View Full Version : Vent with a happy ending and 2 pics.

08-01-2004, 10:29 PM
This morning going to my aunts house, I noticed
the cutest little terrier LOOSE. :(
Rocky was barking! This little terrier was so friendly.
I got my leash and took him around the neighborhood
trying to find his owners. He was wearing a tag with
an out of area address and no phone number.
Nobody recognize the little fellow. An hour later from looking, one of the neighbors was gracious enough to take the dog
from me. He and his wife were going to drive to the address
on the tag later in the day.
About 15 minutes later another
neighbor came to my door and told me that the owners
were found. Apparently the neighbor 2 houses down from me
had their son and his girlfriend visiting them. It was their dog and had got out from a hole from under the fence.
(now this neighbor ownes a large golden retreiver who
always gets out of their yard, what makes them think
a little terrier can't escape) :(
I even went to their house but they did not answer the door.
Well happy ending, the little fellow was reunited with
it owner. :)
I took Rocky to the park today. Here is a picture of him
checking out the gopher hole.
Here is a picture of Sheba and Pepper.

08-01-2004, 11:11 PM
Well lets hope they get the escape route taken care of so this little guy can't get lost again.

Great pics of the furkids! They are just beatiful and look so big in the pics. I wish I could see them in person! Lil' Pepper is a cutie! Keep those pics coming, girl! I love them.

Hugs...Robin :)

08-02-2004, 08:44 AM
Well I'm sure glad to hear that this story had a happy ending!

And only 2 pictures...and I don't even get to see Rocky's face?! Come on, your killing me here;)
But seriously, I love the pictures and any time you want to show us more please do (really...please:P)!!!!

08-02-2004, 11:18 AM
Good to hear the little terrier was reunited with his owners. :)

Your dogs are looking great, they are such beautiful babies.

Thankyou so much for sharing the photos with us.

08-02-2004, 02:22 PM
I'm glad the terrier found his way home (with your help):)

Sheba, Rocky and Pepper look stunning!!!

08-02-2004, 02:29 PM
I've never even seen any pics of your dogs, except for those little ones in your siggy! They are gorgeous!

I'm glad the little guy found his way home.

Now, we need more pics!!!:D

08-02-2004, 05:09 PM
Thank you for the compliments about my dogs.
I am pretty bad about taking pics. :rolleyes:

I will try to be better in the future. :)
(HEY! I am not as bad as Sandra (tats) hehehe
sorry Sandra I could not resist.

08-03-2004, 07:47 AM
(HEY! I am not as bad as Sandra (tats) hehehe
sorry Sandra I could not resist.

:D I am still waiting patiently for Sandra's photos. ;)

08-03-2004, 07:55 AM
I'm glad the little terrier was reunited with his/her family and thank you for helping out! These pictures of your crew are so sweet! I agree that we don't see enough of your dogs. Yes, Sandra is guilty too! :p :p So, please Karen and Sandra - MORE PICS PLEASE!!! :D

08-03-2004, 04:38 PM
Isn't it too bad that people aren't more diligent in keeping their pups safe? I can see rare occasions when someone's dog gets loose, it has happened to me before, but too many people don't take it seriously. I know I would be in a total panic if one of my pups was missing.

Thanks for the pictures of your handsome boy and beautiful girl, and of course the adorable Pepper! Would love to see more, they are stunning :)

08-03-2004, 04:47 PM
How infuritating, Karen! Thank goodness you found the little guy! You're a hero!!! Hopefully someone has learned their lesson! Oh, wow, pctures of the beautiful trio!!!:D So nice to see precious Pepper!!! How tiny Pepper looks next to Sheba! Rocky, Sheba, you're looking so beautiful!!! Thanks for positng their pics Karen!:)