View Full Version : about my birthdays *rant*

08-02-2004, 02:48 AM
Last year i spent my birthday in the ER waiting room with my friend's two kids while she got stitched up. This year I'm at home taking care of my sick hunny. I had grand plans for both days that were both blown to bits. Is it a lesson to me to be less selfish? Do I spend too much time thinking about *me* on my birthday? I want to whine and pout and stomp my feet and yell at my husband for getting sick on purpose! I want to pitch a fit until he gives up the charade and feels all better... but whining, pouting, and stomping my feet didn't get me anything when I was little, so why would they get me anything now? On top of wanting to pitch a fit I am furious at myself for even thinking such a thing about my husband. I know that a) he can't and wouldn't get sick on purpose, and b) he loves me very much, plans to make it up to me, and would be very hurt if he knew I even thought such a thing.
*sigh* this whole being an adult thing is sure annoying sometimes. I'm gonna go look in on my hunny and try to think of a nice conforting dinner to feed my little sick hubby.

my hunny may not feel up to decorating my cake, but it's already frosted and I'll be darned if I don't eat cake on my b-day:D :D

08-02-2004, 03:03 AM
First, let me say Happy Birthday!!! Second, can I join in on this rant? It's my birthday today, Aug. 2nd. I was unfortunately raised a Jehovah's Witness so we never did anything for birthdays...no longer one, you would think we would do "something"... but every time something gets planned something else seems to push it back... I've been married for 8 years now, I love my hubby dearly, he is truly my soul mate but in the past 8 yrs we've only really celebrated my birthday once...

So, I say, It's our party and we can whine, cry, and stomp in here all we want... then we'll go baby the men in our lives.;) :D

Happy Birthday once again!

08-02-2004, 03:32 AM
teehee:):) thanks so much, misery loves company:D Happy Birthday to you too!

08-02-2004, 06:30 AM
Sorry both your birthdays have been screwed up. Couldn't your family be sympathetic and after your hubby is well, give you the one you deserve? It's not wrong to be disappointed. But I'm sure your hubby didn't get sick on purpose. I say you should have a late one. Better late than never, right?

08-02-2004, 06:48 AM
When I celebrated my 20th birthday, I didn't have a boyfriend or a husband, and didn't have one for many more birthdays thereafter. Take a minute to imagine life without your DH and you will understand you have the been blessed with the best way ever to celebrate a birthday..... in the presence of someone you love. You can make your day special in your own way, maybe by starting a simple tradition, like watching video together cuddled up in bed. John Edwards and his wife celebrate their anniversary each year by going to Wendys. Certainly they can afford to do something far more extravagant, but obviously the signifigance of that manner of celebrating, started years ago is so meaningful, they continue it to this day.

Happy birthday to you and Loud Lou. Be happy!

08-02-2004, 07:01 AM
Happy Birthday to you and also Loud Lou! My first thought when reading this was......Don't worry. There will come a time when you see the numbers rising and want to ignore birthdays completely! :p


08-02-2004, 07:29 AM

Sorry things aren't turning out as you would like. I hope it all gets better for you and maybe when hubby is feeling better you guys can go out and have that great day.

Robin :)

08-02-2004, 07:42 AM
I know your feelings this has happened many times to me on my birthday and other days when I've had big plans. Yes, it sucks but like Rachel said
Take a minute to imagine life without your DH and you will understand you have the been blessed with the best way ever to celebrate a birthday..... in the presence of someone you love.

I hope you and LoudLou both have a good birthday!

08-02-2004, 07:42 AM
Happy Birthday to you .

08-02-2004, 09:48 AM
Let's see now does that go now "The best laid plans of mice and men......something.......something......glee":confused:
Count your blessings and be glad that you have a significant other who loves you. Besides, you can always go out when hubby gets better. Just make sure you don't get sick on that day. Take care and for what it's worth.....


08-02-2004, 10:31 AM
I know that your birthday is just about over where you live........but I hope that you had a healthy portion of your cake..........and know that you ARE extra special for taking care of your hubby even though he got sick on YOUR DAY.


08-02-2004, 11:31 AM
Happy Birthday!

I've always had not so great birthdays because my husband is a) A procrastinater b) Unsentimental and c) Forgetful. Finally, this year before my birthday I said "Look my birthday is coming up. I expect this this and this. I refuse to accept any less. Make yourself a note and do not forget." It worked. hehe.

Try not to be to upset, I know it isn't your hubby's fault that he is sick. Maybe he can make it up some other day.

08-02-2004, 01:03 PM
I can totally relate! This year was the first decent birthday I've had in YEARS! Having a summer b;day, it was often overshadowed by the Olympics. My father often FORGOT my birthday! Last year, my gf was the time was such a .... I took myeslf out to dinner and a movie and had to listen to her whine the whole time! grrr...

