in Cat General and General so the Pet and Dog people can see.

Just my opinion, and yes PCB, I do consider you a friend.


08-06-2004, 07:14 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
I can't speak for everyone else, especially since I just recently begun hanging out on the catside. But I can tell you what attracted me to the cat side. The atmosphere over there seems to be alot more relaxed and nonjudgemental. For the most part, everyone seems to get along well. I've yet to have my blood pressure rise on the cat side. When I want to relax and be guaranteed that I'm not going to read any drama, I just check out the cat side.

That's the problem. If they all posted those nice relaxed, nonjudgmental threads in General, when those threads aren't cat-related, General would be a much better place. After all, Cat General and General are part of the same forum, and have the same people, so why post those things in Cat General?

Slick.....a bandana for your cat is a total cat-topic. ;)

08-06-2004, 07:49 PM
I don't know... to be honest, the cat side feels soooo much better. Tonya is 100% right. I don't visit dog side much, and post less because it "feels" so different. So cliquish (sp?) Nicki's posts get like 5 answers, and they are always the same 5 peope (thank you, you know who you are... it means the world to me that you respond.)

As for the threads in cat general that belong in general, as for baby ones, I know they were in BOTH places because a lot of people never stray from the cat side to even venture into general. They were just announcing a major life event. The cathouse threads were totally not meant to offend anyone! They were meant to be fun! I posted my "cathouse" in cat general because I honestly felt more comfortable opening my doors there. The atmosphere is warmer and closer. I know the majoity of those who post in there, and I do not know them as well in general. My renovated third floor went there because the cathouse threads began there. You know I've posted things I've been working on in general... my daughter's room went here as I was working on it and after I was done. I'm not playing favorites here.

Also a ton of people only go to cat general. When I first started posting, it was MONTHS before I realized there was other borads here! :D (darn favorites tab!) and I asked for prayers before I knew I could ask for them in general.

Also, there might seem to be a lot of "uncatlike" threads, but if you went to cats a lot, then you'd notice there is a lot that are part of a running "inside" joke. If they were posting in General, the response wouldn't be the same and there would be a lot of people left clueless as to what was going on. To me, that would be more insulting to post something in general as an inside joke that would leave others confused.

08-06-2004, 07:53 PM
I kinda see both sides of the "argument".

If it is not about cats, should it be in cat general?

On the other hand, I know of a few people that ONLY read cat general due to time restrictions and THOSE are the people that would miss items put anywhere else. If I have (what I would concider) a "MAJOR" announcement that I did not want my cat friends to miss, I would be tempeted to do the same thing.

I don't know which is right and which is wrong, so I just post to the threads no matter where they are.

08-06-2004, 07:57 PM
I completely agree PCB.

Most of the people from Cat general *ONLY* post there. Some of them I haven't even seen here before, or on any other part of the forum. :(

I wish they would post here too, we would like to get to know them just the same.. :(

08-06-2004, 08:01 PM
Okay, well I don't spend most of my PT time on the cat-side, actually not alot of time at all, I read stories and things and thats it, but it's still always a nice experience.

I don't want to get into everything, but I want to say something about what catnapper said...

I post alot of "pointless" things, even stories(which is SUPOSED to be part of sharing your pets) about Tigger on the cat side and usually get a decent ammount of replies.

A story on the dog side gets 0-5 replies, so there is just *SOOOO* many things that I don't bother to post about.

But I do post them about Tigger, because I always get more replies on the cat-side.

*SOMETIMES* To me it seems like the cat-side is a bit more friendly, because sometimes it seems on the dog-side that SOME people play favorites, and reply to 'friends' threads or 'favored' dogs and not others, while on the cat-side Im sure some people are closer than others, but they still don't let that effect their posting.

Just my 2 cents...

08-06-2004, 08:03 PM
Interesting thread..

I sometimes stray onto the cat side and feel the urge to reply to a picture thread and leave a nice comment but I don't because I don't really feel welcome. It seems like everyone is so much closer, as a whole (although, I wouldn't disagree to the clique comment about the dog side).

It would be nice to see some more cat people venture over here. :)

08-06-2004, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
I don't visit dog side much, and post less because it "feels" so different. So cliquish (sp?) Nicki's posts get like 5 answers, and they are always the same 5 peope (thank you, you know who you are... it means the world to me that you respond.)

That's exactly how I feel about the cat section. It's like you have to have cats to actually get replies there, or post something that someone doesn't agree with. But, then again, I know many who feel the same way as me, and DO have cats... it's very unfortunate we have to feel like this either way.. on either part of PT.

It's PET Talk.. not Cat Talk, Dog Talk, Bird Talk, Bunny Talk ect.. Everyone should be included and welcomed no matter if they have dogs, cats, or nothing at all.

I try to contribute to the cat side, but as I said it just pushes me away when no one bothers to reply... but then I get replies from people who haven't bothered to reply to ANYTHING at all of mine, just to put me down about wanting to get a cat.

I just looked in Cat General, and I noticed about 4 threads on the first page alone that should have been but in general instead of Cat General.

There have been on some rare occasions that someone posts about something in Dog General that should be in General, but That's only maybe once or twice... it's constantly done in Cat General.

I'm just glad someone's finally said something about this more out in the open because it's how I and many others have felt for the longest time.... Maybe we can start acting like a "PET talk" and stop seperating the cat lovers from the dog lovers, from the bird lovers, etc.

08-06-2004, 08:12 PM
The simplest most innocent threads turn into a holy war in dog general. I think instead of worrying about who posts what where, we should start worrying more about making PT a happy place. There's way to much cattiness and drama.

08-06-2004, 08:20 PM
I noticed it too poppy.

If you guys would get to know the dog side, you would see that we do care about people, and there dogs. We give advice, and share pictures. We do not argue all the time. hardly ever.

08-06-2004, 08:29 PM
I've noticed that too. I've posted a few times in Cat General, but I usually don't really feel comfortable there. Kinda like I'm intruding in their world. It does feel like the cat people are separating themselves from a lot of others on the board. :(

08-06-2004, 08:35 PM
I am fortunate enough to have a pet that fits into each catagory (several in each, as a matter of fact), so I visit all the forums, even if it's just to glance. I go to General too. Sometimes I have more time than others, though.

But I have to say that I understand developing a bit of comradery with the people who have something in common, like all dogs, or all cats, or all rats. So when new babies or some similar "life" event are announced in the Cat section, rather than General, or the Dog or Pet section, I understand that. I'm just late getting the news sometimes! :) Many times, I feel I miss out by not spending more time in each section and developing those closer relationships. The section that might miss out the most of these types of relationships is the Pet section because there are so many types of pets represented there and also it doesn't seem to have as many posts, but still there are great posts and people there and many of those people have cats or dogs as well. :)

I just hope this thread will stay on course and that feelings won't be hurt by it. I am equally comfortable in any section on this board, except maybe The Dog House and that's sort of "optional" to me, anyway, so I don't worry about it if I don't go there for days. :)

Have a great night, friends.

08-06-2004, 08:36 PM
Well, I have to agree with this part. I did go to the cat side a few times, wanted to reply, but I felt like it was a whole different place there. It just SEEMED like they were all ONE family with eachother.

I'll agree with this.

Originally posted by DogLover9501*SOMETIMES* To me it seems like the cat-side is a bit more friendly, because sometimes it seems on the dog-side that SOME people play favorites, and reply to 'friends' threads or 'favored' dogs and not others,

08-06-2004, 08:40 PM
I have to say I am really suprised so many of you feel excluded on the cat side, that is a shame, because I am sure it is not by purpose, and Micki and Kay and all the others, I often see you on the cat site, and personally welcome you all, you all have really interesting and informative things to say, I don't know how we can make you feel more welcome except to say that you truely are.

I cannot comment on the dog site, as I have only ventured over there a couple of times, but when I have been there I have felt no different to here.


08-06-2004, 08:54 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
I don't know... to be honest, the cat side feels soooo much better. Tonya is 100% right. I don't visit dog side much, and post less because it "feels" so different. So cliquish (sp?) Nicki's posts get like 5 answers, and they are always the same 5 peope (thank you, you know who you are... it means the world to me that you respond.)

As for the threads in cat general that belong in general, as for baby ones, I know they were in BOTH places because a lot of people never stray from the cat side to even venture into general. They were just announcing a major life event. The cathouse threads were totally not meant to offend anyone! They were meant to be fun!

You know, I visit the dog side too, and I have hardly ever seen threads there that belong elsewhere. Its just on the cat side that I feel like I'm some outsider coming into a board where I don't belong. I do go to the cat side everyday, because I *adore* cats and would love to have one of my own someday, and I love to go there and look at pictures, and reply.

What I'm trying to point out is that the cat people seem like one big family, completely seperate from the rest of the board. While its a wonderful thing that you've all come to love each other so much, I just don't like that the other people on the board should feel like *outsiders*. After knowing each other for years, I think we should all have formed bonds, despite the type of animals we own.

I know the cathouse threads were fun and not meant to offend anyone. I myself enjoyed them, very much, but I felt that is something that should have been posted in General. It was a fun topic, that the dog, rabbit, bird, rodent, reptile, etc. people would have loved to participate in too. Because it was on the cat side, I and many others just felt we couldn't participate.

I remember when Kristen had her back surgery, I almost missed the whole thing because it all took place on the cat side. I felt terrible for not replying to most of the threads for her, but it was because they were on the cat side, and I never noticed them. It just doesn't feel right to not be informed when someone on the board needs prayers. If there truely is something you wanted to post, and you think your cat-loving friends would miss them if posted in General, perhaps you could post a link to the General thread on Cat General, and everyone would find it. That way the cat people could also get used to coming to the General boards and getting to know ALL of us, and Pet Talk would be a much more open, and warm place. I'd like to see the whole board as caring as the Cat side, but sadly, it seems the cat side is now for cat owners only, and that anyone else can't participate in prayers, etc., for a cat person who is a member of the entire Pet Talk, and not only Cat General. I'm not exactly saying we *can't*, but it just *feels* that way. If I come and post on a non-cat related topic in Cat General, I feel like I'm intruding and am not supposed to be there.

08-06-2004, 08:57 PM
You know PCB, it's very scary when we have the same exact feelings. :p :eek: :p

08-06-2004, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
You know PCB, it's very scary when we have the same exact feelings. :p :eek: :p

I know! VERY!!! :eek:



Maybe it has to do with the dream I saw the other day.......that had YOU in it. Can you believe it? :eek:

08-06-2004, 09:04 PM
I noticed it too, but i think it may be kind of unavoidable. Dog people tend to migrate towards other dog people, cat people to cat people, etc. I've noticed a few people saying they tend to post more on the cat side because they get more replies. Personally, I don't tend to get a lot of replies in any side! :) The thread I posted with the pups and the bubbles has gotten the most hits of anything I've posted, I think. My cat threads get some, but not a lot. Maybe cuz I don't post too often, even tho I do try to comment on most threads. And in Pets... ha! I don't think anyone even realises I have ferrets! I just posted a thread in there today, and compared to the rest of the threads, it has few views and even fewer replies (1!). But it's all good.

I do have to say that folks in Cat tend to stir up less trouble (unless it's about spaying/neutering, etc hehe). There tend to be more threads that turn into arguments in Dog, which can be disheartening.

I do think that the threads about becoming grandmas, or pregnancies, marriages, etc should be in general so we can ALL celebrate with you! :)

08-06-2004, 09:04 PM
I agree with everything PCB just said.

08-06-2004, 09:17 PM
Just my 25 cents worth again:

I have NEVER felt unwelcomed in the Dog or Pet side and I feel the same way about everyone on Pet Talk.......

I Wuv You!!!!!

OK, it's been a stressful week......I'll shut up for now.

PCB: In September I'm going to birdie-sit and I'll make sure I get some pictures for you. :) :)

08-06-2004, 09:26 PM
And the ironic part of this thread? The majority of the people you are probably addressing this to, won't notice it because it's not on the cat side!

