View Full Version : Tubby's Pedicure

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-03-2004, 11:04 AM
Since we all noticed last week that Tubby was in bad need of a nail clipping, I went this weekend and bought a clippers and dove right in! :eek: Now mind you, I've never clipped Tubby's nails in his life, so this was going to be an adventure for both of us. He never really seemed to need it before, but I think it was because he was more active and the nails wore down naturally. Now that he's less active they were getting to the ridiculous point.

And of course I went about it the complete wrong way. Instead of waiting until he was tired and sleepy, I put him and Peanut outside in their little enclosure. After Tubby had enough of the catnip and decided to lay down, I climbed in with them. He alwasy used to hate it when I touched his paws, but this time I grabbed a back foot and held it firmly so it didn' tickle or anything. I let him get the idea that I wasn't going to let go and I lightly touched the clippers to the nail. He pulled back a little the first few times, but it was no big deal. Touch the clippers to the nail, let him calm down and snip, it was gone! Piece of cake! I bet I did all the back nails in less than 5 minutes! And no blood was shed by either party! :eek: I was amazed.

So, feeling flush with victory, I reached for Peanut. Big mistake! She doesn't like it when I touch her paws either, so just getting the paw in hand was an ordeal. Then I lightly touched the clippers to the nail and that was it - paw was not in hand anymore. Tried a few more times and then said to h**l with it. Her nails aren't that bad anyway - whew!

I did buy Tubby some soft paws too, for when we bring them in the motorhome so he doesn't scratch the leather furniture up. So I'll let you know how applying those goes. After successfully clipping the nails, I didn't want to push my luck. ;) :D

Also, I probably didn't clip them enough because I was afraid of going too far up, but even with the new pedicure his nails really stick out. I think it's just his arthritis and how he holds his legs now that makes them seem so bad.

08-03-2004, 11:18 AM
So where are the pictures?
Wasn't there something in the California BBQ meeting thread about some guy with a great pedicure?
Well Tubby, Samantha is happy to hear that you are well groomed from your head to your toes now!;)

08-03-2004, 11:27 AM
Somehow as I was reading this I had a feeling that you were going to tempt fate and try for Peanut:eek: :rolleyes: Big Mistake!!!! I'm still laughing about that.

I'm glad to hear however that Tubby is looking quite smashing with his new nails. :)

08-03-2004, 11:33 AM
Glad Tubby was cooperative with his pedicure. I didn't figure you would be so lucky with Peanut, lol!!

I'm pretty lucky with my guys. Ripley will just let me put him on his back in my arms and clip his claws on all four feet. Jazz will let me do it only if my husband is holding her and petting her. Scout is more of a sleepy sneak attack but she is pretty good it about anyway.

08-03-2004, 11:39 AM
Isn't it amazing how bold a silly human can feel after one little success??:rolleyes:

But congratulations on your first paw-di-cure.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-03-2004, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by Vermontcat
So where are the pictures?

I thought about taking pics, but couldn't figure out where to order 3 extra hands from! ;) :D

Jen, and all you other "experts" out there - how do I tell where the "quick" is? I went as far as I could before I saw some "black stuff." How do I know if that's the "quick" or if it's just dirt? Do I need to give him a bath before his next pedicure? Oooh, Tubby is getting to be such a spa-ster in his old age. ;)

And it's funny, a few years ago I would have spent the money on taking him to a "professional" before I attempted this myself, but now that he's older, he's really letting me do a lot to him that he would never have allowed before - like tummy rubs and I even give him baths now too which I would never have attempted before! But he's really a good boy about it all now, and basically lets me do what I want. :eek:

Peanut on the other hand, is a wiry squirmy little thing and fights everything - which I would never have suspected a few years ago. She was always so meek that I figured I could do anything with her - NOT! Maybe when she starts getting as old as Tubby....;) :D

08-03-2004, 01:19 PM
Good Luck with applying the "Soft Paws" on! ;)

Our first try with those didn't go so well. Angel HATED having them on, and actually pulled a few off her nails after the glue dried. A few weeks after that, they had gotten used to them, and now both Angel and Dillian think of it as a regular routine. :)

08-03-2004, 02:26 PM
Tubby, that wasn't so bad, now was it?! :) :D

Well now, Peanut, seeing as your brother took the paw-dicure so well, maybe you should consider it! A pretty lady like you simply must have a stunning manicure to complete her look. ;)

Tito lets me clip pretty much whenever (unless he's distracted) but Sophie's a fighter too. I have to get all sneaky and crawl up to her while she's asleep, pet her some, and then quickly do one paw while talking baby talk to her - I'm lucky if I get one whole paw done in a day. I'm constantly getting out the clippers and following her around. Other people would think I'm a loon, crazy for trimming my cat's nails so much!

08-03-2004, 02:46 PM
Wow, Debbie, you inspire me almost! Thinking about doing the spa routine for my rambucious ones... :eek:

08-03-2004, 02:49 PM
Debbie... you can usually see the vein in the claw... but with dark colored or dirty claws, it's not so easy. :rolleyes: Best to just get all the hook , then you've pretty well got it!


carla and mike
08-03-2004, 02:56 PM
Wow good job.
It's really hard cutting their nails.
I cannot do any of my cats unless Mike is holding them.
We do them every 2-4 weeks.All of them.
Mike holds them,I cut them.
My older 2 cats have black under them because they can't groom themselves as good anymore.Especially their back nails.
But I've always done it anyway.
kiKi,my oldest always sounded like he was on high heals if they got too long.So I've been doing them for 15 years now.
It's much easier and less stressful if someone else holds them.
Good luck with Peanuts and Tubby in the future clippings.:D

08-03-2004, 03:00 PM
Ahh, the success can be owed to catnip! ;) Thats how I finally got Pouncer to mellow out enough to let me do t to him. Peanut must not have gotten sufficiently high! :D

Congrats on one victory!

Cinder & Smoke
08-03-2004, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom

I thought about taking pics, but couldn't figure out
where to order 3 extra hands from! ;) :D

How do I tell where the "quick" is?
I went as far as I could...

How do I know if that's the "quick" or
if it's just dirt?
Do I need to give him a bath before his next pedicure?

A *baff* AND a Klaw Klip!?????
I don't wanna *watch*!! :p

Here's an Old Post on the Klaw Klippin subject >>>

Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke

Here's a GOOD article about the How To's of Klaw Klippin -
Including a good, detailed photo of WHERE to Klip >>>

cdhs.net - Trimming Your Cat's Nails (http://www.cdhs.net/trimming_cat_claws.htm)

This page was taken from the "SoftPaws" web site -
here's the SoftPaws site >>>
SoftPaws - How to Clip page (http://www.softpaws.com/article.html)

Side View - WHERE to Clip...

Look at the SoftPaws page - they show two different
"styles" of clipper - the Scissors type (on the Right) are a
LOT easier to use than the "Dog Style" on the Left!

With the Scissors style - the cut is made Across the nail or
"from the side"; very natural while Kitty is on your lap.
The Dog Style is best positioned above or below the foot and nail -
difficult to do with Kitty sitting beside you or on your lap.

OK - you're all set...
Done yet?? :p :D

The WHOLE THREAD was pretty Cute AND Interesting -
here's the First Page >>>

Johanna's "Monte, his wittle nails, and I need some lessons"... (http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=41841&perpage=10&pagenumber=1)

Happie Klippin!!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-03-2004, 03:16 PM
Well, I did something right, I got the scissors kind. :cool: I also did just the "hook part" like Kim said, so I guess I did pretty good for a first-timer. :D

I did do one thing wrong though (besides attempting Peanut too), I went "top to bottom" instead of from the side. Guess I'll try the side next time. NEXT time?? :eek: ;) :D

Thanks for the link Phred. I knew this had been discussed before, guess I just got lazy and didn't look it up. :o

carla and mike
08-03-2004, 03:20 PM
Cool thread for cat trimming nails.
Great for everyone to read.
I put it in my favorites with my cat info folder.

08-03-2004, 07:55 PM
Nail clipping can be such a chore. Even though I do Max's all the time, I still have to catch him in the right mood otherwise, look out. As for Specks, she only has back claws so I hold her with her feet dangling and my neighbour does the quick clip. Works like a charm.

That's a great link Phred. Thanks.

08-03-2004, 08:03 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom

So, feeling flush with victory, I reached for Peanut. Big mistake! She doesn't like it when I touch her paws either, so just getting the paw in hand was an ordeal. Then I lightly touched the clippers to the nail and that was it - paw was not in hand anymore. Tried a few more times and then said to h**l with it. Her nails aren't that bad anyway - whew!

Your Peanut reminds me so much of my calico.
Auggie is the sweetest most loving cat, but you don't touch her paws.
Needless so say her sharp little needle claws are in desperate need of a pedicure.
She likes to dig her claws into my legs whenever I have her on my lap.

08-04-2004, 09:33 AM
About the only Cats,that I cannot trin,the nails of,are Rocca,And John Hancock,as theyu are very skittish,even to me.