You know what, you have your cake girl! Eat the whole darn thing! :) There is nothing wrong with wanting your birthday to be about you! It should be! It's no fault of your hubby's for getting sick... bad timing, definitely... But maybe you can have a calorie fest, cuddle, watch cheesy movies, and have a raincheck on the GOOD stuff! :) Either way, Happy Birthday! :D

08-02-2004, 03:30 PM
:) :) :) My b-day is over now, but it's great to see these nice comments first thing in the morning. My husband's fever went down a little from last night from 101.3 to 100.8. He felt so bad ths morning about "messing up" my birthday:( Poor hunny. He said he felt especially bad because he misspelled Birthday with the little sugar letters on the cake. He spelled it Birthdy and felt so bad about it. He is such a sweetheart:):) I told him that all was well and he promised to make it up to me:) He got me the prettiest necklace and earring sets and a gorgeous watch:) He was only partially coherent when he gave them to me, but that's ok :D :D He is currently on his way to work (he's not allowed to "call in sick") where I fully expected them to tell him to turn his booty around and get back in bed:) As soon as the clinic opens we're going to get him in for an appointment. He's most definately in no fit state to control air traffic! Poor sweety!

08-02-2004, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by Rachel
When I celebrated my 20th birthday, I didn't have a boyfriend or a husband, and didn't have one for many more birthdays thereafter. Take a minute to imagine life without your DH and you will understand you have the been blessed with the best way ever to celebrate a birthday..... in the presence of someone you love. You can make your day special in your own way, maybe by starting a simple tradition, like watching video together cuddled up in bed. John Edwards and his wife celebrate their anniversary each year by going to Wendys. Certainly they can afford to do something far more extravagant, but obviously the signifigance of that manner of celebrating, started years ago is so meaningful, they continue it to this day.

Happy birthday to you and Loud Lou. Be happy!

Beautifully said, Rach. I agree completely.

08-02-2004, 04:18 PM
I know how the whole Cruddy B day thing goes :p My last b day was spent moving *Lammmmee-ness central* but dang it it was the day I got my own place so actually dispite almost ripping out my back, things went well :D

And the hubby found a way to celebrate ;)

Happy Birthday Sirrahsim and LoudLou!!!!

*Sorry this is a bit late*

08-02-2004, 06:30 PM
Sirrahsim... You can't rant anymore, didn't you get a New Niece for your Birthday?! WoW! Can't top that! ;)
Glad Hubby is feeling better and that you enjoyed your day.

08-02-2004, 06:46 PM
So no one feels real crappy about their birthday's I'll tell you all a story.

My dad's birthday is two days after mine. I would always hear my sibs talk about what we were going to do for DAD'S b-day...No one remembered me!

I finally accepted that he would always get first billing....more often than not a cake would be bought and decorated with HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD. Someone would remember MY birthday and add happy birthday to richard in small letters to the cake, in that colored icing that comes out of the tube.

That did not help.

When dad passed away we buried him the day before my birthday, the very next day my brother hit a pedestrian in my truck on the way back from the store and we celebrated Dad's birthday two days later, with a heavy heart.... The pedestrian was o.k...But, I learned my lesson...

So, the next time you have a birthday--kiss your loved ones, don't lend your sibs your car, eat cake and ice cream and be thankful for another day on the planet!!!


08-02-2004, 11:13 PM
Oh, Richard! No fail! You always make me laugh.

08-03-2004, 12:22 AM
My B-days have usually gone ok, or atleast someone tries, but something always goes wrong.

It was my 11th b-day & my first time getting that nasty week long, monthly thing.

It was either my 14th or 15th b-day.
I'll NEVER forget this one. I had my B-day at my grandparents in Verner/Ontario/Canada & it went well (I don't remember anything bad happening during the actually party).

It was about 11:45pm & my sis & I were in the big bedroom, chatting in bed. We left the window open for air & u can hear all the traffic on the HWY (80km/hr traffic).

Then all of a sudden we hear BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG!!! I knew that wasn't normal, the village only has about 1000 people in it & no hunting. I couldn't check it out then, but I sure found out what happened the fallowing day.

Something didn't feel nor smell right as I left the house at 11am, to go to my grandpas store to pick up some free junkfood. I took my normal root there & wish I took (I walk) the HWY insted.

I saw yellow police tape surounding the corner house. I had to go past it & the smell was SOOOO bad. Blood was everywhere, it was all over the house, the deck, the grass, the sidewalk, the road, windows, it was everywhere!! It looked like someone tossed buckets of blood at the house.

I asked my uncles what on earth happened lastnight (they work in the store too). I was told (so & so & was told that I met him) had commited suicide by cop. He hid his wife in the kitchen & hid behind the fridge which was blocking the door to the house. He jumped out & pointed the gun at the cops & they blew him away. & the reason it smelled so bad, was because they couldn't move/touch the body until the Toronto police got there (4-5 hours away!!!) & these stupid cops didn't show up until 10am & the guys dead body was baking in the heat. it was 30-35C that morning, very hot.

Sweet 16th b-day. No one showed up, but my sis did everything to make it all better.

But since I've lived with Rob, We order Swiss Chalate (sp) Ribs to go. & eat it at home & watch Movies. On Rob's B-days I'm not allowed to buy him anything, I can't even see him. He hides in his room far away from his mother. She torments him on his b-day. I plan to make his b-days fun when we move out, same with x-mas. I know he'll love holidays with me :)