View Full Version : mmmm Being Poisoned Feels GREAT!!

08-01-2004, 07:07 PM
I don't know where to start. But all I can say is STUPID STUPID STUPID STUPID woman. I don't think my brain dead mom could have pulled off such toxic smog in the house.

My post might be a bit messed up cause I still can't think straight, lost way too many brain cells in just a matter of seconds.

OK from the begining.

Rob (my soon to be) Tom (his younger bro, same age as me) & myself were watching movies in Toms room. after the 2ed movied dinner was ready. Turkey, stuffing & REAL potatos (I hate that box stuff, ick).

It was about 5 mins into me eating, that Tom was ready for more REAL potatos. He came back swearing & calling his mom a B-with-an-ich.. Rob & I didn't full understand what his problem was.

He said something about smoke, can't breath, windows, mom said LEAVE THE WINDOWS CLOSED and he was coughing up a storm so it made little sence of what he was saying.

Then we heard his parents coughing, hacking, gasping for air and not doing much of anything else.

Rob went out & started hacking & coughing.. He opened the windows, the patio door & front door. Came back 1/2 dead. I still didn't fully understand what on earth was going on, but I didn't want to find out at all.

A few more mins went by & my eyes started to hurt & I smelled something odd. The smell started leaking into the room where we were in. Rob told me to go get my big box fan out of my room.

I held my breath, avoided the kitchen & went through the bathroom. It wasn't that bad so I took a breath.. OMG MY LUNGS R ON FIRE AHHHHH. So I breathed every last breath out of my lungs & opened the 2ed door in the bathroom to get into the basement.

WHAM!!! I couldn't see anything, the smoke was so thick & my eyes were now on fire & I could hardly see. I tried to run down the stairs figuring the basement would be clear, since smoke raises up.

Well this smoke went ALL the way downstairs & the basement was filled with this thick smoke, right up to my bedrrom door. The box fan had saved my room & my animals from getting poisoned by blowing it out of my room (I run the fan 24/7 because of all the tanks in here).

I grabed the box fan & closed my door. I still couldn't see properly, the smoke had made my eyes super blury. I took a breath in my room & ran up the stairs & went through the bathroom again. I had to breath so I dropped the box fan outside Toms door & ran in there, gasping.

Rob took the fan & put it in the kitchen somewhere. I still couldn't see right & my lungs were starting to catch on fire with every breath, so I said F-BEEP this S-BEEP & ran outside to the front yard. Rob & Tom fallowed me & all we could hear was his parents coughing, hacking & gasping for breath in the backyard. Take a wild guess what they were doing back there?? SMOKING!!!!!

Not olny was the smoke in the house poisoning them & causing them to cough, but they started smoking & couldn't figure out why they couldn't stop coughing so badly.. Talk about retards!!

Well its 2 hours later & the house still STINKS & its still SMOKEY up there & what was causing all that smoke in the first place is still running!!!!

Want to know what it was??? ??? ???

They turned on the "self clean" to the oven!! Robs mom put too much stuff in with the turky & it over flowed all over the bottom of the oven. So insted of letting it cool & clean that up by hand & then turn the self clean on. She left all the crap on the bottom & turned it on!!!!

Its not ment to clean that much/type of mess. Its ment to clean up the hard stuff baked to the oven. & u still need to open the windows for that, but the smell is nothing compared to this. There was SOOO much smoke it looked like the house was on fire!!

I'm now trapped in my room, with no fan & I have a diff icky type of smell in here. & I hate this smell more then anything. Wet cat food & fish!!

This is what happeneds with no fan running in my room. It get hot in here & the water starts to evaporate really fast, causing it to get muggy in here & the smell of Axles food starts to float around. Its worse then normal cause I fed him last night, so the water still has the oils on the top of the water & thats what smells.

I want my fan, god this is sooo gross :P ewwwwww

Atleast with my new sound system I can play ABBA really loud, trying to get my mind off this.

"Mamma mia, here I go again, mam-ma how can I resist you"...

"money money money, must be runny, in the rich mans world".... "all the thing I could do"....

ABBA makes all better :)

08-01-2004, 07:11 PM
I checked your profile to see if you have birds.
Because a selfcleaning oven is DEADLY to birds.

08-01-2004, 07:16 PM
Originally posted by Freckles
I checked your profile to see if you have birds.
Because a selfcleaning oven is DEADLY to birds.

