View Full Version : Misha here and Oscar home

08-03-2004, 09:07 PM
Hi Everyone.

Good news not only am I a new Grandma, to Misha Grace who is just to cute for words, but Oscar is now home. He is doing pretty good. He has spent most of the night in hiding which is unually for him. He is not longer pee blooding and lab values are all normal now. He has been put on some special food and medication. I will take him back to the vet in 6 weeks to see if any of the grit has desloved. If not the they may need to do surgery. I just glad he is home. Thank you for all your prayers

Love Carol (persianmom

08-03-2004, 09:50 PM
I'm so glad to hear Oscar is home and better. Hope he continues on the road to recovery.

Congrats on being a Grandmother!!! Misha is adorable and we can't wait to see more pictures.

08-03-2004, 10:24 PM
So glad to hear that Oscar is doing better and on the road to recovery!

Congratulations on your new grandbaby MISHA!!!:D

08-03-2004, 10:24 PM
So glad that the emergency obstruction with Oscar is over - I know it was scary!!! So, one more strike and it is surgery right?

Has anyone whose cats have had the surgery for the feline male bladder stones read this?? If so - can you share the surgery experiences here??

KAK - did someone say one of your boys had it??

08-04-2004, 07:34 AM
First off ...Carol welcome to PT and Congratulation on becoming a grandmother....your grand-daughter is adorable.

As for Oscar I have been through the surgery with my Smokey, and KAK has one of her kitties that went through the surgery as well.

My experience was a good one with the surgery. Basically what they do is make the male cat into a female...if they are taking hte same surgery that Smokey had. My vet called in PU Surgery.

They will make his urethra bigger so that the stones (crystals) pass easier. The surgery does not guarantee that Oscar will never get a stone again but since having Smokey done 5 years ago I have only had one or two instances of him having a problem that required him to go back into the hospital.

I was able to visit Smokey 2 days after his surgery and he still had a catheter in and they had shaved from the top of his back end to half way under his belly. He had about 20 stitches that dissolved as time went on. He was quite bloody around his back end and that I think was something that I was not expecting.

Smokey came through with flying colors. I will recommend that you ask your vet about a crushable tablet to put in Oscar's food. It is called Methio-Form and it works wonders. This tablet actually helps to break down the stones and I use it with Smokey all the time. You just crush it and mix it in his food and they never even know it is in their food because it has a fish flavor to it.

If you vet does not know what it is, let me know and I will be happy to send you information on the tablets. --- Meg

08-04-2004, 08:22 AM
Thanks for your reply Meg! We also went through the surgery with our RB Harvey but it was 25 years ago. He obstructed twice - I remember the vet describing it like you did - basically turning him into a little girl with a wide urethra. He came home with a big collar on his neck so he would not bother the sutures, I do not recall any blood though. Harvey never had another single incident:D Guess we were very fortunate! I am VERY glad we had it done.

Hope o hear from KAK and maybe some others!! I know my experience is probably very outdated. Thanks again Meg:)

08-04-2004, 08:23 AM
Fister had surgery two years ago for his plumbing problems. I am sure Randi has all the details.

08-04-2004, 09:02 AM
The Found Cats are so happy that you have a Beautiful Grand Daughter,and that our Friendd Oscar,is feeling a lot better!Life is GOOD!

08-04-2004, 11:46 AM

I'm glad Oscar is home and I hope he's on the mend!

When do I get to see pictures of your clan;)

08-04-2004, 02:43 PM

Welcome to Pet Talk! Congratulations on your adorable granddaughter Misha! So glad your sweet Oscar is home -- I know Randi's Fister, Phred's Boots, and KAK's Cirrus have had the surgery within the past 6 months to 2 years -- perhaps they can chime in here with more info.

Warm regards,
AmberLee (Meowmy to Cassy and Livvy)