View Full Version : How typical...

Former User
11-08-2001, 02:43 AM
I'm cooking in the kitchen, then I move a bit, and ops, I stepped on a cats paw or tail. I hear a MEOW, and then I feel guilty of stepping on either Casper or Kitty. Then I pick one up and start petting him/her because I feel guilty. They have this clever expression on their face then, haha, gotcha! You're petting me now!

Does this sound familiar? :D

11-08-2001, 03:10 AM
Cats are tricky that way........they always seem to get what they want!

11-08-2001, 02:39 PM
Totally!! That sounds just like my little furbaby!! :)

4 feline house
11-08-2001, 06:50 PM
I had a poor silly kitty that was always underfoot in the kitchen. His little tail (and I mean little - about an inch long!) had been stepped on so many times that he immediately rubbed my legs and started purring anytime I accidently stepped on him, because he knew the lovin' was always coming afterward! I think he thought it was some kind of weird human ritual, a stomp-then-love type thing!

11-08-2001, 07:29 PM
4felines --

ROTFL! I'd never heard of that before!

C.C.'s Mom
11-09-2001, 03:47 AM
Those kitties are soooo smart!
Mine are more like: 'how dare you, you un-elegant human!' and jump on the table to be save again. I usually get a bonus hiss when I try to make up with them afterwards.

11-09-2001, 07:09 AM
Butter is my "under foot" cat, especially in the kitchen! He wants to be wherever we are. Helen and I have learned to give him a little treat or something to distract him, otherwise, he is jumping out from under the table (he thinks he's hiding from us) and grabbing our ankles constantly!!! :D

11-09-2001, 07:11 AM
LOL this reminds me of Jessee (now at Rainbow Bridge). She was under foot all the time, but she would always yell out if I even came close to stepping on her paw - just to warn me I was getting too close :D

11-09-2001, 10:34 AM
Oh, yes! I usually have the two cats and the turtle underfoot when I'm in the kitchen.

The other day, I was working in the kitchen and the three of them were right next to me on the floor. Well, Yertle the turtle decided to try and take a bite out of Elvis' tail. I had never seen him do that before; he's not the kind of turtle that snaps. Anyway, Elvis jumped about 3 feet in the air with Yertle attached to his tail! When he finally flipped his tail, Yertle let go and ended up upside-down, sliding across the kitchen floor on his back. It was one of the funniest things I have ever seen and, after making sure that Elvis' tail was not hurt, I sat on the floor and had one of the best laughs of my life. I only wish I had a video camera. Words cannot describe...

11-09-2001, 01:11 PM
Thelma...LOL LOL LOL ROTFL That must have been the funniest site ever!! Just the thought of it, and picturing it in my mind had me rolling here in the office, I had to shut my door!
My babies are underfoot...'door mat' kitties too. I always feel so bad if I accidentally step on a tail or a paw...especially when they let out that blood curdling 'MMMMRRRAAAAUUUUUUU!!!' ouchie sound. I always scoop them up and smother them with kissies and apologize over and over. I would have to think that they would learn not to get underfoot after being stepped on...but I think it's just a ruse.... :rolleyes: