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View Full Version : 1st day of school.. YUCK!

08-03-2004, 01:50 PM
Today was our first day of school. UGH.. It was so miserably boring. The same idiots, the same teachers, the same stupid school......

And, of course, atleast 2 of my classes had NO AC. So, we had to sit miserably in the Florida heat, in a class full of 37 students.

The school system is so messed up. School is supposed to be a "fun experience" they sure do not make it to be such.
I feel so overwheled coming to PT after being away all day!

Sorry, just a small rant. I'm so happy t be home with my babies now, after talking about them all day. :p

08-03-2004, 01:58 PM
You started school already :eek: :( I don't think they start here in my part of the woods til the end of August.

I'm so sorry that it is already off to a not so good start. I'll bet it drove you crazy to leave the furkids all day.

Hang in there and just try to focus on getting your work done. You can do it, girl! I have faith in ya!!!!

Robin :)

08-03-2004, 02:03 PM
Poor you.. I know how you feel..for luck my schools starts only in 23rd August, thoght that's not so far...

08-03-2004, 02:05 PM
No air conditioning?? That's inhumane. I was wondering how it went for you today. Doesn't sound too fun. I know I couldn't even attempt to learn anything while burning up. It's a shame that school can't be more rewarding and enjoyable. How's the contacts coming along?

08-03-2004, 02:15 PM
Aw that sucks! We don't start here until the 26th of August...which IMO is WAY too early since we didn't get off until June 28th.:p We don't have house air conditioning or school air conditioning (I believe) either so I feel your pain!

Aspen and Misty
08-03-2004, 02:36 PM
OMG!! Poor Kay!! I can't belave school has started already!!

Our school doesn't have AC either, NONE of the rooms do :rolleyes:

LOL, 37 students in ONE classrooom :eek: at my school there are only 9 people in the WHOLE GRADE :eek: :eek: I think we have 38 people in our WHOLE HIGHSCHOOL!!! :eek:

Hang in there Kay!


Toller 42
08-03-2004, 02:39 PM
You started school already!:eek: I don't have to go back until september 7th. sounds like a really boring day, I wish school could be fun like it's supposed to be.

08-03-2004, 03:01 PM
Haha Ash, it sounds like we may be in the same situation. There's like..40 kids in our school, no AC and uh...6 people in our class LOL.

08-03-2004, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by Toller 42
You started school already!:eek:

Ditto! Already!!!? lol I start on September 9th

08-03-2004, 03:36 PM
Ouch! This does seem early to be returning to school. And no A/C sounds really rough. :( So glad that you have your furry companions to look forward to when you get home daily... Hang in there.

08-03-2004, 04:03 PM
Gosh that is early to start. I thought it was bad here because they have to go back on Aug. 12th.

Sorry for you.:(

08-03-2004, 04:06 PM
It's normal for us. We got out May 18th.

I didn't wear my contacts because my eyes still aren't used to focusing up close. I did fine without them today.

08-03-2004, 04:30 PM
you started school today? I dont start until September... ??? lol probably because I live in NY. :)

08-03-2004, 04:32 PM
38 people in a WHOLE highschool??? we have about 1,000.... ? Do you go to private school Aspen & Misty??]


08-03-2004, 04:33 PM
Wow, Kay, I can't believe school has already started! Whew, this summer is just passing by so quickly. Darn, we are going to miss having you here during the day.

I bet you miss Simba, Nala and that cute little Kiara. That just sucks, right when you get used to spending the day with them, you have to leave them. That really, really sucks!!


Aspen and Misty
08-03-2004, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by swimma253
38 people in a WHOLE highschool??? we have about 1,000.... ? Do you go to private school Aspen & Misty??]


Don't remind me :rolleyes: yea I do.


08-03-2004, 04:59 PM
lol... oooo I see.:p

It cant be that bad though... is it?


08-03-2004, 05:02 PM
The kids go back to school on monday here.

Originally posted by Aspen and Misty
OMG!! Poor Kay!! I can't belave school has started already!!

Our school doesn't have AC either, NONE of the rooms do :rolleyes:

LOL, 37 students in ONE classrooom :eek: at my school there are only 9 people in the WHOLE GRADE :eek: :eek: I think we have 38 people in our WHOLE HIGHSCHOOL!!! :eek:

My sister graduated in may, she had 15 in her whole class.

The kids go back to school on monday here.

Originally posted by swimma253
you started school today? I dont start until September... ??? lol probably because I live in NY. :)

I lived in New York until I was 13. We didn't have AC in our house or school. We also always started back to school the wednesday after Labor Day. Carly- where in New York are you? I lived in Newark, it's near Rochester.

