View Full Version : Family calls off search for missing woman

08-01-2004, 05:14 PM

This is another missing pregnant woman possibly murdered by her husband. Why isn't it as big as Laci Peterson? Who decides what is going to be overly publicized and what is no big deal? What the heck? Does it just seem to me like there is less attention on her because I live in Modesto? (Where Laci lived.)

In case you don't know what I am talking about, here is Laci Peterson's website. http://www.lacipeterson.com/

leslie flenner
08-01-2004, 07:45 PM
it might have to do with all the bunglings of laci's case that has made this one less "news worthy" so to speak. What confuses me (to put mildly) is what information could they have gotten from Hacking today that would justify calling off the search (although her parents called off search once). Either he has produced the body or he told them he dissolved her body in the bathtub but if that were the case they would still look for some kind of acidic remnents in the plumbing underground- I can't think of a single thing he could say to call off the search except- here's her body. Period.

08-01-2004, 08:05 PM
I think the police know more than they're saying BECAUSE of all the media attention in Laci's murder. Silence is golden and I think in this particular case, it might just give police the upper hand at finding out what actually DID happen.

08-01-2004, 09:17 PM
Originally posted by Tonya

This is another missing pregnant woman possibly murdered by her husband. Why isn't it as big as Laci Peterson? Who decides what is going to be overly publicized and what is no big deal? What the heck? Does it just seem to me like there is less attention on her because I live in Modesto? (Where Laci lived.)

They report this story on FOX News all throughout the day. And they cover any press conferences LIVE . . . but a majority of the people on this board seem to think that FN IS NOT fair/balanced, so I may be hitting a sore spot. Sorry if I am . . .

leslie flenner
08-01-2004, 10:19 PM
It's clear that the police are being careful and I just heard the news report that they will resume search tomorrow on dump area so he must have said something about that. It's just that the reports about calling off search are so disturbing to some but I guess the parents have some rights? (one wouldnt think so- it's a federal case!)

08-01-2004, 10:49 PM
Sad. :(

Here's a case from near me, still unsolved:

Amy Wroe-Bechtel (http://www.angelfire.com/mi3/mpccn/bechtel.html)

08-02-2004, 01:36 PM
Husband Arrested (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5570012/)

08-02-2004, 01:38 PM
This is just so very sad.:(

08-02-2004, 03:59 PM
Originally posted by Logan
Husband Arrested (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5570012/)

Oh Logan that is so sad although not totally unexpected. I hadn't heard as I have not had TV or radio on. :(

08-03-2004, 08:53 PM
As of today, they've found the murder weapon and have the hubby and some other guy on surveillance tape in a convenience store hours after the murder. Other than that, they're not saying much else.

08-03-2004, 08:59 PM
You know what I don't get? Why both of these cases are getting the HUGE amount of coverage that they're getting. You wouldn't know it from the way people are treating this, but husbands killing their wives (pregnant or not) is unfortunately common. It seems that when they're moderately good looking that they get to monopolize the news cycle.

leslie flenner
08-03-2004, 09:24 PM
It's social status, and willingness/power/influence to talk to the press and be active in the search in front of the media (family members). Yes, wives and children are murdered every day and these often takes a small corner of the paper- those with the influence and "power" in their community, get in front of microphones and cameras, organize community searches, fundraisers, candlelight memorials, etc.
Not so in communities/areas where relations don't want the media and public to know their buisness, because not only is it murder, but there are past criminal records, past bad police reports, restraining orders, physical abuse reports, drug run-ins, kids in trouble- a messy family and they just don't want their family laundry aired out to dry in front of all to see.
Same with kidnapping little girls- white affluent families that can afford to be pushing their power and influence around and besides, if they didn't, they would look suspicious (look at the little girl, uh, unsolved... forget right now-the Ramsey case). Had they not been in the public's view, it would have looked bad for them.

08-03-2004, 09:26 PM
My thought as I heard that Lori's husband had confessed was that he saved his family a lot of stress and expense, something that Scott Peterson didn't see fit to do. :rolleyes:

08-05-2004, 10:01 PM
If I hear another Laci Peterson's story, I swear I'll sream. It was in every stupid magazine I read at work during breaks, it drove me mad. it went on & on & on & on & on & all the news was the same thing, could be found, blah, blah blah. & POOF they found her.

Its nice to report things but not over board like that & its not fair to go over board with Laci & not the other lady.

I find stuff like that isn't exposed & blown over board here in Canada. They do progress repots, post if a few quick times in the news & thats about it. its not in all the papers, all over the tv, & in every single stupid Magazine!!

When the Jewish school was blown up or set on fire (forget) it big for a day or 2 & then u never hear about it again, except for tiny proggress reports.

& that gang rape that happen to a 14 year old girl a block away in the school ground. It was in the paper once & it was small. & then their was that huge cop raid in the same spot the same week & I heard nothing about it.

I'm in Ottawa, Canada's capital city & its a Mega City. its the largest land mass City in Canada. & u hear nothing.

& CNN is the worst station on tv.. I avoid it at all costs. It playes on people fears so much that its not even funny.

I'm not a big media fan. Thats why I don't watch alot of tv. Commercials r getting bad too. Buy our product, look how stupid this guy is & he's buying it.

Sorry about the rant, but Media is annoying when its blown over board.

leslie flenner
08-05-2004, 10:18 PM
that's exactly what media does! I was thinking a lot about your previous post and my response and what i forgot to mention and what you already know... Is that the media knows they can sell more news with the upper class kidnappings and murders! Period. People want to feel that the rich and famous and well to do are just as vulnerable to mental illness, impulsive acts, violence, drug addictions, raping others, unfaithfulness to spouses, etc as the rest of the world! And when they do murder! It's going to be non-stop in media. I am interested in what makes people kill those they love but not in the way people magazine portrays these stories. I enjoy NPR, and other worthy news reports that are respectable and reliable (washington post, new york times, it varies...).

08-05-2004, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by kingrattus
If I hear another Laci Peterson's story, I swear I'll sream. It was in every stupid magazine I read at work during breaks, it drove me mad. it went on & on & on & on & on & all the news was the same thing, could be found, blah, blah blah. & POOF they found her.

Try actually living in the city that Laci was killed in. The media is still camping out here. :o I'm so tired of it. It upsets me that people thrive off this stuff...and that the media picks and chooses what to cover.