View Full Version : pepper and dudes diets so far so good

08-05-2004, 11:19 AM
pepper and dudes diet is going well so far
what i did was
I saved an empty treat bag
they loved the pounce tartar control treats but as they do not get them at
all while on this diet
So what I tried last night and it worked is
I put there new dry food into the treat bag and dished out the dry cat food
to them directly from the treat bag and they thought they were treats.. so
far so good....


08-05-2004, 12:02 PM
I'm glad to hear that their diets are going good so far and that your little trick worked.

08-05-2004, 12:23 PM
:eek: Very sneaky meowmie!!! Glad it worked!!!:D

08-05-2004, 12:24 PM
I posted this in your same thread under Cat Health:

LOL! I've done that! But be careful, they WILL figure it out! What I do is put a few of the treats in with their new food. Invariably they will get some of the new food in their mouths. Of course if your cats are as intelligent as mine, they will also figure that out and just pick out the treats. I had to keep trying different foods until I hit upon ones they liked. Luckily I had received some free samples of the Royal Canin at a cat show and they gobbled it up, so that's what Mitzi is on now - the light formula. Good luck!

08-05-2004, 02:20 PM
hi ya
ya I think they will eventually figure it out eventually too
but i Hope not
I just hated to not be able to give them any treaties
every night at 7 pm they come and sit and stare at me
as 7 is treatie time
the formula they are on is the royal canin. in dry and moist as well
Waltham's and royal canin have merged and the cat food dry says royal canin on it... it is round circles and they seem to love it

08-05-2004, 03:26 PM
LOL!!! That's a great idea. Pretty sneaky.

08-05-2004, 04:48 PM
hi ya
I thought it was rather clever myself tooo LOL
but I hope they do not cat ch on , they are liable too sooner or later but i hope not
I know they associate treats with that particular treat bag..
I just hated the fact that the little dears would be sitting here staring at me at 7pm waiting for treats as they do every evening as that is there daily treat time and for me to not give them any would just break my heart and make me feel so mean even though of coure I know it is for there own good and I know they would get upset as of course they do not understand why they were not getting any treats
So I thought lets give it a try..

08-05-2004, 04:56 PM
That is a pretty good trick.:)

I should try that with mine, of course mine will probably just stare at me.;)

08-06-2004, 09:29 AM
I now have The Found Cats,On Nutro Complete Care Indoor,and it is helping them,shed the Pounds.Good Luck,with Your Cat Diets!