08-03-2004, 05:04 PM
Sorry you had such a miserable start today Kay :(. I remember my high school that I went to in southern Missouri had no AC either, except in the principal's office of course! One teacher had a thermometer in his room and it read 118 on our first day of school, it was about 95ish outside but in that closed up room with all those bodies it was hotter. They let us have cups of water or water bottles in the classrooms for the first couple weeks (which normally wasn't allowed), but it was still miserable, and I agree, inhumane.

I can just imagine what a relief it was to get back home to your babies!

08-03-2004, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by KBlaix

I lived in New York until I was 13. We didn't have AC in our house or school. We also always started back to school the wednesday after Labor Day. Carly- where in New York are you? I lived in Newark, it's near Rochester.

Really? I live in Baldwinsville... its right near Syracuse. I am in Rochester quite a bit for swimming and lacrosse. :D

We didnt have AC in my school in Elementary... but now that I am in Middle School... we do. Sometimes it is TOO cold.


08-03-2004, 07:13 PM
-cackles- I don't start till september and I get outin april :cool:

School sucks. -hisses-

08-03-2004, 07:37 PM
Sorry to hear about school starting so soon. But Marysville ,Washington just got out in July 16th. becouse of the strike last year . They get 6 wks then back at it.

08-03-2004, 09:06 PM
School starts September 7th for us... and our highschool has over 1,400 people I think. :) We have AC. :D

Aspen and Misty
08-03-2004, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by swimma253
lol... oooo I see.:p

It cant be that bad though... is it?


No, the classes and teachers are GREAT, but slim picking for friends!

Ash :)

08-03-2004, 09:58 PM
only 38 ash? holy smokes! i go to a private high school too but we have about 500 students! lol I have not even MET all the people in my grade lol I was lookin gthrough my year bopok and like ok, I know about half of these people, the other half I have never seen before... :eek:

school for me does not start till the very end of augest, like a day before the long weekend lol I find that a little pointless personally.. why not just start AFTER the long weekend? whatever.. lol by the way our school has the WEIRDEST tempature problem :rolleyes: in the winter they turn on the flippen air conditioning leave it on overnight then you come it from minus 40 degree wheather enter the classroom and its colder then it was outside so we have to go find a warmer room so we dont freeze to death, and they only have very old water heating, and the place does not exactly get warm by turning on the heater lol and you dont know how cold it can get here, and cold wheather or blizzards etc.. do NOT close down anything. I have to walk to school in 50 below Celcius. then enter a flippen air conditioned school! :eek:

08-03-2004, 10:13 PM
im sorry about the school! :( :p mine starts on august 23rd. :(

08-03-2004, 11:14 PM
Wow, your school starts really early!! Poor thing!

School starts here August 30.

Our schools don't have air conditioning, either ... but this is Wyoming. I can't imagine not having AC in Florida.

You have my utmost sympathy!

Samantha Puppy
08-04-2004, 09:08 AM
Wow, you start school the beginning of August? Darn, I remember complaining when they switched opening school from the day after Labor Day to the third Monday in August. Yeesh. I'd hate to go back now!!

And 37 kids in a class is ridiculous.

Aspen and Misty
08-04-2004, 09:30 AM
Originally posted by cali
only 38 ash? holy smokes! i go to a private high school too but we have about 500 students! lol I have not even MET all the people in my grade lol I was lookin gthrough my year bopok and like ok, I know about half of these people, the other half I have never seen before... :eek:


Last year there were only 9 people in the 9th Grade. 6 girls 3 boys.

Our graduating class had 13 people in it! It was one of the largest classes EVER to graduate! I could bleave the number they had! 13, holy cow!

Ash :)

08-04-2004, 10:22 AM
Ugh, I hate school. It starts September 7th for me....eek I so don't wanna go to high school!:(

08-04-2004, 05:25 PM
I am sorry to hear Kay that school is such a bore for you, Can't say I ever was over thrilled with it myself, but honestly in my day, here we go again, it was really boring, we did nothing exciting like you kids today, and BTW none of the schools in NZ have air conditioning, and yes it does get hot in NZ too., very hot and humid sometimes., but I agree air-conditioning should be compulsory and decent chairs to sit on as well, those hard wood ones are the pits, I mean how can one expect good quality work and concentration if you are so hot you cannot even think what day it is.

08-04-2004, 05:57 PM
Sorry Kay!

I go back to college on Aug 19th.