View Full Version : Silly question, but would like to know...

08-04-2004, 06:46 PM
Might seem like a silly question but I would still like see your answers.

If you where riding as a passanger in someone elses car and came to your final stop, Would you feel that it was up to you, to roll your window up on the car if you where the one that rolled it down?

I ask for a reason of course. :) My husband and a friend went to town the other day and when they returned home his friend did not roll up his window. Of course it poured that night and really made a mess inside my husband "Show Car". We figure several 100 dollors of damage.

Anyway, this afternoon the friend came over and we said something to him about it, nicely, because we did feel that maybe we should have checked behind him sense it is such a special car. We just wanted to let him know, next time could you remember to roll your window up please.

Well he got mad and said it was not his job to roll up the window, even if he was the one to roll it down and left here a little pissed that we even said anything at all to him. So I'm was just wondering if thats how most people think, that the owner of the car should take care of that and myabe we are just different on how we think. I know that I always roll up a window on someone else car if I'm in it, if nothing else just out of kindness.

I told you it was going to be a silly question. :D

08-04-2004, 06:52 PM
I always roll the window up and lock the door when I get out of the car. He sat there, that was his responsibility. But as far as who pays for the damage, I'd say the car owner because it's your responsibility to make sure all is ok. One of those situations where *splat* happens, you can't really be mad at anyone. (Nor should his friend me mad.) Sorry to hear about that.

08-04-2004, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
I always roll the window up and lock the door when I get out of the car. He sat there, that was his responsibility. But as far as who pays for the damage, I'd say the car owner because it's your responsibility to make sure all is ok. One of those situations where *splat* happens, you can't really be mad at anyone. (Nor should his friend me mad.) Sorry to hear about that.

We know that it is up to pay for the damage and would never ask him to do it. Like I said we did feel that we should have gone behind him and checked so we are at fault too.

We where just suprised that he got upset at us for even saying anything to him. We just figured he would say sorry and I'll try not to let that happen again. It's just he knows what this car means to my husband. My husband has put $10,000 of mods into this car to get it looking this way and our friend is one of the few people we even let ride in it, so I guess we just expected more out of him.

08-04-2004, 07:05 PM
Yeah, if I were him, I would feel totally bad. He should have at least offered to pay to be nice, not got on the defensive! I guess sometimes it takes stuff like this to figure out how good of a friend you've got.

I remember one time in highschool, I opened my friend's car door and the handle came off. It was obvious that I didn't break it, it was already messed up. But I felt that since I was the straw that broke the camel's back, I was obligated to pay for it.

08-04-2004, 07:05 PM
I also try to remember to roll up the window and
lock the door when leaving someone's car.

I agree with Tonya too.

08-04-2004, 08:18 PM
It's a matter of common courtesy. EVen if I'm not the one who rolled down the window I always ask, "You want me to roll the window up?" Your friend shouldn't have gotten defensive. You were totally right to say something, I would have! :)

08-04-2004, 08:19 PM
I always double check that my windows are always rolled up - all 4 of them, no matter who rolled them down. I'm terrified of spiders coming in in the night! seriously - that's why. I have a huge spider fear.

08-04-2004, 08:26 PM
I agree with you, Fox Gal!
Gee - how hard is it to roll up a window that you rolled down!!!:rolleyes:

08-04-2004, 08:37 PM
if you roll the window down, then it's definatly your responsibilty, and even if it was already donw adn you see eeveryone else rollign their windows up you should do it too, or at least ask. i think if you don't have automatic windows then you should definatly roll it up, cause it's hard for hte driver to lean over and roll it up. but we always check the windows and locks on the car before we get out of our car.

08-04-2004, 08:44 PM
Originally posted by captain
Gee - how hard is it to roll up a window that you rolled down!!!:rolleyes:

That's what I say, how hard can it be with POWER WINDOWS, that doesn't work now because of the rain. Even a lazy person should be able to manage the use of one finger. ;) :p lol

I guess the whole thing bugs me because it's one of my pet peeves about people. I have never understood why it's so hard for a lot of people to just say "Sorry" without have to add an excuse on to the sorry. It's always I'm sorry, but ........................ :rolleyes: I hate the "but" part.

08-04-2004, 08:58 PM
Well I don't think there is anyone on Planet Earth who is more in love with his car :rolleyes: or more picky about his car than my husband. Food of any kind is not allowed to enter the *sacred vehicle,* dirty feet, etc. You get the point I guess. :) Anyway, I can't see that happening to him because when he is ready to get out of the car at night everything is checked. He would never miss an open window. I am not quite as meticulous about my car as he is, but I too check my windows before leaving the car as well as checking to make sure it is locked, etc. so it wouldn't have happened to me either. I can't speak for my husband but if this ever did happen to me I would never mention it to my friend. I would feel it was my responsibility to check and therefore my fault and let it go at that. I wouldn't want to jeopardize a friendship over it. "Things" are always easier to repair than relationships. :)

Felicia's Mom
08-04-2004, 08:58 PM
I always roll up the windows if I can. Some windows are automatic, those I let the driver roll up.

