View Full Version : Sarah's first visit to the groomer...

08-03-2004, 11:45 PM
Gosh, I need to get my camera back from my grandmother! Sarah looks so cute right now! She's all fluffy and she has two little purple bows behind her ears. I just want to squeeze her!

When I dropped her off, I was all embarrassed for her. I told the owner of the salon that she bites everytime so they'll have to muzzle her and that she's dog aggressive, even to large dogs.

The groomer called me a few hours later and said "Your little angel is ready." I was all "Sarah? Are you sure you have the right dog?" She said, "Yes, she was so good and such a sweetheart. She licked me and wagged her tail the whole time." I couldn't believe it! She fooled them! The groomer said that dogs are just like children, they usually behave better for the groomer then their parents. lol.

08-04-2004, 12:43 AM
Haha, the same thing happened with Molly the first time we brought her in. She's always a pain to bathe, brush, clip nails, etc. but the groomer said she did fabulous. I said, "Are you sure you're talking about the right dog?!" ;)

Yup, you do need to get that camera back. We need pictures! :)

08-04-2004, 08:19 AM
heheehe!!! Good Girl Sarah! lol

We need to see some pic though! Get that camera back! ;)


08-04-2004, 10:22 AM
Sarah is such a good girl! Its funny how you thought she would be bad. :)

The first time we took Snowy to the groomer they had to put a muzzle on her! Sometimes they still do. She had a horrible first experience at the groomer. We didn't know it than, but that groomer is supposed to be really bad or something. She had a bunch of cuts on her after going to her first grooming. Now the person who I bought her from grooms her when she visits her family.
