View Full Version : Back in jail

08-04-2004, 08:42 AM
Poor Mowgli's earned himself more cage time. Last night he peed right in the middle of my bed, and this morning, as I was collecting my dirty laundry to go get cleaned, I realized he's been peeing on my towels also. o_O I wish I knew what was going on in that little cat brat head of his! The other job, at least, seems to be consistently going in the litterbox. Does anyone have any tips to get this guy to peeing in the litterbox?

He's not going to lose his home over this - I promise that - but it sure is getting annoying to clean up. I just always remember that the stuff is replaceable, but the Mowg-monster isn't. :D

08-04-2004, 08:47 AM
:rolleyes: MOWGLI!!! NO!!!! Peeing on Meowmies bed and towels??:rolleyes: This is a HUGE no-no:eek:

Lacey - does Mowg have his own box separate from Zelda? Does it have scented litter? I did have a cat who refused to use any scented litter - just one thought I had. Some folks here have some success with the Feliway spray and plugs - I have never tried them. Could you have his urine checked - just on the chance that he has a urinary tract infection?

Hey you guys! HELP!!! We have to get Mowgli out of jail and peeing in his BOX!

08-04-2004, 08:49 AM
Poor Mowgli,it must be hard,once being a feral,where you could go,where you pleased! The Found Cats sympthasize with Mowgli,but you need a claen home!

08-04-2004, 08:52 AM
Mogwli...peeping on mommy's bed is a big no-no. :(

Lacey....I agree with Debbie, he maybe needs/wants his own litter box. Also try a different litter...Tigger will not go in the clumping litter....only clay litter. I would also check with your vet about urinary crystals.....if he has these he will tend to get the urge to go at various times and if he does not think he will make it to his box, he will go where ever he is...the bed, the towels, the carpet, etc.

08-04-2004, 08:52 AM
Both cats have access to all the litterboxes, but I've got three litterboxes around for Mowgli to choose from. I use the Tidy Cats Crystals - which, near as I can tell, doesn't have a scent. It just absorbs the pee (no more pee biscuits!) and dries out the poop really fast.

Hmmm... I didn't think about a UTI, though Mowg doesn't seem to be in any pain when he goes. Still, I guess I can try to figure out a way to get a sample and get it checked out.

08-04-2004, 09:01 AM
Lacey - how about trying different litters in one or two of the boxes? Maybe some uncented clumping (fun pee biscuits!) and maybe a regular clay type. If nothing else, you can use the leftover on your driveway this next winter:)

I have seen the crystals and thought of trying them - they look interesting - I was not sure how they worked though!:)

08-04-2004, 09:49 AM
To me, it sounds as if Mowgli is trying to telll you something. Fister peed in our bed once - and right in front of us. He even looked us straight in the eye while doing it!

I'd get a urine sample to the vet to be checked for crystals.

Since you have several litterboxes with different litter, I don't think that is the problem, but you never know.

Best of luck finding out what's wrong. :)

08-04-2004, 09:56 AM
It does sound like he is trying to tell you something. Sounds like you've gotten some good advice already.

Good luck and tell little Mowgli I'm sorry he's back in jail.

08-04-2004, 10:13 AM
Mowgli I busted you out once but I don't think the warden is going to fall for it again!
I think you need a choice of a clumping litter and if that doesn't do it then a vet check just to be sure you deserve the sentence you are serving!
As much as I hate to say this! The only other thing you can do is what your doing now. When you can't keep an eye on him then back to the cage or bathroom with his box. Kind of like retraining. If that doesn't work then I don't know! You could check with the vet about medications that can help.
I really would try a regular clumping litter first before I did anything else. It would be a nightmare to have to use regular old clay but I guess you should try it too. That would probably be his favorite!!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/wink.gif


08-04-2004, 11:36 AM
I had a cat, Tasha that did that also, she was a feral, that took me two weeks to catch only to be rewarded with pee every where. :eek: I ended up have to go to just plan dirt in her box to start out with. After watching her pee in my house plants instead of the litter box I decided to go with dirt. I guess being outside most of her life dirt was what she was use to peeing in so dirt is what worked. Slowly adding kitty litter as time when by.

But I would get him checked out for stones or infection as soon as you can. Do you notice him strain when he pees or an unusally oder to it? There just could be a problem that he's trying to tell you about.

Good luck.

08-04-2004, 03:51 PM
No straining to go or unusual pee odors that I've noticed. I guess I'll just try him out with some clumping litter first, and just keep caging him when I can't watch him. And if the clumping litter doesn't do the trick, it'll be time to get in touch with the white coats.

He's such a cuddlebug when he comes out of the cage, that's for sure! He wanted to be held and petted and snuggled. Though I suspect he's just trying to soften me up so I don't cage him again anytime soon. ;)

08-04-2004, 03:54 PM
I don't know if you'd caught him in the act or not, but just a thought...We started having disgusting smells on our towels, blankets, etc...We thought that one of the cats were peeing. Well, it took us a while to figure it out, but the smell was actually Raven's anal glands. We had to take her to the vet to get them expressed. It was disgusting.

08-04-2004, 04:09 PM
Tonya, last night I came as close to catching him in the act as possible without actually doing it. I had just gotten in from a date and curled up in bed. The next thing I knew, I heard Mowg-ster pawing at the comforter, so I flipped on the light and found Mowgli pawing at a big damp patch on the comforter. And the white towels had yellow stains on them (which came out in the wash, thank goodness!). So it's a pretty safe bet that the problem doesn't lie with the anal glands.

08-04-2004, 04:26 PM
Poor Lacey, and (poor?) Mowgli! I have two types of litter for the inmates here, and the vast majority prefer the clay litter over the clumping. I use clay for foster kittens rather than clumping which can cause bad things to the intestines if they eat it. It seems all the tiny ones go through a litter eating phase.:rolleyes: I'd try three different types for each box, and see which one Mowgli prefers. I'm betting regular clay! ;)

08-04-2004, 05:50 PM
Lacey, I know a few people who have tried the Crystal litter and some of the cats were okay with it and others were not.
I agree with the others in trying different types of litter and hopefully one will be to Mowgli's liking.
I'm so glad too that you are not giving up on this little sweetpea.

http://www.my-smileys.de/smileys1/grouphugs.gif Group hug for you Lacey for support.

Praying that Mowgli goes, where no man has gone before, in the litterbox.:D (Sorry, couldn't resist. I'm in one of my silly moods tonight.)

Mind you, maybe there have been some men who have gone there before.:eek: Who knows.:D

08-04-2004, 06:06 PM
Actually, I think there was a thread a while back about someone using the litterbox in just such a manner... Either that or my brain is playing tricks on me. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v127/lacey5480/smilies/medium-smiley-124.gif

leslie flenner
08-05-2004, 09:20 PM
has he been nuetered yet? and you don't have to get a sample of urine necessarily- they can extract right from the bladder with a special needle that allegedly doesn't hurt (just your pocket!) and can do a urinalysis. Boys get utis and, at least with mine that have had them, don't show pain. Just go often in small amounts or none- I'll bet it's different symptoms with different cats and I'll bet there are all kinds of bladder and kidney ailments out there too!

leslie flenner
08-05-2004, 09:22 PM
are all the boxes covered? my scamp decided a year ago he no longer likes the cover and if I continued to use it, he'd use the floor just outside the box. It took me a while to figure this out.. duh. But no more covers... bossy boy!

08-05-2004, 09:26 PM
Yep, he's neutered. Nope, no covers on the boxes. And, judging from the incident on the bed, he's not going in small amounts either. I'm pretty sure it's not a UTI, but if changing out the litters doesn't work, I'll get him to the vet and get it checked out.

leslie flenner
08-05-2004, 09:32 PM
Try sleeping with litter box on bed. If that doesn't work try 2 litter boxes, if that doesn't work, sleep on floor, put all 3 litter boxes on bed. Cat wins.
(hee, hee!) Best i can think of! Are they the boss or what?! Gotta love em! (I used to have a few bed peers but it was about too many cats- back when I had up to 30 fosters at a time! I remember changing the entire bed linens, then turning around to find so and so peeing right in front of me- i think his name was patrick- anyway- it is very aggravating but impossible to mad at them!)

08-05-2004, 11:17 PM
I think we need to start a picket line outside the prison! LoL

Poor Mowgli and Mum.... I wish I had some profound advice for you. But usually when my cats start doing stuff like that they're mad at me for something... :rolleyes:

Good luck! I hope Mowgli gets sprung soon! :D

08-06-2004, 12:49 AM
I know how frustrating this can be .Ebony was our peeing queen (no pun intended) but she was doing it to lets us know she was mad at us. If we didn't get her door open fast enough in the morning you could count on a wet bed.
I think the dirt idea sounds like a plan ,it makes the most sense .