View Full Version : Need Advice about fleas

08-02-2004, 06:33 AM
Can someone please help me out here? Buddy is on Frontline every month, and yet still has fleas...I suspect they are somehow living in the carpet of my condo. What's the best thing to do to get rid of them? I have never flea bombed, and am not sure it would be allowed by the condo association. Poor Buddy is constantly scratching and chewing. I can catch them on him sometimes, and sometimes I even see them on my feet...yuck.

I also tried the powder that you spread and vacuum up....didn't work. Anything you guys could recommend would be appreciated!


08-02-2004, 08:45 AM
bump...PLEASE advise....it's important to my dog and I...thanks.

08-02-2004, 12:33 PM
Flea bombs don't really work all that well. If it's a BAD problem, you need to have the entire apartment professionally sprayed. You also need to wash any cushion covers, clothes, etc in hot water. If it's just fleas you have a problem with, you may want to go to Advantage until you know they're off the dog. I found Advantage works great for getting rid of fleas. Hope this helps! :)

08-02-2004, 12:37 PM
Frontline has always worked well for me. I noticed it doesn't work as well if I give the dogs frequent baths though. Like Heinz said, make sure that you wash everything real well. I have had to bomb the house a few times. It seemed to work for me, but I over did it. I put a bomb in each room.

08-02-2004, 01:02 PM
I'm sorry I can be any help, I have been lucky enough to not have any flea problems! Both of mine were put on Revolution the second they came home, and I've never seen a flea on them or in the house!!!
I have heard flea bombs are worthless....I would talk to your vet!

08-02-2004, 01:47 PM
thanks all! it's really sad to see him chewing and scratching....Frontline usually works great. Don't know what happened this time...bad batch maybe?

08-02-2004, 02:18 PM
There is no telling what is causing the problem if you are using the Frontline, faithfully, but it sounds like you need to have your apartment professionally exterminated if you don't want to use a bomb. I haven't had to bomb in a long time, but when I did, it always worked. You just have to get any pets out of the home and allow it time to air out before you let them back in. Frontline is great, but it only kills the fleas when they bite the cat or dog, so getting the out of the carpet sounds like what you need to do.

Good luck!


08-02-2004, 02:45 PM
If you have an infestation, you could use GALLONS of Frontline and it wouldn't do a bit of good. If you get the apartment sprayed, you'll find it works much better. We had a problem with ticks a while back. All the dogs were on Frontline, but still came in with ticks until we got the yard treated.

08-02-2004, 02:57 PM
I didn't think about it until now...We have a pest guy who sprays the outside of our house monthly. That is probably why the bombs do the trick when we have a problem.

08-02-2004, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by Logan
Frontline is great, but it only kills the fleas when they bite the cat or dog, so getting the out of the carpet sounds like what you need to do.

Actually, with frontline and other topical treatments the flea does not have to bite your dog, it just has to come in contact with them. However, it's different with revolution and other pills, then the flea does have to bite them for it to work.

Originally posted by heinz57_79
you may want to go to Advantage until you know they're off the dog. I found Advantage works great for getting rid of fleas. Hope this helps! :)

I too feel that advantage is the way to go if you are just having a problem with fleas. I had my dogs on frontilne and I still had fleas, but now they are on advantage and no fleas. I know others have had good luck with frontline tho.

I don't have any personal experience with bug bombs. I know my friend used them once and it worked well for her. She did have to use the first bomb and then did a follow up bomb a week or two later, but that worked for her. I'm sure there are many factors that play a roll in how well they work. The size of your home, the number of fleas, how well your home is sealed, stuff like that. You should ask your landlord if you are allowed to bomb or spray before you do anything.

I'm sorry for your misfortune. Good luck.

08-03-2004, 10:33 AM
My daughter had two dogs and and a cat when her 7 year old daughter began itching like crazy. Yup. Fleas.

The exterminator came and sprayed while everyone was gone for 12 hours, animals were dipped.

Two weeks later, same old story. Called the exterminator again, cleaned the animals up again.

No luck.

Put Revolution on all three animals, washed all the linens.

In three weeks, not one flea in the house or on the animals.

And all of her animals were inside/outside with a doggy door.


08-03-2004, 10:39 AM
* I swear By Revolution!!!! *

Both of mine were picked up as strays living outside, one treatment...... all the little critters were gone and have never been back since!

08-03-2004, 10:59 AM
well, now I've used the powder on the carpet and sprayed the carpet with some stuff too...I've even sprayed Buddy....but I still saw one flea this morning on the couch!! these things are nasty and as resistant as cockroaches! I am at my wits' end!

thanks all for the advice...gonna try everything and anything I can!