(For the record, I have no problems with people posting "life events" wherever the majority of their friends will see it. If the post-er never strays outside of one board, it only makes sense for him/her to post in the general section of that particular board.)

08-06-2004, 09:42 PM
Too funny zippy-cat! Probably true, too. I agree with Catnapper and Doglover on posting pics. I try to acknowlege every entry there, especially when I'm at work because we have lots of down time. Now granted, I can't do it every day. That would be a full time job :) It hurts to see some entries get so many replies and then others not a lot at all. It's kind of like our dogs being rejected and that's what hurts so much. I know this is off topic but since it was mentioned several times, I had to make a note of it.

I very rarely get over to the cat side. I generally stay in dog general or general or the dog house. I haven't felt unwelcome there but then I've just been posting to other's entries. I do wish more people would visit the general section, though. They miss a lot of things by not coming here.

Ok. I feel a little bit better now, getting that out in the open.

08-06-2004, 09:47 PM
Well when I come to Pet Talk I go to View Today's Active Threads. I very, very rarely go to a specific forum (maybe visit Dog Health or Cat Health if there is a sick little furry one ailing and I want to check on them) or if I start a thread I try to put it in the appropriate forum.

By only visiting View Today's Active Topics I get quite a mix to choose from as Dog, Cat and Pet are all there, just a bit jumbled together. :) I find it makes it easier for me and saves time to do it this way, however I know I miss some good threads probably because they get pushed down, but there are only 24 hrs. in the day anyway! :p

08-06-2004, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by zippy-kat
And the ironic part of this thread? The majority of the people you are probably addressing this to, won't notice it because it's not on the cat side!

(For the record, I have no problems with people posting "life events" wherever the majority of their friends will see it. If the post-er never strays outside of one board, it only makes sense for him/her to post in the general section of that particular board.) I totally agree.:)

When I first joined, I didn't even know that there was a general section until after several months. A lot of the cat people never or hardly ever go to general so they feel more comfortable with posting their general news in the cat general section. I don't have a problem with this since I spend a lot of time on the cat side. If I owned other pets then I'd spend more time in the other sections too.

People just tend to go to the sections that pertain to them and where they feel the most comfortable. I know that sometimes my threads in cat general don't receive many hits or responses either but I don't let that get me down. I know that my furkids are loved here.

Popcornbird, maybe you should put this thread in cat general so others can comment on it.

08-06-2004, 10:00 PM
Even tho I have 7 cats I don't post too often in cat general. I start with dog general, then usually skip cat general, and go to pet general, and then to general. I do sometimes go to the cat side, but don't usually post. I am a cat person, but I still don't feel too comfortable there.

08-06-2004, 10:14 PM
What an interesting thread, Poppie. I don't know that I have ever thought about it, but, now that you mention it, I see what you mean. I guess I am a 'cat person', though those of you that really know me, know that isn't totally accurate. I do feel more comfortable on the cat side. I feel like I really know those people well. I feel welcome there, and go there first every time I log on. I don't want to say that I like the cat side 'better', but, for me, it is an easier place to hang out. There seems to be less 'clutter' in cat general. And, when time is at a premium, less clutter means greater readability, greater access to more threads.

Being an outsider has two components. Certainly, one component is being made to feel like an outsider. But, equally present is the component of feeling like an outsider without outside interference. Nothing anyone of us can do changes the latter. As to the former, I don't see it as an issue on the catside. I do know what kay is referring to, and the heat she underwent with the adoption of a kitty. But, I think that tends to happen in the dog section, too. Maybe it is a matter of perspective. I have never felt unwelcome in the cat general section.

I don't think we can 'legislate' this sort of thing. People will post where they feel most comfortable. For me, Cat General is where I go for my news....not General.

I think we had a topic like this some time ago...I think it was more along the lines of "are cat people like x,y,z ; and are dog people like a.b,c". If I remember correctly people took offense at the dichotomy. But, like all generalizations, there is some kernal of truth. I think, generally, cat people are more introverted, while dog people are more extroverted. (I said in general, people, in general terms). So, maybe that is why the catties stay more among their own then the doggies?

08-06-2004, 10:37 PM
I have to say I usually stay on the dog side or general and seldom venture onto the cat or pet sides. I guess it's because I only have dogs. But there have been times when I have crossed over because I do love looking at the kitties/bunnies etc.:D

I wouldn't say I feel unwelcomed or anything in the other sections, I just don't feel I have the same things in common with the kitty owners so I think I make myself feel strange when I post there.

I guess what I'm trying to say is dog people mainly stay in dog. That's where most of their friends are and the same with cat and pet, so I assume that's why they post there. Some people are lucky to have many different types of furry friends!

Don't exactly know why I had to post this, just felt I did:p

Miss Meow
08-06-2004, 11:02 PM
I think some people have limited time to participate in every PT section and gravitate towards the places they feel the most welcome.

For example, I don't spend much time in the 'pet' section as much as I love rabbits, guinea pigs, horses, rats and all the other great animals there. Just because I'm not there doesn't mean I don't feel welcome. It just means I don't get there often.

Maybe some people avoid the this forum, 'other - general', because of all the seemingly innocent threads that turn into personal attacks, and maybe because they are pet people and don't have the time or interest to hang out here and chew the fat on other subjects.

Sometimes it's totally innocent: Catmandu got a lot of replies to his birthday thread in the cat forum but not in this forum. Why? Because he's well known on the cat side and those of us who know him know that he isn't able to spend long at the computer and come to the general side very often. While it might look a bit clannish to the casual observer, I thought it was a sweet gesture to make sure he saw the good wishes on his birthday.

You can always click 'view most recent threads' or whatever it's called to see what's happening on all the forums. I think it's great that Karen and Paul are relaxed in their moderator duties and allow things to develop organically in the forums. It encourages me to check as many forums as I can, when I can, in case I miss something.

08-06-2004, 11:05 PM
Well said, Miss Meow.

08-06-2004, 11:17 PM
Originally posted by Pam
Well when I come to Pet Talk I go to View Today's Active Threads. I very, very rarely go to a specific forum (maybe visit Dog Health or Cat Health if there is a sick little furry one ailing and I want to check on them) or if I start a thread I try to put it in the appropriate forum.

By only visiting View Today's Active Topics I get quite a mix to choose from as Dog, Cat and Pet are all there, just a bit jumbled together. :) I find it makes it easier for me and saves time to do it this way. :p

My sentiments exactly. It's often AFTER I have read a thread that I look to see where it originated.

I VIEW all over the board, but I don't post unless I have something specific to add.
49% of my posts are in Other
30% in Cat
24% in Dog and
4% in Pet.

08-06-2004, 11:49 PM
I can see both sides of this too. Honestly for months I never looked at General and when I did I was like, wow, another world of PT. I know there are several on the cat side that just don't have time to visit anything more than Cat General and I'm guilty of that on my busier days.

I feel more welcomed on the dog side now but at first I felt like I didn't fit in because there seem to be favorites and certain groups. I rarely got many replies to any of my posts and gave up but now I feel more welcomed. The cat side has just always been more receptive to my posts.

I've tried going to Pet General and replying when I have time but so many of those posts are foreign to me since I have never even been around some of those pets before.

Anyway, I'm sorry if I've ever posted anything at Cat General that made anyone feel excluded and I truly believe no one does it there to exclude the rest of PT. I've just noticed that I don't get as many replies on General so I post on Cat General where most of my closer friends are sure to see but 99% of my post are about my cats anyway.

Aspen and Misty
08-07-2004, 12:40 AM
I know exactly how you feel. When "cat people" come to genral I have noticed there post normally begin with "I don't venture much off of the cat side but..."

Hmm, o well. The cat side keeps to them selves. The dog side plays favorites, pet genral is for the birds and genral is where we all SHOULD come together.


08-07-2004, 12:44 AM
I don't get what you mean by the dog side plays favorites. I'm pretty sure we all have your favorite PT dogs, Cats, birds, etc... Not just the dog side.

I try my HARDEST to reply to everyone in Dog General.. lately i've been slacking though with the new pup and school. Please explain by what you mean about "playing favorites"

08-07-2004, 12:49 AM
I have to agree with you PCB.

08-07-2004, 12:51 AM
I can see what some people mean by playing favorites. I try really hard not to do it, and reply to everyone's picture threads, posts, etc. If I miss yours, I'm sorry; it's nothing intentional. :)

08-07-2004, 03:55 AM
Originally posted by Miss Meow

Sometimes it's totally innocent: Catmandu got a lot of replies to his birthday thread in the cat forum but not in this forum. Why? Because he's well known on the cat side and those of us who know him know that he isn't able to spend long at the computer and come to the general side very often. While it might look a bit clannish to the casual observer, I thought it was a sweet gesture to make sure he saw the good wishes on his birthday.

This is exactly why I started that thread on Cat General. Thanks Nicole for reading my mind.

I love cats and dogs (and in a life with less work and more space around the house I would probably have both) but actually it is the cat side where I found my closest online friends. I have no idea how I figured them out in the first year- and I still think it is a miracle that some of them turned out to be purrfect real life friends as well- my age, similar ideas about life- incredible
:D :D :D

Now my time is limited- (we had that thread about everyone feeling guilty for not posting enough;) ) and so I try to follow the stories of people and pets who are closest to my heart.

However it makes me happy to see that there are many groups of friends here and I think in general they are open and overlap. Of course if you post in another forum (I will soon post some pictures of my mom's dog in DG) then you don't have the same status as a regular poster- but I think that's ok. It is the same when you start- you are a new kid on the block.

But daily there are people who become regulars. I enjoyed that the Chritsmas list was not constricted to one forum. Since then I know some more Dog people too.:)

08-07-2004, 05:59 AM
I too, always come to Pet Talk home page and hit View Today's Active Threads. It is a great feature and helps you "see" the whole range of topics.

08-07-2004, 07:48 AM
Originally posted by jazzcat

99% of my post are about my cats anyway.

Disney needs more coverage! LOL! :D I am just teasing really. I love seeing Disney in your signature and the pictures you have posted are precious! I am just sort of rattling your chain because I know that I post more about my dogs these days than my cats and some of the cat people have noted that too. It's not that I love Trevor and Andy any less but they are getting older and less active and don't really do too much that is newsworthy, but rather sleep a lot. :)

That said, the times that I do post on the cat side, with pictures, etc. I feel very welcome there. I guess what I am trying to say is that if one makes an attempt to stay "in touch" with all of the boards you get a better feeling about everything. Unfortunately with time constraints and the increase in members it is not possible. I have probably blundered what I have been trying to say and maybe made no sense at all. :rolleyes: :p

08-07-2004, 07:50 AM
Originally posted by Pam
Well when I come to Pet Talk I go to View Today's Active Threads. I very, very rarely go to a specific forum (maybe visit Dog Health or Cat Health if there is a sick little furry one ailing and I want to check on them) or if I start a thread I try to put it in the appropriate forum.

By only visiting View Today's Active Topics I get quite a mix to choose from as Dog, Cat and Pet are all there, just a bit jumbled together. :) I find it makes it easier for me and saves time to do it this way, however I know I miss some good threads probably because they get pushed down, but there are only 24 hrs. in the day anyway! :p

That is what I do as well. I can only spend a very small portion of time on Pet Talk and can only read a few threads each visit. I enjoy the cat threads as much as the dog threads, even though I don't have a cat. I have posted on the cat threads and don't worry about whether that post is welcome or not. Whatever and wherever I post, it is posted with the best of intensions and I have to let it ride on that. Also whether or not someone replies is not an issue to me, because knowing my own time limitations, I realize that a person can enjoy the sharing aspect of another without necessarily responding. That said, it is absolutely wonderful to know that someone noted. agrees with you, or is prompted by something you have posted and I treasure each reference to something I have said.

