View Full Version : Gross!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

08-05-2004, 09:54 PM
SICK SICK SICK!!!!! Aaaaaaaaaack!

Sophie has worms, and probably Tito too. I will spare you all the details of how I found out, but it was NOT cool. AT ALL. SICK!!!!

I feel bad - how could she have gotten them? I am calling the vet as soon as they open tomorrow.


08-05-2004, 10:01 PM
It happens. Both my shelter kitties had worms and I found out the gross way too. I remember thinking why is there rice everywhere?? Ick!!! A Drontal tablet for each cat and they'll be worm free soon.

If she had fleas she could have gotten from them but she probably had them when you got her. I had Scout for about two or three months before I realized she had worms.

08-05-2004, 10:11 PM
Exactly - rice. *puke* *puke* *puke* Are worms easily transferable from cat to cat? I bet they both have them. They like to lick each other a lot so I bet whoever had it first transferred it to the other one by now. I wonder if it was something I gave them - cat grass? Do I need to disinfect my house? I will definitely bleach out the litterboxes tomorrow. Man!! This sucks!

And we were having such a sweet evening too! They were both asleep in my lap - that's the first time that's ever happened with them! And then I made the discovery, got grossed out, and am now avoiding them both!! Poor kitties.

EDIT: I just remembered that I brought stool samples from each of them to the vet to be tested for worms on their first vet visit, and both were negative. That's why I think they got them recently. I forgot to say that earlier.

08-05-2004, 10:17 PM
Oh my - you should be glad you weren't here right after Red first came to stay. He puked on the living room carpet - quite a few round worms, and a HUGE (4 inches) clump of those nasty tape worms.

He's fine now. Took all his wormy meds and gets Revolution every month to make sure they stay away.

08-05-2004, 10:22 PM
That's the other thing - both mine have been on Revolution for months now. I don't get it! But, there's no mistaking - Sophie DEFINITELY has worms.

EDIT: Tapeworms in fact. I just looked it up and it says vets can't detect them in a sample. But I still wonder about the Revolution not getting them? Oh well. Maybe I should have posted this in Cat Health. Sorry!

08-05-2004, 10:29 PM
Yeah nothing like laying in bed and discovering "rice" in your bed. The cats haven't had worms in ages, thank gosh!

08-05-2004, 10:29 PM
Originally posted by lizzielou742
That's the other thing - both mine have been on Revolution for months now. I don't get it! But, there's no mistaking - Sophie DEFINITELY has worms. \

Are they indoors only? My boys go in and out, so the Revolution will protect them from the tape worms caused by fleas - but not the ones caused by the creatures they consume while outside.

08-05-2004, 10:32 PM
Originally posted by Grace

Are they indoors only? My boys go in and out, so the Revolution will protect them from the tape worms caused by fleas - but not the ones caused by the creatures they consume while outside.

Yes, they are both indoors only. They do eat cat grass though. Does cat grass have a shelf life? I am feeling guilty because I let them eat some cat grass I bought from the store and then later I took a closer look at it and it had something growing on it - so I threw it out but that's what I am thinking they got it from. :(

OK, I am going to try not to freak out here - but I feel awful. I'm a bad cat mom!! :( :( I made my babies sick!

08-05-2004, 10:40 PM
Originally posted by lizzielou742
Yes, they are both indoors only. They do eat cat grass though. Does cat grass have a shelf life? I am feeling guilty because I let them eat some cat grass I bought from the store and then later I took a closer look at it and it had something growing on it - so I threw it out but that's what I am thinking they got it from. :(

OK, I am going to try not to freak out here - but I feel awful. I'm a bad cat mom!! :( :( I made my babies sick!

I know nothing about cat grass - except that my neighbor has it for her two, and neither of them have tape worms.

Do not beat yourself up over this. Our sweet Abby had tape worms due to fleas she had as a kitten. And she was fostered from birth. Reese, who we found in a parking lot, at 4 months old - covered with fleas, never had a tapeworm. Some get it - some don't.

You saw the worms, and are going to treat the cats - that's the important thing. They will be fine!!

leslie flenner
08-06-2004, 12:24 AM
raven! I just thought of this (sorry all) but she was walking where rats walk. Rats walk through poop. worm eggs in poop. another 30 days- roundworm, maybe tape, maybe other kinds that rodents carry (my vet book says CA has eye worm with cats but us on east coast do not yet- we do have lung worm). Anyway- I am sure this has occured to you and raven poops where ron does and he will pick up eggs too..
Grace- thanks for the wonderful nearly video picture for our imaginations! I've told this story before but here goes just for you! On the phone with friend one day (she does lots of rescue work) when she suddenly screams "What the F****!" Turns out a cat she was fostering and had treated for tape worm had puked up a tape worm WHOLE including the MOUTH! She was very freaked out by the size and how the mouth was so visable - the mouth must have let go of the intestines and come up through the stomach for the cat to be able to throw it up whole! Very unusual? I don't know- just glad I didn't see the creature!

08-06-2004, 12:27 AM
I've never bought cat grass already grown so I don't know if that could be the cause but I would be surprised if it was. I do grow my own from seeds I buy on ebay so I know it is safe.

Like Grace said, you are going to get them treated so don't worry. Also, Scout was treated with Revolution the day I brought her home. I took her to the vet and she had fleas and earmites so they gave her a dose in the office but she still had tapeworms a few months later. My point, I don't think Revolution really kills tapeworms. I'm not a fan of the stuff, Revolution, because that one dose on Scout made her hair fall out and burned her skin. About $150 later after tests and treatments she finally grew hair back.

Anyway, a dewormer will take care of if quickly so don't fret. Do make sure you clean and vacuum up all the "rice" so they don't accidently reinjest it and start the cycle over again. That was my vets advice.

08-06-2004, 01:09 AM
I'm sorry to hear that your kitty has tapeworms.:(

I adopted Sky from the Humane Society and he had been a stray and had fleas which they treated with advantage. Unfortunately they never dewormed him which they should always do for a stray. About 3 months later I found a little wiggly worm where Sky had been sitting and even saw one wiggling out of his bottom.:eek: I was terrified and hoped that none of my other cats would get infected.
The vet gave me 4 drontal pills. He was given 2 at the vets and then I had to give him 2 more about 3 weeks later. He's been fine ever since and none of my other cats have tapeworms. Before all of this happened he had also had his stool tested for worms and it was negative. Now if I ever adopt a stray or a cat that hasn't already been dewormed, I'm going to make sure that my vet gives them some pills to take care of all types of worms.

Goodluck. I'm sure everything will work out fine.:) My vet thinks that Sky must have swallowed a flea when he used to have fleas and that's how he got the tapeworm.

08-06-2004, 07:45 AM
Sorry guys, I really should have posted this in cat health, but I accidentally put it here. Anyway I talked to the vet and since Sophie's so small (4 lbs.) I might have to take her in for a shot instead of a pill. But whatever it takes, it's getting done today. :) Poor Sophie, and she hates the vet too!!

I was thinking about it - cats get tapeworms from eating flea larvae. The only thing I can think of is: three weeks ago, I went home and my brother had just gotten a brand-new kitten (she's so cute - a tortie!). When I saw her, he hadn't gotten her to the vet yet (he just got her that day), but of course I couldn't resist petting her and loving on her. So I guess I got something on me, I carried it home, and that's how it happened. That's the only thing I can think of. And maybe Sophie got them because she's so little. I didn't see any signs of them on Tito, but he's getting the medicine anyway. :rolleyes:

Thanks for listening guys. I have never had to deal with something like this before!!

08-06-2004, 08:00 AM
Lizzie it's ok! I know they are gross and disgusting but easily treatable. I don't know of any kitty that hasn't had them at one time or another.
I couldn't help but laugh at you! You are really grossed out and I couldn't help but get tickled.
Everybody will be ok and yes Tito will need to be treated just in case. I promise Tito has probably had them before and was treated at the shelter.
Stop worrying so much about how Sophie got them. You didn't do anything wrong. This is really no big deal and I wouldn't be surprised if you have to do this a few more times in their life.
You are so cute and such a good meowmie!:D :D http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

08-06-2004, 08:08 AM
Just kidding - nothing too gross for the roving toilet reporter - I saw the thread title and jumped right on it:o

Babies are likely fine and happy by now;) You are a very GOOD Meowmie!!:D

08-06-2004, 09:00 AM
Michael,had worms once,it turnd out,that they can get worms from swallowing a Flea,that has them.That will teach Michael,for discarding his Flea Collar!

08-06-2004, 01:11 PM
Well, I just got back from the vet's. I picked up their medicine and I will give it to them (mashed up in some tuna or wet kitten food) as soon as I get home. I don't think it will be a problem getting them to eat it - they usually act starving by the time I get home!! :rolleyes:

While I was there, I made an appointment for Sophie to get spayed and microchipped Sept. 17th. I took a tour of the sir jury room and boarding facilities since she will be staying there overnight. I was very pleased. Everything was very clean, all kitties had clean litter, food and water, and were sleeping away on clean towels. No noticable smell, no kitties looking frantic to escape. There were about 6 cats there being boarded this week, but they had space for about 12. All the tables, floors etc. looked clean too. The staff is super nice. I am much more pleased with this vet than I was with my last one! Phew! :D :D :D This really makes me happy. http://www.my-smileys.de/smileys1/grins.gif

08-06-2004, 05:05 PM
Poor Tito! I got home and smashed up the pills and put them in some tuna, like the vet told me to. Sophie gobbled hers right up (I think she actually liked it) but Tito ate about half of his and then threw it right back up. :( I guess tomorrow I'll go back to the vet's and get another dose and a pill plunger-thingy and try it that way. Or, I might just bring Tito with me and have them show me how. *sigh* and I was supposed to go out of town tomorrow. Guess plans are changing! :rolleyes:

08-06-2004, 11:19 PM
Poor Tito.:(

If you can, I'd take him in and let them do it.

08-07-2004, 12:40 PM
Just an uppiedate - went back to the vets this morning, got another pill, and the vet tech told me exactly how to drop it in his mouth. I came home and tried it - the first two times I missed but the third time was the charm!!! :D Phew! :) Thanks for all your advice! :D