True. VERY deadly. It releases toxic fumes which may not be damaging to us, but it can kill birds. If it can kill birds, I'm sure its not *too good* for us either. We hardly EVER self clean our over because of the birds, but when we do, we have a big enough house to move them far, far away, upstairs in another room with the door closed and windows open. We actually open every single window in the house when we self clean the oven, and I *still* feel like something's not right when I breathe in the kitchen while the self cleaning mode is on. I can't imagine having the windows closed while doing that, especially in the kitchen area.

08-01-2004, 07:26 PM
No birds here, to noisy for my liking. Don't get me wrong I LOVE birds, & they seem to like me too much

A disabled bird that hated everyone, flew away from everyone & would bite them none stop until they let him go. I wanted to see the bird room & the guys mother took me & told me all about all 50 some birds loose in the room, names age parents, everything. I pointed out this odd looking bird &asked what happened to him. She said he's always has backwards legs. Shes guessing he fell from the nest & broke his legs & they healed like that. (he's in no pain what so ever, just cannot sit on a perch, only hang from corners of cages)

I went up to him & he didn't freak out at all. She said that odd, he should have flown away. She told me to grab him & warned me he may bite. I grabbed him & hugged him. He bit me once, squacked a couple of times, but wasn't fighting much at all.

She said its a merical. She got me take him to the livingroom (so I could sit down) & wanted me to play with him & give him loads of attention.

She ran & got her husband & her son (he was 33 & I was 15ish, he was our DM for D&D), they couldn't believe I was holding him. She offered to give me a cage a weeks worth of food & the bird for free (all I had to do was return the cage when he passed away).

I fell in love with him, but my parents said no birds. The bird died a few days later. Not sure if it was cause he was ill or cause he was said. The mother said he seemed sad after I left.

But I know the bird would have gotten on my nerves if it squaked all day long, I hated staying at my friends place, hed had 2 of the same birds.. Its they type of bird Popcornbird has.

08-01-2004, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by kingrattus

But I know the bird would have gotten on my nerves if it squaked all day long, I hated staying at my friends place, hed had 2 of the same birds.. Its they type of bird Popcornbird has.

Squacking really depends on every individual bird. My birds don't squack at all. If they did, I would be annoyed too. I hate noise.....even music. I can listen to it for sometime but can't tolerate it for long. I can't stand listening to noisy kids, or noisy dogs, or noisy squacking birds either. I like quietness. :p

Our neighbor's dogs make MUCH more noise than our birds ever do. My birds only sing in the morning, when we wake them up, and even that is only for a few minutes. They make random *squeaks* every now and then, but really no noise at all. Muffin will squack when she wants to tell us something.....like if her food bowls need to be refilled, or if she wants to be covered at night, but otherwise, our house is always silent with the world's most peaceful birds. ;) They don't make noise at all. Most cockatiels don't actually. I've cared for many of my friend's tiels, and only one of them was noisy. The rest were all quiet. I took care of my friend's conure for 2 weeks a while back though, and he was so noisy my mom couldn't wait for him to leave. :p We LOVED him, but he was too noisy for us. I don't think I could have a bird like that. Like I said, it depends on every bird's individual personality. They're all different. My neighbor's dog is barking 24/7. He's barking right now. My birds are quiet. You can find annoying, noisy animals in every species, and that doesn't mean the whole specie is like that. It depends on the animal, and it also depends on how they're raised. :p Heck you can even find noisy, annoying humans, and very quiet humans, and they're from the exact same species. :o

08-01-2004, 07:38 PM
Popcornbird: You can find annoying, noisy animals in every species, and that doesn't mean the whole specie is like that. It depends on the animal, and it also depends on how they're raised.


I beg to differ (only cause I can hehehe)..
My fish & trutle are quiet :) Not a peep comes from their lips :) hehehe.

08-01-2004, 07:47 PM
Originally posted by kingrattus
Popcornbird: You can find annoying, noisy animals in every species, and that doesn't mean the whole specie is like that. It depends on the animal, and it also depends on how they're raised.


I beg to differ (only cause I can hehehe)..
My fish & trutle are quiet :) Not a peep comes from their lips :) hehehe.

He he he! Well fish and turtles don't count. ;) They CAN'T make noise. You know what I meant. :p

08-01-2004, 07:55 PM
I know. I just could help but to twist ur meaning :)