I do envy those who are able to get acquainted and really know who is who and so much about one another's lives. When Pet Talk started out, there were only a fraction of regulars here that there are now. I was able to be in the mix and keep up with everyone. Now I do feel like an outsider and that very few people know me. In keeping things on the Cat Side, maybe those individuals are in a way staying in their smaller community because the *big city* of Pet Talk as a whole is just more than they feel they can get a grasp of.

PCP, I think your feelings were well articulated and you definitely have made a good point, but unless someone comes out and states or implies that you aren't welcome on the Cat Side, I think you should just go over and participate at will.

08-07-2004, 07:57 AM
Originally posted by Rachel
In keeping things on the Cat Side, maybe those individuals are in a way staying in their smaller community because the *big city* of Pet Talk as a whole is just more than they feel they can get a grasp of.

I agree with this 100%!! Having been here since PT's inception I remember those days of fewer threads where one could keep up. Rachel, I think you have put my thoughts into words beautifully and you have done it without blabbering on and losing people in the process! :p

08-07-2004, 08:08 AM
This is a very interesting and good thread, PCB. I sometimes feel like you also.

I've read all the posts and everyone has some great points. I guess it all comes down to where you feel comfortable at. I do think it would be nice if we could all mingle a little bit more. I know that I usually stay in Dog General and and I like go to General to see what the rest of the forum is up too. I have been to Cat General and have even posted some pics of my mom's kitty and I have to admit that I felt a little uncomfortable there. I think that is just because I am basically a newbie at that side. I am aware that the more you post the more people get to know you and then the more they will respond to your posts. That part just takes time.

I have to say that I don't understand what Cataholic means by "clutter" and I wish people didn't feel like there are favorites being played in dog general. I have a feeling that most people try to post to as much as they can but just don't have enough time in the day. I also know that there have been friendships formed outside of pet talk and I think that is a wonderful thing

I have so many thoughts running through my head and I can't seem to type out what I really want to say. I'm not making much sense...lol.

All I know is I LOVE PET TALK!! And...wish that we could all be friends and share in each others joys and sorrows!

Robin :)

08-07-2004, 08:47 AM
Originally posted by Rachel
That is what I do as well. I can only spend a very small portion of time on Pet Talk and can only read a few threads each visit. I enjoy the cat threads as much as the dog threads, even though I don't have a cat. I have posted on the cat threads and don't worry about whether that post is welcome or not. Whatever and wherever I post, it is posted with the best of intensions and I have to let it ride on that. Also whether or not someone replies is not an issue to me, because knowing my own time limitations, I realize that a person can enjoy the sharing aspect of another without necessarily responding. That said, it is absolutely wonderful to know that someone noted. agrees with you, or is prompted by something you have posted and I treasure each reference to something I have said.

I do envy those who are able to get acquainted and really know who is who and so much about one another's lives. When Pet Talk started out, there were only a fraction of regulars here that there are now. I was able to be in the mix and keep up with everyone. Now I do feel like an outsider and that very few people know me. In keeping things on the Cat Side, maybe those individuals are in a way staying in their smaller community because the *big city* of Pet Talk as a whole is just more than they feel they can get a grasp of.

PCP, I think your feelings were well articulated and you definitely have made a good point, but unless someone comes out and states or implies that you aren't welcome on the Cat Side, I think you should just go over and participate at will.

Rachel...I really liked what you had to say. It made perfect sence to me. From now on I think I will be using the "veiw active threads" button. What a wonderful way to get in little of everything. Now, if I only had more time ;)

08-07-2004, 08:48 AM
I'm so glad I made this thread, because after reading everyone's replies, I'm beginning to see the other side too. That made me feel much better about it. For those of you who said its ironic that the people who only visit the cat side won't see this thread, that is true, and I think I will go there and post a link so they can all get here. ;)

I do think some of you are missing my point. A lot of you started comparing the dog side to the cat side. I wasn't comparing the cat people to the dog people, nor was I comparing the cat people to anyone else. Let me explain what I mean in a more simple way.

I see Dog General, as a place to post dog related threads, Cat General as a place to post cat related threads, Pet General as a place to post bird, rabbit, rodent, reptile, monkey :p, whatever related threads. Its great that everyone seems to have established friendships on the side they visit most, which is probably because of what pets they have. That is all fine and well.

Now General is a place that I see to be the *hang out* of Pet Talk, where EVERYONE from the board gets together and talks about anything........topics that usually are not related to any type of animal. I love to come to General too. It always has interesting topics, and it helps in keeping you updated with whatever's going on. Its also a great place to make friends with everyone you may not see on certain other *sides*.

When general topics are posted in the cat side, it just makes me feel like those threads were created there just for the cat people, which makes me feel uncomfortable in replying. I'm sure that is not the reason people post things there, but that is how it makes me and many others who don't have cats feel. It seems this has been going on at the cat side 'a lot' lately, and General, sadly, has been quiet for months. I honestly think this is because a lot of the general topics end up on the cat side. The non-cat people tend to miss them because of their location, or tend to feel left out because of their location. When they're not cat related, I just feel they should be shared with all of us. That way, General could be the lively place it once used to be again. I would like to add that I feel perfectly fine going to Cat General and posting on the cat related threads.......especially when there are pictures. Its just when the topic is something else that I feel like I'm intruding, and not supposed to be there.

And BTW, I have several good friends here that have 'only' cats, and fewer friends that have 'only' dogs, so I think I too, can personally understand cat people more. Maybe its because I am much more into cats than dogs. I would love to have cats, but I can't see myself having any dogs. Most of my friends here have multiple pets though, so I guess I like to befriend people based on who they are........not based on what animals they have. Maybe that's why it was bothering me more. I see PT as a whole online community, and while we all have those that we are closer to, I feel we should all have something in common on the General side too, no matter what type of animals we have.

Lastly, I'm so glad to see this thread progressing in a civilized manner. I was worried about people fighting, but thankfully, that hasn't happened, and hopefully, it won't happen. :)

08-07-2004, 11:04 AM
I don't visit the dog message boards or the pet general boards because I don't have dogs or other pets. It's as simple as that. I like dogs and I like "dog people" as well as bird lovers and reptile lovers. It's nothing personal. I have cats so I visit the cat boards. I like postings about the cat owner's lives. Their houses, their kids, their hobbies. These are not pointless threads to me.

The point is, everyone here loves animals. We're all free to visit or not visit the boards that interest us. I will continue to do so.

08-07-2004, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by Pam
Disney needs more coverage! LOL! :D I am just teasing really. I love seeing Disney in your signature and the pictures you have posted are precious! I am just sort of rattling your chain because I know that I post more about my dogs these days than my cats and some of the cat people have noted that too. It's not that I love Trevor and Andy any less but they are getting older and less active and don't really do too much that is newsworthy, but rather sleep a lot. :)

Pam - You and I are in the same boat because Disney is just like Trevor and Andy. Unless everyone wants to see pictures of her eating, sleeping or using the bathroom there isn't much to share, LOL!! I do want to thank you for requesting Disney pictures. That made my day - you can ask my hubby - and I got a really good response on Dog General and have been visiting and replying more ever since.:D

PCB- I understand the point of you post and I wasn't trying to compare dog side to cat side. It's just I think that many of us started off on one side and got comfortable and then when we do venture onto the other we feel a little out of place or left out because we don't know all the stories and jokes as well or we feel like a newbie again. It happens even on general because a lot of my posts were not replied to or even hardly read when I first started visiting here.
I totally agree that several of the posts in Cat General belong in General but like it was said before, many people there never visit General and never hear the news. I think Kimlovescats and Sirrahbed have a great idea because they will cross post between General and Cat General so everyone will see like with grandbaby news, baby shower gifts and gift swap pictures. I think that is a great idea to make sure everyone gets the news.

08-07-2004, 11:13 AM
As PCB is saying though, the things non-related to their animals...

Birthdays, Pregnancies, Houses, Gift Swap.. Everyday stories, unrelated to their animals, belong in GENERAL where we all can visit and feel as if though we're not trespassing.

Stuff like that being posted in Cat General makes it feel as if it weren't intending for people other than "Cat People"

Going into Cat General and seeing a post about surgeries, pregnancies, needing prayers and thoughts about so-and-so's father, etc makes me say "Huh, how come that wasn't posted in General?" and as if my congrats, thoughts, and condolences aren't wanted or needed... and as it seems, I'm not the only one feeling this.

As it says in the forum description, Cat Genereal (and all of the other pet-specific generals) were intended for stuff about *PETS* ... General is for the more personal, non-pet-related stories. :)

Personally, I'd much rather everything non-pet related posted in General Soley.. then if someone wants their specific friends to read it, they can send them the link to it and so on.
Even if a mention of it is posted in General, it still makes me think as to why it wasn't posted in general in the first place. :confused:

08-07-2004, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by kuhio98
I don't visit the dog message boards or the pet general boards because I don't have dogs or other pets. It's as simple as that. I like dogs and I like "dog people" as well as bird lovers and reptile lovers. It's nothing personal. I have cats so I visit the cat boards. I like postings about the cat owner's lives. Their houses, their kids, their hobbies.

That's exactly how I feel, Kuhio. If it's a big problem, maybe someone will have to start moving threads around or something. I'm not trying to be rude to anyone here by saying this, but I guess I just don't really notice a problem as much as you all do. Maybe I am just naive? I post in General a lot, though, and I try to post in all the boards as much as I can (even if I don't know much about the Dog side ;) )so maybe that has something to do with it.

Kay, I am sorry some people made rude comments to you about getting a kitty :( Ignore mean people! :) I think somehow I missed that whole thread when it happened. You are a responsible pet lover and I know you know what's best for yourself. :)

08-07-2004, 11:42 AM
I think it has a lot to do with age. Here comes the inflammatory remarks to me (ducks and covers).

But it seems a handful of the posts in General and Dog general are by the younger generation - 14-18, which is not a bad thing. But when I look at General, I see a lot of threads I do not participate in cause I cannot relate. I've also noticed in Dog General there seem to be a lot more arguments. And I enjoy dogs, so I always look at the pictures and posts, but I just do not always respond.

And also when you see several threads about how the "cat" people are exclusive, it kinda makes you feel excluded as cat person instead. I've seen the issue raised several times and to me it's kinda silly. If you want to post, post. If you don't, don't.

The cat side is usually a very loving environment. And the cat people tend to be a little older (not all), and therefore to me more relatable.

With my mind spoken, please know I know teenagers etc. can be just as mature, responsible and kind if not more so than adults. That's not what I'm saying. I just think it's a matter of being able to relate with some people more than others that creates what seems like a division.

Sorry if I offended, but just wanted to speak my mind since everyone else is.

08-07-2004, 11:46 AM
I do understand both sides of the situation. It took the longest time for me to get the guts to post on the cat side. I lurked there a lot, but my posts I did make were mostly ignored. Things became easier when I opened up more and posted more pics of my fosters, etc. I still feel like there are a few people who would rather me not be posting there, but they are just a few out of the many, many members here. I still don't feel comfortable replying to the "general" type threads that are posted in Cat General. When people start out the post saying all of their friends are there, I feel weird replying if I don't know the person too well.

I think there are cliques no matter where you go though. It used to make me feel a little like an outsider but I stopped letting it bother me. I am happy that so many people are close friends and I know that nobody here would ever intentionally try to make the rest of us feel left out.

I hope a lot of the people who post only on the cat side will venture out and get to know everyone in General too. I know there is only so much time in a day though!

I, too, remember back when the community was much smaller and we were able to keep up better. As there's been a massive increase in members, I am never able to reply to all the posts that I want to :( BUT I am so glad all the new members are here. Its been wonderful getting to know so many people.

(edit: I don't know why people think there are so many arguments in Dog General, as I see a lot more controversy in Cat General. I'm not trying to be mean, but thats just what I've noticed. I think its due to the fact that there are a lot more controversial topics pertaining to cats than dogs - declawing, indoor/outdoor, etc).