08-04-2004, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by Pam
Well I don't think there is anyone on Planet Earth who is more in love with his car :rolleyes: or more picky about his car than my husband. Food of any kind is not allowed to enter the *sacred vehicle,* dirty feet, etc. You get the point I guess. :) Anyway, I can't see that happening to him because when he is ready to get out of the car at night everything is checked. He would never miss an open window. I am not quite as meticulous about my car as he is, but I too check my windows before leaving the car as well as checking to make sure it is locked, etc. so it wouldn't have happened to me either. I can't speak for my husband but if this ever did happen to me I would never mention it to my friend. I would feel it was my responsibility to check and therefore my fault and let it go at that. I wouldn't want to jeopardize a friendship over it. "Things" are always easier to repair than relationships. :)

Your husband sounds like mine on the rules of the car. People even have to sit in it a certan way. :rolleyes:

In most cases we always watch what people do with this car, but in this case our friend has been with us from the start with this car. The powercoating, the new motor, the custom leather, paint, gauges, turbo etc etc etc etc, so we would think that he knew better, he's got all the other rules down.

I didn't think mentioning it was wrong to do as long as it's done right and light hearted, as we did. It would have been different if we had given him H#$L about it and I could see him getting mad. But we did it all in a somewhat joking manner, they way we always talk to him. So I don't belive we were wrong for saying something, you should be able to tell "friends" things like that. Who whats a friend that you have to tip toe around.

But yes we should have checked, I said that from the start.

08-04-2004, 09:37 PM
I'd don't see why your friend got so upset, unless you were being rude about it and like forcing him to pay for damages, he has no reason to be such a way. I'm sure he'd say the same thing if something like this happened to his vehicle.

08-04-2004, 10:28 PM
Its kind of relates to being responsible for ones actions.

If I open a door, I should close it.
If I open a window, I should close that too.

That sucks your hubby's friend was so upset about it. I'd be mortified if my actions aided in ruining something like that. :(

08-04-2004, 11:30 PM
Yes I agree it is up to the person who rolled the window down to roll it up again when they leave, but I would probably have checked it to make certain, silly of him to get so hot under the collar about it.

08-04-2004, 11:57 PM
I EXPECT my passenger roll up the window and lock my door. Usually I am really good at telling them. If I am the passenger, I made sure I did those too. DO NOT ASSUME EVERYONE'S CAR HAS POWER WINDOW OR POWER LOCK. These people make me mad. :mad:

lol. why am i so mad???

08-05-2004, 07:27 AM
Originally posted by heinz57_79
It's a matter of common courtesy. EVen if I'm not the one who rolled down the window I always ask, "You want me to roll the window up?" Your friend shouldn't have gotten defensive. You were totally right to say something, I would have! :)
My thoughts exactly. I'm sorry your friend got so upset. Maybe he just felt guilty and that was his way of dealing with it.

08-05-2004, 07:39 AM
In my car, I always check the windows (darn that sunroof, though, sometimes I forget it :o ), regardless of who my passengers were, or I'll ask whoever it was to roll the window up. With power windows and having control over them at my seat, it's just as easy for me to roll them all up myself.

If I were upset with anyone in the situation you describe, Libby, it would be myself for not checking. Some people leave their windows open during the day to keep the car cooler. Maybe that's what your friend was thinking. Anyway, the only thing I would have done differently is never said anything to him about it. We live and learn about those situations, though, I guess.

But to answer your original question, yes I always try to remember to roll the window up when I'm riding with someone else! :)

08-05-2004, 12:18 PM
Thanks everyone for the answers to my silly question. I guess I got the answers I was looking for. Most seem to think like I do, but there are a few that think as he did, so I guess he's like them and really felt it was not his job to roll up the window.

Leason learned: not everyone thinks like we do. lol Like I shouldn't have known that already. :rolleyes:

I still stand behind that we should have been able to say something to him, without him getting upset. You should be able to talk to your friends and say " Hey, silly you left the window down and it rained in the car, next time try to remembed to roll it up" He didn't get mad when I yelled at him for leaving the gate open and letting Tuffy out. He said he was sorry, Why should this be any different.

Oh well, everythings fine now, he just pulled up a few minutes ago, wanting the oil changed in is bike. So I guess everythings back to normal again and I willing to bet that he rolls up the window from now on. LOL Shoot, without us he'd have no running car or bike, he can't afford to stay mad to long. ;)

08-05-2004, 12:44 PM
:D I'd bet he will be more careful next time, and your husband and you will too!!! :)

08-05-2004, 02:59 PM
I would have closed it, and if I didn't and damage was done because of it, I would feel very bad and would help pay for the damage.

Rio and Me
08-05-2004, 03:21 PM
I ALWAYS close/lock etc doors and windows of the my car and other's after mine was brocken into, there for i EXPECT them to do the smae in my car.
My friend often opens the window and as i drop her off she says "shall i close/lock it if i say yes she does if i say dont bother then i will, but she ask's so its ok if she doesnt.
But that same friend litter's my car, puts feet on dash board, puts feet on seats (i brought expensive seat covers), lets dirty hair dog on seats, THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE, she would not like it if i did that in her car, in fact she would go mentle.
IT bugs me if the car is clean when you enter it clean your mess up when you leave better still dont make mess.