View Full Version : I cannot believe my luck!

08-04-2004, 08:18 PM
I've been cramping the past week or so. My doctor told me not to worry about it because it's probably just my ligaments stretching.

Well, this morning, when I woke up, the pain was unbearable. So, I called the advice nurse and explained that I've had three miscarriages and that I'm cramping severely and what not. The guy was such an insensitive jerk. He told me that 80% of miscarriages happen during the first trimester and if I'm miscarrying there is nothing they can do. I was like "Yes, I'm off of work right now and under the doctor's care, she's making sure I don't lose this one!" He was all "Well, how bad are you hurting?" I said "So bad that I can't even take my son to school right now." He goes "Well how are you going to make it to an appointment then?" I said "Believe me, I will make it." And he then goes "Well, the soonest appointment is August 16th." I was like b.s.! Someone needs to see me and I don't want to go to E.R. if I don't have to.

So, he told me that he'd send an urgent message to the doctor and she'd call me back within the hour.

Well, the pain got a little better because I took a vicodin, but I am still cramping. Today my mind was pre-occupied with finding Raven, so I didn't really notice the doc hadn't called me back. She knows me well, so I figured that if she thought it was important, she'd call me back right away...

Well, once the vicodin wore off, I realized the pain was still just as bad, so I called back to see what was going. The new advice nurse said that @#&*&@$ didn't even leave an urgent message! In fact, he didn't even note my records! What a jerk! What if I lose the baby because of him?!

So, now I just left a real message with my doc. I'm pretty sure she'll call right back. But now, the labs are closed and stuff, so they can't really do any bloodwork or anything for me tonight. :mad:

08-04-2004, 08:21 PM
If it's an emergency. there are people who can do blood tests, etc. I hope everything turns out okay both for you and the baby. You will be in my heartfelt prayers until I hear otherwise.

08-04-2004, 09:00 PM

You took a Vicodin while pregnant??? If I were you, I'd head to the ER. I wouldn't chance it, especially with your history of miscarriages. At least it'll give you peace of mind.

You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

08-04-2004, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by moosmom

You took a Vicodin while pregnant??? If I were you, I'd head to the ER. I wouldn't chance it, especially with your history of miscarriages. At least it'll give you peace of mind.

You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

Believe it or not, Vicodin (in moderation) is safe when you are pregnant. I couldn't believe it myself, but I got several opinions on it.

Our hospital system is all screwed up right now. My insurance doesn't have a hospital in town. It's in a town 40 minutes away and I've been there before when I was miscarrying. They'll just tell me to rest and see my doc asap.

08-04-2004, 09:05 PM
Thats just wrong!! When ever you call and say you are in pain you should be heard and resepcted by who ever on the other end of the phone, that's their job. Not to decide for themself if you are really in pain or if they belive you need to see a DR. Your body, your pain, your choice to see the Dr. With your history there should have been no questions. It should have been "We will contact the Dr. right away for you and if you feel you need to come in, come right away"

I do hope that everything if fine now and your no longer in pain, but hopefully you can or have seen a Dr. soon. Push comes to shove, go to the hospital, there's no reason to take any chances.

Oh and I hope you give your Dr. a word or two about this jerk. I'm sorry that happened to you.

08-04-2004, 09:08 PM
i am so sorry this has happened to you......unforgiveable! pls. talk to your doctor about this experience asap.

08-04-2004, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by Fox-Gal

Oh and I hope you give your Dr. a word or two about this jerk.
I'm sorry that happened to you.

They told me that these advice nurses are just sitting by telephones in Sacramento. They don't even actually work in a doctor's office. The conversations are recorded, so he's in deep doo doo. The second nurse was going to forward me to her manager, but I told her that I had to much to worry about. They just need to listen to the recording and deal with him.

08-04-2004, 11:05 PM
My doctor is such a sweetheart. She called me 9pm from home to check on me. I'm going to go see her tomorrow morning.

08-04-2004, 11:38 PM
Good luck Tonya!

I hope you and your baby will be ok.

08-05-2004, 09:01 AM
Hearing about that guy's unprofessional behavior and attitude makes me upset. I cannot believe he was so flippant about a serious situation! I hope things go smoothly at the doctor's office, and that everything is okay.

08-05-2004, 01:35 PM
I just got back from the doctor. I forget the name for it, but she says that my ligaments and uterus are just stretching alot and causing pain. She said it is more common in your second baby because your body has a memory, so it goes back to shape faster.

I got another sonogram, the baby was moving like crazy. I think this one is going to be hyper like Jaden too. lol. It no longer looks like an alien, it has arms and legs now. :D

Samantha Puppy
08-05-2004, 01:46 PM
When are you due?

08-05-2004, 01:51 PM
Feb 21st.