(edit #2: I have noticed the age difference among the boards too and think that has a lot to do with it. Most of the dog people are younger and most of the cat people are older (than the dog people, but not old old :) ) )

08-07-2004, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by aly

(edit: I don't know why people think there are so many arguments in Dog General, as I see a lot more controversy in Cat General. I'm not trying to be mean, but thats just what I've noticed. I think its due to the fact that there are a lot more controversial topics pertaining to cats than dogs - declawing, indoor/outdoor, etc).

I didn't understand that either. Just about everytime I've visited Cat General I saw a 4++ page thread with an argument. I guess that's another reason i've stayed away recently.

I'm not sure age has anything to do with it... but maybe it does for others. Most of my friends on here are much older than me. :p

08-07-2004, 12:13 PM
Age has nothing to do with it for me either. But I think it may for some people. Thats the only thing I can think of anyway!

08-07-2004, 12:14 PM
Wow! I was a little surprised by this thread. I had no idea that anyone would be upset about "Cat People". I can only speak for myself and I'm sure I'm partially to blame for this thread coming about. Yes, I recently became a grandma and only posted in CG. Why, I know all the people there. I guess I should cross post but I didn't and for that I apologize.

The reason I don't venture into General is not because I'm snooty and only like cat people. I like ALL ANIMAL LOVING PEOPLE! I think they are the greatest!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif I have had many dogs as well as cats in my life. If it has fur I love it!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/wink.gif Right now I have only cats (ten to be exact) and I am in CG all the time because of that. I have made many many dear friends there because we all share the same experiences. I can relate to almost every thread that comes about. I want to share my life with those people. It doesn't mean that I'm trying to exclude anyone it's just that I know them.
I do come to General and check things out as often as I can but I'm very limited on time. I can barely keep up with CG these days. I know this is going to make someone mad and I certainly am not trying to do that as this is just my opinion but I think there are a lot of pointless threads in General that I just don't have time for. I agree that this is what General is for so that is fine but I don't have time for it. Does that make sense? I'm not trying to be offensive so please don't take it that way.
There are great people on PT but I have enough trouble keeping up with me let alone every board so I tend to stick with what I know best and that happens to be the kitties.http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

This is how I feel and I truly hope I haven't offended anyone because I do think you ALL are good people.

08-07-2004, 12:14 PM
I agree with Catmama, it does seem as if General has become the "teen hangout of PT" not that there is anything wrong with that! Please, I'm not trying to offend or insult the younger folk here. I love all of our younger PTers and have on more than one occasion reminded them to be careful about how much personal information they post - if I didn't care I wouldn't have posted anything about too much personal information getting out.

Anyway, I can see how people want a place that is a big general hangout of PT. Thats great in theory, but like in life, teens and older adults don't always hang out in the same places. My kids hang out in the local diner or swimming pool and my husband and I hang out at a different set of places. Its just whats going to happen when people with different experiences gather. Yes, our pets are our common bond, and in life we gather together under common bonds too, but its different.

I think that a lot of things in Cat General are placed there instead of General because a lot of the people might not want to intrude into the "vibe" the younger folk create in General. Yes, I am well aware that older people post many threads in general too, but it seems as if the ratio of younger PTers to older is different.

Perhaps we could have two generals - one for the teens to hang out in and another for their "parents" ? Seriously! If its in general, there's nothing to keep a teen from going into the adult general, or adults into teen general. Many of us "parents" have enough teen related issues of our own at home with our own kids, we don't want to listen to the teens bickering here, or whining there about the same things our own kids are whining about. If I wanted to hear whining about a nasty teacher, a bratty brother, or a grumpy mother, or so-and-so not getting along with so-and-so, I would have stayed offline and listened to my own kids. :p :D

Seriously, how often have I wanted to post about something big in my life, but didn't because I felt it was too much for the younger ones to relate to or sympathsize? OFTEN. I'm sure that many others have felt the same way... "should I or shouldn't I make this post?" Let me tell you, I have soooo wanted many times to scream in anguish over the antics of my own kids. But I don't because I am not comfortable exposing my parental angst to the younger PTers. Though they seem to have no problem complaining in reverse. (sorry guys, its true.) :D ;)

Ahhh, that feels better.

08-07-2004, 12:23 PM
Why don't we just start posting things in the right sections for everyone? It would help make more friends with dog and cat people. It's really not that hard to do it.

08-07-2004, 12:28 PM
He he. I have to agree with you all in that Cat General probably has a more loving/caring atmosphere because most of the people there are older than the rest of us.

As to older people and younger people having seperate hangouts, that seems a bit odd to me. I *love* having older friends. Most of my closest friends on PT are in their late 30's - 40's. If we had a seperate General for the older people, and a seperate one for the younger ones, I would probably spend more time with the older folks. I just tend to get along with them better. While I have younger friends too, I seem to enjoy the company of older people more. They tend to be more compassionate, loving, caring, comforting, understanding, etc. I would hate to be seperated from the older folks on PT. I think hanging out with them helps the younger ones mature faster. ;)

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, everyone! I still can't understand why General topics have to be in Cat General, but whatever. :p

08-07-2004, 12:35 PM
Catnapper, that just kind of made me feel bad. :( I guess I won't post about things going on in my life anymore.... I never saw any problems with you doing such. :(

I don't seee why there's such a need to be seperated by ages. We are all human... age is just a number we carry.

PCB.. please stop taking my thoughts.. it is scaring me. :p

08-07-2004, 12:42 PM
PCB, I was just like you when I was younger, I had many many more friends many years older than me. My best friend was 60, and I was 19. I love her to pieces and she is still one of my closest friends today. I married a man 9 years older than me. I have always gotten along with older peole than those my age. So I understand how you want to hang out with us more, and we welcome everyone. Thats what I love most about PT.

I am often amazed at the maturity level of many of our younger posters. Sometimes you have feeling way beyond your years. Though there are a few though that have a serious amount of maturing to do. I htink that its sometimes overwhelming for the older PTers to relate to some of the younger ones posts.

Kay, you are not one of the ones I was referring to! I feel that you are eloquent and bright. I have never had any issues with any of your posts. the few that you have posted about school made sense - like your one friend with the eyeliner. That made me think. Those are not the posts I'm refering to! I'm refering to the pointless ones where someone says "wah, my mom is so mean because she won't let me go to xyz on friday." or "my nosey little brother peeked in my diary again" Not yours, ok? I never would insult you {{{hugs}}}

08-07-2004, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by jazzcat
I think Kimlovescats and Sirrahbed have a great idea because they will cross post between General and Cat General so everyone will see like with grandbaby news, baby shower gifts and gift swap pictures. I think that is a great idea to make sure everyone gets the news.

Thank you for mentioning this, Lori. I know we really DO try to include everyone! ;)

I have two doggies myself, but am consumed with my 18 cats so much, that I tend to only chat about them! :rolleyes: It certainly is not an intentional thing.

I would just like to say that Pet Talk is so large, that it would be very difficult for everyone to really feel close to everyone else. I don't think that having a few PTers that you feel a bit closer to is a bad thing .... as long as you do still try to involve yourself in other posts as well. But none of us has the time (I would say) to visit all the boards and post to all the threads. That is why there are separate boards in the first place .... right? :eek: ;)


08-07-2004, 01:18 PM
Ok, on the flip side of things...

Lately there have been NUMEROUS animal related posts on the General board. Why don't those people post where they are suppose to? Why not address this issue with them, too? Why focus directly on the cat people? (Those are completely rhetorical questions - it honestly doesn't bother me a bit.)

I will, however, mention that the "Pet" side of things is GREATLY ignored and that's a possible explanation of why rat/bunny/horse/etc owners post topics on the general board. Not to sound whiney, but because of the fact that no one reads the Pet sections (esp. health), I haven't posted about Piper's (possible) upcoming surgery - just mentioned it to the friends who PM, email, or chat with me on AIM. That's beside the point...

Bottom line is, I mostly post where I feel at home which is the cat, pet, and general sections of the board.

08-07-2004, 01:22 PM
Originally posted by DogLover9501*SOMETIMES* To me it seems like the cat-side is a bit more friendly, because sometimes it seems on the dog-side that SOME people play favorites, and reply to 'friends' threads or 'favored' dogs and not others,

I agree!!

Just the other day was the first time I posted in CG, (pix of my parents new kitten)

At the same time I posted pix of my pups on the dog side.

I checked back on both threads in a few hours, and twice the number of people had replied to my post in CG then in DG.
And that was my FIRST time ever posting in CG!!!

I feel like I am not in a "click" and most of my threads so unnoticed. Even if people say "You should post more pix"
I do.. then only 3 or 4 people reply and they are always the same people (thank you!!!:D)

We all have to admit, that their ARE clicks.

I agree about age between the cat and dog side being the difference in just about everything!! Younger people tend to form "clicks" more. And here I am.. 28... and feeling like I'm back in high school trying to make friends with the "cool" people on the dog side and just waiting to see who replies to my newest thread. And I know if one of the other members in the click posts at the same time... mine will never be read.

Oh well.. I'm done

08-07-2004, 01:57 PM
One more comment from me and I'll hush. If you will look on Cat General you will notice that a lot of us tend to lump all cat related things on that board such as rescue, health and behavior because we know that a large number of members never read anything but CG. In the past I've posted health questions in Cat Health and got one or two responses but then posted it in general and got lots of replies. I think Cat General is just the main and only "catch all" board for many members. I don't think it's a "I don't like anyone but cat people" kind of issue.

Just another of my two cents.

08-07-2004, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by pitc9

I feel like I am not in a "click" and most of my threads so unnoticed. Even if people say "You should post more pix"
I do.. then only 3 or 4 people reply and they are always the same people (thank you!!!:D)

We all have to admit, that their ARE clicks.

I agree about age between the cat and dog side being the difference in just about everything!! Younger people tend to form "clicks" more. And here I am.. 28... and feeling like I'm back in high school trying to make friends with the "cool" people on the dog side and just waiting to see who replies to my newest thread. And I know if one of the other members in the click posts at the same time... mine will never be read.

Oh well.. I'm done

I agree...I'm 27 and I feel like the 'outsider'. While I feel more comfortable on the cat side as opposed to general, I still have no good friends, no one to PM, no one to chat with on aim, no one to meet with..etc. Guess that's why I pretty much gave up on posting a lot anymore..just basically a lurker now.... Although when I do post something, I seem to get more of a response in Cat General.

Sorry for the depressed loser rant...bad habit of mine:o

08-07-2004, 02:10 PM
If you will look on Cat General you will notice that a lot of us tend to lump all cat related things on that board such as rescue, health and behavior because we know that a large number of members never read anything but CG. In the past I've posted health questions in Cat Health and got one or two responses but then posted it in general and got lots of replies. I think Cat General is just the main and only "catch all" board for many members
I kinda wanted to make this point too. It may not be "proper" but if we want to get replies from the people we know the best, we sometimes have to post it in a place that we KNOW it will get seen.

I try very hard to put health in health and rescue in rescue, but so many people miss them (time restrictions again) that I tend to bend the rules so I can reach the CG lurkers.

Think of it this way: If any threads were meant to exclude certain members then they probably wouldn't have been posted at all, they'd have been PM'd.

08-07-2004, 02:15 PM
Originally posted by neko1
I agree...I'm 27 and I feel like the 'outsider'. While I feel more comfortable on the cat side as opposed to general, I still have no good friends, no one to PM, no one to chat with on aim, no one to meet with..etc. Guess that's why I pretty much gave up on posting a lot anymore..just basically a lurker now.... Although when I do post something, I seem to get more of a response in Cat General.

Sorry for the depressed loser rant...bad habit of mine:o
That is why we haven't seen you around much? I feel sad about that. You've been here longer than me and I've always looked to you as one of the 'elder and wiser' ones because age doesn't always distinguish that. I'm 36 and don't think there are a lot my age here either but I enjoy members of all ages. In fact, I don't know the age of most people here only sometimes is it even obvious.

Neko1 - please start posting again. I miss seeing and hearing about your beautiful furbabies!

08-07-2004, 02:36 PM
PCB, I agree that subjects not about animals should be put in General. I really don't think it's neccesary to post the same thread in 3 different Forums! I believe, if people are interested in cats, they'll look in the Cat forums.

I usually log on to "Todays active threads" and don't always notice which Forum a thread is in. I look at the titles, and if I think it's something interesting for me, I'll open it. If I post a thread, I try to put it in the appropiate forum. :)

I don’t always have time to look at all the threads, so I try to reply to posts interesting for ME, whether it's a newcomer or an "oldie". But I admit, I tend to reply more to the posts from the members I know, and that’s because it’s easier – I know more of the background already. Sometimes I don’t have time to look through them all, so it can be a bit random which I reply to – but usually the ones on the first few pages. Then later, I try to catch the ones I missed. BUT, there are certain posters I’ll always look for. :D

As most of you know, I’m a catperson, but I HAVE posted in the Dogforum too. ;)

There are certain threads I don’t bother to open, these are “I’m bored” and titles which don’t really say what it’s about.

Even though I don’t post as much as I used to (limited time :rolleyes: ) I don’t feel left out. :) I’m aware that cliques? have been formed over the years, but I don’t have a problem with that. I think it’s nice that some members“click” and get to know each other better – I have got some very good friends here, and have met some of them too. :D When I joined, there were probably only half the members and it was easier to keep up and get to know everybody. There are still some I’d like to know better, but to do that, you have to invest the time.

That’s it for now!

08-07-2004, 02:53 PM
PCB and others who agree with her, I know what you mean by feeling excluded from the cat people. But I'm not saying that its completely wrong for some general related threads to be in Cat General only. I know some people only post in the cat side, and I see nothing wrong with that. If I only posted on the cat side, I would probably post threads that belong in general in cat general too. Because if you only post on the cat side, then you wouldn't feel as comfortable with the rest of PT that don't post there. And those people might not want to come over to general also, if they're only here because they love cats and only want a cat-related forum.

For those of you who have cats and don't feel welcome on the cat side, then maybe its simply because you don't post about them as often as you should! Because when people post pictures of their cats, I mostly reply to those that I like the most first, which are usually the ones I see the most of. I don't really have that much time to look at every single thread there, so I go to my favorites first.

And I do go over to Dog General everyday. I don't know if I'm "welcomed" there or not, but I don't really think about it that much. I just go to look at the pictures and reply because I love dogs.

I don't really understand how you can feel unwelcomed on the cat side or anything. You just have to come over more and get to know us better I guess...
When I first started going over to the dog side, I felt kind of uncomfortable. But then soon I was fine and I loved going there.

But I do have to agree that the cat side seems more friendly and close...I have never seen a thread there where people were fighting but I have seen a couple in the dog side.

08-07-2004, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by zippy-kat

I will, however, mention that the "Pet" side of things is GREATLY ignored and that's a possible explanation of why rat/bunny/horse/etc owners post topics on the general board. Not to sound whiney, but because of the fact that no one reads the Pet sections (esp. health), I haven't posted about Piper's (possible) upcoming surgery - just mentioned it to the friends who PM, email, or chat with me on AIM. That's beside the point...

That is so true. The Pet side DOES seem to be ignored a lot, which is sad, because we all value our birdies, bunnies, guinea pigs, rodents, reptiles, whatever, as much as everyone else values their dogs and cats.

Catnapper, I have always been like that...ever since I was a child. I have always liked hanging out with older people. I feel I can talk to them about things without getting a biased response. Older people usually respond with experience, and they give great advice, something you can't exactly get from younger people...just because they haven't lived enough to have that experience in life. I remember having a very good friend who was 20 years old, when I was just 7 or 8. She was the daughter of one of my mom's friends, and whenever my mom would go to visit her mom, she would take me along. She had younger brothers, and she was the only girl, so I ended up becoming her friend. We were very close. She used to play with me, show me things in the yard, take me for a walk, etc. I enjoyed spending time with her, and preferred her friendship to the friendship of kids my own age. I cried when she got married and moved to Chicago. :p

In general, I do have friends who are my age, or close to my age, and I do enjoy them too, but there is something about people older than me that I love. I think its because the friendship that forms with someone older than you is usually based on respect and understanding, while it is different with those the same age as you.

Kay...I'm not taking your thoughts. You're taking mine. :p:eek::p Is the world coming to an end? He he he!!! Just kidding!

08-07-2004, 06:05 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by micki76
[B]I've noticed that too. I've posted a few times in Cat General, but I usually don't really feel comfortable there. Kinda like I'm intruding in their world.

Likewise. I don't go to the dog side because, I don't have a dog, and I really am a cat person. I can relate, and I'm sure that you dog/pet people love yours as much as I love mine, but I don't have really anything to say. I have no knowledge of dogs.
As for the other forums, if the day were 36 hours long, I'd spend some time there too.

I agree that off topic posts should go to General. (I just skip over them)


You got me over here, and enlightened me to more of the whole PT experience, but I can't say I'll venture off the Cat General, Cat Rescue.
I'm sure there are a lot of nice people, all around. I would welcome anybody to the cat side, if they are interested.


08-08-2004, 01:00 AM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
I kinda wanted to make this point too. It may not be "proper" but if we want to get replies from the people we know the best, we sometimes have to post it in a place that we KNOW it will get seen.

I try very hard to put health in health and rescue in rescue, but so many people miss them (time restrictions again) that I tend to bend the rules so I can reach the CG lurkers.

Think of it this way: If any threads were meant to exclude certain members then they probably wouldn't have been posted at all, they'd have been PM'd.

I couldn't have said what I was thinking any better than this. :)

Pet Talk is not just a fun, social community. Its a resource for people that have animals. If I have 8 cats, its obvious where I'd spend the majority of my time and that most of my PT friends would be cat people, right? Its not about exclusion at all, just about logistics.

I would expect the same with someone with 2 dogs...or 2 birds or 10 hamsters. ;)

08-08-2004, 09:37 AM
Nobody put up borders to these places so everyone should just be able to post wherever they wish. I don't see the reason why we need to feel intimidated by any forum and yet I do feel intimidated as well. It's pretty foolish of us, if you think about it. Nobody made a rule about 'only dog people can post in dog general' 'only cat people can post in cat general'..

I remember I posted a thread in Cat General once asking for information and prayers for a friends' cat. I got as much support and advice as I needed and that really helped. We are all ONE forum and so we should all be there for eachother when needed, no matter what pet we own or even if we own a pet at all.

I'm sorry if I sound preachy but I am sort of trying to motivate myself into posting around more often. :p Although I am quite busy now with registration for college, I do try and reply to as many threads as I can and I do plan on participating in other forums. I know that I sometimes contemplate whether to share pictures of stories because I feel they will either be ignored or will just get pushed down to the bottom of the page.

And I need to say that I do appreciate everyone on this forum, even if I feel like I am usually rejected, I do enjoy Pet Talk for everything it is. :) (I just need to quit feeling too intimidated to talk in the other forums. :o)

08-08-2004, 10:30 AM
I have never been to Cat Talk... dont know why... I guess Ive just never gotten around to it because I am always on dog general, or pet general, or just general. But in Dog General.... I do feel that there are certain cliques(sp?) Some dogs/members get 20 or more posts... because they are favored or there dogs are favored... as a lot of people posted before. When I make boards about Meeka... I get about 4 replies... occasionaly 7. I think its kinda unfair to the people like me... whos pups only get about 4 replies. It kinda hurts my feelings to see that some people get a TON of replies about there dogs... and my Meeka gets very little.:( I have never been to Cat General... but as many are explaining it.. it seems less.. "cliquish"? (sp?)


08-08-2004, 10:51 AM
Originally posted by pitc9
Even if people say "You should post more pix"
I do.. then only 3 or 4 people reply and they are always the same people (thank you!!!:D)

And I know if one of the other members in the click posts at the same time... mine will never be read.

Yes, I know what you mean. I rarely post about my dogs anymore for this reason. :( Now I just occasionally reply to other people's threads.

08-08-2004, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by neko1
I agree...I'm 27 and I feel like the 'outsider'. While I feel more comfortable on the cat side as opposed to general, I still have no good friends, no one to PM, no one to chat with on aim, no one to meet with..etc. Guess that's why I pretty much gave up on posting a lot anymore..just basically a lurker now.... Although when I do post something, I seem to get more of a response in Cat General.

Sorry for the depressed loser rant...bad habit of mine:o

OH NO!!!! Please don't feel this way ... I just assumed you had a busy life lately! I for one love you and your babies, and want to see and hear much more about them!!!! Please come back and realize you are loved and missed here!!!!;)


08-08-2004, 11:32 AM
Dearie me - to all those who are hurt because their posts don't get a lot of reples, remeber please to look at the number of VIEWS! That's more important! Often people cannot think of anything unique to say, or do not have enough time to properly frame and type out a response, but enjoy reading and seeing the pictures in posts!

Guess what? I don't even have AIM, but still count you all as friends regardless! Grandma always told me the only way to have a friend is to be a friend. Feel free to post in any forum at any time. I do not "stick to" any particular forum, but start each session on Pet Talk by viewing "Today's Active Topics" which doesn't discriminate by forum!

Neko, we miss you when you're not posting! You're not an "outsider," some people just talk more than others in ANY setting!

08-08-2004, 12:04 PM
Originally posted by neko1
I agree...I'm 27 and I feel like the 'outsider'. While I feel more comfortable on the cat side as opposed to general, I still have no good friends, no one to PM, no one to chat with on aim, no one to meet with..etc. Guess that's why I pretty much gave up on posting a lot anymore..just basically a lurker now.... Although when I do post something, I seem to get more of a response in Cat General.

Sorry for the depressed loser rant...bad habit of mine:o

Neko, you are one of the purrsons who joined at about the same time I did and I always considered you as a good friend:)

I miss your furkids and I think many people do so (of course I miss Tama especially but all the others as well:) )

Just come more often and talk and laugh- I don't think you are a loser and I am sure there are many others who don't:)

08-08-2004, 12:08 PM
Originally posted by Karen
Dearie me - to all those who are hurt because their posts don't get a lot of reples, remeber please to look at the number of VIEWS! That's more important! Often people cannot think of anything unique to say, or do not have enough time to properly frame and type out a response, but enjoy reading and seeing the pictures in posts!
Thank you Karen. For me it's just a matter of a lack of time. I don't have time to check each and every forum on PT as I have a life offline. I'm sorry those of you who feel resenful that your posts don't get more responses. It's not personal and please don't take it as such! As Karen pointed out, the posts DO get looked at. After going through breast cancer a number of years ago I realized that life is way too short to worry about things like this.

Now I'm going to go work out and get on with this beautiful sunny day.

08-08-2004, 12:09 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird
In general, I do have friends who are my age, or close to my age, and I do enjoy them too, but there is something about people older than me that I love. I think its because the friendship that forms with someone older than you is usually based on respect and understanding, while it is different with those the same age as you.

I totally agree with this(although I do like the PTers around my age ;))

I also felt a bit bad about catnappers post about seperating us from adults, I would NEVER go in general if there were only teens, as I could easily go to some chat room full of teens which is not my thing, and I am not like alot of people my age, and most of the teens here aren't either.

I just hate being thought of as a "kid" here on PT as some people would say...

08-08-2004, 12:59 PM
Wow, and I really do love and respect the young people here at PT! You know that you are all so dear to me, all of you! I would really hate to see it divided also, because, well I may not always respond, but I am reading and looking at all the great pictures these young people post!

I love you guys, all! There is not a young person here that I don't love and respect to the fullest! Please believe that!


08-08-2004, 01:36 PM
Whew...I finally got to the end of this thread! Good points made all around. I also spend a lot of time posting in Cat General as cats are my passion, and I spend countless hours on the streets rescuing abandoned cats and kittens.(At my time and expense). I also don't hesitate to rescue other animals in need such as sea gulls, dogs, escaped pet birds etc. I also check the New Posts or Todays Active Threads and will read what catches my eye. I enjoy going to see Who's Online and check out what others are reading. I've made the silly mistake of not noting the date a thread was started and end up responding to threads from several years back. :rolleyes: Now I check the post date. I usually check out many different forums, but don't often have the time to do more than a quick skimming of topics. If I find a human interest story involving pets, or other topics, I'll often post them in the catagory most suitable to the story line. I was rather taken aback (aka insulted) when I was PMd by another poster asking "why I'm always posting news stories, people read newspapers". I for one don't, and many of the posted stories are from other countries! If people don't want to read or respond to them that's fine with me. If this person had stopped and done a search of the over thousand posts I've posted, 95% are about my rescues, my special needs cats etc. I have posted about my dogs as well, and don't feel insulted by the number of responses, as Karen said, look at the number of views. I accept that many of us are too busy in our lives to respond to each and every post. I know I am! Jan P.S I found this thread by seeing Who's Online, not from the Cat General link.;)

08-08-2004, 01:46 PM
Originally posted by bluekat
PCB and others who agree with her, I know what you mean by feeling excluded from the cat people. But I'm not saying that its completely wrong for some general related threads to be in Cat General only. I know some people only post in the cat side, and I see nothing wrong with that. If I only posted on the cat side, I would probably post threads that belong in general in cat general too. Because if you only post on the cat side, then you wouldn't feel as comfortable with the rest of PT that don't post there. And those people might not want to come over to general also, if they're only here because they love cats and only want a cat-related forum.
But I do have to agree that the cat side seems more friendly and close...I have never seen a thread there where people were fighting but I have seen a couple in the dog side.

I completely agree. Some people simply don't have the time to post on all forums and they choose to come to the forum of their choice(be it dog, pet or cat). I know that (for the longest time) since I only had cats, I felt like I only belonged on the "cat side", so to speak. I couldn't relate to any of the dog, other pet threads, so I simply didn't go there.

I've noticed that some people are always only on the "dog side" too, so personally this topic goes both ways. If I can't relate to something, why spend the time when my time is limited?
I'll be honest in saying that I primarily spend all of my time on the "cat side" because that is where I've been since 2001 and that is where I feel comfortable. I do pop occasionally onto the dog side and pet general and general, but not quite as often. Doesn't mean I don't like those animals any less. I love every one, but I just don't have the time to post in every part of the forum. Now that I have a dog, I've looked a little more on the dog side, but since nobody knows me, I don't feel as welcome.

I have been away for quite some time from PT, and I think it was primarily because there were so many threads about non-pet related topics all over the place...and it simply didn't interest me. I have come to Pet Talk to talk about pets, not to always gossip about totoally unrelated things. I do participate in some of the non-pet related topics, but not as much as I do the pet-related topics.
I guess it turned me off for awhile, so when I came back, I just stayed in the cat-related topics because that IS what interests me, ya know? I don't think any member of this forum is intentionally being rude by only being in one part of the forum, I just think they tend to stay where the topics interest them and where they feel comfortable, and I don't see a problem with that. I guess it's because I'm one of those people??!! :rolleyes: :confused:

leslie flenner
08-08-2004, 09:08 PM
I just post where I am interested but that doesn't mean I don't look and wish I had the energy to post elsewhere!- I do look at lots of other stuff but i have to keep going or I'd be on pet talk for hours! Right now I am focused on helping my mom's friend's friend find a home for her elderly dog and blind cat- so I will whip through everthing else and post only limited amounts- this one seemed definately worth it! I like doghouse and general and I seek out a lot but even when I'm not busy- I can't reply to everything I look at and am enjoying!! They are all great!

08-09-2004, 08:37 AM
I agree...I'm 27 and I feel like the 'outsider'. While I feel more comfortable on the cat side as opposed to general, I still have no good friends, no one to PM, no one to chat with on aim, no one to meet with..etc. Guess that's why I pretty much gave up on posting a lot anymore..just basically a lurker now.... Although when I do post something, I seem to get more of a response in Cat General.

I feel the same way...so all I do is lurk around and just try to reply...I see no use in posting things that go on in my life if no one cares heck they don't even get alot of views....I have been here since January and haven't made one friend....but people say post more, reply more that doesn't matter I posted all the time when I first started and that didn't make a difference.....I'm done whining now so I'm going back to lurking now:D :o

08-09-2004, 09:32 AM
Crystal, I think you are just the sweetest! I would love to see pictures of Katie. I see her in you siggy, so won't you please post some pictures of Katie?


08-09-2004, 12:06 PM
I usually end up lurking on any forum I'm on...mostly because my big *virtual* mouth gets me into trouble :(. I got flamed when I first joined and became a hardcore lurker for fear of offending people. I don't like offending people *I don't like conflict in general* and I'm always afraid of doing that because I see things differently than others. I don't get a lot of negativity on the cat side *probibly because all I post are pix of Remus lol*. I try to post on topics that interest me but I try to keep things nutral. I look at every general forum and the Dog House every day because I enjoy reading all the great stories on here *and the Dog House gets mighty entertaining at times* I find myself lurking over in Cat more just because I have a kitty and I can relate more *also I get helpful advice, being a first time kitty owner I can sure use it sometimes!*

I don't know, I'll probibly end up staying around PT for a long time and posting on occasion. I've been here a while now and really only PM one person. I think that Pen Pal thing is a great idea for developing friendships and generally getting to know people. The getting to know is the hardest part I think, and I think thats why people tend to form cliques and stay on cirtain sides *cat, dog etc.*

08-09-2004, 12:13 PM
DJ, I remember that, but you know I was never offended! It takes a lot to offend me, maybe because I'm old and too busy offending myself! LOL, but anyway, I have not even seen anything to get you in trouble over!

DJ, you are a fine addition to Pet Talk, and I really appreciate you!


leslie flenner
08-09-2004, 08:30 PM
QSL got flamed when she first joined in (I think) January too. I had already joined and upset bunyfoofoo (or fufu) and I had been urging QSL to join. She finally did. Then, right away, I stumbled across a thread that upset me and talked Jan into responding as she is the trapper/rescuer in our area but she got hell from everyone on the cat side. I apologized to her repeatedly and eventually it all quieted down, OBVIOUSLY! SO, to those of you who feel ignored, you're not. Jan had to keep at it to win everyones good graces and btw- I don't think I'm exactly "friends" with people here but that is not why I am here- I am here to learn, share, enjoy, exchange, giggle, give giggles if I can, and to prod jan into putting up horrible pictures with ending success stories! I also get caught up in silly arguments that I best stay out of (bunyfufu...bad start)
Well, point is, I don't think anyone need feel unwelcome but since some do, I'm glad it's been voice and maybe it will be recognized in future posts!

08-09-2004, 08:42 PM
To be perfectly honest, I've never once gone into any of the cat forums ... because I don't have a cat. I'm allergic to cats, so I'm never going to own one. It's nothing personal, I just have no connection to or interest in cats.

I post in the dog forums because I have lots of dogs; I read and occasionally post in the pet general forum because I have birds, hamsters and a snake ... and I post in General and Dog House because I like to blab and debate.

So I can certainly understand if someone owns only cats, and has no interest in dogs or politics, that they would never leave the cat forums. I highly doubt it's anything personal on their part, either ... one posts and reads where ones interests lie, that's all. Most of us are incredibly busy, with school, work, kids, pets, etc. We have to use our precious free time wisely.

I wouldn't blow it out of proportion. I'm sure it's not a case of Dog People vs. Cat People or anything like that. We simply post where our interests lie.

08-09-2004, 09:01 PM
I dont know what to say really. I mean I share my house with a main coon kitty, but I never post pics or story's about him. I have 4 times before and got a couple replies. but huh...

This is a odd post. I would infact like to meet some of the cat ppl. Jordan *wolfsoul* is now a "cat" person lol. and she is my best friend..

I just dont venture over to the cat side... I feel out of place.. :o

leslie flenner
08-09-2004, 09:15 PM
is it because you don't have a relationship with your kitty the way other cat owners on the cat side do? I mean- some cat owners really do feel akin to their cats like kids! (i do) so if you aren't getting that connection - I can see why you would feel "out of place".

08-09-2004, 09:48 PM
I don't venture over to the cat side much because I don't have a cat. I'm going to get one when I have my own house someday, but for now I have a dog and guinea pig so I'm in PG and DG. The times I have been in CG I do feel out of place, possibly because I am younger then everyone else? (Thats how it seems, I'm 13 and I don't know any one else here that is.....)

I do understand about us playing favorites. I have posted pictures of Snowy or Taffy and have only gotten 1 or 2 replies, while someone who has posted something after me is up to 20. It could possibly be that I'm a 'newbie' and since I haven't been on PT for all that long not a lot of people know me. But sometimes it is upsetting to see Replies:0.


08-09-2004, 11:57 PM
Even if people say "You should post more pix"
I do.. then only 3 or 4 people reply and they are always the same people (thank you!!!:D)

I don't remember feeling unwelcome on the cat side even before I had a kitty. But on the dog side there have been times that I and others have posted pics of our dogs and we get a handful of replies. Other people can post hundreds of pics and get pages of replies and they post more often then we do and yes it does hurt feelings. I am not pointing fingers at the posters or the repliers but it is something that has been on my mind a lot. B/c if makes a person feel like "what is the point in posting, they don't care if I do or if I don't. " I don't know if it is b/c I have made some of the younger generation mad and that is why my threads don't get looked on the dog side or what. I say the younger generation b/c that is over half of Pettalk, especially the doggie side. I do know that I can count on my close friends to reply and see my threads. I don't know if that means I am part of a clique or not. But I do know that there are cliques that I don't belong too. I also realize that sometimes a thread will get put on the 2nd page rather quickly on a busy day. I have a bad habit of only looking at page one. I think that is why the time I posted about Keegan meeting Rocky, only one person replied and I had to bump it up and it got several more replies. But my feelings were hurt for a little bit even tho they probably shouldn't have been.
When I first joined I stuck to the dog side, then I got a kitty and the kitty side then I went to General. I usually check Dog General, Cat General and General.
I hope I haven't made even more people angry, but everyone else was being honest so I decided to also.

08-10-2004, 02:58 PM
Originally posted by leslie flenner
is it because you don't have a relationship with your kitty the way other cat owners on the cat side do? I mean- some cat owners really do feel akin to their cats like kids! (i do) so if you aren't getting that connection - I can see why you would feel "out of place".

Well maybe if the cat that lives with me was mine then I would have more of a relationship with him, but he is my brothers.
I personally have never had luck with cats, they always ran away, got hit byu a car, got attacked by wild animals, or were stolen. Even the inside ones... :(.. So I dont really want to own them anymore, it is to painful to loos them.

K & L
08-10-2004, 03:11 PM
I only have a short time here at work, and at home, that I'm able to post. I rarely go to anything but the cat side. I would really enjoy reading everything, but is impossible for me. I feel lucky to post as much as I do on the cat side. Sorry!

08-10-2004, 05:59 PM

I definetly know that I am not well liked here. So I'm kinda afraid to do posting now in fear of people acusing me of lying. I didn't really get off to a very good start.so umm. here i go.

I read some of the posts and noticed that people agree , well most, that the cat side people genrally get along easier. no one is judged by what pet they have. but what about the mistakes that they make? What if one person slips up once. the very first time? does it go unseen? To tell you the truth i am seriously scared to post and thread my ideas now. All because i messed up . I have made two good friends so far who have not judged me. maybe i can find more elswhere?

08-10-2004, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird
what did we do to have the prayer requests for PT'ers that needed them hidden from us, just because the ones who needed prayers were cat people? I know that I have sadly missed out on praying for several members that were ill or had surgery, because their threads were in Cat General. :(

This was from the very first post and I think its probably the most powerful part of it.

The power of PT prayer has been used by so many here - it is very appropriate to have it in the General thread. A cross-post in the animal specific section would also be ok.

Also, lets not get so hung up on ourselves here, what PCB mentions isn't a PetTalk issue, its a nettiquette issue. For ANY forum like this it is proper ettiquette to put posts in their correct category to assist the reader.

I posted a question in General just yesterday and while I didn't receive an overwhelming number of posts, the ones that I did receive were very thoughtful and appreciated.

(as for why there are more posts in Cats - its because we have a lot of time on our hands because our cats are ignoring us.;) )

08-10-2004, 11:10 PM
K & L
There is no reason to apologize, you do what you can do. We all live very busy lives.

Harmanie, I don't understand what you mean as to you aren't very well liked here, I think that is the first post I have ever seen from you.

08-11-2004, 04:07 PM
I have to agree with Staci, Harmanie I have not come across you before either, and I have been here a while now, maybe you did only post a couple of times and things went wrong, I don't know the reasons, but Just wanted to say, you should give us all another chance, we are a great lot of people who welcome new members with open arms, so don't be afraid no more, hope to see more posts of yours popping up soon ok.:)

08-11-2004, 04:23 PM
Originally posted by Harmanie

I definetly know that I am not well liked here. So I'm kinda afraid to do posting now in fear of people acusing me of lying. I didn't really get off to a very good start.so umm. here i go.

I read some of the posts and noticed that people agree , well most, that the cat side people genrally get along easier. no one is judged by what pet they have. but what about the mistakes that they make? What if one person slips up once. the very first time? does it go unseen? To tell you the truth i am seriously scared to post and thread my ideas now. All because i messed up . I have made two good friends so far who have not judged me. maybe i can find more elswhere?

Harmanie, I read the posts that made you feel unwelcome. They were totally out of line, and I felt very bad for you. I think that we have dealt with so many people looking for trouble lately, that some people at Pet Talk are quick to judge.

I am very sorry that you got off to a rough start. I hope that you stick around at PT. It is a fun place and there are lots of great people here.

08-11-2004, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by catland
(as for why there are more posts in Cats - its because we have a lot of time on our hands because our cats are ignoring us.;) )


08-11-2004, 04:42 PM
Catland, you really got it right!!;) :D

08-11-2004, 06:21 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Catnapper, that just kind of made me feel bad. :( I guess I won't post about things going on in my life anymore.... I never saw any problems with you doing such. :(

I don't seee why there's such a need to be seperated by ages. We are all human... age is just a number we carry.

PCB.. please stop taking my thoughts.. it is scaring me. :p

I agree. Catnapper, I think the whole "Older people dont want to hear about your personal life... and we dont want to hear your nagging" thing was a little harsh... Not to be rude or start a fight. But I think that when teens post about their personal life and are asking for advice, alot of the people replying with good advice are adults. And their advice is usually the best. I never found it a problem with other people posting about their lives.

If you dont want to hear "nagging" or "whining" from teens/kids... then ignore the post.:o

As for me... my best friend is 38 years old. And I am 14. (lmao) It may seem wierd... but we seem to connect better then I and my "kid" friends do!


08-11-2004, 07:14 PM
Carly I think you are being a tad harsh on catnapper here, she is a lovely person, and I think maybe her comments were taking a bit out of context, perhaps we should give her the chance to explain exactly what she meant., however after re-reading her post I can see why offence could be taken.

Personally I just love hearing about everyone's lifes, their ups and downs, their joys,even their sorrows, not so much of the sorrows, but at least we can offer support and love in those situations.

Age does not even come into it, Everyone has something happening in their lives , they may wish to share, and that is what PT General is all about, so for those of you who felt offended please let her explain and know that I certainly donot feel that way at all, and I am sure many others share my views.

P.S I would just like to add I have posted in Dog General for the first time ever, regarding something I thought was important, everyone is so out-raged about the dogs being poisoned in Greece, but yet when it comes down to it only one person answered and said they would send a letter to the PM of Greece,and only 24 views, so I say put your money where your mouth is. I am really disappointed. This to me is the only way we can get the attention of the Government and protest, it might just work.

08-11-2004, 07:24 PM
Well said, Carole. Kim is a very loving person, and from what I have seen, she is very sweet and very understanding to the young people here. She really is being misunderstood. I have see her react with all, and she is just the sweetest person. Please don't be too harsh on her.


08-11-2004, 07:26 PM
I agree. Kim has three teens herself, so she can't possibly hate kids! I think you all are misunderstanding her.

08-11-2004, 07:29 PM
I think maybe Kim's Choice of words could have been better, but I am certain she would be horrified if she thought she had upset anyone, so let us let Kim speak for herself and re-address the matter perhaps and explain to those who feel offended.

08-11-2004, 07:31 PM
I take back what I said about KIm, and was meaning to post this sooner. She apologized to me Via-PM and let me know she wasn't talking about me at all. :)

08-11-2004, 08:04 PM
My goodness! I DO seem to be misunderstood - GREATLY misunderstood!

I'll try to elaborate... sorry if I was curt before. I meant that there might *possibly* be a second general. One general for EVERYONE, another more like a "club" for the teens to go and really let their hair down and have fun. They could pass along jokes that only they'd get, talk about their music, pass along dating tips, etc. Then they could come to general and post their stories, ask for homework help, ask for prayers, etc.

I think it would be more fun for the younger ones, and enhance their PT experience. I think it would make things easier on the folks that find these types of posts intimidating, therefore enhancing the older population's PT experience.

I wasn't trying to create a young side and an older side. Not at all! I think the younger folk have a big influence on PT and I don't want that to go away. But I know that I am not the only one who gets annoyed when I see a post that I'd label as a "senseless post that wastes my time"... but at the same time I know that post means something real and important to the person posting. Why not have them post that somewhere where they'll have others who relate? Does that make sense? I know I want a place where I can go and get understanding and comisseration. Why couldn't we offer the younger population a place that offers them more substance on PT?

I don't want to hurt ANYONE'S feelings. I think the younger folk need to look at their posts. Are they always "real" posts, or are they "I'm bored, so I'll post something" posts? There's nothing wrong with that in concept, so long as the majority of those reading those types of posts are receptive to those posts. Hence, my concept of the addition of a new board under the general heading for the younger set. I'd personally be excited at the concept of a place to call my own on a board as large as this! I could talk about the teacher out to get me, the cute guy three seats over in science class, and the unfair set of circumstances that led to my horrendous perm :p But then when I would have a serous topic like needing prayers for a family member, or post my latest artwork, I'd put it in general to share with everyone!

08-11-2004, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
One general for EVERYONE, another more like a "club" for the teens to go and really let their hair down and have fun. They could pass along jokes that only they'd get, talk about their music, pass along dating tips, etc. Then they could come to general and post their stories, ask for homework help, ask for prayers, etc. .....

I, personally, think that is a very good idea.

leslie flenner
08-11-2004, 10:11 PM
I agree with the idea for a teen general- there a definately a need for it!
Carole- I too am disappointed by lack of responses re: writing to prime minister but jan has started thread on dog house and moosmom posted site with info (i tried with info jan sent me but it didn't show up right so moosmom did it right!) Anyone here who would like to advocate for the now gone dogs in Athens, go to dog house!

08-11-2004, 10:17 PM
We are all pet lovers, regardless of age.

08-11-2004, 10:48 PM
While I understand your intentions Kim, I just think the *majority* of our teens are treasures and I feel that we shouldn't separate ourselves anymore that we already are. If I don't want to read a post that doesn't interest me, or is by one of the few immature PTers, I just don't read it.

I like us all as one big family, hanging out in the family room. :)


08-11-2004, 10:58 PM
Well I have done my bit, I just hope others follow, its all very well to say you are horrified then stick your head in the sand.

I must say I am still disappointed that only one person responded, so much for my experience on the Dog side. For those of you on the cat side who feel left out or excluded, I guess I know how you feel, It wasn't that I was even welcomed , just competely ignored.

Kim I think your idea is quite good, maybe it could work, depends on how everyone feels, I guess we can always venture to either if we wish.

08-12-2004, 08:13 AM
Sorry if I was too harsh.

I understand way better what you were saying Catnapper.

I know that EVERYONE on PT is a wonderful person!

08-12-2004, 10:26 AM
I don't really understand why 'kids' (under 18? under 21?) feel so stygmatized by the word 'kids'. You are! It isn't anything to be ashamed of, depressed over, or to take offense at. Face it. You are kids. Others are adults. Some of us are 'old'. Whatever. There is, usually, a certain perspective that comes from age and experience. Not all the time, but, probably most of the time. Yes, we all know REALLY mature 15 year olds, and REALLY immature 40 year olds. (of which I am not one, as I am not 40...he he he).

This is from where I was making my earlier statment about 'clutter' (Robilee). Kids are usually the ones that are doing the "I am bored"..."I hate school"...."My parents are horrible"...or some other eye grabbing title. I stay in Cat most of the time because I know these people better, and am more likely to be interested in what they are posting about, and have come to rely on their titles as accurate. When time is at a premium, I have to resort to this sort of action. I cannot read all threads. I am not interested in all threads. So, when I want to pop on for 10 minutes, and maximize my PT time...I go to Cats. I can count on that to get me what I need, usually. I would welcome a more 'teen' oriented General. Why? It saves me time reviewing the threads, candidly. I am more apt to pop over to General when I don't have to review five pages of 'clutter'. Does that mean I am right? No. It is my opinion. I didn't create this board, and intend to stay here. I modify my behavior by staying in Cats. (This thread was sent to me by someone to see...I don't know that I would have looked at it, otherwise).

I post where I want to post, trying to maintain the topics/categories appropriately. Do I always? No. Do I get upset when others don't? No, I don't even know if I notice it. I don't want there to be 'rules' on whom I connect with, where I connect with, etc. If someone doesn't feel loved here, I suggest they look inward, not outward, for responsibility.

08-12-2004, 10:42 AM
I don't understand though.
There's many adults who make threads "My husband and I are.." "I just got married" "I'm going to get married" "I'm selling my house" "I can't stand my child's teacher" And so on... What's the difference between their threads and the younger people's threads? Yes, I do see some of these threads as annoying and clutter, BUT... not EVERYONE does. No one's making anyone to click on it, and no one's making you read them. It's not hard to scroll past a few of them.

I do not see the point for a "teen general" It will only seperate us more than we already are.

I have made a few threads about my parents.. a few about my school.. and so on. I feel horrible now as if these are not wanted and i'm not allowed to vent about things here anymore. You have no clue how nice it is to vent to PT'ers and recieve loving words of encouragement. It really feels like someone's there and someone care when it *feels* like in real life no one does.

I'm not saying that anyones pointing these fingers at me or anything like that, but I can imagine what others my age feel right now.

I'm not ashamed of being a kid (well, seeing actions of some of my peers I am) but I do dislike when we are seperated or put into catagories. We are human beings too, believe it or not.

08-12-2004, 10:49 AM
Originally posted by Kfamr
I have made a few threads about my parents.. a few about my school.. and so on. I feel horrible now as if these are not wanted and i'm not allowed to vent about things here anymore.

I know. I see your point. And, I can only assure you I am NOT directing these comments towards you. I am telling you how I feel, right or wrong. I don't think that changes anything though, does it?

08-12-2004, 10:54 AM
Johanna, it does change things, and I figured people weren't directing these things about me.. but it still makes me feel iffy cause i'm a teen. :p

*Maybe* a good idea would be to make a whole rant section all together. Where everyone could post their hard feelings about something.. " Ugh, we're having trouble selling our house"
"My child is acting like a brat" "i'm have trouble in school" " I cannot stand my parents" "My child's teacher is a.."

And so on. then we won't we seperated, but all of the "clutter" will be taken out of General.

08-12-2004, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by Kfamr
*Maybe* a good idea would be to make a whole rant section all together. Where everyone could post their hard feelings about something.. " Ugh, we're having trouble selling our house"
"My child is acting like a brat" "i'm have trouble in school" " I cannot stand my parents" "My child's teacher is a.."

And so on. then we won't we seperated, but all of the "clutter" will be taken out of General.

Then what will be left to post in general?

08-12-2004, 11:04 AM
Well said Cataholic. I agree:) I think the teen general is a great idea. I too am not directing this at any specific person...I just wanted to say this up front. ;) kfamr, please don't feel like any of this is being directed at you. You post about animals(your pets) quite a lot, which is what I enjoy about PT! Your puppers have the be the most spoiled puppers in the world! ;) Even if I can't post everytime to every thread, I still look at all the great pictures you take! ;)
So, having a teen general doesn't mean that if you're a teen you have to post there, but it's a good way to get all the "clutter" in one place. I think the "clutter" is one of the reasons why I took quite a long break from PT. I just wasn't interested in all of these non pet-related random threads, and didn't have the time to sift through lots of pages of it.
Now, I'm not saying that teens should only post there, they should post on relevant pet threads as well. They are a part of this wonderful community and like micki76 said, they are treasures here at PT and contribute a great deal (and some of them I'm happy to call my friends), but with the excess amount of "chat" going on, a teen general would be an appropriate place to categorize it all.

08-12-2004, 11:21 AM
Originally posted by Tonya
Then what will be left to post in general?


Fun games, Post picture of you threads, Congrats threads, signature threads... too much to list!:p

08-12-2004, 11:21 AM
I would prefer that we keep just one General.

I'm perfectly capable of passing up threads that don't interest me. By the same token, I have replied to some "teen" threads when its obvious that the young person has a serious issue to deal with and is seeking advice.

Other times the teens give us old people :p a fresh perspective which is also welcome.

I'm sure that we also have plenty of threads that are boring to the teens. They don't care who we listened to in the 80's because they weren't born yet.

Regarding replying to threads - timing can be everything. I've learned not to start a new thread on Friday afternoons because the people I know the best are usually getting ready to head out for the weekend.

08-12-2004, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by Kfamr

Fun games, Post picture of you threads, Congrats threads, signature threads... too much to list!:p

But what if someone thinks games or congrats are clutter?

08-12-2004, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by catland
I would prefer that we keep just one General.

I'm perfectly capable of passing up threads that don't interest me. By the same token, I have replied to some "teen" threads when its obvious that the young person has a serious issue to deal with and is seeking advice.

Other times the teens give us old people :p a fresh perspective which is also welcome.

I'm sure that we also have plenty of threads that are boring to the teens. They don't care who we listened to in the 80's because they weren't born yet.

Regarding replying to threads - timing can be everything. I've learned not to start a new thread on Friday afternoons because the people I know the best are usually getting ready to head out for the weekend.

I think you may be right. It isn't to hard to skip over the stuff that isn't important to you. I think before we worry about who posts where, we need to get these catfights straightened out. It's very bothering to see so much negativity and anger.

08-12-2004, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by Tonya
But what if someone thinks games or congrats are clutter?

I'm not saying that the rants are clutter so i'm not getting what you're saying. I'm talking about having a "Rant" Section for all rants -- made by teens, made by 20's, made by 100 year old for all I care. For everyone.

It would just be so there are less threads made in General, since alot of threads here are "rants" (I have no problem with them fyi) and I think general would be a more happy place.

08-12-2004, 11:53 AM
Some good points have been made by various people in this thread, even if the perspectives are different, and it seems people are expressing themselves in a respectful way. That is encouraging to see. I hope everyone reads all the posts which have been made here and endeavors to understand why people feel the way they do and that certain points of view are not a put down.

I do feel sad that there are those who do not feel that they have become a part of the group here. I also feel that sad that some of the dog/cat/pet related posts where people ask for advice aren't given as much response as the general type topics are. (I'm pointing the finger at myself as well as others here.)

08-12-2004, 12:24 PM
I guess I just don't see the need for Teen General, because I don't see the teens posts posts as "clutter". :( Any of the threads by teens or adults that I have issues with, or threads that I just am not interested in, I just skip over.

Also, what one member may consider "clutter", another may value. Isn't the whole reason for a General category for anything "off topic"?

08-12-2004, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
I'm not saying that the rants are clutter so i'm not getting what you're saying. I'm talking about having a "Rant" Section for all rants -- made by teens, made by 20's, made by 100 year old for all I care. For everyone.

It would just be so there are less threads made in General, since alot of threads here are "rants" (I have no problem with them fyi) and I think general would be a more happy place.

Yeah, I totally agree with a rant section. It'd be great to keep the negativity siphoned into one section. What my point was about these "pointless" threads is that everyone has a different opinion on what is considered "clutter". Negativity is negativity...That is black and white, so that's easy to manage and say where that goes. But "clutter" on the other hand...if everyone decided to take what they consider clutter away, General will be empty. We all have to many different interests.

p.s. We all know I've been dreaming of a catfight section, so that the fights don't get mixed into our everyday posts. If were gonna fight, fight...but take it outside! :p

08-12-2004, 01:09 PM
I thought that general was used for anything at all. You can talk about home, your pets, etc. Why make another general when we allready have one?? That is the same thing as seperating teens from adults. I don't want to affend any one. Well thats just how I feel about it.


08-12-2004, 05:49 PM
Having read all the replys and opinions on here,I personally donot see any need for any change to PT, it is fine how it is, I have had second thoughts, and agree entirely with Micki, what might be boring or seen as a rant to one, might not be to another.

I think it all needs to be put in perspective here, it is getting ridiculous if you have to think everytime you post, oh is this a rant,? is my grammar perfect?, my spelling? and the general section is just for that about anything that is going on in your life, the news , whatever.

Why is there a need to separate Teens from us, if you don't like the heading of the thread, simply don't click on it, each and everyone one of us can do that.

I don't think teens post any more boring threads than the adults on here, I am sure we all have posted some boring threads once in a while, not everything I post is interesting to everyone, just a selected few.

I have enjoyed many teens threads, I often venture in there, try to offer advice when asked, or an opinion, or a bit of humour when called for, they have as much to offer as anyone on here, and it is offensive to say otherwise IMO. I have found myself asking questions about my own daughter, in hope that the teens will respond, and they do and give sound advice, that even I need sometimes, it is good to get a different perspective.

I know Kim you were mis-understood, but in hindsight I really cannot agree with you, I say leave things as they are, if it Ain't broke why fix it?

08-12-2004, 07:35 PM
I didn't realize there was a difference, although I don't check out Cat General very often.
I just come here to let off steam, read people's stories, reply if I know anything about it, & I LOVE to talk so, I probably post a lot of boring subjects to people! But, does it really, honestly matter??? I know everyone has a different personality & someone might take something the wrong way...blah, blah, blah, do you know what I mean?
I try to care about everyone's feelings on here & give respect & deserve to get back in return.
I have been lucky enough to get responses back from people that seem to really genuinely care but there are many times that I feel some people on here aren't sincere. (This is how I feel)......I feel kinda left out of the whole "who is your fav. pt-er on here?".....I only have 200 some posts but I listen to people, I give them my thoughts. Sometimes, I feel like people are bored by what I have to say or post......I hope that isn't the case & I'm not trying to be a downer!:(
I have good & bad days just like EVERY SINGLE PERSON on here does! I do feel left out of the loop though!
I'm not sure if people get their friend's to log on here & just associate with them or what?!
I guess I'll have to keep posting if I do want to make any friends though!!!:)

08-12-2004, 09:55 PM
Tina I hear what you are saying, I have been here at least a year and half and have over 3000 posts, and I am fairly well known by now I think, as I always have a lot to say lol, but don't feel bad, I don't get into the fav pt thing either or asked about my cats much, but I just take it with a grain of salt, I know there are some lovely people here who do really care about me, and that is all that matters, so keep posting , you will find your niche sooner or later, and if not well, it is still fun to be here and you learn new things everyday.

08-12-2004, 10:12 PM
Originally posted by micki76
I guess I just don't see the need for Teen General, because I don't see the teens posts posts as "clutter". :( Any of the threads by teens or adults that I have issues with, or threads that I just am not interested in, I just skip over.

Also, what one member may consider "clutter", another may value. Isn't the whole reason for a General category for anything "off topic"?
I have read this whole thread & I agree.
I couldn't have said it better myself. I like
PT just the way it is..."clutter" & all:D

08-12-2004, 10:19 PM
Even threads that don't seem "very interesting"......I still look at or try to comment on. Because I think it means a lot to people to have someone respond. It sucks when people just look but don't reply. It makes ME feel like I'm being brushed off & other's are more important than mine. I'm just stating on how I feel about the matter.
I at least try to take the time to write something, anything because I don't want anyone to feel left out!:)

Toller 42
08-12-2004, 10:19 PM
I just read this thread now, I've never felt unwelcomed anywhere. I think PT is a really great, I feel more comfortable in the dog section only because I have dogs but I have posted in the cat section I didn't really feel unwelcomed though. I love PT and I love it just the way it is!:) :D

08-12-2004, 10:32 PM
I am NOT reading this whole thread! lol but I have to agree that while I dont go to the cat side much, the dog side is VERY cliquey only certain people get replies everyone else gets maybe 1-2 replies and always from the same people.

Toller 42
08-12-2004, 10:40 PM
Dog General doesn't seem to be very active lately, I think that might be why some people aren't getting very many replies. Sometimes I look at a thread but don't reply because I don't want to say the exact same thing as everybody else, and sometimes I don't know what to say exactly but I usually enjoy every thread:) so if I don't reply to your posts I'm sorry.

08-13-2004, 08:13 PM
Originally posted by carole
P.S I would just like to add I have posted in Dog General for the first time ever, regarding something I thought was important, everyone is so out-raged about the dogs being poisoned in Greece, but yet when it comes down to it only one person answered and said they would send a letter to the PM of Greece,and only 24 views, so I say put your money where your mouth is. I am really disappointed. This to me is the only way we can get the attention of the Government and protest, it might just work.

I would like to respond (although I am a few days late). Carole - I have noticed if I post things of importance in Dog - General it sometimes gets buried with other posts of "pics of my dogs" and "what is your favorite color" kind of post. Now don't get me wrong - I love seeing the pictures and hearing about people's thoughts, but I have found that posts that are of real importance get more exposure in either Dog Rescue or Dog Behavior. I personally didn't even see your post about the issue of dog poisioning in Greece until someone (who has more time than I) replied and brought it to the front page. These type of issues are of extreme importance to me and I never want to see it buried, so I always try to post important issues in areas where they won't get buried in "fluff" posts.

Now before anyone flames me - I like the fluff posts. They make me feel good and help me forget some of the things I have to deal with as a shelter volunteer and shelter trainer, but if there is something of importance, I post in the other forums. It is just sometimes I do not have the time to read every post so I usually go to the other forums first and if I have time, I will go to Dog General. Believe me when I say that many people who are involved in animal rescue saw the message and responded. It is just that people that are seriously in animal rescue don't necessarily have the time to respond. :)

08-13-2004, 08:35 PM
Originally posted by micki76
I guess I just don't see the need for Teen General, because I don't see the teens posts posts as "clutter". :( Any of the threads by teens or adults that I have issues with, or threads that I just am not interested in, I just skip over.

Also, what one member may consider "clutter", another may value. Isn't the whole reason for a General category for anything "off topic"?

I totally agree. EVERYONE has there OWN opinion!

If I say... "Oh! Swimming is the best sport ever! Its the most fun!"

You could say, "No! Soccer is the besy sport!:rolleyes:..(not...lol) Its way more fun!"

I know everyone knows what an opinion is.. lol. But Im just saying... if someone said that... would we start a big argument?

Just like Micki stated... what one person considers "clutter," another could very much value it.

Also... I dont think its nice that some people are saying... "I would never consider it clutter if Kay said it... but when other people say it... it is."

I know that was not meant to hurt feelings... but it kinda did.:(


08-13-2004, 09:03 PM
I agree with Micki, I don't want to see the anything split up. I really do enjoy reading what the young people have to say! They deserve to be heard too. That is what I have always taught my kids, and they all turned out okay!

I have the greatest respect for our young people here.
