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View Full Version : hey everyone you won't beleive what happened this past wednsday :o(

08-01-2004, 12:08 PM

first i want to say i miss yall like crazy i haven't forgotten yall i've just been pretty much out of it these days.

anyway on wednsday i had quite a few seizures.the first one i think was here at my pc cause i woke up on the floor not realizing i had seized till i saw my mouse on the floor plus i knocked down the trash can and my head is all bruised up.

anyway after i woke up i went downstairs after i got downstairs i started seizing again and it went on and on (clusters) luckly my dad was here to help.

but here's the scarey part when i was alert i called truffles to come see me but my parents said NO MARYLYN YOU ALMOST KILLED HER.its then i went into another seizure but since then everytime truffles hops on my lap all i can do is cry thinking i almoist killed her and get all teary i mean what if that happens again and my parents aren't there to help .

my seizures are very severe and i go out cold i can't hear or see whats happening.i'm on a ton of meds to help control them plus a vns inplant and they do help but i still have them now and again the type i have can't be cured unless a miricle comes along.plus i have no warnings what so ever.they just happen out of the blue.

i had an appointment w/ my neuro at the begining of august but he moved me to august 31st,but i can't make that apointment so i'm screwed.get this the last ttime i saw him was 6 months ago.i'm so ticked off w/him i could scream.if he keeps this up he's gonna lose me as a patient.

anyway i can't beleive i almost killed my baby :( take care :)


08-01-2004, 12:14 PM
Ask for an earlier appointment, or a referral to another Physician. You'll be in our prayers. Maybe you and Truffles need little and big matching helmets? ;) Pink 'cause you're both girls, right?

08-01-2004, 12:21 PM
OMG how awful for you. Have you or your parents considered getting a dog that is trained to warn you when a seizure is coming. The dog is trained to stay with you and help you through it. Maybe you can look into this.
I would also consider a referral to see another doctor.
You will be in my prayers.

08-01-2004, 01:39 PM
rg_girlca has a good idea... A dog that can sense seizures would be able to warn you when a seizure is coming on, so you could do what you had to to make yourself and anyone else safe, call 911, whatever. And if I were you I'd get a referral to a different doctor. This isn't something I would mess around with, or something that can be "put off" til a later time. Several seizures in one day could be an indication of something very serious.

Good luck and keep us posted!! All 52 paws will be crossed for you. :)

08-01-2004, 03:00 PM
I am sorry to hear about that. :( I hope that you are able to see a doctor asap. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Aspen and Misty
08-01-2004, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by heinz57_79
A dog that can sense seizures would be able to warn you when a seizure is coming on,

Acctually, the dog's can't be trained to sense them. Sometimes it happens after MANY years with the dog and sometiems you have the dog for 10 years and it never alerts you to a seizure.

The dog however, can be trained to do other things, like get family members, or the phone. That way if you come out of one and you need to call 911 you can get your dog to get you one.

I would also get another doctor.


08-01-2004, 04:02 PM
dogs are not trained to sene seizures, seizure alert dogs have the natural ability to do so, they are in very short supply because of this. the dogs that can already sence them ar then trained to be able to help the person, and are tought a specific way of alerting the person so they can find a safe place to go lay down till the seizure is over(the dog is also trained to stay out of the way once the person is safe) I agree a seizure alert dog would be very helpfull but they are in very very short supply. so sorry about what happend, I hope you will be ok :eek: