View Full Version : I need Prayers Please

08-02-2004, 08:41 AM
I'm going to try to keep this from being to long winded.

My grandmother had a stroke yesterday and I spent the entire day at the hospital as I will again today. We are not sure how much damage was done just yet. She is 96 years old and can run circles around me on any given day. We hope and pray that with some rehab we can get her back up. Her mind is sharp as a tack so that is a good thing. Prayers for her would be very much appreciated.

Now on to the cat situation. Magoo did'nt like that I was gone all day and even though hubby tried to everything routine Magoo was freaked out. By the time I got home last night Magoo was aggitated and aggresive with the other cats. He didn't want anything to do with me either. We had to punish him several times last night. I tried loving him to calm him but he wasn't having any of that. He was running and just acting nuts! We medicated him pretty heavily and nothing helped. He is still a little nuts this morning but not as bad. I'm getting ready to leave again and no telling what time I will get home. The cyst on his eye has doubled in two days and I know we have to get him to the vet but no time right now. I'm scared to death that something is going on in his head. Hopefully I can find the time to get him in tomorrow.
Do you all think that my being gone has had anything to do with it? Is he maybe picking up on my agitation and nervousness? I don't want anything bad to happen to this boy now. I love him so much!
Please pray that Magoo is ok and that he will calm down today. He was really freaking me out last night and I keep hearing the shelter vets words that there was the slight chance that the cyst was was sign of a brain tumor. I know Im probably freaked because of all this going with my grandma but I needed to let you all know what was going on. I'm hoping that when I finally get home tonight I can sit down and read this and you guys can help me keep my head on straight. Maybe Magoo was having a bad night. Pray for him please. I need my furry buddy!!
Thanks for letting me get all this out. I already feel better! And thanks in advance for the prayers that I know you all will send our way.

K & L
08-02-2004, 08:44 AM
I'm so sorry to hear of your grandmother, prayers sent your way. These kind of times are not easy. As far as Mr. Magoo, I think there may be more going on than just missing you. I'm sure you being gone added to his stress, but I would get him to the vet ASAP. I know this is a busy/difficult time so maybe you could just drop him off and leave him until you can pick him up. We have to do this at times when hours of work and hours of vet just don't coordinate. Good luck to you with both situations! Please keep us updated.

08-02-2004, 09:32 AM
We are praying for your Granmother,and for our Pal crappy Magoo! Maybe,it is the Cyst,that is bothering the Poor Fellow! We Love Scrappy Magoo,and hope that the Cat Show Toy,helps!Mabe,the Partee,will help,too!

08-02-2004, 09:35 AM
Prayers for your Grandma and for Mr. Magoo!!! Getting Magoo to the vet is a good thing for sure but I do agree that sometimes stress from hoomans can make things worse on a kitty! Take things one step at a time because the stress isn't good for you either!

*hugs* from across the miles *and crossed paws from Remus*

08-02-2004, 09:47 AM
Speedy prayers are being sent your way. I hope your grandmother recovers quickly. They say that the sharper the mind the better the recovery.....and if she is fiesty, strong willed woman I have a feeling that she will recover.

As far as Magoo is concerned...animals pick up on the stress in our lives probally better than our husbands. I think Magoo especially, because he depends on his other senses so much with being blind that quite possibly he is picking up more than your other ones will....does that make sense. I also think that that bump on his eye could be bothering him..hence his wild behavior. I'm sending a special prayer to Magoo that he will be fine with his eye and that he will calm down a bit.

Please keep us posted on both your grandmother and Magoo. --- Meg

08-02-2004, 09:55 AM

I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother. Prayers coming your way.

As far as Magoo is concerned, here's MY take on the whole thing. Hospitals have a scent just like Veterinary Hospitals. If you've ever noticed when you bring home one of your cats from the vets, the others get spooked. They can sense when one of them has been in a medical facility (i.e., vet hospital). Trust me, this happens to me all the time. PLUS, it's a full moon out. My cats were playing tag across my bed last night.

Anyway, it COULD be that he could smell the "hospital" scent on you from being with your grandmother for so long, and freaked out, thinking he was going to the vet OR the back to the shelter.

It's just a hunch but...I would suggest before you do anything with Magoo when you get home from the hospital, change your clothes and take a shower. You might also want to make a tape of your voice talking to Magoo, and play it while you're gone.

Good luck honey. You and Magoo are in my thoughts and prayers.



08-02-2004, 09:58 AM
Prayers for your grandmother, you and Mr. Magoo.

As to Magoo..I think he might be in pain, and that is causing him to stress, though, your absence might add to the problem. Once your grandmom is taken care of, I would get Magoo into a vet.

Good luck, and hang in there.

08-02-2004, 09:58 AM
Oh my! Prayers, love, and good thoughts being sent to both your grandmother and Magoo!

When a loved one goes into the hospital, it can definitely through a household out of whack. Magoo's probably just picking up on all the stress going around. And I have to agree that part of it could be the eye bump. Like K&L suggested, you might want to try dropping him off at the vet and then pick him up when it's most convenient for you.

08-02-2004, 10:02 AM
When it rains, it pours.

I am so sorry to hear about your grandmother, sending good thoughts and prayers for her. A stroke is never good thing, but I agree that if she is strong willed that she has a great chance.

I am also sorry to hear about Magoo. I would bet it is the combination of you being upset and gone, and I bet the cyst is bothering him which is just adding to it. It is just an unavoidable bad set of circumatances. Sending prayers for the little guy too.

You need to take care too, as you know it will were on you. So be good to yourself, sending prayers and good kitty thoughts for all.

Please let us know how you are doing when you get a chance.

08-02-2004, 10:53 AM
CCL, we are sending up some prayers for your grandmother, Magoo and you too!

08-02-2004, 10:57 AM
Prayers on the way for your grandmother, Magoo and you!!

08-02-2004, 11:00 AM
(((HUGS))) Lisa!!! :( I am so sorry that all of this is hitting you at the same time. Prayers for your grandmother ... wow 96 years young is wonderful!!!!

I agree that Magoo is probably not feeling well, since you have noticed the increased size of his bump. Please don't blame yourself in any way ... like your not being home. I just don't think it would have made that big of a deal to him. But I could be wrong. :eek:

Prayers and good luck, honey!

Please update us when you can!


08-02-2004, 11:54 AM
Will keep good thoughts for Magoo. I agree with others with combo of his cyst problem, plus smell of medical he is out of sorts.

Sorry to read about your grandma.

08-02-2004, 11:55 AM
I am so sorry you are having to deal with this right now. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

08-02-2004, 12:12 PM
CCL, I am so sorry to hear this!!! :( I hope your grandmother gets well soon. I hope Magoo is OK too. I am sure he's just missing his Meowmie. Thinking of you today!

EDIT: I just reread and saw that you were concerned about his eye...I was so ready to post I must have just skimmed over it! Poor Magoo! Let us know how he is today.

08-02-2004, 01:48 PM
Originally posted by K & L
... I would get him to the vet ASAP. I know this is a busy/difficult time so maybe you could just drop him off and leave him until you can pick him up. We have to do this at times when hours of work and hours of vet just don't coordinate. Good luck to you with both situations! Please keep us updated. Oh Lisa what a difficult time! I know it always seems that when "life happens" in happens in bunches. I do hope your grandmother is doing better.

As for Magoo, I'm with the others here and would drop him off at the vet's office so they can monitor his cyst and whatever else is going on with him. It does sound like he's either in pain or is picking up on the stress/hospital smells. That cyst situation sounds like it needs attention.

You are all in our prayers. Do keep us posted.

08-02-2004, 02:18 PM
Sending many good thoughts to your Grandma, Magoo, and you. God bless!

smokey the elder
08-02-2004, 02:53 PM
I'm really sorry about your grandmother. I pray that she will recover fully.

Magoo, chill please. Your meowmie isn't abandoning you!

Felicia's Mom
08-02-2004, 02:55 PM
Your Grandmother and Magoo will be in my prayers. Please keep us posted.

08-02-2004, 06:05 PM
Oh CCL, i'm so sorry to hear about your grandma. You must have some good genes in your family for your grandma to still be so spry at the age of 96. God bless her. Sending prayers and positive thoughts her way.

Poor sweet Magoo. Gosh I don't know what to say except I hope and pray that whatever is bothering him will be only short term and that he will be able to see a vet soon.

Hang in there CCL, you know we are all here for you.

leslie flenner
08-02-2004, 07:37 PM
Prayers from me and my nine went and are going to keep going your way...
Magoo may be uncomfortable (did the vet specify if the cyst causes pressure or what?) and don't forget what we all talked about when we first saw him in the window- how even with no sight, his other senses are heightened and he can enjoy the doings of the outdoors as much as any indoor cat! That means he can smell things much more than we can imagine! (I'm just guessing here - but it SEEMS right from what we know about people who lose a sense...) Anyway, don't lose heart- it was a blue moon last night and if you pretend to be calm, maybe he will too... Any rescue remedy left over?! Extra scritches for both of you!

08-02-2004, 08:24 PM
First and foremost! THANK YOU ALL for your kind words and especially for your prayers!!! Guess what? They worked again!!! I came in very calmly and quietly tonight and went straight to Magoo and gently put him in my lap and talked very quietly to him for a long time. So far he is still calm and not totally spastic like he was last night. It never crossed my mind about smells! You guys are so smart! I might have brought in some kind of odor that reminded him of no telling what. He was nuts last night! He followed me every step I took but he woud run if I tried to touch him. He cried and cried but would hide when I approached him. When I finally got to him he would bite me and not play nicely! He ran and chased several of the other kitties last night. He threw caution to the wind and didn't even care if he ran into anything. It scared me to death! I didn't know what was wrong with him.
Thankfully he is calm tonight and seems more normal. Maybe his freaky fit is over! I hope so because I hate to think that he was upset or reminded of something because of an odor I brought home. Whatever was wrong PT prayers were answered once again! Thank you all so much!!!

Grandma is doing ok. She has a long road of rehab ahead and they are very hopeful that she will regain the use of her left leg. They don't see to much hope right now for her left arm but I'm not writing it off yet. They don't know my Grandma!!! Unfortunately they will be putting a feeding tube into her stomach tomorrow because she could not pass the swallow test. We are viewing this as a temporary setback. Thanks so much for saying prayers for her! She truly is an incredible lady.

I think I'm staying home tomorrow and I will try to get Magoo to the vet and get this cyst drained and see what our regular vet says. I will keep everyone posted.

Thanks again for being there for me guys! I seem to be calling on you all a lot here lately.

08-02-2004, 08:54 PM
A bit late, but I live a nutty life! Glad to hear that things with Magoo calmed down as of today, and that your grandmother is doing as well as can be expected. :) Many good points brought up regarding unfamiliar smells, stress levels (yours) and Magoo's cyst which may be pressing on nerves and causing discomfort. Hope he can be looked at and have it at least drained. And Leslie brought up another point...full moon=high tension etc! ;) Hoping things level out all around for you! :)

08-02-2004, 09:25 PM
Oh I'm so glad that your Grandma is doing better. In regards to her having to have a feeding tube, an elderly friend of mine had the same thing when she had a stroke and yes, it was a temporary setback. Within a week, the swelling went down, the feeding tube removed and she was able to eat small amounts of food at first. I hope and pray that your Grandma will be as lucky.

Oh, just reading what Magoo went through last night brought tears to my eyes. Poor boy and poor you for having to see him go through this. I'm happy to hear he is back to himself tonight.
Kisses to you sweet boy.

CCL, like Dionne Warwick sang, "That's What Friends Are For".

You can call anytime and we will be here.:D

Take care and get a much needed rest.

08-03-2004, 08:29 AM
Songs and prayers for Grandma and Mr. Magoo.

08-03-2004, 08:39 AM
And we hope that Scrappy Angels Gift,gets there Today,as Scrappy wants his protege,to have FUN!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-03-2004, 09:48 AM
What an ordeal! Seems it all hits the fan at the same time. I'm so glad to hear Grandma is doing as well as can be expected, and I'm so glad to hear Magoo was much calmer last night.

Thoughts and prayers going out for Grandma, Magoo, hubby and the rest of the crew too. Stress is no fun for anyone and as the saying goes "If mama's not happy ain't nobody happy!" ;)


08-03-2004, 10:46 AM
That is encuraging news about your Grandma and about Mr. Magoo!! Prayers still being sent your way and a few *headbumpies* for you too!

08-03-2004, 09:17 PM
I will keep your Grandmother in my prayers, stay strong.

08-03-2004, 10:33 PM
Things sure rain on you at the same time, Lisa!! Here is a (((((HUG))))). Glad that Magoo is now drained of his cyst, over his crazy episode and your grandma doing better. Strokes DO take a long time to recover from at times - but you just never know how well some folks can spring back!!

It sounds like you have had a record awful week - so now it is time to switch directions and have some good news and restful days:D This is from your pink nurse! http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/grinser/grinning-smiley-020.gif

08-03-2004, 11:03 PM
I am sorry that I caught this thread late. I hope that your grandmother gets well soon. Also, maybe Mr. Magoo's cyst was driving him nuts. I hope all works out. I'll be praying for Magoo and your grandmother.